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Jesus is not God


Veteran Member
Isaiah 62:2 And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name.

Revelation 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.

Revelation 3:12-13 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

I guess you didn't believe when me earlier I said only the last verses apply. Isaiah could have been referring to Christians, before this they were called Jews. Pondering the second quote, I'm not sure now, but it could be referring to a name that was private to the person, and nobody knew it. Or it's possible that you are right and the new name is Baha'i, or even Muslim, though it probably referred to Baha'i. The last one was referring to His name, not the persons name.
It is not that I did not believe you, I just did not understand what you meant.
Now that you pointed out what you did I can see why Isaiah 62:2 could be about Jesus, but if it is about Jesus what was his old name?

"And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name."

No, I do not think that the name is referring to Jews and Christians. Thou does not refer to a group of people, it refers to a certain individual.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
It is not that I did not believe you, I just did not understand what you meant.
Now that you pointed out what you did I can see why Isaiah 62:2 could be about Jesus, but if it is about Jesus what was his old name?

"And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name."

No, I do not think that the name is referring to Jews and Christians. Thou does not refer to a group of people, it refers to a certain individual.
God was known by all the Messengers Names prior to Jesus.

And the many more

Regards Tony


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
That would all depend upon what you mean by "God's word."

It is what God allegedly revealed to Muhammad.

What was the mode of revelation to the Prophet Muhammad?

- It is a revelation which came through Angel messenger. - The messenger is Jibril ,( the arch angel) who carried divine messages to prophets. - This mode is the highest form of revelation. - The Quran was revealed to the prophet through this mode( form).
Revelation of the holy Quran during the time of prophet Muhammad..
You said that the Qu'ran is God's word...so you should know what you're talking about, right?
You said that the Qu'ran is "God's word through Muhammad." OK, take care, bye for now..


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I know that the following is correct:

Christ is the image of God
Christ is NOT GOD because an image is not what it is imaging...
Christ was alive. He was the image of God. You believe in a Trinity of sorts. Is that what Bahaullah said?


Veteran Member
Christ was alive. He was the image of God.
You believe in a Trinity of sorts. Is that what Bahaullah said?
I do believe in a Trinity of sorts. That is what the Baha'i Faith teaches, so it is embedded in the Writings of Baha'u'llah.

Question.—What is the meaning of the Trinity, of the Three Persons in One?

Answer.—The Divine Reality, which is purified and sanctified from the understanding of human beings and which can never be imagined by the people of wisdom and of intelligence, is exempt from all conception. That Lordly Reality admits of no division; for division and multiplicity are properties of creatures which are contingent existences, and not accidents which happen to the self-existent..............

God is pure perfection, and creatures are but imperfections. For God to descend into the conditions of existence would be the greatest of imperfections; on the contrary, His manifestation, His appearance, His rising are like the reflection of the sun in a clear, pure, polished mirror. All the creatures are evident signs of God, like the earthly beings upon all of which the rays of the sun shine. But upon the plains, the mountains, the trees and fruits, only a portion of the light shines, through which they become visible, and are reared, and attain to the object of their existence, while the Perfect Man 2 is in the condition of a clear mirror in which the Sun of Reality becomes visible and manifest with all its qualities and perfections. So the Reality of Christ was a clear and polished mirror of the greatest purity and fineness. The Sun of Reality, the Essence of Divinity, reflected itself in this mirror and manifested its light and heat in it; but from the exaltation of its holiness, and the heaven of its sanctity, the Sun did not descend to dwell and abide in the mirror. No, it continues to subsist in its exaltation and sublimity, while appearing and becoming manifest in the mirror in beauty and perfection.

Now if we say that we have seen the Sun in two mirrors—one the Christ and one the Holy Spirit—that is to say, that we have seen three Suns, one in heaven and the two others on the earth, we speak truly. And if we say that there is one Sun, and it is pure singleness, and has no partner and equal, we again speak truly.

The epitome of the discourse is that the Reality of Christ was a clear mirror, and the Sun of Reality—that is to say, the Essence of Oneness, with its infinite perfections and attributes—became visible in the mirror. The meaning is not that the Sun, which is the Essence of the Divinity, became divided and multiplied—for the Sun is one—but it appeared in the mirror. This is why Christ said, “The Father is in the Son,” meaning that the Sun is visible and manifest in this mirror.

The Holy Spirit is the Bounty of God which becomes visible and evident in the Reality of Christ. The Sonship station is the heart of Christ, and the Holy Spirit is the station of the spirit of Christ. Hence it has become certain and proved that the Essence of Divinity is absolutely unique and has no equal, no likeness, no equivalent. (Some Answered Questions, pp. 113-115)

You can read the whole chapter on the following link:


Non-debating member when I can help myself
No, I do not think that the name is referring to Jews and Christians. Thou does not refer to a group of people, it refers to a certain individual.
Isaiah 62:1 For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent,
for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet,
till her vindication shines out like the dawn,
her salvation like a blazing torch.
2 The nations will see your vindication,
and all kings your glory;
you will be called by a new name
that the mouth of the Lord will bestow.
3 You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord’s hand,
a royal diadem in the hand of your God.
4 No longer will they call you Deserted,
or name your land Desolate.

I decided to put this in context with verses around it. I think this refers to Jews becoming Baha'is eventually. Most of the jews rejected Jesus, and also Muhammad, thus they were not "a royal diadem". Before that they have been "desolate".


Veteran Member
I decided to put this in context with verses around it. I think this refers to Jews becoming Baha'is eventually. Most of the jews rejected Jesus, and also Muhammad, thus they were not "a royal diadem". Before that they have been "desolate".
I understand what you mean now. That is a great interpretation!

Given the context, I don't think that verse should not be included with the New Name verses in the Book of Revelation.


Well-Known Member
Why do you seize on one word? Okay, it's three persons, each person equal to the others, combining to be one God. I don't see how there is a difference between three aspects and three persons, each person equal to the others, combining to be one God.

Your misunderstanding of the Trinity is tragic. 2 Corinthians 4:4, "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers [you?], so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."
how could a perfect God be split 3 ways ? as soon as one part separates he would no longer be complete


Veteran Member
how could a perfect God be split 3 ways ? as soon as one part separates he would no longer be complete
No, God cannot be split 3 ways and the chapter below explains why.

“Question.—What is the meaning of the Trinity, of the Three Persons in One?

Answer.—The Divine Reality, which is purified and sanctified from the understanding of human beings and which can never be imagined by the people of wisdom and of intelligence, is exempt from all conception. That Lordly Reality admits of no division; for division and multiplicity are properties of creatures which are contingent existences, and not accidents which happen to the self-existent.

The Divine Reality is sanctified from singleness, then how much more from plurality. The descent of that Lordly Reality into conditions and degrees would be equivalent to imperfection and contrary to perfection, and is, therefore, absolutely impossible. It perpetually has been, and is, in the exaltation of holiness and sanctity. All that is mentioned of the Manifestations and Dawning-places of God signifies the divine reflection, and not a descent into the conditions of existence. 1

God is pure perfection, and creatures are but imperfections. For God to descend into the conditions of existence would be the greatest of imperfections; on the contrary, His manifestation, His appearance, His rising are like the reflection of the sun in a clear, pure, polished mirror.All the creatures are evident signs of God, like the earthly beings upon all of which the rays of the sun shine. But upon the plains, the mountains, the trees and fruits, only a portion of the light shines, through which they become visible, and are reared, and attain to the object of their existence, while the Perfect Man 2 is in the condition of a clear mirror in which the Sun of Reality becomes visible and manifest with all its qualities and perfections. So the Reality of Christ was a clear and polished mirror of the greatest purity and fineness. The Sun of Reality, the Essence of Divinity, reflected itself in this mirror and manifested its light and heat in it; but from the exaltation of its holiness, and the heaven of its sanctity, the Sun did not descend to dwell and abide in the mirror. No, it continues to subsist in its exaltation and sublimity, while appearing and becoming manifest in the mirror in beauty and perfection.

Now if we say that we have seen the Sun in two mirrors—one the Christ and one the Holy Spirit—that is to say, that we have seen three Suns, one in heaven and the two others on the earth, we speak truly. And if we say that there is one Sun, and it is pure singleness, and has no partner and equal, we again speak truly.

The epitome of the discourse is that the Reality of Christ was a clear mirror, and the Sun of Reality—that is to say, the Essence of Oneness, with its infinite perfections and attributes—became visible in the mirror. The meaning is not that the Sun, which is the Essence of the Divinity, became divided and multiplied—for the Sun is one—but it appeared in the mirror. This is why Christ said, “The Father is in the Son,” meaning that the Sun is visible and manifest in this mirror.

The Holy Spirit is the Bounty of God which becomes visible and evident in the Reality of Christ. The Sonship station is the heart of Christ, and the Holy Spirit is the station of the spirit of Christ.Hence it has become certain and proved that the Essence of Divinity is absolutely unique and has no equal, no likeness, no equivalent.

This is the signification of the Three Persons of the Trinity. If it were otherwise, the foundations of the Religion of God would rest upon an illogical proposition which the mind could never conceive, and how can the mind be forced to believe a thing which it cannot conceive? A thing cannot be grasped by the intelligence except when it is clothed in an intelligible form; otherwise, it is but an effort of the imagination.

It has now become clear, from this explanation, what is the meaning of the Three Persons of the Trinity. The Oneness of God is also proved.”

1. Cf. “Pantheism,” p. 290.
2. The Divine Manifestation.



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
how could a perfect God be split 3 ways ? as soon as one part separates he would no longer be complete
LOL! I and every other person, is body, soul, and spirit. Similarly. God is the Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

It saddens me that your reasoning is so limited. Your predetermined philosophy is blinding you!