Are J.W.s a cult?
A definition of a cult:
- : a small group of very devoted supporters or fans
With respect, that definition does fit J.W.'s
That said I find that using the term "cult" to describe J.W.'s a bit insulting.
Another definition of "cult".
- : a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous
Some would say J.W.'s are extreme in the face of popular Christian dogma.
Note that "dangerous" does NOT FIT the J.W.'s.
If everyone were J.W.'s there would be peace and harmony in the world and
likely little or not crime.
Not saying J.W.'s don't have bad apples. They certainly DO!
However once a bad apple is uncovered that person is dealt with quickly.
I was "associated" with J.W.'s when I was a police officer and ARRESTED
a J.W. for having sex with his granddaughter, age TWELVE!
I was happy to do it and the Elders were happy to give him the boot!
Many decades ago a J.W. male had nasty interest in my 13 year old sister
who at age 10 developed breasts and at 13 was, ah, er, well blessed.
He got the boot after by father whipped his ***!!!!