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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


chardi kla

he was never curicified though. the one who betrayaled him was capruted by Romans and God made his face appeared as Jesus' (PBUH) so soldiers thought they curicified Jesus (PBUH) but in fact they killed the guy who were working for them. this time Jesus (PBUH) would live like 40 years.


thanx for insight :bow:


Hostis humani generis
you must tell us of what you don't like
may be we can help
They're more like things I don't agree with. ;)

Mainly, Jahannam, niqab and burqa, but also the ultra-conserative imams who say "A male cannot talk to a non-mahram female", etc.

But Jahannam, niqab and burqa have been discussed too much - I am sure you are bored of discussing them. :D

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
I think what you must realise good sir is that in the western world, all we ever see is that bad muslims, the muslims sheiks who want to kill the western world, the sheiks that publicly say all women should wear a hijab because they look like animals. That sort of thing is all we hear, never anything good, only the bad. I think maybe you should use your great knowledge of your religion to try to explain common misconceptions, to try and enforce that all islam does not follow the silly people us westerners see on tv :)

I'm not concerned with the 'silly people' or Muslimology. My concern is what Islam teaches.

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
he would look at us as if we were losers if we disagree and if we convert to Christianity he would love us.

Is that so? Ask him.

why do you care?

I care about truth. I care about people.

you both acted as if we do not exist.

This is false. Prove it.

you both announce Muslims as aggressive maniacs.

This is false. Where have I said this? Don't put words in my mouth.

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
you didn't answer for my question
can tell yourself may be even if it is .000000000001% that you are misunderstanding islam???????

I've spoken to many Muslims and supporters of Islam and none can support Islam's claims to the religion of peace. If I am wrong I have yet to see my error.

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
it is because you know wrong-doings of Muslims and think it is what Islam teaches. you do not see the difference between individuals and Islam the religion itself. i try to explain and you read then you ignore verses i share from Qur'an. or you call Muslims here liars, just because they are peaceful and tolerant.
wanna talk and critize bigot Muslims and wrong-doings of Muslims among 2 billion, fine, LET'S! but you claim to know Qur'an and all your information comes from translations, hadiths and some sites who propaganda against Islam. well hold on there. be fair. i know i am.

I have never called anyone here a liar or a bigot. Do not paint a false picture of me.

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
Alla Prima,

Though I understand your intentions are quite noble - wanting truth and for Islam to change for the better (freedom to convert to and from, etc), you're going about it the wrong way. :)

Critisizing it heavily, constantly and whatnot will only send people towards even more conservative leanings, unfrotunately. It's human nature. People aren't insulted or critisized out of their beliefs, they're asked questions they cannot answer.

Christian fundamentalism, for example, is becoming more popular as others become more secular and more people are becoming hostile towards religion.

Wise counsel. :yes: I'll do what I can.

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
truth about Islam is with us. what he is offering as truth is the truth of how Western media represent Islam to make sure their socities support their war against Islam.


The verses I posted in #1124 did not come from Western media. How do you explain them?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
It is a deeply troubling link. There is indeed, so much, work to do.

no access to youtube form my nation. see? tyranny...there are ways to get in you tube and i would watch it :)
Actually, they tyranny you are experiencing is due to the work of a pathetic wretch known by his pen name Harun Yahya. His real name is Adnan Oktar and he is well known in Turkey for getting many Internet sites banned in Turkey. In September 1999 Adnan Oktar was arrested following multiple scandals and further allegations that were fully covered by the Turkish media. Do read the article on him, providing of course, that Turks can view Wikipedia.com ;)


Bodhisattva in Recovery
.lava said:
i am not Shia and we do not even use the word Sheikh. we follow Qur'an and real hadiths. it is God who gave duty to Imams. today it is Imams who teach people their religion. God openly says that there are Imams who invite hell. so, yes, of course we ask God about religious teachers. we do not follow anyone just because he appears to be a teacher. God shows us who to follow and only after that we follow.
One might ask why anyone needs the "help" of these Imams. In theory, faith in Allah ought to be enough.

good ,but when you say some thing like god gave duty to some one may be some one think it is like pope. yes god gave human duties you and me know that because we are moslems but other may misunderstand your words
Precisely. There is a thinly veiled sentiment of "we know god better than you can because we are Muslims".

what is this? it is normal for a mosque to call people for salaat. why is it a problem? each mosque five times a day, at certain time call people for salaat. so whoever wants to perform salaat in mosque go there and perform it together.
The "problem" is why exactly, should non-Muslim's have to listen to the call to prayers aimed specifically at Muslims. I think you would find most of us equally uncomfortable with Christian churches announcing various services throughout the day as well. It's noise pollution.

I don't! I want the truth out for all to see. Maybe then Islam will change for the better.
Exactly. I think what is needed is quite a bit less white-wash and a great deal more soul searching. There shouldn't be a shadow of doubt that Muslim's do not have any cornerstone on "the truth", or any preferential direct links to God, regardless of what they would have us believe. Reality indicates that they are just as lost and confused as everyone else on this small, somewhat pathetic, planet. The great difference, like many who are intoxicated by their religious prejudices, is that they sincerely believe that they have something the rest of us do not. It is time to wake up to reality, methinks. Every day that passes simply proves this more and more to be so.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Islam was never bad to change for "better"!!
This is, in a nutshell, the problem with Islam. It is seen as "perfect" and in no need of change; rather, the individual is expected to change to adhere to the tenets laid out 1400 years ago. That is unrealistic thinking, imho and what is troubling is that 1.3 billion people on the planet would disagree. The greatest "Achilles heel" of Islam is that its fundamentals can never be changed. Curiously, Muslims have been arguing about what constitutes "change" since day one. Go figure. :flirt:

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
The "problem" is why exactly, should non-Muslim's have to listen to the call to prayers aimed specifically at Muslims. I think you would find most of us equally uncomfortable with Christian churches announcing various services throughout the day as well. It's noise pollution.

And not just noise polution but we don't need to have another's religion forced on us. What's intersting to me is .lava could not see the problem. That's most troubling especially since Muslims ask for so much consideration.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
can i ask people here did they learn any thing from that topic ?
Not a thing, no.

have you get any new information about islam
The only "new" bit is .lava claiming that there is now 2 billion Muslims on this small planet and yet last year the number most often used was 1.2 or 1.3 billion people. To me, it is like the old "fish that got away" story. The number just keeps inflating...

this topic make me search and that search make me learn new informations about my religion
That is VERY telling. You wouldn't be the first Muslim I have encountered that didn't actually know all that much about Islam. In fact, I'd say it is the norm, rather than the exception.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member

he was never curicified though. the one who betrayaled him was capruted by Romans and God made his face appeared as Jesus' (PBUH) so soldiers thought they curicified Jesus (PBUH) but in fact they killed the guy who were working for them. this time Jesus (PBUH) would live like 40 years.


Lava do you actually believe this? ,this is another thing about Islam that mystifies me.


Veteran Member
Actually, they tyranny you are experiencing is due to the work of a pathetic wretch known by his pen name Harun Yahya. His real name is Adnan Oktar and he is well known in Turkey for getting many Internet sites banned in Turkey. In September 1999 Adnan Oktar was arrested following multiple scandals and further allegations that were fully covered by the Turkish media. Do read the article on him, providing of course, that Turks can view Wikipedia.com ;)

where did you get this information about him?



non-existential luminary
where did you get this information about him?

wikipedia. he told you to go there.
Those who trust word of Book do not trust word of God. word of God is given by God. Unless you can hear Allah. your believe system is based on a book and your parents. who based it on a book and their parents. and so forth.
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