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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


Veteran Member
Ahh, okay. I understand what you mean now. :)

Would you say that most Muslims are not practising Islam, then?

yes, unfortunately. they are practicing daily prayers which is a must for Muslims. but most of people because of Imams do not see those practices are tools, not aim. without aim, there is nothing. they do not wish to reach God and they do not purify ego. there are many missing stuff, for example Qur'an says zikir of Allah is the greatest practice but zikir is not named in musts of Islam. they put salaat, Hajj and other practices in musts of Islam but they did not add what book calls 'the greatest practice'. masses are not responsible for this. only imams who claim to know and the rest believe them.



If you had the courage to actually view the movie and learn what the artist intended instead of making mindless bigoted comments about it then we might have had a real discussion. But I find Muslims for the most part don't take well to criticisms of Islam. All they want is to promote their religion and tell everyone how lovely it is.
ok man i watched the movie
the director say that movie is critical to isalm
then we must see things moslems do
but what we have seen in that movie
1-women pary ,good
2-she was covering her face, wrong women cant cover her face while she pray
3-she was wearing clothes showing most of her body ,wrong moslem women cant pray while they wear like that
3-a women half naked writen quran on he body, that cant be at all and no moslem can do that or accept that
4-on her body we can notice she was lashed,that is not acceptable for moslem and no think in islam order men to lash women
5-the quran on her body which for sure you don't know what is about speaken about order from god to men ,not to have sex with women while the women in their catamenia period ,that is medically right and i don't know what is wrong with that
6- the women speaks how he family abuse her, that is some thing any women from any where with any religion can say
now is that movie critiacl for islam???????
it is full of things moslems don't do
that is not critical at all, that lies and abuse for islam


Nonsense, the general youth in Israel starts training upon entry into the armed forces at the age of 18.
Israel targets are militant targets, purposely targeting civilians is in the bad interest of Israel on too many levels to number, one reason is because it puts pressure to end the offensive before the goals are achieved.
and you most certainly disrespect the members of this forum with this juvenile nonsense, if you cant put up a mature logical or even coherent answer you must expect rebuttal.
you speak in a very bad way
also you still didn't answer the rest of what i say


Hostis humani generis
yes, unfortunately. they are practicing daily prayers which is a must for Muslims. but most of people because of Imams do not see those practices are tools, not aim. without aim, there is nothing. they do not wish to reach God and they do not purify ego. there are many missing stuff, for example Qur'an says zikir of Allah is the greatest practice but zikir is not named in musts of Islam. they put salaat, Hajj and other practices in musts of Islam but they did not add what book calls 'the greatest practice'. masses are not responsible for this. only imams who claim to know and the rest believe them.

Thank you for your honest answer. :)

Though I must ask; why did Allah allow this to happen? IS this not the same as what happened, in the Islamic perspective, of Christianity and Judaism - that they were corrupted away from the original message? I thought Allah was going to keep Islam true.. so why did he allow it to fade away from the true path?

So, what would you recommend for one who seeks God?


Hostis humani generis
but Caladan, people are calling from Gaza and they are saying Israel hit civilian houses, hospitals, ambulances, schools...they say they target civilians.

Sadly, sometimes people are hit by accident. Israel would not deliberately do it. Perhaps some evil soldiers might, but Israel would be stupid to do that.

Sometimes missiles can backfire, or they can misjudge where they land. Sometimes tiny mistakes and miscalculations can destroy so much. :(


Yes, I dont like seeing propaganda, and misinformation posted, Im just a bad person. :rolleyes:
you still didn't answer
you say one thing you assumed that i say , and i didn't
the rest of what i say you didn't get even near from it
mapy because you have no thing to say
i speak about israel law ,tell people here that i'am a liar
can you??????


Agnostic Pantheist
but Caladan, people are calling from Gaza and they are saying Israel hit civilian houses, hospitals, ambulances, schools...they say they target civilians.

The targets of the IDF are exclusively related to Hamas terrorists, further more while Israeli citizens have 15 seconds to take cover from incoming rockets, the Palestinian population which lives in proximity to Hamas targets are getting a warning a head of strike from the IDF to evacuate the area for their own safety.


Veteran Member
Thank you for your honest answer. :)

Though I must ask; why did Allah allow this to happen? IS this not the same as what happened, in the Islamic perspective, of Christianity and Judaism - that they were corrupted away from the original message? I thought Allah was going to keep Islam true.. so why did he allow it to fade away from the true path?

So, what would you recommend for one who seeks God?

people corrupt everything. first two books were chnaged to mislead people. but Qur'an for that matter is untoucable, no power exist to change its original writing. there are people who's living the Qur'an in every society, including Iran (and Japan, China, USA, UK...everywhere!) Islam is not damaged but this is a test for all man kind. true path is there, many people on that path. but each person is responsible of where he directs himself. i mean, if you heard someone say 'this is the command of God...whatever it is) it is your duty to correct what he says with Qur'an. Mohamad (PBUH) has said that his hadiths would be discussed someday and we should compare his sayings with Qur'an and his sayings would never conflict with Qur'an. today many hadiths that conflict with Qur'an are accepted as rules of Islam. we can't blame God for anything because the source without evil influence remains the same, pure, as God promised.



Agnostic Pantheist
you still didn't answer
you say one thing you assumed that i say , and i didn't
the rest of what i say you didn't get even near from it
mapy because you have no thing to say
i speak about israel law ,tell people here that i'am a liar
can you??????

I tried to read your post more than a few times, I cant make anything out of it.
relax, take a few extra minutes and write down a clear coherent and flowing post, that I can relate to.


Sadly, sometimes people are hit by accident. Israel would not deliberately do it. Perhaps some evil soldiers might, but Israel would be stupid to do that.

Sometimes missiles can backfire, or they can misjudge where they land. Sometimes tiny mistakes and miscalculations can destroy so much. :(
can we say that happen on both sides or that happen just in isreal side


Hostis humani generis
You're right, .lava, people do corrupt things.
Where were the two books changed to mislead people? I cannot believe they would be deliberately altered. :)

However - as a correction, there are no Muslims in North Korea. :D

How would you show that such Hadith contradict the Qur'an to the sheikhs? Why have those in power not noticed - and is there a chance that the true Muslims will find the truth now that there is an ever-increasing literacy rate and a whole lot of information on the internet?


Veteran Member
The targets of the IDF are exclusively related to Hamas terrorists, further more while Israeli citizens have 15 seconds to take cover from incoming rockets, the Palestinian population which lives in proximity to Hamas targets are getting a warning a head of strike from the IDF to evacuate the area for their own safety.

are you claiming that they refuse to evacuate? why do they get killed? there are dozens of dead kids, many dead women. according to thiese people who have contact with Turkiye, 50% of deaths are civlians which means mostly women and kids.

i really wish you were right but i can not trust Israel anymore. nothing personal though, just government.



Hostis humani generis
can we say that happen on both sides or that happen just in isreal side
You can say whatever you like. :) I think these happen on both sides, but Hamas' with goals, I doubt they care if they kill innocent civilians. Hamas wants no Israel, so ultimately some of those in Hamas will not care if they kill an innocent Jew or two..

But, some Palestinians have purposefully blown themselves up in markets in Israel, so generally it is obvious that some, perhaps even of them do not care who they kill - so long as they are Israeli.


I tried to read your post more than a few times, I cant make anything out of it.
relax, take a few extra minutes and write down a clear coherent and flowing post, that I can relate to.
really so if you didn't understand why you speak about my disrespect for members
any way at your service
1-if some one from israel take a land from some one from palestian
2- that one from isreal build acolony
3-the palestenian went to israel court which say he must get his land bank
4- the palestenian take the order of the court and went to police or army to get isrealin from his land
5-they will tell him sorry we have a law prevent us from forcing soldiers to evacuate any colony
isn't that isreal law


Veteran Member
You're right, .lava, people do corrupt things.
Where were the two books changed to mislead people? I cannot believe they would be deliberately altered. :)

However - as a correction, there are no Muslims in North Korea. :D

How would you show that such Hadith contradict the Qur'an to the sheikhs? Why have those in power not noticed - and is there a chance that the true Muslims will find the truth now that there is an ever-increasing literacy rate and a whole lot of information on the internet?

this is not about labels. among Hindus there are people who's following the path of Islam for example. it is more about desire of one's heart. you either have desire for this world or you have desire for God. wish to reach God? you're on the path of Islam.

there are people who's knowingly misleading people. Qur'an calls them the most cruel ones. they hide meaning of verses. some Imams who spent decades in religious teachings are so pride so they can't admit they were wrong for decades. so they refuse even though they realize they sent people to hell with their teachings.

this would end soon. now there is suffering. there would be more just because of this, because people called tradition Islam and lived tradition as if it religion of God. for some reason, when we suffer, we remember God and hopefully we wish to reach God.



Agnostic Pantheist
are you claiming that they refuse to evacuate? why do they get killed? there are dozens of dead kids, many dead women. according to thiese people who have contact with Turkiye, 50% of deaths are civlians which means mostly women and kids.

i really wish you were right but i can not trust Israel anymore. nothing personal though, just government.


I have no doubt that the civilian death toll is extremely inflated by Hamas' propaganda. further more to illustrate the complex situation: Israel gave a warning call to a Hamas leader that his house- which used as a communication and weapon storage facility, and has a tunnel for weapons smuggling under, is to be bombed. the leader chose to stay at home with his entire family, wives and children.