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Legalize Marijuana?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Why do you think that he doesn’t smoke weed when she is around? What is he afraid of? Is he ashamed?
Assuming that you don't have sex when children are around, which is it that you're ashamed of: sex or your wife?

Or, just maybe, while you consider certain things to be morally acceptable, you recognize that they're not appropriate in all situations or in the presence of all company. The same thing presumably applies here.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Assuming that you don't have sex when children are around, which is it that you're ashamed of: sex or your wife?

Or, just maybe, while you consider certain things to be morally acceptable, you recognize that they're not appropriate in all situations or in the presence of all company. The same thing presumably applies here.

I agree..and if its a child?..You do have to consider the second hand smoke.It can cause lung problems and allergies.Not to mention if its thick enough in the air they can absorb THC into their systems.Growing children can be develpmentally stunted by injestion of THC and or alcohol.

Now with alcohol you can have a drink..and it doesnt enter the bloodstream of by standers.With pot it can.Thats why I wouldnt smoke it around a child.Or an adult who was opposed to the exposure of the second hand smoke.Obvoiusly I wouldnt smoke pot at all because it is illegal.But still..If it was ..I wouldnt smoke it around children or any adult opposed ..especially if someone has asthma or something.


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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
It seems that for most people Psychosis=aggression/violence but is not the case. There are other effects that make the condition a dangerous and undesirable condition of the mind, in short it can be said the Psychosis is the lost of reality and it symptoms include:
Hallucinations (seeing, hearing feeling or tasting things that other people don’t)
Difficulty filtering stimulation from the environment
Delusions (false personal beliefs based on incorrect inferences about reality which are inconsistent with culture and previous beliefs, and which are firmly sustained in spite of evidence or proof to the contrary)
Confused thinking or speech
Difficulty doing ordinary things (often includes problems with memory, attention, putting thoughts together)
Inability telling what is real from what is not
Has any of the participant on this discussion worked with a marijuana user?
Some of the most common signs of psychosis that others may see include:
A dramatic deterioration in functioning at school or home
Social withdrawal
Dramatic changes in sleep pattern
Statements or behaviour that are bizarre and inconsistent with what’s going on around them
Psychotic people are not always violent, one of the effect of marijuana is the inhibition that produces in the user, they do and say things that they would not normally do, they take risk that they would not normally take, financial risk, health risk, take risk with their reputation etc.

I'm sorry but thats just utter nonsense,i have never,never one more time never seen anybody affected in this way

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I agree..and if its a child?..You do have to consider the second hand smoke.It can cause lung problems and allergies.Not to mention if its thick enough in the air they can absorb THC into their systems.Growing children can be develpmentally stunted by injestion of THC and or alcohol.

Now with alcohol you can have a drink..and it doesnt enter the bloodstream of by standers.With pot it can.Thats why I wouldnt smoke it around a child.Or an adult who was opposed to the exposure of the second hand smoke.Obvoiusly I wouldnt smoke pot at all because it is illegal.But still..If it was ..I wouldnt smoke it around children or any adult opposed ..especially if someone has asthma or something.



I will not smoke anything indoors and for all the reasons you have mentioned.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I wanted to touch on a post that mentioned weed causes depression.

Here are my thoughts on that..If you arent already depressed..Weed isnt going to plumit you into a world of despair.If you are already depressed?..I truly believe you may use pot to lift you up out of it.i.e "self medication".And it is indeed a drug that "depresses" the nervous system..So it could "worsen" an existing depression...Just like ALCOHOL>

But out of the two?..Pot shoudl be the legal one.

Ya know..nicotene is a stimulant.I suppose that causes ADHD.



J Bryson

Well-Known Member
Actually, stimulants have the opposite effect on ADHD sufferers (including me), so it will actually cause one to focus. This is one of the reasons that so many ADD and ADHD folks end up drinking coffee and smoking more than the rest of the populace. Some more of that self-medication.

And yes, I am speaking from personal...oh, look!

A squirrel!


Depends Upon My Mood..
Actually, stimulants have the opposite effect on ADHD sufferers (including me), so it will actually cause one to focus. This is one of the reasons that so many ADD and ADHD folks end up drinking coffee and smoking more than the rest of the populace. Some more of that self-medication.

And yes, I am speaking from personal...oh, look!

A squirrel!

Yes...proof that "stimulants" dont "cause" hyperativity.

Could it be that depresents(in depressed people) cause people to have energy?




Well-Known Member
Interesting takes, I did not get an answer on Michael Phelp, I like to know if you think that his smoking gave him an unfair advantage in his winnings? If so, should he be stripped of his medals? As for the different effect s that marijuana have on individuals I agree that it depend on many factors, the main one been the mood in which the individual is, it heighten whatever mood is initially there. If this is such a positive thing, why hide it? We don’t hide thing that are good? Would you encourage your own children to smoke marijuana? After all you folks are telling me that it make the world of good to athletes and improve the mental capacity of those that have responsible hierarchical positions. Could that be the reason for many people voting for president Obama? Do you think that he is on the weed?


Well-Known Member
Actually, stimulants have the opposite effect on ADHD sufferers (including me), so it will actually cause one to focus. This is one of the reasons that so many ADD and ADHD folks end up drinking coffee and smoking more than the rest of the populace. Some more of that self-medication.

And yes, I am speaking from personal...oh, look!

A squirrel!
This is because the brain has to produce substances that neutralise the Dopamine that produces the hight, other ways the person could not rest. That is why the use Ritalin which is a stimulant is so strictly controled. Self-medicating is specially dangerous in the case of stimulants, don’t mess with them.
The short-acting forms of stimulants (eg. Ritalin 10, dexamphetamine), the two long-acting forms (Ritalin LA and Concerta) and atomoxetine (strattera) are available in Australia on the government Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), and the cost is the usual prescription fee or health care card holder fee.
In Australia stimulant medication can only be prescribed by paediatricians, child psychiatrists or neurologists (sometimes GPs in certain situations). These medications are regulated - which means the prescribing doctor needs to apply for a permit from the state health department.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Interesting takes, I did not get an answer on Michael Phelp, I like to know if you think that his smoking gave him an unfair advantage in his winnings?
No, it didn't give him any advantage. Marijuana does not have any performance enhancing qualities.

Has any of the participant on this discussion worked with a marijuana user?
Not only am I a marijuana user, I have worked with other pot heads at every single job I've ever had, and from what you have described, I really doubt you have actually worked with any, since you only describe what may be at best, a very, very minute sample of pot users.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I like to know if you think that his smoking gave him an unfair advantage in his winnings? If so, should he be stripped of his medals?

Nope..he was just that much better than everyone else.Period.

To be real honest...Im surprised he would smoke..Anything.Being that he would need massive lung capacity and levels of oxygen in his blood to perform the way he does.

But apparently he beat them all anyway..regardless of his pot smoking.




Well-Known Member
But the alternative, legal drugs, seems frightening. More people might try them. More might get addicted. At the turn of the last century, drugs were legal. Bayer aspirin had heroin in it. Some wine contained coca leaves. Some Americans got addicted, and people didn't like that. So politicians passed drug laws.

But what good have they done? Now we have drug crime, corrupt vice cops, terrible role models for poor children, a vicious underworld that funds terrorists-and people still get addicted. The drug laws made life worse.


In Holland, marijuana has been officially "tolerated" since 1979. Is everyone getting stoned? No. The Dutch are actually less likely to smoke marijuana than Americans. Thirty-eight percent of American adolescents have smoked pot, while in Holland, only 20% have. When we taped in the marijuana shops in Amsterdam, half the people we talked to turned out to be American. Legalization took the mystique away from the drug. The Dutch minister of health said, "We've succeeded in making pot boring."

-Give Me a Break, John Stossel


Well-Known Member
No, it didn't give him any advantage. Marijuana does not have any performance enhancing qualities
Do you mean that folks in this thread are liars? I was told a while ago in this discussion that it helps then to concentrate ant Phelp was cited as an example and it was pointed out that he won eight gold medals.
Not only am I a marijuana user, I have worked with other pot heads at every single job I've ever had, and from what you have described, I really doubt you have actually worked with any, since you only describe what may be at best, a very, very minute sample of pot users.

Ah! Yes and is it you that claimed that it helps with mental problems?
My own experiences have been bad ones, I had to fire a guy on the request of the crew that I was supervising, this poor fellow use to go home for his meals break and had a joint, then return to work, this crew was assembling big mounds, so big and heavy that were put in position by over-head cranes, some did their job on the to top and other on the bottom of it, he kept on dropping his tool on the head of the of the workers on the bottom that came to complain, he was counselled given time to correct this habit of his to no avail, got three warning and he was dismissed. There was another that use to drink alcohol on the job, he was reported and counselled with a better out come, he never drunk on the job again, yet people here tell me that alcohol is worth than pot.
Alcohol kills more people than all the other drugs combined.
Actually, stimulants have the opposite effect on ADHD sufferers (including me), so it will actually cause one to focus.( J Bryson)
You wrote: Alot of potheads are also more productive than average, rarely miss work, never sick, never fired
Marijuana silences the voices he hears, which only works to his advantage.
Make your mind up, does it help or not? ;)


Depends Upon My Mood..
Do you mean that folks in this thread are liars? I was told a while ago in this discussion that it helps then to concentrate ant Phelp was cited as an example and it was pointed out that he won eight gold medals.

I dont believe there is any evidence to suggest that Phelps was under the influence or using pot during the competitions.




Well-Known Member
I dont believe there is any evidence to suggest that Phelps was under the influence or using pot during the competitions.



So all this propaganda on the benefits of marijuana are just BS?
The push for legalization has other motives and agenda? What could it be?



Depends Upon My Mood..
So all this propaganda on the benefits of marijuana are just BS?

I dont think anyone claimed ..that one of the benefits of using MJ was to boost athletic performance.

If I was going to run a marathon?..The last thing I would do is smoke a joint in preparation for it.



England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
So all this propaganda on the benefits of marijuana are just BS?
The push for legalization has other motives and agenda? What could it be?

You don't get it do you,Marijuana is the last thing you would turn to if you had to do anything energetic,People who use Marijuana use it to chill out or be creative with Music or Art not Swim the fastest.
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