I am a devout Roman Catholic, and have studied other religions for years. I believe, as does the Church, that God will judge all men according to their deeds on that last day. We do not believe our God will send anyone to Hell who has lived according to the morality of their well-formed conscience. that goes for any religion. My God is a loving God, a merciful and forgiving God. My own daughter, my first born is a Buddhist, and I love her very deeply, and so does God. He loves us all....my God does. I know that Muslims pray five times a day, touch their foreheads to the ground, saying Allah Akbar (Allah is great, Allah is all knowing, etc.,) in the hopes that this will help them find approval in Allah and admission into paradise upon their death or on Judgement Day.....but they are never given any assurance they will go to Heaven. I am assured that if I live according to the 10 Commandments, serve and love the Lord my God with all my heart and soul, confess my sins and try to live more closely to God, I will by His grace, be admitted to Heaven when my time comes around. This is what the Holy Bible teaches us.
I know that in Islam infidels are to be converted, and if they refuse they are to be killed....this is in the Qur'an. I do not see a loving God in this equation.
I know a terrorist is one who deliberately murders/slaughters innocent people without provocation of any kind. I know the Taliban have murdered many of their own women...I have seen one poor, innocent woman executed in an Afghanistan soccer stadium in front of her family while she begged for her life. Why???? Because SHE was raped. You see, in Islam it is always the woman who is to blame when she is raped.
I know it was terrorists who murdered/beheaded Danny Pearl, who never got to see his soon to be born son. These same terrorists also tortured and beheaded an Englishman who was a contractor, and did the same to several other innocent men.
I know women are less than dogs in many Muslim countries....they are subject to "pre-arranged" marriages, and many of these "brides" are under the age of 15, while their husbands are in their forties or fifties. They can have as many wives as they can afford. The women cannot drive, vote, work, etc., etc.
I know that it was terrorists who flew two airplanes into the Twin Towers and killed over 3,000 innocent civilians. This was a totally unprovoked attack on innocent people just going along with their lives....people from all races, cultures, religions, and ages.
I know they flew a plane into the Pentagon and killed one of my very dearest friends in the world, so don't ever tell me the US carried out this hideous act of terrorism. I worked for the government, and I know the truth.....AND SO DO YOU!
I know that Mohammed married Aisha when she was a six year old child, and that he was illiterate, but then most people were back then. He spoke the words sent to him by Allah and others wrote down the words he spoke.
So if you believe in the Qur'an, the words of Mohammed, then by all means embrace it with all your heart. I honestly am a believer in people adhering to whatever religion they truly believe is the Truth. But don't ever expect to deceive me or many other Christians of the innocence and peacefulness of Islam.
By His Grace....may you find real peace, and I truly mean that!