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"Jesus was a compassionatie, super-intelligent gay man"


Resident Liberal Hippie
As per usual, I read the whole thread. Thank you.
Save your justifications and excuses, I have the read the whole thread, I do not need you to tell me how to think or interpret what was said.
Pertaining to Gay, LittleNipper was right, albeit a technicality.
Yeah, they were baseless, and you shouldn't have raised it in the first instance. I cannot blame you for wanting to distance yourself from those baseless claims now.
I already have contributed to it, pulling up some irrational and illogical statements made by some posters just my additional contribution.

As I said, either way, his original statement was either incorrect, or poorly worded to purposefully mislead his intent.

I can see how you would find value in that.


Done here.
Generally the papers and media tell people that, when people get caught in paedophilia. Most people share the same opinion in this respect, don't you? Do you not see abuse in it?
Homosexuality is no more the same as pedophilia than heterosexuality is, and if you don't know that, you're too ******* ignorant to be discussing the subject.


Well-Known Member
Homosexuality is no more the same as pedophilia than heterosexuality is, and if you don't know that, you're too ******* ignorant to be discussing the subject.

Hmmm..... How long have you had the problem of denying reality? Talk about arrogance and ignorance.

In life Smoke, we have many sexual orientations; we have celibacy, we have hetrosexuality, we have homosexuality, we have bisexuality, we have bestiality. These smoke are some of the sexual orientations of people. The fact that you want to put another sexual orientation in there, which isn't a sexual orientation, but a preference, a fetish, speaks highly of your ignorance.

Now in the same life Smoke, we also have likes and dislikes. Where sexual orientation is concerned, this is what turns people on and is their sexual preference based on their sexual orientation. We also have a name for this in society, and we call these fetishes. Some people have a fetish for big people, some for skinny people, some for redheads et al. In life we also have people who have a fetish for children, these Smoke, in reality, we call paedophiles.

Now paedophiles Smoke, come in many sexual orientations. We have the paedophile who is homosexual, so they will prey on children based on their own sex. We also have the paedophile who is heterosexual, these predators will prey on children of the opposite sex. And we have the peadophile who is bisexual, who doesn't care less which sex in children, they abuse.

Now smoke are you still to arrogant and ignorant to know the difference, or has your intelligence taught you something.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Tumbleweed, same sex relationships have a name. Can you tell me what that name is? We also have a name in society, for adults who sexually abuse children, can you tell me what that name is?

Oh course you do also know, that many older cultures, used homosexuality as a form of demeaning and ridiculing their enemy, don't you? The same relationship still applies today in gaols, or are you not familar with reality?

Playing little semantics, is irrational, illogical and very inane.

Opposite sex relationships have a name too_Opposite sex forced sex has a name too.Its called "rape".

So if you are going to compare homosexuals having a sexual relationship to "peadophelia " why do that? Why is one of the consenting adults or "both of them" suddenly compared to children beign molested?What are they molesting each other at the same time? "Consentual molesting"?

Get real...At least compare it to a man raping a woman.(or on the rare occasion a woman raping a man).Or a man raping a man or a woman raping a woman..(at least make them adults)

Try to even it up a little bit if you are going to compare consentual sex between two adults as some sort of rape then why bring children into the mix?(what to sensationlize it?)

Just say "gay people volunteer to get together and rape each other" consentually.


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Resident Liberal Hippie
Homosexuality usually seems to be the abusive use of one person over another. That doesn't seem "GAY" to me but rather "SAD."

Did someone tell you that?

Generally the papers and media tell people that, when people get caught in paedophilia. Most people share the same opinion in this respect, don't you? Do you not see abuse in it?
Homosexuality is no more the same as pedophilia than heterosexuality is, and if you don't know that, you're too ******* ignorant to be discussing the subject.

Hmmm..... How long have you had the problem of denying reality? Talk about arrogance and ignorance.

In life Smoke, we have many sexual orientations; we have celibacy, we have hetrosexuality, we have homosexuality, we have bisexuality, we have bestiality. These smoke are some of the sexual orientations of people. The fact that you want to put another sexual orientation in there, which isn't a sexual orientation, but a preference, a fetish, speaks highly of your ignorance.

Now in the same life Smoke, we also have likes and dislikes. Where sexual orientation is concerned, this is what turns people on and is their sexual preference based on their sexual orientation. We also have a name for this in society, and we call these fetishes. Some people have a fetish for big people, some for skinny people, some for redheads et al. In life we also have people who have a fetish for children, these Smoke, in reality, we call paedophiles.

Now paedophiles Smoke, come in many sexual orientations. We have the paedophile who is homosexual, so they will prey on children based on their own sex. We also have the paedophile who is heterosexual, these predators will prey on children of the opposite sex. And we have the peadophile who is bisexual, who doesn't care less which sex in children, they abuse.

Now smoke are you still to arrogant and ignorant to know the difference, or has your intelligence taught you something.

Wow, I mean just, wow...
Your arrogance and ability to dance around the actual post you are replying to is just amazing. I am in awe of your grace in playing intellectual dodge ball.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Oh course you do also know, that many older cultures, used homosexuality as a form of demeaning and ridiculing their enemy, don't you? The same relationship still applies today in gaols, or are you not familar with reality?

Well they(THE MEN) also raped the enemies women..That DOESNT mean that if a man and a woman VOLUNTARILY have sex together"today" she is being raped because its used in WAR.




Well-Known Member
That final post, in relation to the referenced posts, is one of the most obvious cases of evasive maneuvering I have read from you in a while.

Anything which doesn't align with your view and proves your view complety wrong will always be , maneuvering to you tumbleweed. It is one way, a persons own intelligence stops them from learning.

By the way, nice maneuvering yourself, to avoid answering the question of reality. That way, you can keep your ignorance, which you already don't know.


Well-Known Member
Opposite sex relationships have a name too_Opposite sex forced sex has a name too.Its called "rape".

You are 100% Correct.

So if you are going to compare homosexuals having a sexual relationship to "peadophelia " why do that? Why is one of the consenting adults or "both of them" suddenly compared to children beign molested?What are they molesting each other at the same time? "Consentual molesting"?

Simply put, the amygdala will not be triggered (lay people will call this libido) if the sexual orientation of the person isn't triggered. A heterosexual person will not be turned on by a member of the same sex, in fact, it will have the direct opposite effect.

We are not talking rape here, we are discussing sexual orientation.

Get real...At least compare it to a man raping a woman.(or on the rare occasion a woman raping a man).Or a man raping a man or a woman raping a woman..(at least make them adults)

Get real? I couldn't be more real if I tried.

I have already stated above, as it pertains to rape, I agree with you 100%. Rape should be compared with rape. Sexual orientation to sexual orientation.

Try to even it up a little bit if you are going to compare consentual sex between two adults as some sort of rape then why bring children into the mix?(what to sensationlize it?)

You say, sensationalise, I say, to bring reality into it.

Just say "gay people volunteer to get together and rape each other" consentually.



That statement is completely irrational. It would be as ridiculous as saying, all heterosexual people rape each other, because a few abusive people in life do it.
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Depends Upon My Mood..
Anything which doesn't align with your view and proves your view complety wrong will always be , maneuvering to you tumbleweed. It is one way, a persons own intelligence stops them from learning.

By the way, nice maneuvering yourself, to avoid answering the question of reality. That way, you can keep your ignorance, which you already don't know.

Im not speaking for him but its not "anything" that doesnt "allign" with my view.

I do not see the "parrallel" to being homosexaul and having any more higher incidence of "peodophelia than that of heterosexuals.

Not to mention GROWN heterosexual men RAPE GROWN heterosexual Women at an ALARMING rate every single day.

So because you are a heterosexual male you are to be compared to a rapist right?




Well-Known Member
Well they(THE MEN) also raped the enemies women..That DOESNT mean that if a man and a woman VOLUNTARILY have sex together"today" she is being raped because its used in WAR.



Some of them did. Some raped just men, some just raped women, and some raped both sexes. Age was irrelevant.

You are completely right, if something is done voluntarily both parties concerned, it isn't abuse at all, it is pleasure.


Well-Known Member
Im not speaking for him but its not "anything" that doesnt "allign" with my view.

Unfortunately it is.

If you wish to try and make another sexual orientation that is your prerogative. Science and our total knowledge to date will not agree with you.

I do not see the "parrallel" to being homosexaul and having any more higher incidence of "peodophelia than that of heterosexuals.

Where did you pull that nonsense from. You are the only person so far to raise the issue of a higher incidence.

Not to mention GROWN heterosexual men RAPE GROWN heterosexual Women at an ALARMING rate every single day.

I have already agreed with that.

So because you are a heterosexual male you are to be compared to a rapist right?



If I rape a person I would be. If I don't rape a person, I wouldn't be. If I have sex with only same sex partners I would be homosexual. If I have sex with only opposite sex partners, I would be heterosexual. If I have sex with both sexes, I would be bisexual. That Dallas is what we call reality.
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Depends Upon My Mood..
You are 100% Correct.

Simply put, the amygdala will not be triggered (lay people will call this libido) if the sexual orientation of the person isn't triggered. A heterosexual person will not be turned on by a member of the same sex, in fact, it will have the direct opposite effect.

We are not talking rape here, we are discussing sexual orientation.

Get real? I couldn't be more real if I tried.

I have already stated above, as it pertains to rape, I agree with you 100%. Rape should be compared with rape. Sexual orientation to sexual orientation.

You say, sensationalise, I say, to bring reality into it.

That statement is completely irrational. It would be as rediculous as saying, all heterosexual people rape each other, because a few abusive people in life do it.

NO ..peadophilia is RAPE.PEROID ..and specifically RAPE of a CHILD.Wanting to have sex with MY children Im sorry will get you killed.Children are not "sexual beings"..

Grown adults wanting to have sex with other grown adults all interested in having sex is NOT the same is RAPING a child.

I will NEVER accept that a man wanting to have sexual relations with another man who wants to have sex with him or woman to woman is the same thing as a grown adult wanting to VIOLATE a child anymore than a man and a woman ADULT that want to have sexual relations with each other is the same as wanting to rape a child.

Crucify the child molesters..I'll be right there with you.




Depends Upon My Mood..
If I rape a person I would be. If I don't rape a person, I wouldn't be. If I have sex with only same sex partners I would be homosexual. If I have sex with only opposite sex partners, I would be heterosexual. If I have sex with both sexes, I would be bisexual.

Maybe Im not reading right..

How did you draw the "link" to homosexuals and peadophilia?

Because thats a seperate catergory.

There are sexual criminals and there are not sexual criminals.You are if Im reading right comparing homosexuals and their desire to be with same sex ADULTS to one of the most highest disgusting crimes you can committ...and on a child.

Do you even understand the gravity of child molestation and rape?The "attraction to children" how barbaric and warped it is?Where do YOU draw the line at comparing a homosexual to being a peadophile?

How aobut a 6 month old baby girl that was repeatedly raped?(by a heterosexual man none the less)

Just forget it..




Well-Known Member
NO ..peadophilia is RAPE.PEROID ..and specifically RAPE of a CHILD.Wanting to have sex with MY children Im sorry will get you killed.Children are not "sexual beings"..

You are getting more irrational.

I do not disagree with you, paedophilia is Rape. It is abuse. Paedophiles though have as sexual orientation. They are either homosexual, heterosexual, or they are bisexual.

Grown adults wanting to have sex with other grown adults all interested in having sex is NOT the same is RAPING a child.

I can only agree with you. They are not the same. I don't know how many times I can agree with you.

I will NEVER accept that a man wanting to have sexual relations with another man who wants to have sex with him or woman to woman is the same thing as a grown adult wanting to VIOLATE a child anymore than a man and a woman ADULT that want to have sexual relations with each other is the same as wanting to rape a child.

Rape is rape. Sexual orientation is sexual orientation.

Age is irrelevant to sexual orientation. A child knows at a very young age, what their sexual orientation is. They may not always understand it, but they know what it is.

Crucify the child molesters..I'll be right there with you.



I can only agree with you.


Well-Known Member
Maybe Im not reading right..

How did you draw the "link" to homosexuals and peadophilia?

Simply because as a fact of life, some peadophiles, are homosexual. Many ignorant people want to deny this fact, and make a completely new sexual orientation. Sunstone wanted to know what abuse there was in it and how some people could draw that analogy. I told sunstone how and why, papers and media promote it.

Because thats a seperate catergory.

There are sexual criminals and there are not sexual criminals.You are if Im reading right comparing homosexuals and their desire to be with same sex ADULTS to one of the most highest disgusting crimes you can committ...and on a child.

You are definately not reading right. You are based in an irrational and illogical position, based on your own minds creation. Reading between the lines and filling in gaps from your own mind.

Do you even understand the gravity of child molestation and rape?The "attraction to children" how barbaric and warped it is?Where do YOU draw the line at comparing a homosexual to being a peadophile?

Most probably more than you ever will. My job once was picking up the pieces after these childrens lives had been devasted.

How aobut a 6 month old baby girl that was repeatedly raped?(by a heterosexual man none the less)

Just forget it..



You are just proving my point. A heterosexual predator, rapes a girl.


Resident Liberal Hippie
"A random sample of 175 males convicted of sexual assault against children was screened with reference to their adult sexual orientation and the sex of their victims. The sample divided fairly evenly into two groups based on whether they were sexually fixated exclusively on children or had regressed from peer relationships. Female children were victimized nearly twice as often as male children. All regressed offenders, whether their victims were male or female children, were heterosexual in their adult orientation. There were no examples of regression to child victims among peer-oriented, homosexual males. The possibility emerges that homosexuality and homosexual pedophilia may be mutually exclusive and that the adult heterosexual male constitutes a greater risk to the underage child than does the adult homosexual male."
A.Nicholas Groth, Ph.D., H. Jean Birnbaum B.A.
Archives of Sexual Behavior
ISSN0004-0002 (Print) 1573-2800 (Online)


Resident Liberal Hippie
Anything which doesn't align with your view and proves your view complety wrong will always be , maneuvering to you tumbleweed. It is one way, a persons own intelligence stops them from learning.

By the way, nice maneuvering yourself, to avoid answering the question of reality. That way, you can keep your ignorance, which you already don't know.
Ooh. You stumbled a bit on that one. I am sure you can do better.


Well-Known Member
"A random sample of 175 males convicted of sexual assault against children was screened with reference to their adult sexual orientation and the sex of their victims. The sample divided fairly evenly into two groups based on whether they were sexually fixated exclusively on children or had regressed from peer relationships. Female children were victimized nearly twice as often as male children. All regressed offenders, whether their victims were male or female children, were heterosexual in their adult orientation. There were no examples of regression to child victims among peer-oriented, homosexual males. The possibility emerges that homosexuality and homosexual pedophilia may be mutually exclusive and that the adult heterosexual male constitutes a greater risk to the underage child than does the adult homosexual male."
A.Nicholas Groth, Ph.D., H. Jean Birnbaum B.A.
Archives of Sexual Behavior
ISSN0004-0002 (Print) 1573-2800 (Online)

Thank you for proving my case, and taking a more reasonable position.