Please tell me more about how women feel.
Please make the point of the meme apparent for us.
Already answered. No. Race doesn't make any difference. Race seems to be a big thing for some Americans for some reason. I'm not American.
Why are we changing this to a race thing?
It’s a diversionary technique for dismissing the feelings and experiences of women.
It’s easy to do here in America, since the 500 year old Patriarchy here in America is at the intersection of Class, Race, and Gender, so the big switcheroo is easily missed.
So men often fear Women, especially unarmed men, who are afraid to face women without their guns. (This may also explain why they are so afraid of Women’s History, by the way, and have a tendency to barge into threads where Women’s History is being discussed, and shutting down the discussion. So the rest of us get notices that we’ve broken some forum rule on civility or something, and get locked out of the thread because Women’s History is considered as uncivilized, due to the extreme violence of Women against men in the past.)
Look at this guy. He’s not afraid of Women.
Of course, it is true that he’s armed, but, unlike the paramilitary forces in our society who are so afraid of Women (due to their male defensiveness and their male fragility), he’s actually accountable to Civil Society. Accountable to the Law.
Men need to get over their fear of Women, and to finally forgive Women for their past violence against men.
It was a Holy War, for God’s sake! (This is one of the reasons why some men here on this forum don’t want Women from Catholic cultures to have any input on their Second Commandment gun rites, and demand that Catholic Women be disenfranchised in Civil Society.)
It was not a one way street, as many men who have never read any history tend to forget.
It is long past time for men to forgive Women for their violence, and to meet Women half-way, and to start treating Women as equals.
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