Well, there is no The Hadith. There are several traditions for that and how to read them. So if you claim you have the correct hadith you are no different than any other Muslim that does that. In effect you are doing a Muslim tradition and fight the other Muslims over what is Real Islam. But I thought, you wasn't a Muslim?
You are doing the Martin Luther tradition of being your own priest. That is okay as long as you don't claim that you are my priest. Because I am also a Protestant and my own priest.
Well, the fun world of different cultures where mine is the Real One.
Well, then you have to pick and choose between the already colelcted "Correct" traditions collected by Muslim scholars.
I love the way Muslims dont like some traditions, and loves the next.
This is the reason why Muslims have to jiggle and wiggle.
The Quran can not be understood without the hadith, but the Quran is a very bad book with the interperetation of the Hadith.
Thats why Muslims needs to create some "science" in interperating the Hadith and the Quran.
You need a whole bunch of previous islamic scholars to tell you the best of explanations, to get out of the bad reality of what the Quran and Hadith tells us.
Hundreds of years of excuse after excust, then we call it the science of interperating the Hadith, because we now can show what a peacefull book the Quran is.
In the meantime, the Islamic scholars sits in the Mosques and teaches "Real" Muslims to fight and to wage war against the West, untill only Islam is left.
In your madrassas you sprout Jihadi's and suicide bombers, with the nicely formulated "Science" from your Hadith.
My friend,
You dont need to try to teach me about the true Islam you want to sell, no, go to the islamic terrorists that kills, rapes, and decapitated people for 1450 years.
Even now in Africa, in Mocambique, and Somalia, and Nigeria Muslims are practicing the Quran and Hadith.
Go there and tell them they are wrong.
Or go to Iraque, and Iran, and tell them the Hadith is wrong.
lets see what they do to you?