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LDS letter on same-sex marriage


Intentionally Blank
Society has adopted the wisdom in God’s design, the natural attraction of a males and females to pairing for life, so as to have stability in society, to form families that are the smallest unit into which a society divides, this is what makes societies grow. When love degenerates, we have more and more degenerations such as men leaving the natural use of the woman and women leaving the natural use of their bodies, and we have what we have now. What would be the benefit to society to sanction such union?
Because, emiliano, everything that you said applies to gay people as well. We have families, need stability, etc., just like straight people, but with more love and less societal expectation. Gay people aren't some form of degeneration; wer'e just a normal variation. Get used to it.


Well-Known Member
Because, emiliano, everything that you said applies to gay people as well. We have families, need stability, etc., just like straight people, but with more love and less societal expectation. Gay people aren't some form of degeneration; wer'e just a normal variation. Get used to it.

Well these behaviours seem quite unnatural to me.
what happens to their natural instint to propagate their kind?


Stripling Warrior
The gay rights movement wants society to treat same sex marriage as a "Norm". Are they going to conceed that what is good for one group is good for all and does that mean that me and my monkey should be able to get married and expect all the rights and priveleges afforded a monogoumouse relatiopnship?

At first it may sound like a stupid question but the principle applies, just where will it end. There will always be some special interest group on the outside looking in that wants a piece of the social pie. I would be willing to bet that if the gay rights movement got mainstream status they would be right there moving against anyone else with a social push wanting the same consideration. I may not have specific dates and places but, please, don't insult my intelligence again, we all know that homosexuality has been around for a long time and has yet to gain the social status of monogamous marriage, and the concepts of faith, hope, charity, and the love of God just to name a few. Call it commandment, call it natural selection, call it whatever you want but society consistently ejects the concept from mainstream acceptance for what I, considering my faith in the intelligence mankind overall, have to consider good reasons.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
The gay rights movement wants society to treat same sex marriage as a "Norm". Are they going to conceed that what is good for one group is good for all and does that mean that me and my monkey should be able to get married and expect all the rights and priveleges afforded a monogoumouse relatiopnship?
Can your monkey sign and understand the legal document of marriage? If not, then your point is moot and useless. Try again when you actually understand the issue and the mechanics of it.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Society has adopted the wisdom in God’s design, the natural attraction of a males and females to pairing for life, so as to have stability in society, to form families that are the smallest unit into which a society divides, this is what makes societies grow. When love degenerates, we have more and more degenerations such as men leaving the natural use of the woman and women leaving the natural use of their bodies, and we have what we have now. What would be the benefit to society to sanction such union?
It comes from love and therefore comes from God.

The gay rights movement wants society to treat same sex marriage as a "Norm". Are they going to conceed that what is good for one group is good for all and does that mean that me and my monkey should be able to get married and expect all the rights and priveleges afforded a monogoumouse relatiopnship?
Exactly what would it mean to share the legal rights, responsibilities and benefits of marriage with a monkey?

- your assets would be communal, but the monkey can't own any assets anyhow and wouldn't be capable of exercising control over yours.
- the monkey would have de facto power of attorney for you when you're incapacitated... though the monkey wouldn't be capable of exercising it.
- you can file your income tax return jointly, though it wouldn't be legal for a monkey to file a tax return either jointly or individually.
- if you die, the monkey would be legal guardian of your children, though it wouldn't be capable of actually legally performing any of the duties that go with that position.

Are you beginning to understand why your question wasn't a good one?

All that aside, I imagine that the day that monkeys are considered on equal status with people and are considered to be capable of rational, informed consent, the vast majority of the people in the same-sex marriage movement would support your decision to marry your monkey.

However, I wouldn't hold my breath for this to happen.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. Interesting. So there are people going around calling themselves Christian who really aren't? I guess you have the authority to decide who is and is not a Real Christian? What about the people who say you're not a Real Christian? How did you get to be in charge of making this determination? Actually, you've already told us that you do not abide by the Bible's words, but twist it to impose your own prejudice on others. Is that Real Christianity?

That’s the Authority of the Church, that’s why it was established for.


Intentionally Blank
The gay rights movement wants society to treat same sex marriage as a "Norm". Are they going to conceed that what is good for one group is good for all and does that mean that me and my monkey should be able to get married and expect all the rights and priveleges afforded a monogoumouse relatiopnship?

Are monkeys part of society?

Did female suffrage lead to hamster suffrage?

Can you think of any differences between people and monkeys, directly related to marriage, or are you retarded?

At first it may sound like a stupid question but the principle applies,
No, it doesn't.
just where will it end. There will always be some special interest group on the outside looking in that wants a piece of the social pie. I would be willing to bet that if the gay rights movement got mainstream status they would be right there moving against anyone else with a social push wanting the same consideration. I may not have specific dates and places but, please, don't insult my intelligence again, we all know that homosexuality has been around for a long time and has yet to gain the social status of monogamous marriage, and the concepts of faith, hope, charity, and the love of God just to name a few. Call it commandment, call it natural selection, call it whatever you want but society consistently ejects the concept from mainstream acceptance for what I, considering my faith in the intelligence mankind overall, have to consider good reasons.
Call it bigotry.


Well-Known Member
It comes from love and therefore comes from God.quote]

Not this love, it ain’t! The lesbian’s love is the consequences of men sins, abandoning their natural use, God gave them to all sort of degeneration, they lusted after other men and their women for women, He have them into perdition. And It comes from God’s anger, He does anger, you know?


Intentionally Blank
It comes from love and therefore comes from God.quote]

Not this love, it ain’t! The lesbian’s love is the consequences of men sins, abandoning their natural use, God gave them to all sort of degeneration, they lusted after other men and their women for women, He have them into perdition. And It comes from God’s anger, He does anger, you know?

Wow, thanks, God, for the most beautiful love in the world.
I'm sorry you don't know true love, emiliano. It's the greatest gift in the world. If you did, you would know the difference between love and perdition.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
:eek: He didn’t, it is behavioural, there is no such thing as Gay gender.
My gender is female. My sexual orientation is lesbian. There is a difference.

If it were behavioral that would mean heterosexuality is behavioral as well and therefore subject to change too. :)


Well-Known Member
What church is that? The Metropolitan Community Church, a mainstream Christian Church with a special outreach to the gay community?
All churches excommunicate this individuals, they don't have properly ordained minister they are not Christians, to be a Christian one have to adhere to Chistian's tenets.