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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


Veteran Member
perper spray, electric tazzers, polite suggestions, wait till they run out of bullets...
by now we probably have technology that makes wrong-doer sleep.

ha ha ha

so, instead of policemen, you send house wives on to anarchists huh? that would do :D:D


Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
first gather with your friends, start a gang, get your selves guns, refuse paying taxes, ignore society and attack people of your society to kill and to rob them just because you and your friends refuse their beliefs. then come back and tell me how you'd treated for what you've done.


The idea of the Jiziya was to subordinate and humiliate non-Muslims.

There is a desire to equate Zakat with Jiziyah to emphasize the fairness of the Islamic fiscal system. The Muslims pay Zakat and the non-Muslims Jiziyah. But the analogy is fallacious. The rate of Zakat tax is as low as 2.5 per cent and that on the apparent property only. All kinds of concessions are given in Zakat with regard to nisah or taxable minimum. In its collection no force is applied because force vitiates its character. On the other hand, the rate of Jiziyah is very high for the non-Muslims- 48, 24, and 12 silver tankahs for the rich, the middling and the poor, whatever the currency and whichever the country. Besides, what is central to Jiziyah is the humiliation of infidel always, particularly at the time of collection. What is central in Zakat is that it is voluntary; at least it cannot be collected by force. In India Zakat ceased to be a religious tax imposed only on the Muslims. Here Zakat was levied in the shape of customs duties on merchandise and grazing fee on all milk-producing animals or those which went to pasture, and was realized both from Muslims and non-Muslims. According to the Islamic law, ‘import duties for Muslims were 5 per cent and for non-Muslims 10 per cent of the commodity’. For, Abu Hanifa, whose Sunni school of law prevailed in India, would tax the merchandise of the Zimmis as imposts at double the Zakat fixed for Muslims.
From K.S. Lal, Theory and Practice of Muslim State in India, Delhi, 1999, pp. 139-140.

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
Muslims have huge egos which is why they subdue non-Muslims. They have to to feel superior. Anyone who proclaims their religion to be the religion of everyone has to be some kind of egomaniac. And to look what happens when Islam is criticized or Muhammad is depicted with a bomb on his head. Muslims riot in the streets. Huge egos and Islam doesn't teach restraint either.


non-existential luminary
you tube is forbidden in here. i can get in but i am too lazy to do it.

think about it, if he said that he never argues, that, i would understand. because if he agrees with someone else, then there is nothing to argue about. if someone had another belief system then he can argue with him. although he is right, he does not have to, which means he is not obligated. i am not either.


the beginning

She: What gives you the right to call them, "those who inccur Allah's wrath", or "those who have gone astray" and then say that your religion commands you not to offend the believes of others?

Him: You're a Christian aren't you?

She: I am not a Christian, a Muslim, or a Jew; I AM A HUMAN BEING. i do not believe in the supernatural but i respect other right to believe however they like.

Him: Are you a Heretic?

She: You can say whatever you like; I am a secular human being who does not believe in the unbeliveable...

Him: If you are a heretic, there is no point in rebuking you, since you have blasphemed against Islam, the Prophet, and the Koran...

She: These are personal matters and you have no right to impose your religious views(ego) on me!


She: You are free to Worship however you want, but do not concern yourself with what others are becuase of your views(ego). Whether they believe that the Mesiah is God, son of Mary or that Lucifer is God son of God( some Mormons). Let the people go!


She: you have not seen a single jew destroy a church, nor protest by killing people..
But Muslims have turned three Buddha statues into rubble. We have not seen a single Buddhist burn down a Mosque, kill a Muslim, or burn down an embassy.Only Muslims defend their believes by doing these things. This path will not yield any results. Muslims must ask themselves what they can do for Humanity not for Islam.

the end
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non-existential luminary
cizye jizya is a per capita tax imposed on free non-Muslim adult males who are neither old nor sick, tax that was in states ruled by Islamic law

those males had to take care of their wifes children and parents...
converting would save them from this hardship.


Veteran Member
those males had to take care of their wifes children and parents...
converting would save them from this hardship.

Cizye was taken from people to serve them under Islamic rule. their lives were protected by Islamic government and Islamic army.

ps: don't you pay for policemen in your nation? i know we do.



Veteran Member
the beginning

She: What gives you the right to call them, "those who inccur Allah's wrath", or "those who have gone astray" and then say that your religion commands you not to offend the believes of others?

Him: You're a Christian aren't you?

She: I am not a Christian, a Muslim, or a Jew; I AM A HUMAN BEING. i do not believe in the supernatural but i respect other right to believe however they like.

Him: Are you a Heretic?

She: You can say whatever you like; I am a secular human being who does not believe in the unbeliveable...

Him: If you are a heretic, there is no point in rebuking you, since you have blasphemed against Islam, the Prophet, and the Koran...

She: These are personal matters and you have no right to impose your religious views(ego) on me!


She: You are free to Worship however you want, but do not concern yourself with what others are becuase of your views(ego). Whether they believe that the Mesiah is God, son of Mary or that Lucifer is God son of God( some Mormons). Let the people go!


She: you have not seen a single jew destroy a church, nor protest by killing people..
But Muslims have turned three Buddha statues into rubble. We have not seen a single Buddhist burn down a Mosque, kill a Muslim, or burn down an embassy.Only Muslims defend their believes by doing these things. This path will not yield any results. Muslims must ask themselves what they can do for Humanity not for Islam.

the end

i am afraid she does not know history and our present world very well. but she is right about her rights. he does not have right to judge as God. that breaks peace in society and scares people. that contradicts with Islam's teachings.



non-existential luminary
Cizye was taken from people to serve them under Islamic rule. their lives were protected by Islamic government and Islamic army.

ps: don't you pay for policemen in your nation? i know we do.

yes i pay taxes; idc about the Cizye its in the past now. but what Alla is saying is that it was not fair to charge more just because you weren't Muslim.


Veteran Member
yes i pay taxes; idc about the Cizye its in the past now. but what Alla is saying is that it was not fair to charge more just because you weren't Muslim.

dear friend, Muslims had to pay zakat but non muslims did not pay zakat. and non Muslims paid cizye and Muslims did not pay cizye. there was also another tax named Öşür (or Uşr). it was a tax Muslims had to pay if they owned land.



non-existential luminary
dear friend, Muslims had to pay zakat but non muslims did not pay zakat. and non Muslims paid cizye and Muslims did not pay cizye. there was also another tax named Öşür (or Uşr). it was a tax Muslims had to pay if they owned land.

I don't know much about the ottoman and other caliphates/ muslim nations taxing systems. but i heard from my history teacher taht sharia calls to have a tax for not being muslim. a tax for nonmuslim just because they were nonmuslim. though they had to be able to pay.


Veteran Member
I don't know much about the ottoman and other caliphates/ muslim nations taxing systems. but i heard from my history teacher taht sharia calls to have a tax for not being muslim. a tax for nonmuslim just because they were nonmuslim. though they had to be able to pay.

there is no tax for being non Muslims. cizye is a tax to pay just because you live there.
