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Legalize Marijuana?


Moved on
Not the most scientific graph (if only for the too-vague "seriousness" ratings) but still worth posting.



New Member
Legalizing marijuana is something long over-due. The argument, "But we'd have people driving stoned!" can be as easily solved as that of any other substance abuse. The control of the substances put into, and back-alley sellers, would still be a problem.


Glass half Panda'd
If you make it legal, it may not be as "cool" to do, and may even keep some people away from it. It's a pretty useless drug to be perfectly honest. All it really does, to the best of my knowledge, is make people a little dizzy, take away some pains (depending on the person), allow for introspection (depending on why you use it), make you hungry, take away short term memory, and make you lazy.

People I've met who indulge in pot on a very sporatic basis show no signs of NEEDING the drug. However, once you try it, your body realizes "hey, I like this" and wants to do more of it. It's not addictive physically, but also, the numbers of people who do it chronically are also pretty high, it's a mental addiction. The habit doesn't have to be destructive, but it can be - especially since it ***** with your perception moreso than, say, one cigarette or a beer.

You can limit your intake on some drugs... but weed is more of a "puff and you're out for the count" type of drug. Personally, I cant' stand the drug. However, I'd be fine with it being made legal for medical uses. In fact, if it is a medicine, there's no reason it should be used recreationally.

Before I get stones thrown at me, I'll admit to having tried it. (In amsterdam where it was legal.) I don't remember that weekend. For the stoners, I can hear a silent *awesome* but it was truly frightening for me. I don't like that in strong doses, it can wipe memory and general motor skills. (I was found laying in a park with some ducks.) *also hears silent chuckle from stoners*

Anyway, I don't like it for recreational purposes, just the same as I don't like binge drinking or cigarettes full stop. I can have two glasses of wine without hindering my mind/life, or making stupid decisions. Some down-right stupid things happen with the combination of alcohol and weed. Some people can handle it, and some can't... but I'm voting, based on Amsterdam, that it's a counterproductive habit to be engaged in.

... my 2 cents
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Moved on
You can limit your intake on some drugs... but weed is more of a "puff and you're out for the count" type of drug. Personally, I cant' stand the drug. However, I'd be fine with it being made legal for medical uses. In fact, if it is a medicine, there's no reason it should be used recreationally.
If somebody is "puff and out" then they smoked something way too powerful, or way too much for them. You can smoke weed without smoking yourself stupid, just as you can have a beer without passing out and puking all over the place.


Glass half Panda'd
If somebody is "puff and out" then they smoked something way too powerful, or way too much for them. You can smoke weed without smoking yourself stupid, just as you can have a beer without passing out and puking all over the place.
Not in my experience... and how often do people only puff to get mildly stoned? OR just enjoy the flavor of weed?

One of my points is that you can have a glass of alcohol and not even be tipsy.. this will NEVER happen with weed, that's not how weed works.


Moved on
Not in my experience... and how often do people only puff to get mildly stoned? OR just enjoy the flavor of weed?

One of my points is that you can have a glass of alcohol and not even be tipsy.. this will NEVER happen with weed, that's not how weed works.
Well, most people I know who smoke weed do it to get mildly stoned. After all, some of us still like to function. Do people who enjoy alcohol always get flat raging drunk every time they drink? As for your last sentence...maybe the local stoners are complete dumbasses, but many MM patients I know only vape enough to clear their heads and kill the pain, and still get by with their lives normally. It's not like cannabis is some evil demon weed that instantly turns whoever smokes it into a red-eyed giggling idiot. Clearly your experience is pretty distorted.

Edit: We might as well ban alcohol too. After all, sometimes people drink way too much and become complete idiots, and we all know how well prohibition went.
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Glass half Panda'd
Well, most people I know who smoke weed do it to get mildly stoned. After all, some of us still like to function. Do people who enjoy alcohol always get flat raging drunk every time they drink? As for your last sentence...maybe the local stoners are complete dumbasses, but many MM patients I know only vape enough to clear their heads and kill the pain, and still get by with their lives normally. It's not like cannabis is some evil demon weed that instantly turns whoever smokes it into a red-eyed giggling idiot. Clearly your experience is pretty distorted.
Maybe yours is distorted, and you don't know better. I completely agree with using MJ for medical reasons, those people "need" it. But I think that if it is used for a medicine, that it shouldnt' really be recreational. No one advises the recreational use of any other MEDICINE.

In my experience, the local stoners do get HEAVILY stoned, most of the day, every day. Maybe this is "wrong" of them, but this is what I notice. They can't seem to go any length of time without it.

Edit: We might as well ban alcohol too. After all, sometimes people drink way too much and become complete idiots, and we all know how well prohibition went.
Very old argument. *yawn*

Alcohol is not a medicine, it's there for recreational use. I agree that people who can't control themselves shouldn't really indulge. But if I like the flavor of a wine, and take one glass, that is not the same as taking a puff or two of weed. I get far more stupid with two puffs of weed than I do with a glass of whatever drink.

Enjoyment of flavor and enjoyment of being messed up are two different things. There is no reason to enjoy weed unless it is to become high, even mildly. This can really mess with your daily life if you let it.

My dad is a functioning alcoholic. He has withdrawl symptoms when they take it away form him... and I think he should not be allowed to drink at all... but that's not up to me really. Neither is the legalization of MJ.

Realistically, alcohol will not go away. Realistically, we have to decide if we want to increase the level of risk that comes with adding weed to a society that already allows alcohol. Weed on its own may be all well and good in your opinion, but stupid things tend to happen even more with the combination of weed and alcohol. Many people like to do the two of them together... which can be a pretty nasty combo when it comes to accidents.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Not in my experience... and how often do people only puff to get mildly stoned? OR just enjoy the flavor of weed?

One of my points is that you can have a glass of alcohol and not even be tipsy.. this will NEVER happen with weed, that's not how weed works.

After reading this I somehow doubt that you've ever smoked cannabis or know anyone who has. :sorry1:


Glass half Panda'd
After reading this I somehow doubt that you've ever smoked cannabis or know anyone who has. :sorry1:
After reading your quote, somehow I doubt you've been to New Zealand. Welcome to my world... and dont' make the mistake of calling me a liar again.

You have no idea what kind of experiences I've had, and it's foolish to assume that you do. I've had to have many discussions with my current boyfriend (who used to indulge in many types of drugs) about MJ. Because of these discussions, I gave it a go. I was told "you can't tell me what you think until you've tried it yourself" so I did. I didnt' like it.

Then I moved to NZ to be with my boyfriend. His mates always smoke pot, all the time, non stop. It drives me nuts. These are real people. Maybe not in the states, where you can't hardly GET good weed, but here in NZ, everyone smokes pot at least occasionally. I've been trying hard not to get into it myself, after feeling left out. But then I realized, the only reason I want to do it is to be "popular" and that's not a good reason to indulge in drugs. Not even alcohol.

Don't think you know everything because of your experiences. At least I tried to give HONEST reasons other than "it's bad for you."

I want it for people who experience pain, therefore it's a medicine. Medicine should never be used recreationaly. No one has even tried to combat THIS idea yet... probably because it's a decent argument. Silly stoners and their "knowitallness"
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Veteran Member
After reading this I somehow doubt that you've ever smoked cannabis or know anyone who has. :sorry1:
Hey man,

I'm Buttons* man. Have been for about 3 years.

I've smoked my own body weight in pot 4 or 5 times over. The mates she is talking about are mine.

In my opinion people should be free to choose, my opinion is different from my girlfriends but she does have personal experience of marijuana and enough drug experience around her to write a rather complete encyclopædia on the subject if she chose.

Trolls are everywhere on the internet eh...


Moved on
Still, how can you say that it's impossible to smoke without getting massively stoned when many people do just that on a daily basis?

As for alcohol, some of us do use it as a medicine. I guess by that logic people should never be allowed to drink it recreationally right?;)

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
After reading your quote, somehow I doubt you've been to New Zealand. Welcome to my world... and dont' make the mistake of calling me a liar again.

You have no idea what kind of experiences I've had, and it's foolish to assume that you do. I've had to have many discussions with my current boyfriend (who used to indulge in many types of drugs) about MJ. Because of these discussions, I gave it a go. I was told "you can't tell me what you think until you've tried it yourself" so I did. I didnt' like it.

Then I moved to NZ to be with my boyfriend. His mates always smoke pot, all the time, non stop. It drives me nuts. These are real people. Maybe not in the states, where you can't hardly GET good weed, but here in NZ, everyone smokes pot at least occasionally. I've been trying hard not to get into it myself, after feeling left out. But then I realized, the only reason I want to do it is to be "popular" and that's not a good reason to indulge in drugs. Not even alcohol.

Don't think you know everything because of your experiences. At least I tried to give HONEST reasons other than "it's bad for you."

I want it for people who experience pain, therefore it's a medicine. Medicine should never be used recreationaly. No one has even tried to combat THIS idea yet... probably because it's a decent argument. Silly stoners and their "knowitallness"

Ha, ha, ha... so you're actually trying to argue that NZ has magically more potent weed than the U.S. (Maybe NZers are light weights ;))? THC is THC, honey. There's no magical force field here that prevents botany and selective breeding of plants. Just because you happen to have a handful of friends who smoke nonstop doesn't mean they represent every cannabis user ever.
And in your other post you asked "Not in my experience... and how often do people only puff to get mildly stoned? OR just enjoy the flavor of weed?".. well, the answer to that question is most users most of the time.
You also make this statement: "One of my points is that you can have a glass of alcohol and not even be tipsy.. this will NEVER happen with weed, that's not how weed works." Which is absolute rubbish. It DOES happen with weed, and IS now weed works. I think most people in this thread are well aware of effects of cannabis, and people taking a few 'tokes' just to catch a mild buzz is a very common and casual thing. So all in all, most people here will dismiss your silly, unfounded notions.
As for silly "stoners" and their "knowitallness" - their "knowitallness" happens to be backed up by scientific research. Science: It's a GOOD thing!
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Hey man,

I'm Buttons* man. Have been for about 3 years.

I've smoked my own body weight in pot 4 or 5 times over. The mates she is talking about are mine.

In my opinion people should be free to choose, my opinion is different from my girlfriends but she does have personal experience of marijuana and enough drug experience around her to write a rather complete encyclopædia on the subject if she chose.

Trolls are everywhere on the internet eh...

So I'm a troll for dismissing nonsensical misinformation? I mean you certainly wouldn't like ME trying to argue with YOU about how the weather is in NZ, right?
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Well-Known Member
I have to agree with FH, it is easy to control intake, especially the more experience you have with it.

Legalization would also promote more knowledge about the various strains of marijuana. Some would be better for beginners, others better for more experienced users. You don't get that with the underground market in which you're just handed a plastic bag of who-knows-what kind of weed, in which you're just forced to experiment with what you've got.

Here's a hypothetical product information label, post-legalization:

Strain: Early Girl
THC content: 5-10%
Genetics: Indica-Sativa Hybrid
Effects: Head and body stone. Mellow, but not couch-locked like a full-indica. Good for beginners due to it's mild to moderate potency. Sweet, spicy aroma.
Net Wt: 4g

Beginners: Take in small, single doses, at first, waiting 5-10 minutes in between to gauge effects. Repeat as desired.

On the street:

"Here's your weed, man."
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Depends Upon My Mood..
There is some "tolerance" involved..Its more to do with individual make up and overall health and of course strength of "weed" though.(and how often you use)

I imagine there are some people who can take one hit of pot and be stoned off their rocker for several hours..But I dont believe it would cause a complete black out.




Depends Upon My Mood..
But some lighweights are like that with alcohol too..I knew a girl..and she drank 3 wine coolers..We were playing Taboo or Pictionary or something.(with a bunch of people)..she said..I dont feel good. ..BLURP spew..and she just sat at the table right there and threw up on herself..her eyes were rolling..I thought..how in the world could you get that sick from 3 wine coolers.

They (the others) were laughing at her..and saying OH SICK!!!..THATS DISGUSTING!!!

I had mercy and pity..I took her(dragged her)..to the bathroom stripped her down cleaned her up..held her hair while she dry heaved..(she had already enptied the contents).The cold wash cloth on the neck and forehead ..yada yada..Borrowed some P.J's from my sister..put her to bed...

I told her later.."you shouldnt drink at all" ever again..




Moved on
There is some "tolerance" involved..Its more to do with individual make up and overall health and of course strength of "weed" though.(and how often you use)

I imagine there are some people who can take one hit of pot and be stoned off their rocker for several hours..But I dont believe it would cause a complete black out.


I've seen people smoke too much and feel sick as hell, unable to do much other than lay in bed and be uncomfortable, but that was a newbie making the mistake of playing with high-potency hash. Never seen anybody pass out though.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I've seen people smoke too much and feel sick as hell, unable to do much other than lay in bed and be uncomfortable, but that was a newbie making the mistake of playing with high-potency hash. Never seen anybody pass out though.

Well everyone has a "limit"..Even non newbies.

And I think chronic use of pot over many years has detrimental health affects.There is no doubt that it damages your brain..heart and lungs..(and Im sure liver and immune system function yada yada)..

But a toke here and there isnt going to ruin your health..you arent going to lose your mind from occasional use and end up naked in another city not remembering how you got there..(for most people).




Depends Upon My Mood..
I have to agree with FH, it is easy to control intake, especially the more experience you have with it.

Legalization would also promote more knowledge about the various strains of marijuana. Some would be better for beginners, others better for more experienced users. You don't get that with the underground market in which you're just handed a plastic bag of who-knows-what kind of weed, in which you're just forced to experiment with what you've got.

Here's a hypothetical product information label, post-legalization:

Strain: Early Girl
THC content: 5-10%
Genetics: Indica-Sativa Hybrid
Effects: Head and body stone. Mellow, but not couch-locked like a full-indica. Good for beginners due to it's mild to moderate potency. Sweet, spicy aroma.
Net Wt: 4g

Beginners: Take in small, single doses, at first, waiting 5-10 minutes in between to gauge effects. Repeat as desired.

On the street:

"Here's your weed, man."

Not if you have a good dealer..they call you and say .."got some sense"..And they make sure not to sell you a bag of stems and seeds.:rainbow1:

They lower the price if its dried out skunk too.

At least thats what I heard..:)




Glass half Panda'd
Still, how can you say that it's impossible to smoke without getting massively stoned when many people do just that on a daily basis?

As for alcohol, some of us do use it as a medicine. I guess by that logic people should never be allowed to drink it recreationally right?;)
I said that it's impossible to smoke weed without the intent of getting ****** up, even if that is a "mild" stoning. Has anyone ever smoked weed simply because they like the flavor of it? Simply because they don't want to get high at all, but want to enjoy some other aspect of the drug?

I don't think the answer is yes. Is it?

Who uses alcohol as a medicine unless it's rubbing alcohol? Different strand altogether. Maybe the good stuff should only be medicine, and the recreational people can get the skunk :p