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"Jesus was a compassionatie, super-intelligent gay man"


Well-Known Member
So... you don't hold to the traditional Christian view that Jesus is both fully God and fully man?

Of course JESUS was a man; however, HE was not fathered and HE (as CHRIST) certainly existed prior to HIS incarnation. JESUS told satan, "Thou shall not tempt the LORD thy GOD..." Obviously, satan was tempting JESUS, but JESUS could not allow HIMSELF to succumb.


Veteran Member
Of course JESUS was a man; however, HE was not fathered and HE (as CHRIST) certainly existed prior to HIS incarnation. JESUS told satan, "Thou shall not tempt the LORD thy GOD..." Obviously, satan was tempting JESUS, but JESUS could not allow HIMSELF to succumb.

Didn't the church have to do a dogma switchback somewhere along the line when it was discovered that women contribute 50% of DNA? At that point wasn't it decided that Mary was conceived immaculately (sp?) too?


Well-Known Member
Cite them.
The evidence for the existence of Jesus is incontrovertible. Even His enemies agree. The Jews made reference to Him in their Talmud, a companion to their Scriptures. The Jewish historian Josephus, an eyewitness to these things, wrote about him. So did Mohammad when writing the Koran. According to a Time magazine cover story Buddhist documents contain reference to Him.
Scholars who’ve set out to prove once and for all that Jesus didn’t exist have been forced by the evidence to change their minds, often becoming believers in the process. The most famous of these are C.S. Lewis, Josh MacDowell and Simon Greenleaf, a legendary Harvard law professor who “wrote the book” on admissible courtroom evidence. Applying his own rules to the gospels, he concluded that Jesus had to have existed.
There are over 5000 historical source documents to support the validity of the New Testament, much more than any other ancient book. All the Gospels were published within the lifetimes of eyewitnesses, and yet there’s no record of anyone ever refuting their veracity.
The Romans tried for 250 years to stamp out Christianity before accepting it as their state religion. By that time the New Testament had been a published fact for two centuries.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Of course JESUS was a man; however, HE was not fathered and HE (as CHRIST) certainly existed prior to HIS incarnation.
And are sexual relations part of the fullness of life as a man?

JESUS told satan, "Thou shall not tempt the LORD thy GOD..." Obviously, satan was tempting JESUS, but JESUS could not allow HIMSELF to succumb.
"Tempt"? I thought that was "test". Either way, the context makes it clear that "the LORD thy GOD" in that verse refers to God the Father, not Jesus.


Well-Known Member
And are sexual relations part of the fullness of life as a man?

"Tempt"? I thought that was "test". Either way, the context makes it clear that "the LORD thy GOD" in that verse refers to God the Father, not Jesus.

I would have to say no. Sexual activity does not make the man or woman. Fullness has to do with maturity. GOD is GOD. None of the GODHEAD can be temped.

John D

So says Elton John in an interview with Parade magazine, if you can call it an interview. Parade.com features (here) a collection of random quotes presented without context or elaboration.
His take on Christianity.
"I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems. On the cross, he forgave the people who crucified him. Jesus wanted us to be loving and forgiving. I don't know what makes people so cruel. Try being a gay woman in the Middle East -- you're as good as dead."

And the Buddah is a Rapper.....


Well-Known Member
Didn't the church have to do a dogma switchback somewhere along the line when it was discovered that women contribute 50% of DNA? At that point wasn't it decided that Mary was conceived immaculately (sp?) too?

The immaculate conception is a dogma of the Roman Catholic church. I do not believe Mary was born without sin. If Mary could be born without original sin with two sinful human parents, it would make no sense that JESUS needed one sinless parent to be born without sin.

I believe Mary was a very righteous young lady who loved GOD and she was selected by GOD as the vessel through which the LORD CHRIST JESUS would come into the world. She certainly played a very important part. But she grew old and died just like everyone else. She needed a SAVIOR. Mary was greatly blessed.


Well-Known Member
If you understood God's word the Bible, you would know Jesus was not God, he never said he was God, or even wanted the Jews he preached to believe he was God in carnate. He was sent from God, that means he was a spirit angelic son of God before he was sent to earth, he was the only begotten son of God in heaven.

His life in heaven was that of the chief of all angels, as Michael the Archangel the prince of heaven. His life as a spirit was transfered into the fertilized egg to produce a baby boy born to Mary, a miracle since she was a virgin.

Angels are not immortal, and men are not immortal both can die, or be destroyed. Adam the only begotten son of God created as man, sinned and lost the hope of everlasting life for mankind. All men would have to inherit that death, Jesus was sent as the redeemer of mankind. Now men could have the hope of everlasting life in paradise on earth once again.
Jesus willingly gave his life as a sacrifice so men can gain forgiveness for their sins. As the Lamb of God, you can be forgiven based on the blood of Jesus.

If you repent and become obedient to the requirements Jesus gave his followers to obey. Otherwise you are not among the many he gave his life for. Matt. 20:28

God is immortal, was never created for he always was and always will be, and cannot die.

CHRIST is immortal. John 8:58 Jesus said to them, 'Verily, verily, I say to you, Before Abraham's coming -- I am;'

This is the liternal translation of the verse. The New World Translation of this verse is in ERROR ---- which was so translated to imply their trachings and not the truth.

The term "I AM" is present tense. It means "always here." JESUS is saying that before Abraham was, HE exists.

Adam was a created being. Adam didn't emanate from GOD. He was created, just as GOD created earth, plants, and animals. GOD breathed on Adam and made him a living soul. CHRIST JESUS is the ONLY beggotten SON of GOD. HE does in fact eminate from the GODHEAD. As believers we become adopted to GOD. JESUS needed no such adoption. It is through JESUS we maybe adopted.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Adam was a created being. Adam didn't emanate from GOD. He was created, just as GOD created earth, plants, and animals. GOD breathed on Adam and made him a living soul. CHRIST JESUS is the ONLY beggotten SON of GOD. HE does in fact eminate from the GODHEAD. As believers we become adopted to GOD. JESUS needed no such adoption. It is through JESUS we maybe adopted.
So, then, Jesus couldn't really have been the Second Adam, since Jesus was there first?


Resident Liberal Hippie
The immaculate conception is a dogma of the Roman Catholic church. I do not believe Mary was born without sin. If Mary could be born without original sin with two sinful human parents, it would make no sense that JESUS needed one sinless parent to be born without sin.

Why would it make no sense? Is original sin passed on from birth or not?


Resident Liberal Hippie
I'm talking about the supposed immaculate birth of Mary. JESUS would not have needed only one parent if a "sinless" Mary could be born to two sinfull parents....
Are you saying Mary was without sin? Or are you saying that she did not pass her sinful nature to her son?


Done here.
Didn't the church have to do a dogma switchback somewhere along the line when it was discovered that women contribute 50% of DNA? At that point wasn't it decided that Mary was conceived immaculately (sp?) too?
In the Roman Catholic Church, the pious belief in the Immaculate Conception goes back to the 11th or 12th century. I think Bernard of Clairvaux was a big proponent, but not the originator of it. Pius IX made it official RC dogma in 1854 -- before DNA was discovered. Pius, who was crazy as a bedbug, was also in office when the dogmas of papal infallibility was proclaimed and was the first Pope to declare himself a prisoner in the Vatican because he refused to recognize Italy's taking of the former Papal States.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying Mary was without sin? Or are you saying that she did not pass her sinful nature to her son?

I am saying Mary was sinful in generic terms and she could not pass this sin nature on to JESUS the CHRIST because of how JESUS was manifested through Mary but without human sperm.