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Islam, how many more will suffer????


gracie said:
what about pairs of dudes who love eachother very much? :)
Sex is a way to an end. The purpose of sex is to have children and raise them well.

Homosexuality has no purpose at all , and it is against nature. ******** are for one thing, and that is getting toxics out of our bodies.


I'm back!
sky87 said:
^ i should have clarified what i meant by "pairs", pairs meaning things that go together, and these are "natural" laws
To some animals (like flamingos) homosexuality is "natural". I dont understand your definition of natural. In a cannablistic society, its "natural" to eat other humans.

Judgement Day

Active Member
Ardhanariswar said:
To some animals (like flamingos) homosexuality is "natural". I dont understand your definition of natural. In a cannablistic society, its "natural" to eat other humans.
Humans are born naturally heterosexual. No one is born homosexual, the same thing as no one is born as a president, no one is born as a thief etc. Some people claim that homosexuality is genetic, but this is wrong, it is a moral disorder. Just like other moral disorders, it is a bad habit which one can start as an experiment and end as an addiction which brings diseases. Homosexuality can be cured.


Ardhanariswar said:
To some animals (like flamingos) homosexuality is "natural". I dont understand your definition of natural. In a cannablistic society, its "natural" to eat other humans.
:sarcastic you should first get your definition of "natural" right, cannabilism is not natural, so you can't really use that as an example just like vegetarianism, its not "natural" you are brought up with it. its natural to be hungry, but its not "natural" to eat meat or vegetables in order to feed that hunger, get it? if i was hungry, and didn't have anything to eat, i would still not eat another human, its not natural


I'm back!
if hunger is a feeling and I am a man who has feelings for another man, isnt that natural? maybe you are confusing the terms "natural" and "normal".


I'm back!
Judgement Day said:
Humans are born naturally heterosexual. No one is born homosexual, the same thing as no one is born as a president, no one is born as a thief etc. Some people claim that homosexuality is genetic, but this is wrong, it is a moral disorder. Just like other moral disorders, it is a bad habit which one can start as an experiment and end as an addiction which brings diseases. Homosexuality can be cured.
Thats contraversial. I happen to disagree. I am a homosexual (not practicing though) and I can tell you that I was born this way... no one *converted* me (to my knowledge), my environment was quite traditional and I never knew that relations between two people of the same sex to happen. I think if you have a chat with anyone who is gay, they would disagree with your beliefs. There is no evidence that everyone are born heterosexual or homosexual. I don't think theres a gay gene, but I think genetics does play a role. Certainly not environment though.

I think we're getting off the subject. My apologies.

The reason why Islam as well as any other western religion is such a turn off for me is that it has all these rules and guidelines. For what? for a moral life? Hinduism is not concerned with morals, because morality can change. Only the basic threads in each situation can remain. And I think that is what should be addressed. What is a sin is lust and greed. Homosexuality has nothing to do with that. Its like addressing an object a can of coke (heterosexuality) and a jacket (homosexuality). These two can be used for whatever reason the person wants. I can fragrantly use my jacket and harm others, or worse harm myself, or I can use it moderatly, only when I need to. Same with coke.

I think the problem comes in excess. I don't think sexuality is a problem. Just because its not normal, doesnt mean its immoral. This kind of thinking also led to the discrimination against other minorities, especially disabled and mentally handicapped because they were abnormal. In the victorian era, they were locked up in the attic and labled as *insane*.

I don't think being a monogamous or celibate homosexual with stop me from achieving moksha. Its a part of who I am, I believe God gave it to me (whether I was born with it or not) due to karma. I take this as a blessing and make the best of things. Suppressing who I really am isn't going to change the fact.

Perhaps change is possible.. who knows. But I don't think one should run away from those type of "problems". In the end, I think it makes you a better person.


no i'm not.. this is really hard to explain, feelings for a person of the same gender is not normal yes, but, its not natural either. its psychological, scientists say they have found some gene for homosexuality, but i don't believe that, there is no such thing, that liverpool study turned out to be misleading the public. homosexuality is not natural, you having feelings for another man is hence not natural. and im a pretty "peace-loving" person you could say, and im not homophobic, but i don't like the idea of homosexuality, it has disrupted the natural order of things, and it is something that is "un-needed" as rough as it sounds, im sorry. i know a couple of homosexuals myself, (my gym teacher being one) and i really do like her as a person, and care for her feelings and this is just to say that im not "against" homosexuals. homosexuailty is something that something that develops, thus you aren't "born that way", no one has found a single genetic, hormonal or physical difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals. therefore homosexuality is not natural


I'm back!
sky87 said:
homosexuailty is something that something that develops, thus you aren't "born that way", no one has found a single genetic, hormonal or physical difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals. therefore homosexuality is not natural
Thats not known. There is no firm evidence that there is a gene, nor is there proof that homosexuality is purly psychological and "develops". Like all sexuality, it only comes to form during puberty and is not fully developed until 21 or 25. But theres an element of attraction which is present before the advent of puberty. Im telling you this from my own experience.


okay well i don't want to say anything offensive, since you are homosexual yourself, so i'm going to end this debate, since we really aren't getting anywhere.


New Member
Salam is right Islam, like Christianity it is a message to the ignorant to the wonder and love of God. If Islam were to dominate the world so be it, the world is in a continuess state of flux and Islam rule will never last. So do not fear your brothers, if you know not of his behaviour get reaquanted. Love him and you will fear him not for his actions are upon God to judge not you or I. Minds who seek world domination for personal gain or power are partners with the deciever and could care less about their religous responsibilities and God will stop them with those who carry the cross or the moon upon their backs and with God in their hearts. Love your enemies and they will become family Know this and fear no more! Moral


Active Member
I cannot agree. I know some Muslims and some Islamic people, there are those who do evil, yes. But there are Chatholics, and Christians who are evil as well. Chatholic cults who kill themselves 30 at a time is just as bad as killing 30 American bisuness people. I am afraid that there are jsut as many evil Muslims as there are Americans ---the ratio between them obviously.


Disciple of Light
If you are a former Muslim as you say you are I am sorry that who ever taught you about Islam imprinted upon you such lies. However I really wish you could stop posting your lies and extremely biased and missinforming remarks towards Islam.

Now resoponeding to your comments above. I will agree that Islam wishes to set up an Islamic state, however there is nothing in Islam or the article which you posted (which I'm assuming is what you based your comments on) that says that this ideal Islamic state has to completely, ruthlessly, or mercifullessly take over and control the world. There is nothing in Islam that says that this Islamic state can't coincide with the rest of the world and its other countries. I'm sure there are some of these fundalmentalist out there that would like to have Islam rule over the world, but I'm going to go so far as to say that their view of how Islam should be makes them a non-muslim. These people have strayed from the basic teachings of Islam and let personal and political agendas take over they're view of what Islam is. The only other thing I can think of that would make you think that this ideal Islamic state has to rule the world is that, in some of the prophecies about the "end of times" it talks about how there will not be a person on this earth who hasn't heard of Islam. This concept is often misunderstud to mean that every person will be a Muslim, but this is not what it is talking about, and can't be the case because in the prophecies it also tells of the presence of Christians and Jews, and tells that when the earth is distroyed the disbelievers (in God) will be killed in the distruction where as the believers (in God) will have there souls taken away peacefully. If we look at the world today however, in the light of lots of recent events, I would say that just about everybody has heard of Islam. Proving that this prophecy has or is coming true. Again Islam would ideally like to have an Islamic state, but this doesn't mean that this state has to rule over the world.

Please stop! This poor muslim man just spoke out. I cannot believe you are so intolerant of his religion. You seem to think that all muslims are wrong. No. alot of muslimsdo bad things but not all do. You judge all muslims as a group of sin-filled people. I say, there are people who do wrong and right. yes, many muslim i agree, are doing very wrong things. But, we must concider that not all are!

alexander garcia

Active Member
Hi, thank you all for this thread and the veiws of all. History is a funny thing to me cause it can be so far from the truth it is funny. Why do many think bad of Muslims is what we see and hear. Christians come on are you all kiding? we don't have to stop with native Americans which they are not we named this land we stole America to the Jew the oriental to each other and let me not for get the Jew we do not have perfectly clean hands. But then again depending on who you ask the Jews run everything.? Why don't we all as humans stop killing each other and let the so called Mighty ones fight it out for themselves if they be mighty ones? to all that I am fixen to offend I truly am sorry! But here goes let me put it this way my Aunt use to be a Santera. As a 13 yearold I was sent to live with her in Miami. She took me to her leader. their god was a sea shell in a room with gold and money all over. I asked her never to take me there again. she asked why? I told her that the next time she ever took me there I was gonna remember how to get there and I would be back and bet the ***, steal all and **** on her god, and if he be anything other than a sea shell let him strike me down. I do not put it so rude because you are all humans as I and you have your belief but to all if JESUS is the mighty one Why does he need mans hands to do his killing? If ALLAH be the mighty one why does he need mans hands to do his killings? I call upon the name of YAHVAH and He does not need me to kill any one for Him! So let them if they be do there own killing. Let them prove themselves! Cause there is ONE that has fortold what He will do. Is Israel a nation? When did it become agian? 1948 No! 1967 YES! Seven of Allah' nations attacked in 1967. YAHVAH said 6 days shall you work and on the seventh you shall rest.


New Member
chookyman said:
... Muslims even put god before the love & wellbeing of those close you....
If we do not fight back and destroy all that is Islam...
...a muslim is brainwashed the religion from such a young age, it becaomes them and it is hard to see past it. It is a constant mind fight inside the brain of a muslim. It is a cognitive conditioning. ... Muslims are brothers and like family they are blood and are demanded to protect the interest of another ....
....Fight back on Islam, before you, your family, your country is next and it is too late to be what mankind could have been.

Everything that you stated is completly false. You claim that you were a Muslim, but if you think Islam stands for all of the things you just claimed, then oyu were never really a Muslim (God knows best). In Islam one must respect his/her parents even if they are not Muslim. The example of the prophet Muhummad (pbuh) showed tolerance to other religions.

If you look at what you wrote..It looks like you are the one spewing hatred and violent talk. I pray that God gives you guidence and hope that you keep an open mind and make an honest effort to learn more.



New Member
"... Muslims even put god before the love & wellbeing of those close you...."

Of course they do, all of the Abrahamic Religions teach that one's relationship with God is more important than any relationship with a human. Perhaps whoever wrote this should learn more about his or her religion and they would find that this is a very common belief. Does it makes sense for a religion with a God to not value their relationship with him over any other person?


Yeah, if we were so inclined we should start one about Christianity and see if it's allowed to remain open. ;)

But alas, we're not like that. THANK GOD.

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
Djamila said:
Yeah, if we were so inclined we should start one about Christianity and see if it's allowed to remain open. ;)

But alas, we're not like that. THANK GOD.

Yeah that is like the ninth wonder of the world how this thread didn't get shut down, but alas as you say sis, we aren't like that. ;)