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Jesus is not God

Eli G

Well-Known Member
Eternal life is what Adam and Eve and all their descendants would have had if they had not disobeyed God. They would have spread Eden to the rest of the planet and the history of humanity would have been very different. No one would have ever gotten sick or died of natural causes.

To get that back we needed Jesus Christ, not BahaUllah. When Christ's Kingdom is established on the planet, those conditions will be restored.


Veteran Member
Matthew 28:18 Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.
Posting verses from the Bible written by men who never even knew Jesus is not going to help your case.

Jesus had the authority during the Christian dispensation, but that dispensation ended with the coming of Baha'ullah, so now Baha'u'llah has the authority.


Veteran Member
eternal life??. we know what life is. we know what eternal means. the salvation Jesus offers means no more death .even to be saved from death .
Yes, 'saved from death' either via a resurrection - Acts 24:15 - or saved from death at Jesus' coming Glory Time - Matt. 25:31-34,37
The living figurative 'sheep' are 'saved/delivered/rescued' from death because Jesus will bring an end to death - 1st Cor. 15:26; Isaiah 25:8
ALL who prove righteous after the end of Jesus' 1000 year reign over Earth can gain everlasting life on Earth as originally offered to Adam before his downfall

Remember: the righteous and unrighteous (KJV just and unjust) are Not the same as the 'saints/holy ones' of Daniel 7:18, 22,27


Veteran Member
This week I have commented on many reasons [ evidences ] I believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. Also other people have done this.

If you ask yourself this question: If I was to write down each of my reasons why I know my Holy Scriptures are inspired?

Who's evidence is stronger?

If we both do not give up, I think we both will find the correct answer!
There is no correct answer. There are only beliefs and personal opinions.

I believe that the evidence for the writings of Baha'u'llah is stronger, Christians believe that the evidence for the Bible is stronger.


Veteran Member
Means: both can't be right
Jesus said MANY would come in his name but prove false at Matthew 7:21-23
Those proving false would hate the others - Matthew 10:22; Matthew 24:9
That is true, both cannot be right, but why do you think that it is the JWs who are right?
Mind you, all the other Christians also think they are right.


Well-Known Member
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Eternal life is not a reference to eternal life of the physical body. It is the person who gains eternal life and the person is a soul, not a physical body.
Nobody needs to be resurrected and live again in a physical body to have eternal life, because God assigns everyone a spiritual body after they die physically and go to heaven.
you have yet to learn of the 144,000. they are the ones that receive a spirit body, they are the only ones that go to heaven . all others ,if found worthy, live here on earth.


Veteran Member
BahaUllah was the Iranian version of Joseph Smith ... and nothing else.
You are free to believe whatever you want to believe but that does not mean it is true.

It is totally predictable that Christians will start hurling these false accusations at Baha'u'llah as soon as they can't take the heat in a discussion.

Baha'is do not need to hurl accusations at Jesus since we believe He was who He claimed to be.


Jesus is King & Mighty God Isa.9:6-7; Lk.1:32-33

"Angel's sure do seem to start a lot of Religions"​

(Islam)Muhammad’s encounter with a angelic being of Light

he angel that Muhamamd was supposed to have met in the cave while meditating and who brought down the Qur’an for recitation. In the first encounter, Aisha related that when Muhammad did not recite, Gabriel caught him (forcefully) and pressed him so hard that he could not bear it any more, and this was repeated three times. Gabriel left Muhammad terribly shaken. Muhammad feared that something might have happened to him, returned and asked Khadija to cover him until his fear was gone. Muhammad thought that the spirit was a jinn. (Sahih Bukhari 1.3) He even contemplated commiting suicide by throwing himself down a mountain.


“There were stars all around me and I felt a profound sense of peace. Then a Goddess appeared before me. She was sitting on a lotus and had her right hand up with her open palm facing me. It was glowing with bright white light. Her facial features were so gentle, so compassionate and loving. I knew her to be Kwan Yin. I spent some time connecting with her and letting her nurturing energy fill me up. She gave me several messages, the most memorable being to take care of myself”

(Seventh Day Adventist)Vision of Ellen White

Her hands were clasped, her eyes uplifted, as she clearly said, “Glory to God.”Then with a quick movement she threw aside the blankets with which she was wrapped and stepped forward, her eyes looking upward as if viewing something of greatest interest. Wringing her hands, and with a look of intense sorrow, she exclaimed, “Dark, dark, so dark!”Later, her face brightened and she exclaimed, “Light! A little light! More light! Much light!”

Of Moroni’s first appearance on the night of September 21, 1823, (Mormon) Joseph Smith recorded:

After I had retired to my bed for the night, I betook myself to prayer and supplication to Almighty God for forgiveness of all my sins and follies, and also for a manifestation to me, that I might know of my state and standing before him. While I was thus in the act of calling upon God, I discovered a light appearing in my room, which continued to increase until the room was lighter than at noonday, when immediately a personage appeared at my bedside, standing in the air. He had on a loose robe of most exquisite whiteness. It was a whiteness beyond anything earthly I had ever seen. His hands were naked, and his arms also, a little above the wrist; so, also, were his feet naked, as were his legs, a little above the ankles. His head and neck were also bare. His whole person was glorious beyond description, and his countenance truly like lightning [JSH 1:29-32].

Baha'u'llah from an angel

In Hinduism, the term "deva" is often used to refer to angels, or celestial beings that are associated with various aspects of the cosmos. Some examples of devas include:

  • Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva: The Hindu trinity, or Trimurti, that preside over the cosmos and the evolution of creation.

The Holy Bible has also parts that are from an angel.
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Veteran Member
That's okay for you to believe that! But I cannot believe one word of that. Why? Because in order for me to form a belief [ a explanation ] I need to have Jesus explain the details of my belief. And if Jesus doesn't talk about it, I need to hear the details of my belief from an apostle.

Not from any human!
That is a really ironic thing for you to say given an apostle of Jesus is only a human.
Not only that, the apostles of Jesus did not write the gospels.


Jesus is King & Mighty God Isa.9:6-7; Lk.1:32-33
That is true, both cannot be right, but why do you think that it is the JWs who are right?
Mind you, all the other Christians also think they are right.
I believe the evidence is much stronger, But this is something you will have to investigate on your own.


Well-Known Member
Jesus never said that. Someone wrote that Jesus said that.
Jesus would know better than to say anything that false.
I am the way and the truth and the life: Jesus is the way because it is only through him that it is possible to approach God in prayer. He is also “the way” for humans to be reconciled to God. (Joh 16:23; Ro 5:8) Jesus is the truth in that he spoke and lived in harmony with truth. He also fulfilled scores of prophecies that show his central role in the outworking of God’s purpose. (Joh 1:14; Re 19:10) These prophecies became “‘yes’ [or were fulfilled] by means of him.” (2Co 1:20) Jesus is the life because by means of the ransom, he made it possible for mankind to gain “the real life,” that is, “everlasting life.” (1Ti 6:12, 19; Eph 1:7; 1Jo 1:7) He will also prove to be “the life” for millions who will be resurrected with the prospect of living in Paradise forever.—Joh 5:28, 29.

Eli G

Well-Known Member
I never heard any BahaUllah dialog with an angel. Check that besides telling that BahaUllah had that kind of confirmation, there is not any of that in those posts ... as much as there's not any witness that BahaUllah did anything miracolous or ocurred anything miraculous around him.

It's just words, like Joseph Smith, his American version.


Veteran Member
eternal life??. we know what life is. we know what eternal means. the salvation Jesus offers means no more death .even to be saved from death .

James 5:20

know that whoever turns a sinner back from the error of his way will save him from death and will cover a multitude of sins.
To have eternal life is to be saved from spiritual death, not to be saved from physical death.
Nobody is ever saved from physical death since the human body is mortal.