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"Jesus was a compassionatie, super-intelligent gay man"


Well-Known Member
"Jesus was a compassionatie, super-intelligent gay man"

Please present evidence that the supposed Jesus was superintelligent. I would say the opposite is true, he couldn't figure out how to supposedly save mankind w/o going thru a tortuous death.

Surely a god could do better.


Done here.
Please present evidence that the supposed Jesus was superintelligent.
I was just quoting Elton John (except for the typo); I wasn't endorsing his statement. Bill Donohue of the Catholic League seems to think it offensive to characterize Jesus as superintelligent, so in the interest of maintaining good relations with our Christian friends it might be best to disavow the idea that Jesus was superintelligent.


Well-Known Member
"Jesus was a compassionatie, super-intelligent gay man"

Please present evidence that the supposed Jesus was superintelligent. I would say the opposite is true, he couldn't figure out how to supposedly save mankind w/o going thru a tortuous death.

Surely a god could do better.

An eye for an eye.


Well-Known Member
You're right Smoke.....many more nominations to go.

I never equated homosexual behavior with feelings of being gay. I don't believe history supports such a pretense. Homosexuality usually seems to be the abusive use of one person over another. That doesn't seem "GAY" to me but rather "SAD."


Resident Liberal Hippie
There were no gay men back then....
So exactly where does "gay" fit in?

I never equated homosexual behavior with feelings of being gay. I don't believe history supports such a pretense. Homosexuality usually seems to be the abusive use of one person over another. That doesn't seem "GAY" to me but rather "SAD."

Fortunately we do not have to rely on your obviously bigoted definitions.

Main Entry: 1ho·mo·sex·u·al
Pronunciation: \ˌhō-mə-ˈsek-sh(ə-)wəl, -ˈsek-shəl\
Function: adjective
Date: 1892
1 : of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same [COLOR=darkgreen ! important]sex[/color]
2 : of, relating to, or involving [COLOR=darkgreen ! important]sexual intercourse[/color] between persons of the same sex
— ho·mo·sex·u·al·ly adverb

Main Entry: 2homosexual
Function: noun
Date: 1892
: a homosexual person and especially a male

Homosexual - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Main Entry: 1gay
Pronunciation: \ˈgā\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French gai, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German gāhi quick, sudden
Date: 14th century
1 a : happily excited : merry <in a gay mood> b : keenly alive and exuberant : having or inducing high spirits <a bird's gay spring song>
2 a : bright, lively <gay sunny meadows> b : brilliant in color
3 : given to social pleasures; also : licentious
4 a : homosexual <gay men> b : of, relating to, or used by homosexuals <the [COLOR=darkgreen ! important]gay rights movement
[/color]> <a gay bar>

Main Entry: 2gay
Function: noun
Date: 1953
: homosexual; especially : a homosexual male

Gay - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Well-Known Member
I never equated homosexual behavior with feelings of being gay. I don't believe history supports such a pretense. Homosexuality usually seems to be the abusive use of one person over another. That doesn't seem "GAY" to me but rather "SAD."


Well-Known Member
"Jesus was a compassionatie, super-intelligent gay man"

Please present evidence that the supposed Jesus was superintelligent. I would say the opposite is true, he couldn't figure out how to supposedly save mankind w/o going thru a tortuous death.

Surely a god could do better.

Ah, in order to understand that, you must first have an understanding of the path of enlightenment Jesus left to follow. It is by far the quickest, most effective path of enlightenment we have on the planet.


Well-Known Member
Fortunately we do not have to rely on your obviously bigoted definitions.

Main Entry: 1ho·mo·sex·u·al
Pronunciation: \&#716;h&#333;-m&#601;-&#712;sek-sh(&#601;-)w&#601;l, -&#712;sek-sh&#601;l\
Function: adjective
Date: 1892
1 : of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same [COLOR=darkgreen ! important]sex[/color]
2 : of, relating to, or involving [COLOR=darkgreen ! important]sexual intercourse[/color] between persons of the same sex
— ho·mo·sex·u·al·ly adverb

Main Entry: 2homosexual
Function: noun
Date: 1892
: a homosexual person and especially a male

Homosexual - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Main Entry: 1gay
Pronunciation: \&#712;g&#257;\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French gai, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German g&#257;hi quick, sudden
Date: 14th century
1 a : happily excited : merry <in a gay mood> b : keenly alive and exuberant : having or inducing high spirits <a bird's gay spring song>
2 a : bright, lively <gay sunny meadows> b : brilliant in color
3 : given to social pleasures; also : licentious
4 a : homosexual <gay men> b : of, relating to, or used by homosexuals <the [COLOR=darkgreen ! important]gay rights movement
[/color]> <a gay bar>

Main Entry: 2gay
Function: noun
Date: 1953
: homosexual; especially : a homosexual male

Gay - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

1892 and 1953 do not sound ancient to me. "Sodomy," now that is an old term. "Gay" is not equated with that.


Resident Liberal Hippie
1892 and 1953 do not sound ancient to me. "Sodomy," now that is an old term. "Gay" is not equated with that.

Oh, I see. Your problem is with the use of English in descriptions of ancient times.

Is this better.

Paul seems to have invented a word combining the Greek words for male (Arsen) and sexual intercourse (Koitos) that he used in 1 Timothy as Arsenokoitai.

Malakia was used by Greeks as a description of effeminate homosexuals, or the male who takes the effeminate role in a male-male relationship.

Saphic, derived from the home of a famous writer of lesbian erotic poetry, was the common description of female-female lovers.

However, the ancient Greeks did not conceive of sexual orientation as a social identifier, as Western societies have done for the past century.

In ancient Japan, male lovers were known as nanshoku.
In ancient Korea, both homosexual men and lesbian women were referred to as hwarang, and still are.

BTW, could you find me the [FONT=arial,helvetica]Classical Latin word equivalent to the modern concept of ‘family’[/FONT]?


Well-Known Member
Oh, I see. Your problem is with the use of English in descriptions of ancient times.

Is this better.

Paul seems to have invented a word combining the Greek words for male (Arsen) and sexual intercourse (Koitos) that he used in 1 Timothy as Arsenokoitai.

Malakia was used by Greeks as a description of effeminate homosexuals, or the male who takes the effeminate role in a male-male relationship.

Saphic, derived from the home of a famous writer of lesbian erotic poetry, was the common description of female-female lovers.

However, the ancient Greeks did not conceive of sexual orientation as a social identifier, as Western societies have done for the past century.

In ancient Japan, male lovers were known as nanshoku.
In ancient Korea, both homosexual men and lesbian women were referred to as hwarang, and still are.

BTW, could you find me the [FONT=arial,helvetica]Classical Latin word equivalent to the modern concept of ‘family’[/FONT]?

I would suggest you give it up, LittleNipper has you on a technicality. LittleNipper was right, you were wrong, as your own evidence testifies. Gay wasn't inserted into the language as it pertains to homosexuality until 1953. Gay still isn't a term for homosexuals, in many languages and cultures around the world.

Admit you were wrong and move along.

Your use of Western Societies to define sexual inhibitions, is very limited and shows an ignorance to western based societies. Just what do you define as a Western Society?.... Your own culture?


Resident Liberal Hippie
I would suggest you give it up, LittleNipper has you on a technicality. LittleNipper was right, you were wrong, as your own evidence testifies. Gay wasn't inserted into the language as it pertains to homosexuality until 1953. Gay still isn't a term for homosexuals, in many languages and cultures around the world.

Admit you were wrong and move along.

Your use of Western Societies to define sexual inhibitions, is very limited and shows an ignorance to western based societies. Just what do you define as a Western Society?.... Your own culture?
Perhaps you should read more of the thread.

There were no gay men back then....

Now LilNip did not say the common slang term for homosexual men in America, or "gay" was not used in ancient times. He stated plainly that there were no "gay men back then". Now since I am sure he did not mean "happy" men, the meaning is clear.
Shall I translate for you?
"In ancient times, there were no men whose sexual preference was for other males."

He later supplied his own interpretations of Gay, Homosexual, and Sodomy.
It was after he was corrected that he resorted to the well know fact that words Gay and Homosexual are relatively recent terms.

Either way, his original statement was either incorrect, or poorly worded to purposefully mislead his intent.

As for your comments on Western Society. They are baseless and serve only to incite argument.

Unless you have something informational to contribute?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you should read more of the thread.

As per usual, I read the whole thread. Thank you.

Now LilNip did not say the common slang term for homosexual men in America, or "gay" was not used in ancient times. He stated plainly that there were no "gay men back then". Now since I am sure he did not mean "happy" men, the meaning is clear.
Shall I translate for you?
"In ancient times, there were no men whose sexual preference was for other males."

He later supplied his own interpretations of Gay, Homosexual, and Sodomy.
It was after he was corrected that he resorted to the well know fact that words Gay and Homosexual are relatively recent terms.

Either way, his original statement was either incorrect, or poorly worded to purposefully mislead his intent.

Save your justifications and excuses, I have the read the whole thread, I do not need you to tell me how to think or interpret what was said.

Pertaining to Gay, LittleNipper was right, albeit a technicality.

As for your comments on Western Society. They are baseless and serve only to incite argument.

Yeah, they were baseless, and you shouldn't have raised it in the first instance. I cannot blame you for wanting to distance yourself from those baseless claims now.

Unless you have something informational to contribute?

I already have contributed to it, pulling up some irrational and illogical statements made by some posters just my additional contribution.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Generally the papers and media tell people that, when people get caught in paedophilia. Most people share the same opinion in this respect, don't you? Do you not see abuse in it?
Equating homosexuality to pedophilia? Pedophilia is not homosexuality. There is a big difference between a relationship involving two consenting adults, whether homosexual or heterosexual, and the often abusive relationship involving an adult and underage child.
Anyone who would see a connection between homosexuality and pedophilia is making biased assumptions based on personal bigotry..