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Let’s try a serious discussion about “wokeism”.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Near as I can tell, it's little but a snarl word in a long line of snarl words that speaks to the prejudices of the one using it. It also seems to go in the special box of snarl words that demonize good behaviors, which I find... well...

... if nothing else, it lets me know who to stay away from, I guess.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Wokism is an impressive form of modern indoctrination that teaches the gullible followers who submit to it to obsess over race and oppression, and to actively look for it in every aspect of life- even when there is none- and to leverage it as much as possible to the exclusive benefit of a select few groups… so that they might easily obtain through the pity, guilt and shame of others advantages in life that other demographics must work hard for to earn for themselves and their families.
What unfair/undue advantages are "they" obtaining?

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
How does one be "politically correct", exactly?

"I haven't heard you utter a racial slur all day...are you trying to be politically correct?"
If you go to the suburbs of Rome, and ask around..."are you racist, by chance?"...they will tell you "yes, I am ". Not all of them...but a good percentage.
The word racist here, especially in the popular culture doesn't have that "shameful connotation" that exists in the US culture.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
If you go to the suburbs of Rome, and ask around..."are you racist, by chance?"...they will tell you "yes, I am ". Not all of them...but a good percentage.
The word racist here, especially in the popular culture doesn't have that "shameful connotation" that exists in the US culture.
Human decency, empathy, and ethics aren't exclusive to US culture.


Veteran Member
If you go to the suburbs of Rome, and ask around..."are you racist, by chance?"...they will tell you "yes, I am ". Not all of them...but a good percentage.
The word racist here, especially in the popular culture doesn't have that "shameful connotation" that exists in the US culture.

That's interesting. I suppose that is seen as OK and politicians would have to cater to such things if they wanted to be elected.
I guess that is a problem with democracy, if you want power you have to bow to what the people want and that limits who gets into power and limits change for good in some areas unless the politicians can change the views of people.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
That's interesting. I suppose that is seen as OK and politicians would have to cater to such things if they wanted to be elected.
I guess that is a problem with democracy, if you want power you have to bow to what the people want and that limits who gets into power and limits change for good in some areas unless the politicians can change the views of people.

Multiculturalism is ok because in the mind of people here, it's foreigners that have to assimilate, and not the other way around.

We Never Know

No Slack
If you go to the suburbs of Rome, and ask around..."are you racist, by chance?"...they will tell you "yes, I am ". Not all of them...but a good percentage.
The word racist here, especially in the popular culture doesn't have that "shameful connotation" that exists in the US culture.

I think that someone says on live TV, in America "I am a fascist, and a racist", I guess they will attack them verbally. Here it's normal...to hear that.

What is racist in the US?

If you don't hire them because they aren't the best applicant... You're racist

If you speak their language like "hey nigga"... You're racist

If you don't want american history tore down(confederate statues).. You're racist

If you don't..... You're racist.. but only if you're white.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
What is racist in the US?
If you don't hire them because they aren't the best applicant... You're racist
If you speak their language like "hey nigga"... You're racist
If you don't want american history tore down(confederate statues).. You're racist
If you don't..... You're racist.. but only if you're white.

I think the context is different. The word racist is abused in the US, for sure.


Veteran Member
Multiculturalism is ok because in the mind of people here, it's foreigners that have to assimilate, and not the other way around.

I suppose others always need to assimilate into the culture of a country into which they migrate and that used to an obvious and accepted thing after the 2nd WW in Australia and in the maybe 80 multiculturalism became popular and that seemed to mean less assimilating and was more about us accepting other cultures into what we saw as our Australian culture.
It sounded good but some people could see potential problems if people did not assimilate well.
But you can't expect people to change completely just because they go to another country. There needs to be give and take and the ultimate change in the character of a country because of immigration.
It was a bit worrying for those white caucasians who saw Australia that way and wanted it to remain so however.
We did not realise how racist we were and probably still do not.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I suppose others always need to assimilate into the culture of a country into which they migrate and that used to an obvious and accepted thing after the 2nd WW in Australia and in the maybe 80 multiculturalism became popular and that seemed to mean less assimilating and was more about us accepting other cultures into what we saw as our Australian culture.
It sounded good but some people could see potential problems if people did not assimilate well.
But you can't expect people to change completely just because they go to another country. There needs to be give and take and the ultimate change in the character of a country because of immigration.
It was a bit worrying for those white caucasians who saw Australia that way and wanted it to remain so however.
We did not realise how racist we were and probably still do not.

I think that discriminating against someone because of their race is wrong.
I don't think Australia has ever been racist and expecting a country to remain the same is good...it means to love one's own country.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
In my country people make fun of you if you are politically correct.
So just imagine what they think of wokeism. :p
In my country, people punch a fool out if they use the "n" word. Wokeism is mostly a far right fabrication, so they can feel indignant, self-righteous and justified in continuing their bigotry.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
I think that discriminating against someone because of their race is wrong.
I don't think Australia has ever been racist and expecting a country to remain the same is good...it means to love one's own country.
No there is plenty about Australian history that is steeped in racism and there are racist elements in the culture overall.

Though (and I’m only speaking of my specific experience) most Aussies are usually laid back enough to not care that much about race. Recent tensions after 9/11 notwithstanding
Or that racism is more of a mindset thought to belong to the “boomers” or dumb edgy white kids
Whether or not that is actually accurate is obviously debatable.

I do remember there being a surprising amount of criticism in terms of learning Australian history in my schooling
Even at a young age, things like the stolen generation was discussed and dissected (and obviously denounced to a degree) by the teachers I had.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
Excellent description. Now if there was only evidence of this actually happening. Feel free to present evidence of what you describe ACTUALLY happening. I'm not asking for your interpretation, I'm asking for hard, indisputable fact.
Better watch out! They could use Fox news! You'd be in a lot of trouble buddy!

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
In my country, people punch a fool out if they use the "n" word. Wokeism is mostly a far right fabrication, so they can feel indignant, self-righteous and justified in continuing their bigotry.
I do understand the American context, and how hard it was to achieve civil rights.
It had a very dark past, considering the segregationist agenda.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member

Let me tell you about our history. Europe, unfortunately had the horrific idea to colonize Africa, at the end of the Nineteenth Century. Even today I struggle to understand how we Europeans could do such an awful thing to that continent. They took the map of Africa and they split up all the lands, tracing the borders with a ruler.
Europeans all behaved completely different.
The French and the Belgians who took most of the continent, did anything, literally anything to impose their language and their way of thinking to the locals.
Italians never imposed their language to the locals but only because Mussolini imposed that the Italian language could be learnt and spoken by Caucasians only, so they colonized just to build infrastructures.
The British entirely focused on the resources and the economic aspect of these lands.

In the Twentieth Century Europeans have learnt their mistakes. Nevertheless they still think that we should help them there, in Africa.

The United States has a completely different history: the Africans were abducted from their lands, and taken to the Americas. So they co-colonized America with the Caucasians. So they are both Americans.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I can see the reasoning but...

Do you think it should be forced with penalties?

My nieces are from China. They were adopted at the time of their infancy from the Chinese government.

They of course know English since being relocated to the US , but should they be forced to speak Chinese since it's the country of their births?
I can see the reasoning but...

Do you think it should be forced with penalties?

My nieces are from China. They were adopted at the time of their infancy from the Chinese government.

They of course know English since being relocated to the US , but should they be forced to speak Chinese since it's the country of their births?
I feel that we are not framing these questions properly for a meaningful discussion to be possible.

Why? Because I am uncertain about what you mean. What are you calling penalties exactly? How would they be applied? How are people being forced?

That said, as a rule I never justify anything with appeals to nationalities, let alone places of birth. I understand the role of fiction in human life and try not to abuse it.


Veteran Member
I think that discriminating against someone because of their race is wrong.
I don't think Australia has ever been racist and expecting a country to remain the same is good...it means to love one's own country.

We become familiar with what there is and reminisce about the good old days. No doubt the good old days had things that really were better than these days but not everything and it is good to look back and see some things are gone or on their way out.
From the distance of now we can look back and see the racism that has existed in Australia's past and acknowledge it.
It is easy to judge people with woke culture etc but sometimes it creates more division