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LDS letter on same-sex marriage


Well-Known Member
My gender is female. My sexual orientation is lesbian. There is a difference.

If it were behavioral that would mean heterosexuality is behavioral as well and therefore subject to change too. :)
You are a female that behaves in an unnatural way, gay is not a gender, heterosexuality is an instinct to preserve one's kind. And is apropriate to one's body, our wonderous disign.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
You are a female that behaves in an unnatural way, gay is not a gender, heterosexuality is an instinct to preserve one's kind. And is apropriate to one's body, our wonderous disign.
Dude, gay is not a gender, it is a sexual orientation. And the only thing that is unnatural for me is trying to be something or someone that I am not; I am not heterosexual. I have no desire to have sex or romantic relationships with men. Period. I desire that sort of thing with women. It is who I am and I believe this comes from "God". Deny it all you want but it doesn't make me go away or cease to exist.


Depends Upon My Mood..
You are a female that behaves in an unnatural way, gay is not a gender, heterosexuality is an instinct to preserve one's kind. And is apropriate to one's body, our wonderous disign.

Yes hetero sexuality is...

And so is gay...

They are BOTH natural...

And who exactly are you preserving by the way???




Depends Upon My Mood..
IIRC, that's from a passage about lawsuits. What's your point, exactly?


I have seen Christian men DIVORCE their wife'sa using Matt 21 as an excuse...(because she wouldnt screw him enough!!!!! LOL)

It was originated so men would stop suing each other over monetary DEBT!


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Intentionally Blank
All churches excommunicate this individuals, they don't have properly ordained minister they are not Christians, to be a Christian one have to adhere to Chistian's tenets.
Well we've already established that it's not a Christian tenet, and that you're not much of a Christian, as you impose your own prejudice on God's holy word. In fact there are thousands of Churches who don't excommunicate gay people, an entire church with a special mission to gay people, and at least one mainstream gay bishop. Guess what, you're not in charge of Christianity.


Stripling Warrior
Get off the monkey issue will you, it was an allegory meant to dramatize a point and besides a monkey can be trained to sign its name and can show extreme affection. Lets go with 40-year-old men and 10 year old girls who love each other dearly, how about two severely mentally challenged individuals who insist on being left alone because they refuse to acknowledge the trials and pitfalls of such an arrangment, what about the rights of a child who deserves both a mother and father, will it be OK to adopt Islamic attitudes toward women (the world is rife with men and women that support that stance), how about, how about, how about. Your instant indignation at the thought of what I said earlier indicates you are not as open minded as you might want everyone to think and even you think that there are boundaries that should not be crossed, OH, wait a minute – as long as they aren’t boundaries the YOU want to cross (that’s different). I remember when a movie showing the cleavage of Elizabeth Taylor was banned from television for being lewd and now scenes on TV that rank just short of pornography are common.

What I am trying to say is that pushing the envelope never stops, yesterday’s absolute taboos are now social norms and the envelope continues to expand until the time-tested values upon which our nation was founded are buried so deeply in "wisdom be damned" attitudes that we will all suffer, ultimately faring no better than did ancient Rome or Greece, but hey, as it was so insightfully pointed out to me, we all go to go sometime and what fun is building something if you can't tear it down and start again.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Not this love, it ain’t! The lesbian’s love is the consequences of men sins, abandoning their natural use, God gave them to all sort of degeneration, they lusted after other men and their women for women, He have them into perdition. And It comes from God’s anger, He does anger, you know?
Interesting. So the love that two humans feel for one another can be the result of “God’s Anger”. If this is the case then I think we should do all we can to make “God” as angry as we can as often as we can. The world needs all the love it can get.


Intentionally Blank
Get off the monkey issue will you, it was an allegory meant to dramatize a point and besides a monkey can be trained to sign its name and can show extreme affection.
Hey, we didn't bring it up, you did.
Lets go with 40-year-old men and 10 year old girls who love each other dearly,
Think. Think really hard. Can you see any relevant distinction? Anything at all come to mind?
how about two severely mentally challenged individuals who insist on being left alone because they refuse to acknowledge the trials and pitfalls of such an arrangment,
I think they should be able to marry, which does not affect whether they can care for themselves.
what about the rights of a child who deserves both a mother and father,
Wha about my children, who are dong just fine with two moms, thanks.
will it be OK to adopt Islamic attitudes toward women (the world is rife with men and women that support that stance),
Could you get a little further off the subject if you tried?
how about, how about, how about.
How ab out judging each case on its merits?
Your instant indignation at the thought of what I said earlier indicates you are not as open minded as you might want everyone to think and even you think that there are boundaries that should not be crossed, OH, wait a minute – as long as they aren’t boundaries the YOU want to cross (that’s different). I remember when a movie showing the cleavage of Elizabeth Taylor was banned from television for being lewd and now scenes on TV that rank just short of pornography are common.
No, it just indicates the ability to reason. That's because we don't base our world view on superstition and magic.

What I am trying to say is that pushing the envelope never stops, yesterday’s absolute taboos are now social norms and the envelope continues to expand until the time-tested values upon which our nation was founded are buried so deeply in "wisdom be damned" attitudes that we will all suffer, ultimately faring no better than did ancient Rome or Greece, but hey, as it was so insightfully pointed out to me, we all go to go sometime and what fun is building something if you can't tear it down and start again.
The time tested values up on which our nation was founded are equality, liberty, and freedom. It's time that people like you learned to honor them.


Depends Upon My Mood..
[QUOTEyesterday’s absolute taboos are now social norms][/QUOTE]

I agree...but WHY were they taboo in the first place?..Some need to remain taboo IMHO and some do not...



Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Get off the monkey issue will you, it was an allegory meant to dramatize a point ....
Then you acknowledge you have no point. Good. Start over.
Lets go with 40-year-old men and 10 year old girls who love each other dearly,
Again, you must be an adult to sign a legal document.
Your instant indignation at the thought of what I said earlier indicates you are not as open minded as you might want everyone to think and even you think that there are boundaries that should not be crossed,

Of course there are boundaries that should not be crossed. But tell me what forbidden boundaries are crossed by allowing same sex couples equal legal protections? There are already gay people in the world, and they're already having sex, living together, raising families... just what in society is going to crumple if the government legally recognizes these couples as equal to hetero couples in the eyes of the law? (btw, this has on bearing on your's or anyone else's religion and it's attitude towards marriage and gay people)
OH, wait a minute – as long as they aren’t boundaries the YOU want to cross
OH, wait a minute - no one is asking YOU to have a same sex marriage - so don't worry, you don't have to cross that boundary if you don't want to. ;)
What I am trying to say is that pushing the envelope never stops, yesterday’s absolute taboos are now social norms and the envelope continues to expand until the time-tested values upon which our nation was founded are buried so deeply in "wisdom be damned" attitudes that we will all suffer,
Have you ever heard of the term "Slippery slope fallacy"? Look it up.


Well-Known Member
The gay rights movement wants society to treat same sex marriage as a "Norm". Are they going to conceed that what is good for one group is good for all and does that mean that me and my monkey should be able to get married and expect all the rights and priveleges afforded a monogoumouse relatiopnship?

At first it may sound like a stupid question but the principle applies, just where will it end. There will always be some special interest group on the outside looking in that wants a piece of the social pie. I would be willing to bet that if the gay rights movement got mainstream status they would be right there moving against anyone else with a social push wanting the same consideration. I may not have specific dates and places but, please, don't insult my intelligence again, we all know that homosexuality has been around for a long time and has yet to gain the social status of monogamous marriage, and the concepts of faith, hope, charity, and the love of God just to name a few. Call it commandment, call it natural selection, call it whatever you want but society consistently ejects the concept from mainstream acceptance for what I, considering my faith in the intelligence mankind overall, have to consider good reasons.

Is heterosexuality a lifestyle?