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"Jesus was a compassionatie, super-intelligent gay man"


Well-Known Member
And heterosexual men rape little boys..

So your MISSING the point..



Heterosexual men do not rape boys. It is an impossibility, the amygdala will not be triggered. A person who has a heterosexual relationship and a homosexual relationship has a bisexual sexual orientation.


Well-Known Member
Ooh. You stumbled a bit on that one. I am sure you can do better.

LOL I didn't stumble at all. I can't imagine why you thought you could get away with defining a completely new sexual orientation, just to prove some narrow point.
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Done here.
So if you are going to compare homosexuals having a sexual relationship to "peadophelia "
No, actually, that steaming pile of **** masquerading as a human equated homosexuality and pedophilia. It may try to weasel out of it and say that's not what it did, but it is. I've got the scumsucking son of a ***** on ignore, but unfortunately I still see what it says when people quote it.


Well-Known Member
No, actually, that steaming pile of **** masquerading as a human equated homosexuality and pedophilia. It may try to weasel out of it and say that's not what it did, but it is. I've got the scumsucking son of a ***** on ignore, but unfortunately I still see what it says when people quote it.

Oh Smoke, your arrogance and ignorance never ceases to amaze me.

Sunstone asked a question, I answered it, and referred to it as a media projection. The rest stems from your warped associations.

You really should seek medical advice pertaining to your condition.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Generally the papers and media tell people that, when people get caught in paedophilia. Most people share the same opinion in this respect, don't you? Do you not see abuse in it?

No, I do not see homosexuality as, to paraphrase Little Nipper, "the abusive use of one person by another." That's rot.


Well-Known Member
No, I do not see homosexuality as, to paraphrase Little Nipper, "the abusive use of one person by another." That's rot.

Not even when it relates to paedophillia, hmmm interesting.

What about the abusive use as seen in prisons? Do you not see this either?

There is abuse in most things. Shame you cannot see it.

From my experience, I have found, it is due to such abuses, which stop otherwise rational and logical people, seeing the truth of reality. Pretending they do not exist, that they don't happen, just strengthens the homophobic cause.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Not even when it relates to paedophillia, hmmm interesting.

What about the abusive use as seen in prisons? Do you not see this either?

There is abuse in most things. Shame you cannot see it.

From my experience, I have found, it is due to such abuses, which stop otherwise rational and logical people, seeing the truth of reality. Pretending they do not exist, that they don't happen, just strengthens the homophobic cause.

You are reading way more into what I'm saying that is justified. Nowhere did I say I condoned pedophilia, rape, or other abuses.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, I can't return the advice, as doctors probably can't do anything about your being a smarmy, slimy, lying, hypocritical kunt.

LOL now if only the whole world was so tolerant, so rational and reasonable as you. Hell, we would all be dead.

Go and take a chill pill. Next time don't be so irrational, illogical and unreasonable. If your arrogance and ignorance didn't teach you anything last time, perhaps it will this time. Either that, if the problem persists see a medical professional to assist you with your problems and issues.

Have a great day.
What a ridiculous argument!

Pedophiles can be of EITHER sexual orientation. Pedophiles can also like different types of ice cream, have different hair colors and like different types of music. So what?

The attempt to correlate the two in this instance, based on what looks like nothing but religious conviction, is underhanded, yet par for the course for the member in question.


Well-Known Member
You are reading way more into what I'm saying that is justified. Nowhere did I say I condoned pedophilia, rape, or other abuses.

Right, now we may be able to get back on track. Unfortunately in life, we must live with the good and the bad, and be able to reasonably, look at both if the problem is ever going to be resolved.

An unfortunate side effect of paedophillia is that it is released by the media. The media will argue they have a responsibility to report the news. I cannot argue against that fact, albeit many times, I wish they would do it more responsibly.

The problem being with it, in many cases the biggest headlines come from organisations where young boys have been the primary target of these predators. What this does is feeds human perception, and it will feed human perception the way a human relates to it.

For most people in society, they will just see the paedophillia, and decry it and those who perpetrate it. A normal reaction and emotional position.

This is not so for the homophobic. They will see things through different eyes simple due to the phobia they carry. Reports such as these, strengthen their cause, and makes them believe their cause is right. They will not only see the wrong in it as normal people in society do, they will also see the cause and know who and what to blame. They will look upon this, the same way as they see the spread of AIDS and also know who is to blame.

And that sunstone, is my position of reasoning.
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Well-Known Member
What a ridiculous argument!

Pedophiles can be of EITHER sexual orientation. Pedophiles can also like different types of ice cream, have different hair colors and like different types of music. So what?

The attempt to correlate the two in this instance, based on what looks like nothing but religious conviction, is underhanded, yet par for the course for the member in question.

I am glad to see you align with my thinking.


Resident Liberal Hippie
"A random sample of 175 males convicted of sexual assault against children was screened with reference to their adult sexual orientation and the sex of their victims. The sample divided fairly evenly into two groups based on whether they were sexually fixated exclusively on children or had regressed from peer relationships. Female children were victimized nearly twice as often as male children. All regressed offenders, whether their victims were male or female children, were heterosexual in their adult orientation. There were no examples of regression to child victims among peer-oriented, homosexual males. The possibility emerges that homosexuality and homosexual pedophilia may be mutually exclusive and that the adult heterosexual male constitutes a greater risk to the underage child than does the adult homosexual male."
A.Nicholas Groth, Ph.D., H. Jean Birnbaum B.A.
Archives of Sexual Behavior
ISSN0004-0002 (Print) 1573-2800 (Online)

Thank you for proving my case, and taking a more reasonable position.

Heterosexual men do not rape boys. It is an impossibility, the amygdala will not be triggered. A person who has a heterosexual relationship and a homosexual relationship has a bisexual sexual orientation.


Well-Known Member


LOL understand what your evidence offers. The perpetrators were hetrosexual in their adult orientation which means if they preyed on young boys, they would have been homosexual in their child orientation. This would make them bisexual in the total picture of life. However I do understand you want to change our definition of sexual orientation to keep your faith of belief.
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Resident Liberal Hippie

LOL understand what your evidence offers. The perpetrators were hetrosexual in their adult orientation which means if they preyed on young boys, they would have been homosexual in their child orientation. This would make them bisexual in the total picture of life. However I do understand you want to change our definition of sexual orientation to keep your faith of belief.
I would like to know where you got your information.
According to the APA, pedophilia, hebephilia, and ephebophilia are psychological disorders.
Among the offender types are...

  • Situational - does not prefer children, but offend under certain conditions.
    • Regressed - Typically has relationships with adults, but a stressor causes them to seek children as a substitute.
    • Morally Indiscriminate - All-around sexual deviant, who may commit other sexual offenses unrelated to children.
    • Naive/Inadequate - Often mentally disabled in some way, finds children less threatening.
  • Preferential - has true sexual interest in children.
    • Mysoped - Sadistic and violent, target strangers more often than acquaintances.
    • Fixated - Little or no activity with own age, described as an "overgrown child."

"Another problem related to terminology arises because sexual abuse of male children by adult men is often referred to as "homosexual molestation." The adjective "homosexual" (or "heterosexual" when a man abuses a female child) refers to the victim's gender in relation to that of the perpetrator. Unfortunately, people sometimes mistakenly interpret it as referring to the perpetrator's sexual orientation.
To avoid this confusion, it is preferable to refer to men's sexual abuse of boys with the more accurate label of male-male molestation. Similarly, it is preferable to refer to men's abuse of girls as male-female molestation. These labels are more accurate because they describe the sex of the individuals involved but don't implicitly convey unwarranted assumptions about the perpetrator's sexual orientation. "
Dr Gregory Herek, Professor of Psychology at the University of California at Davis.

Could you show me your sources for "heterosexual pedophilia", "homosexual pedophilia" and "bisexual pedophilia".

Or are you just keeping faith in your belief?
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Well-Known Member
So says Elton John in an interview with Parade magazine, if you can call it an interview. Parade.com features (here) a collection of random quotes presented without context or elaboration.
His take on Christianity.
"I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems. On the cross, he forgave the people who crucified him. Jesus wanted us to be loving and forgiving. I don't know what makes people so cruel. Try being a gay woman in the Middle East -- you're as good as dead."

We are living in a period of time just before Jesus comes at Armageddon to bring about the end of this wicked system. People are living any way they want because they have rejected God and His Word. Homosexuality is condemned both in the Hebrew Scriptures and in the Greek Scriptures, Lev 20:13, 18:22, Rom 1:26-28 ,32,1Cor 6:9,10, 1Tim 1:9,10, Jude 7. Since God says their will be no homosexuals in His Kingdom, it means that any who are practicing homosexuality at the coming of Jesus will be destroyed, forever, Rev 20:15, 21:8.
Notice that, even though God considers homosexuality as disgusting, God does not separate them from other wicked acts. All will be destroyed who do not KNOW GOD, and who do not OBEY Jesus, 2Thes 1:6-9. Remember that the Bible tells us that ALL scripture is inspired by God and is for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, for teaching, 2Tim 3:16,17. 2Pet 1:20,21.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
We are living in a period of time just before Jesus comes at Armageddon to bring about the end of this wicked system. People are living any way they want because they have rejected God and His Word. Homosexuality is condemned both in the Hebrew Scriptures and in the Greek Scriptures, Lev 20:13, 18:22, Rom 1:26-28 ,32,1Cor 6:9,10, 1Tim 1:9,10, Jude 7. Since God says their will be no homosexuals in His Kingdom, it means that any who are practicing homosexuality at the coming of Jesus will be destroyed, forever, Rev 20:15, 21:8.
Notice that, even though God considers homosexuality as disgusting, God does not separate them from other wicked acts. All will be destroyed who do not KNOW GOD, and who do not OBEY Jesus, 2Thes 1:6-9. Remember that the Bible tells us that ALL scripture is inspired by God and is for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, for teaching, 2Tim 3:16,17. 2Pet 1:20,21.

Any god that destroyed homosexuals merely because they were homosexuals would be immoral and unworthy of worship.


Resident Liberal Hippie
We are living in a period of time just before Jesus comes at Armageddon to bring about the end of this wicked system. People are living any way they want because they have rejected God and His Word. Homosexuality is condemned both in the Hebrew Scriptures and in the Greek Scriptures, Lev 20:13, 18:22, Rom 1:26-28 ,32,1Cor 6:9,10, 1Tim 1:9,10, Jude 7. Since God says their will be no homosexuals in His Kingdom, it means that any who are practicing homosexuality at the coming of Jesus will be destroyed, forever, Rev 20:15, 21:8.
Notice that, even though God considers homosexuality as disgusting, God does not separate them from other wicked acts. All will be destroyed who do not KNOW GOD, and who do not OBEY Jesus, 2Thes 1:6-9. Remember that the Bible tells us that ALL scripture is inspired by God and is for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, for teaching, 2Tim 3:16,17. 2Pet 1:20,21.
So we have determined that Jesus was neither Homosexual nor Compassionate.....


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Remember that the Bible tells us that ALL scripture is inspired by God and is for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, for teaching, 2Tim 3:16,17. 2Pet 1:20,21.
The Bible tells us that Paul (or whoever wrote those passages) thought that everything he considered "scripture" was good. There's nothing in the Bible that tells us that Paul thought his own writings were scripture, and he certainly couldn't have been describing books that were written later.

I wish Jesus was gay. Then maybe people would stop being so homophobic
I think if Jesus were gay, then the homophobes would just move to another religion.