Thanks for your post. I think you may be focusing on an importantr issue and I hope you'll have time to explore it further.
This is interesting. I swung back around to your post here after posting my last one this morning. I actually did explore it further in that post from this morning.
It's not that Baha'is are "looking" for commonalities and forgetting the uniqueness of their own Faith.... What we acknowledge is that over time and with the changes and exegeses of the challenges facing humanity there are different remedies prescribed for the time that are suited to that time... Humanity overtime matures and faces new challenges hence the need for appropriate laws and perspectives of the era.
While I agree that many changes and challenges face everyone, I am having a problem with what I am hearing here that there are "prescribed remedies" for those times. I have a real problem with that actually. Inherent in this "prescribed remedies" which you further elaborate on as "the need for appropriate laws and perspectives of the era," there seems to exist this "top down" approach of God, to the Prophet, to humanity. I'm not sure how to put my finger on this exactly, and for me who weaves his way through things with words, that's no small thing. I'm going to make an attempt at this. Please bear with me.
While in principle it is true we need to find better and more sustainable approaches, I think the "bottom up" approach is actually better. It comes from us, something we create for ourselves through our own awakening realizations in the face of need. In fact his has always been the reality of it it anyway. This is how evolution works. The key difference is in how we take this and are able to get other people "on board" with these new approaches. And this comes to the whole issue at hand I think I'm having a real problem with here.
The "prophet model", as I'll call it for this discussion, is taking what are these evolving realizations and promoting them for people to adopt them through putting them into the mouth of an authority sanctioned and approved by God. It is believed that people will pay head to the Voice of God telling them to clean up their act more easily just some human organization. It's hard to explain this. People at the "mythic-level" function from the "top-down" approach of external authorities telling them truth from above. This way they listen and grow through respect and obedience to authorities who "know better". It is very much the same thing as a when a child views their parent as all-knowing and wise, and despite their own little rebellious sides, know that "father knows best".
But as a child grows up and becomes mature, he realizes that his parents are really no different than himself now as an adult. They had to figure this stuff out too the same way he ultimately had to! Ultimately, everyone one must as they can't continue to live life simply "obeying" their parents. That's only for a time in their lives. They have to learn for themselves. He learns to understand that his parent's "authority" in his mind as a child, was simply a matter of them learning through their own experiences and knowledge, exactly the same way he had to, and that he had "granted" them that role out of his own personal need. A child "needs" to be told. They do not have the depth yet to make these 'big-picture' decisions yet in life.
When it comes to spiritual development, it is important to understand that it is in fact a distinctly separate line of development, just as there are other distinct lines of development in our lives. While someone in society may be a mature adult in other areas, having going through the stages of development, of maturation in that area of their lives (social responsibilities, for instance), they may have not yet development in the spiritual line of development. They are still looking to external authorities, the "parent role" to set the boundaries and rules for them to follow. They have not come to realize that their parents, the "prophets" are really not magical beings the way we imagined our parents were god-like creatures when we saw them through our eyes as a child. They have not realized that Jesus Christ was actually just someone like them who truly grew up spiritually. But in the eyes of children, it's so far above them he appears as a god, like his parents did.
Again, it's important to understand spiritual development as an actual distinct line of development, passing through the same stages of growth as other areas, and that these different lines mature at different rates. So someone how is an adult socially, may be at the toddler stage spiritually, imaging his parents are gods. When they become mature spiritually, their spiritual intelligence line has blossomed, they have successfully internalized their parents, and themselves are now their parents, or in the case of religion, they themselves are now "the prophet" whom they looked up to as a child. I have a saying that captures this. "It is better to call Jesus your brother, than to call him Lord." That means you too are now that prophet. You realize you are him. You realize your parents are basically the same as you.
Okay, so now all that groundwork to make what I think is my point. The "top down" approach of the Prophet (assumed parent role), takes on this aire of infallibility for the children (religious authority). But the problem with this is that in a Modern Age, we have and are becoming far too self-aware for that "prophet model" to function. Solutions to our problems
have to be owned by us, not given over to the control and administration of our parents (prophets and religious authorities). These solutions, as I have said, have always, always been a "bottom up", grown and evolved realization all along. It is simply our mythologies that make them "from above" to us out of our need as immature people not yet ready to assume ownership and full responsibility for ourselves in figuring things out for ourselves.
It is my belief the solution is not another "parent' figure telling us the "new revelation" for the "current age"! What we truly need, is for all of us to grow up! We need to awaken spiritually and these "revelations" become our normal state of being as we creatively find solutions to our own problems through our own maturity! That's the problem I have with the prophet-model.
It perpetuates immaturity. It perpetually demands obedience to external authority, rather than guiding us to take over the role of the parent to be the parent ourselves, to ourselves.
There's an interesting verse in the Old Testament that stands out to me in light of this. It says "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions." Think about what this is saying! Everyone will be prophets! I think what this envisions is a time when we have matured to the point "revelation" is our perpetual normal state. And THIS is Enlightenment. This is the goal,
not another prophet for another age, but us awakening and owning the responsibility in ourselves as Enlightened souls in the world.