Active Member
You really think the bill will bring some sort of peace or stability, don't you?
Still, the text above is essentially an admission that it is pointless at best. What boggles the mind is that such a people as the Jewish, of all people, would make it a point to oppress minorities in their land. I must be misunderstanding something about what I have learned of the history of Jewish People in Europe.
I think you have been misunderstanding the fact that the bill is not trying to turn an Arab in to a Jew. Not all Arabs in Israel are terrorists but there is a big number of them who support it by taking the oath you admit Israel is a Jewish state, you dellegitimize your own views by admitting that Israel is a Jewish state.
No I don't believe it will bring peace but it is a big psychological step forward that was needed a long time ago. It is naive to live with people who want you dead, no other country would accept it so why should Israel?
France kicked out all the gypsies they had and all I hear about is how unfair Israel is, unfair to who? to those who constantly have been mistreating us?