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Legalize Marijuana?


Well-Known Member
The United States has drastically reduced tobacco smoking while tobacco remains a legal product.

Pathetic line of argument you put forth.

Do you have any arguments against legalizing marijuana?

Because is harmful to the health of the user that becomes a ever increasing burden to the health system ( we have universal medicare cover) smoking pot has the same harmful effects, so there you have it!:)
Do you have any arguments against legalizing marijuana?
Offcourse, it is a burden to tax payers a costly one, an ever increasing one. Why is the US government in a campaign to reduce tobacco smoking?


Guardian of Asgaard
Because is harmful to the health of the user that becomes a ever increasing burden to the health system ( we have universal medicare cover) smoking pot has the same harmful effects, so there you have it!:)

Offcourse, it is a burden to tax payers a costly one, an ever increasing one. Why is the US government in a campaign to reduce tobacco smoking?

Not nearly as concerning as alcohol abuse. Should we ban that as well? Oh of course not, never, our government makes too much money (to give to people who dont deserve it) to ever ban alcohol.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Because is harmful to the health of the user that becomes a ever increasing burden to the health system ( we have universal medicare cover) smoking pot has the same harmful effects, so there you have it!:)

So does Krispy Kreme Donuts and Kentucky Fried Chicken...(and skittles).

OVER EATING FAT and SUGAR has a HUGE harmful affect on people who DONT smoke drink or do drugs..HEART disease!!CANCER!! DIABETES!! Is a HUGE strain on our medical system!!

Should we RATION food per person a day that they are allowed to eat??As well deny DONUTS dipped in coffee and make that ILLEGAL..Because its BAD FOR YOU!!!!!

Should the ingredients to make a fattening artery clogging pot of dumplings NOT be available in the grocery?..Should pulled pork and beef ribs be banned???

How about apple pie???That is nothing but sugar and fat..(some apples which are good for you)But apple pie is BAD for you if eaten in large quantities..

It shoudl be ILLEGAL!



ETA..1 full sugared soda a day increases your risk for developing diabetes 3 fold.
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Well-Known Member
quote=darkendless;1459110]Not nearly as concerning as alcohol abuse. Should we ban that as well? Oh of course not, never, our government makes too much money (to give to people who dont deserve it) to ever ban alcohol.[/quote]

Here we go again the good ole one wrong plus one wrong = one right.
It is laughable how you guys present the excide thing as a plus for legalization of yet another harmful substance as if it were free of cost to the society that gets into this business, governments are spending millions trying to get people to consume less of these stuff because the cost and you are saying “our government makes too much money (to give to people who dont deserve it) to ever ban alcohol”. And how disserving are those that damage their health by smoking weed? That is were the alleged bonanza will be spent. In your wisdom were should this extra money be spent? [



Well-Known Member
So does Krispy Kreme Donuts and Kentucky Fried Chicken...(and skittles).

OVER EATING FAT and SUGAR has a HUGE harmful affect on people who DONT smoke drink or do drugs..HEART disease!!CANCER!! DIABETES!! Is a HUGE strain on our medical system!!

Should we RATION food per person a day that they are allowed to eat??As well deny DONUTS dipped in coffee and make that ILLEGAL..Because its BAD FOR YOU!!!!!

Should the ingredients to make a fattening artery clogging pot of dumplings NOT be available in the grocery?..Should pulled pork and beef ribs be banned???

How about apple pie???That is nothing but sugar and fat..(some apples which are good for you)But apple pie is BAD for you if eaten in large quantities..

It shoudl be ILLEGAL!



ETA..1 full sugared soda a day increases your risk for developing diabetes 3 fold.

How much of our countries resources are spent in educating people about the danger of fast food? What the cost to society? Add the campaigns against cigarettes and alcohol and what happen to the claim “It seems the US would be better off regulating this marijuana trafficking. By legalizing marijuana, the US could tax the buyer (like cigarettes) How much revenue will it bring to the US economy? This is what we are weighing, cost against benefits.


Depends Upon My Mood..
How much of our countries resources are spent in educating people about the danger of fast food?

How much of our countries resources are being spent to arrest and prosicute(and provide a defense attourney if you can not afford one) Joe Blow for being in possesion of a Big Mac and large fries?Or to set up task forces to go after Ronald McDonald for manufacturing and distributing harmful food products?

Look pot is everywhere. People are aware it can result in health problems and they are doing anyway.Making it illegal has not stopped the people who want to smoke it from smoking it.How many people in reality are even deterered by it being illegal?(or harmful)

WHY is it illegal ?..Why single out pot?

And further as to your question? Why isnt our government spending more resources warning people of the dangers of fast food?The fact that they arent doesnt negate the harmful affects and the burden on our health industry from the results.Have you seen the documentary "Super Size It"?Are you not alarmed at the rising # of morbidly obese children and adults in the U.S?

The point is ..why is POT singled out? And the reasoning here is because its "bad for you".


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Well-Known Member
How much of our countries resources are being spent to arrest and prosicute(and provide a defense attourney if you can not afford one) Joe Blow for being in possesion of a Big Mac and large fries?Or to set up task forces to go after Ronald McDonald for manufacturing and distributing harmful food products?

Look pot is everywhere. People are aware it can result in health problems and they are doing anyway.Making it illegal has not stopped the people who want to smoke it from smoking it.How many people in reality are even deterered by it being illegal?(or harmful)

WHY is it illegal ?..Why single out pot?

And further as to your question? Why isnt our government spending more resources warning people of the dangers of fast food?The fact that they arent doesnt negate the harmful affects and the burden on our health industry from the results.Have you seen the documentary "Super Size It"?Are you not alarmed at the rising # of morbidly obese children and adults in the U.S?

The point is ..why is POT singled out? And the reasoning here is because its "bad for you".



I watched the documentary, but the fast food industry is the consequence of people wishing to have more time on their hands, and what do they do with this extra time? To get drunk or stone and as a means of scaping reality, to laugh for no reason, to say and do thing that they would not do in a sober state, making it hard and unacceptable has works to keep their lust in check, it is money well spent, plus I believe that prohibition cost less than regulating legalization. Assuming that you do accept that this will have to have regulations.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I believe that prohibition cost less than regulating legalization.

Why do you believe that because you want to?But even if it cost more to regulate it than to prohibit it then you would just raise the taxes on it accordingly.Its COSTING money to prohibit it is the bottom line.And if it were to be legalized the government would profit.The millions and millions are being spent anyway by the consumer.The war on "pot" has failed ..

Assuming that you do accept that this will have to have regulations.

Of course I do.

I watched the documentary, but the fast food industry is the consequence of people wishing to have more time on their hands, and what do they do with this extra time? To get drunk or stone and as a means of scaping reality, to laugh for no reason, to say and do thing that they would not do in a sober state, making it hard and unacceptable has works to keep their lust in check,

Its none of your business if someone wants to get "drunk or stoned"..and for what reasons they do so.Just like its none of your business if someone wants to eat a Big Mac everyday for lunch.and believe it or not..many people eat fast food and its not because they are wishing to have more time on thier hands.They eat it because they like the way it taste.They"lust" for it to use your words.It "hits the spot".And yes to "escape" temporarily.

Would you like to judge them so harshly as you judge those who get "drunk and stoned" so they can 'laugh" for "no reason"?


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Do you think that marijuana will ever be as accepted as tobacco? Because if that becomes the case, then do you think that teenagers could be influenced by their parents to smoke weed, as they are currently with alcohol or tobacco? Maybe they would want to rebel, so making weed accepted and more readily available would make it easier for them.

If that ever came to pass, their minds would be negatively affected.

And I'm still not convinced that THC is completely harmless to grown adults, either.
I don't think it would be used as widely as tobacco...I think the fact that weed makes you high if you smoke/ingest it is a turn-off for many people. Tobacco can give people a "buzz", but it isn't the same as the distortion you get with pot: you still function normally. JMO, but I think the fact that weed changes one's perception/behavior/etc. will prevent it from being used as much as tobacco products currently are. Also, the fact that it is less addictive....

As far as the influence on kids goes...I don't know. It's kind of hard for me to say. I've know a lot of kids who have parents that smoke/drink, and because of that, the kids do it less: either as a result of bad experiences, or simply because it doesn't have that "forbidden" allure to it.
On the other hand, I'm sure there are many kids out there who use drugs because they grew up in a household where drug use was acceptable or encouraged.
Although I would think that in cases where it was encouraged, drugs would be done anyways...whether it was illegal or not. Also, in those kinds of situations, the kids aren't really educated on it.... Whereas perhaps in a household where the parents would smoke a J on special occasions (if it was made legal), then I would expect the kid to be much more knowledgeable about the drug and the effects it has...
Make any sense?

Also, I wouldn't argue that weed is "completely harmless" to anyone. Even if the legal age for smoking it was 21+, I know there are still going to be negative effects.....
Just wanted to make sure you didn't think I was claiming it was totally harmless :D


Well-Known Member
If you are in favor of the following...

  • Reducing use
  • Reducing incarceration
  • Reducing drug war "casualties" (DEATHS)
  • Reducing law enforcement costs
  • Raising money for social services
  • Increasing the likelihood of responsible use among those who decide to use
Then two words follow...

Legalization, Education.


Depends Upon My Mood..
If you are in favor of the following...

  • Reducing use
  • Reducing incarceration
  • Reducing drug war "casualties" (DEATHS)
  • Reducing law enforcement costs
  • Raising money for social services
  • Increasing the likelihood of responsible use among those who decide to use
Then two words follow...

Legalization, Education.

Thats all good and well..But what about helping people to keep their lust's in check?If we legalize it? We are telling people its o.k to escape and laugh for no reason.Isnt it up to the government and the police to prevent that to the fullest extent they can?


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Well-Known Member
Thats all good and well..But what about helping people to keep their lust's in check?If we legalize it? We are telling people its o.k to escape and laugh for no reason.Isnt it up to the government and the police to prevent that to the fullest extent they can?



You're right, Dallas! After all, even if the last century of current drug policy has led to disaster, I'm sure if we keep doing the same thing over and over that someday we'll win this war!

I concede all of my previous points which obviously have no basis in reality.
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Guardian of Asgaard
quote=darkendless;1459110]Not nearly as concerning as alcohol abuse. Should we ban that as well? Oh of course not, never, our government makes too much money (to give to people who dont deserve it) to ever ban alcohol.

Here we go again the good ole one wrong plus one wrong = one right.
It is laughable how you guys present the excide thing as a plus for legalization of yet another harmful substance as if it were free of cost to the society that gets into this business, governments are spending millions trying to get people to consume less of these stuff because the cost and you are saying “our government makes too much money (to give to people who dont deserve it) to ever ban alcohol”. And how disserving are those that damage their health by smoking weed? That is were the alleged bonanza will be spent. In your wisdom were should this extra money be spent?[/quote]

No im saying how the hell can you get so critical of a substance that grows in the ground when alcohol is just as bad? It has similiar affects when driving. It causes more emergency ward cases at hospital and causes a lot of silly things to happen. Just like weed.
Look i dislike weed as well, both should be banned. What im trying to say is be reasonable, both are bad and cause health issues, but the government will not ban alcohol because they get a cut of the profits. Their anti-alcohol ads probably amount to 1% of their income from taxes.


Well-Known Member
We have discussed this, people that used drugs are a liability to the society in which they live, the way they live is the business of the community in which they live. I can say the same back to you, it is none of your business how your government uses the taxes that you put in their hands when you elect them to office. How do you like them apples?
Why do you believe that because you want to?But even if it cost more to regulate it than to prohibit it then you would just raise the taxes on it accordingly.Its COSTING money to prohibit it is the bottom line.And if it were to be legalized the government would profit.The millions and millions are being spent anyway by the consumer.The war on "pot" has failed ..
This is what we are trying to assess, I look to the cost of regulating a substance that is addictive and affect the health of it users, you concentrate on the tax revenues that legalization illegally would bring, yes the war on pot has a known cost, how much do you estimated that regulating it use will cost? How long before more money will be put on to stoping smoking it? Secondary smoking? How long before the major part of users incomes will be needed to pay for this vice? The bottom line is Legalize Marijuana? The majority’s will is: Hell no!

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
We have discussed this, people that used drugs are a liability to the society in which they live, the way they live is the business of the community in which they live. I can say the same back to you, it is none of your business how your government uses the taxes that you put in their hands when you elect them to office. How do you like them apples?

This is what we are trying to assess, I look to the cost of regulating a substance that is addictive and affect the health of it users, you concentrate on the tax revenues that legalization illegally would bring, yes the war on pot has a known cost, how much do you estimated that regulating it use will cost? How long before more money will be put on to stoping smoking it? Secondary smoking? How long before the major part of users incomes will be needed to pay for this vice? The bottom line is Legalize Marijuana? The majority’s will is: Hell no!

What happened to freedom of choice,anyway whether it is legal or not its still being bought sold and smoked or even eaten.


Depends Upon My Mood..
This is what we are trying to assess, I look to the cost of regulating a substance that is addictive and affect the health of it users, you concentrate on the tax revenues that legalization illegally would bring,

Big Macs are addictive.and affect the health of its "users".Have you ever heard of a "Big Mac" attack?..Did you think they were just kidding?The government doesnt "regulate" me on how many Big Macs I eat a day nor do they put a Big Mac attack tax on my Happy Meal. .I can eat them untill I die of saturated fat.WHY???

WHY pick on POT?

Lets at least make it fair and even.And stop turning a blind eye to the affects of eating fattening food and people who indulge in overeating bad food to "laugh for no reason" or to "escape".We need to stop the indulgence of people getting "happy" off a meal that that they lust after that is addivtive and affects the health of its users .




Depends Upon My Mood..
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]dead food[/FONT]

Looks like many things need to be illegalized.For the safety of the user..And to save money for the government in health cost.




Well-Known Member
What happened to freedom of choice,anyway whether it is legal or not its still being bought sold and smoked or even eaten.

What happen to it indeed! there is one theory that said that when humans got civilised and formed societies they surrender most (but not all) of their sovereignty in exchange for the benefits of living in a civilised society.
One of the weapons successfully used against vices is to make them expensive by applying high excises on them in an attempt to curve it consumption, another is to reduce supplies, so I agreed with you “whether it is legal or not its still being bought sold and smoked or even eaten” but it is expensive and it supply is constantly interrupted, the war on drugs really work and is here to stay, because that is the will of the majority.