I often listen to other women. I spend time with them. I'm in a support group with them. Women have spoken all over social media about this bear/man in the woods thought experiment, and they mostly come down on my side. That's what this thread is about. And that's what all the indignation is about, as far as I can tell. Everyone seems so shocked that we choose the bear, but you don't want to listen to the reasons why.
Honestly I believe that being hit on by a man is something that bothers many women. And that is why men should understand that unwanted advances may affect their "reputation".
It's perfectly understandable.
But men are a bit weird...I mean there are so many women, like my friends who love to be hit on by men...it's because they are very vain and self-centered and that makes them feel pretty.
Why do men prefer to hit on the shy ones? Because they tend to be hunters. They don't like being preyed on by women...they want to be the hunters, so they avoid the "promiscuous" and the "nymphos" even if they look like Miss Universe...
and prefer to chase the chaste modest ones.
They are turned on by rejection...and that makes them weird creatures...