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Let's talk about Hell


Angel Of The North
Can you elaborate on this ? Don't really understand what you mean.
(btw, I'm in the North of England, not many posters from around here) :)

Jesus was suposed to go to hell for three days and three nights and he says that hell is the centre of the earth! Isnt this the same place where life originated? amongst all that firery larva! Maybe jesus went there out of body!

Not many posters from here lol I thought they would be more from North of England given all the atheists here on this site ;)

Good to meet you btw


Well-Known Member
Jesus was suposed to go to hell for three days and three nights and he says that hell is the centre of the earth! Isnt this the same place where life originated? amongst all that firery larva! Maybe jesus went there out of body!

Not many posters from here lol I thought they would be more from North of England given all the atheists here on this site ;)

Good to meet you btw
When Jesus died he was put into a grave (tomb or hell or hole) and not into a fiery hell or some kind of furnace.
I thought God created man from the dust (elements) of the earth. ???


non-existential luminary
The real problem with words like eternal everlasting and for ever and ever is the Babylonian religious system that refuse to look outside of their man made religious box. The seminaries keep puppeting the same old doctrines of damnations generation after generation. Occasionally you will find a Bible scholar willing to agree with the following. A careful study of the Greek word “aionios” (translated as “eternal,” “everlasting,” and “forever and ever” in our English translations) shows that it comes from the Greek noun “aion” which always means “an indeterminate period of time.” It is a most unfortunate thing that the translators of old chose to translate “aionios” from the Latin language rather than the Greek from which the word is derived. God’s punishment will not last forever as is commonly taught, but will only last for the ages and only UNTIL God’s purpose for it is complete.

Eternal, eternity, etc. is not actually found in Scripture though in some aspects applied through inference of propositions. The problem is that the Greek words which were translated to "eternal" actually do not translate properly in English because there is no word in English which translates it properly. In this case, the word is "AIONIOS" and it is a descriptive adjective which just means "of, or in, or belonging to, or coming from, or resmbling, or befitting the AION.

AION is a noun meaning, "A period of time, or perpetuity of time, or definitive age, or unbroken age." It simply means an age with unknown measure which can be indefinitive or definitive.

So literally the word "AIONIOS" being translated as "Eternal" would more accurately be defined as "agely"; however since "agely" is not a real word, that leaves the English language without a literal translation for the word "AIONIOS".

So anytime you saw Jesus say "Eternal" this and "Eternal" that, he didn't say "perpetuality of time" but rather an indeterminate duration that is neither perpetual or definifitive.

So God's word is left to human interpretation, how miraculous. ;)


Jesus in me
The real problem with words like eternal everlasting and for ever and ever is the Babylonian religious system that refuse to look outside of their man made religious box. The seminaries keep puppeting the same old doctrines of damnations generation after generation. Occasionally you will find a Bible scholar willing to agree with the following. A careful study of the Greek word “aionios” (translated as “eternal,” “everlasting,” and “forever and ever” in our English translations) shows that it comes from the Greek noun “aion” which always means “an indeterminate period of time.” It is a most unfortunate thing that the translators of old chose to translate “aionios” from the Latin language rather than the Greek from which the word is derived. God’s punishment will not last forever as is commonly taught, but will only last for the ages and only UNTIL God’s purpose for it is complete.

Eternal, eternity, etc. is not actually found in Scripture though in some aspects applied through inference of propositions. The problem is that the Greek words which were translated to "eternal" actually do not translate properly in English because there is no word in English which translates it properly. In this case, the word is "AIONIOS" and it is a descriptive adjective which just means "of, or in, or belonging to, or coming from, or resmbling, or befitting the AION.

AION is a noun meaning, "A period of time, or perpetuity of time, or definitive age, or unbroken age." It simply means an age with unknown measure which can be indefinitive or definitive.

So literally the word "AIONIOS" being translated as "Eternal" would more accurately be defined as "agely"; however since "agely" is not a real word, that leaves the English language without a literal translation for the word "AIONIOS".

So anytime you saw Jesus say "Eternal" this and "Eternal" that, he didn't say "perpetuality of time" but rather an indeterminate duration that is neither perpetual or definifitive.

I prefer the word "timeless." I believe in determinism and that periods of good and evil alternate as God wills. People in an evil time pay attention to time because they only have 80 years. People who do not have a pre-determined time of death don't need to pay attention to time. There is also a time perception. Waiting in a dentists office seems to take an eternity while a good football game is over much too fast. Hell has a huge boredom factor that stretches time out much longer than the reality.
It would be nice if a spirit could sleep as those who lie in a grave but how does one sleep in wildfire? I suspect there is a great restlessness and a desire to escape but wildfire like a good fog does not have a way to be oriented to an escape route.

Danny Heim

Active Member
That's what its all about! The center of all the arguments is Jesus.

If we take Jesus out of the picture what have we left?

The same as it was before, no change.

Blessings, AJ

I'm glad this works for you. I only hope you can feel the same about other ideas of spirituality and know that those that have them feel as strong about theirs as you do yours. That attitude will go a long way to benefiting the human species.


Well-Known Member
Jesus was suposed to go to hell for three days and three nights and he says that hell is the centre of the earth! Isnt this the same place where life originated? amongst all that firery larva! Maybe jesus went there out of body!

Not many posters from here lol I thought they would be more from North of England given all the atheists here on this site ;)

Good to meet you btw

Fiery larva? sounds like something Bear Grylls would eat....


Active Member
Jesus was suposed to go to hell for three days and three nights and he says that hell is the centre of the earth! Isnt this the same place where life originated? amongst all that firery larva! Maybe jesus went there out of body!

Not many posters from here lol I thought they would be more from North of England given all the atheists here on this site ;)

Good to meet you btw

Boy, you can say that again.
BTW, Lucifer is not the name of Satan the Devil.


Veteran Member
Jesus was suposed to go to hell for three days and three nights and he says that hell is the centre of the earth! Isnt this the same place where life originated? amongst all that firery larva! Maybe jesus went there out of body!
Not many posters from here lol I thought they would be more from North of England given all the atheists here on this site ;)
Good to meet you btw

Yipes! Where does Scripture say hell is the centre of the earth?
True Jesus was in hell [Acts 2vs27,31] but the Bible hell is the grave.
Hell [hades/ sheol] is the common grave of mankind.
Jesus according to John [11vs11-14] believed the dead sleep the deep sleep of death. RIP. Even the word cemetery means sleeping place.

Jesus would have gotten his belief about the unconscious condition of the dead from Scriptures: Psalm 6v5; 13v3; 115v17; 146v4; Ecclesiastes 9v5,10.

According to Genesis [2v7] human life originated when Adam was created from the dust of the earth. LIfeless Adam came to be a living person or soul when God breathed the breath of life into Adam. Once Adam no longer had the breath of life then Adam died or fell into an eternal sleep with no hope of living again anywhere in heaven or on earth. Adam returned to dust.
Since we are not responsible for what Adam did we are offered an opportunity for a resurrection to heavenly life or eternal life on earth.

I had the absolutely delightful pleasure of spending two weeks in England way back in the 70's. Although not north of England, with all the clergy corruption it was understandable the bad attitude expressed toward religion in general.
Bad clergy does not make the Bible bad.
Wrong clergy behavior does not make the Bible wrong. -Acts 20vs29,30
Scripture foretold after 1st-century Christianity ended there would be wolf-like clergy dressed, so to speak, in sheep's clothing that would fleece the flock until the time of separation of Matthew 25v31,32.

Gehenna [not hades or sheol] is the word often translated as hellfire.
Gehenna was a garbage dump where things were destroyed not kept burning forever. Gehenna is a fitting symbol of destruction or annihilation.
That is why Psalm [92v7] can speak of destruction or annihilation not fire.

Hope the above is of some help.


Angel Of The North
When Jesus died he was put into a grave (tomb or hell or hole) and not into a fiery hell or some kind of furnace.
I thought God created man from the dust (elements) of the earth. ???

We are made of the earth. carbon, iron etc. Yeah the dust of the earth is acceptible to me :)

Hell is in the earth. its where life originated and God knows this aswell as it being scientific fact. heres a link:

The Truth About Hell

You read this too URAVIP2ME *stick out tounge*


Veteran Member
We are made of the earth. carbon, iron etc. Yeah the dust of the earth is acceptible to me :)
Hell is in the earth. its where life originated and God knows this aswell as it being scientific fact. heres a link:
The Truth About Hell
You read this too URAVIP2ME *stick out tounge*

Isn't Luke 16 a parable or illustration?_______
A parable or illustration is not literal but a story.

So the truth about hell in that story is that Jesus used an illustration, a parable, to the Pharisees that derided him [vs 14].

We all know a drop of water can Not cool one's tongue burning with fire.


Angel Of The North
Isn't Luke 16 a parable or illustration?_______
A parable or illustration is not literal but a story.

So the truth about hell in that story is that Jesus used an illustration, a parable, to the Pharisees that derided him [vs 14].

We all know a drop of water can Not cool one's tongue burning with fire.

"For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly: so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the HEART OF THE EARTH. "
The Bible is clear — Hell is inside the earth!

And the middle of the earth is where life originated. these basic lifeforms are still being released into the sea today as they were millions of years ago. Maybe Jesus went to trace his roots or something.



Veteran Member
And the middle of the earth is where life originated. these basic lifeforms are still being released into the sea today as they were millions of years ago. Maybe Jesus went to trace his roots or something.

Jesus wasn't tracing anything while unconscious in hell [gravedom] -Acts 2vs27,31; Ecc 9vs5,10.

However, if we trace mankind's religious family tree back to its roots at the base we find religious pagan peoples practicing pagan religious ideas and beliefs such as burning after death. When those ancient pagan peoples migrated from ancient Babylon, the birthplace of pagan religious ideas, they spread their old Babylonian pagan religious thinking world wide into a greater religious Babylon or Babylon the Great.

That is why after first-century Christianity ended began a fusion or blending of pagan ideas mixed with Christian teachings so that we see similar religious concepts overlapping worldwide.


Active Member
We are made of the earth. carbon, iron etc. Yeah the dust of the earth is acceptible to me :)

Hell is in the earth. its where life originated and God knows this aswell as it being scientific fact. heres a link:

The Truth About Hell

You read this too URAVIP2ME *stick out tounge*

I find it interesting that you picked out the second most ridiculous web site in the world to validate Hell. Number one still belongs to those sites that have the "recordings" of the screams from Hell.
Here's the background to that story;

They Discovered Hell?

HAVE you noticed that the doctrine of hellfire seems to be on the wane lately? Perhaps it just can’t survive this skeptical age we’re living in. Or perhaps more and more people are realizing that the notion of tormenting human beings forever in fire is not compatible with the just and loving God portrayed in the Bible. Whatever the reason for the disbelief, some religious leaders are responding with measures that smack of desperation. Consider a case in point.

In the United States, both a national “Christian” television network and an evangelical newsletter recently reported that scientists had discovered “hell” while drilling in Siberia! The magazine Biblical Archaeology Review wryly summarized one such account.

Allegedly, a team of Finnish and Norwegian scientists were in Siberia drilling deep into the earth’s crust as an experiment. They were quite surprised when, several miles below them, the drill bit began to spin in empty space! They were even more surprised when they found that the temperature down there was over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit [1,100° C.]!

They were most surprised of all, though, when they lowered a microphone down the hole and subsequently heard thousands—perhaps millions—of human voices, all screaming in agony! So unnerved were the scientists, the story goes, that many abandoned the project. Some were sworn to secrecy, while others converted from atheism to “Christianity” because of this proof of hell.

Not surprisingly, those who printed and repeated this story claimed that it was well documented. Rich Buhler, host of a radio talk show, wrote in Christianity Today that he and his staff tried to follow up on such reports. Under investigation, one source evaporated in a tangled web of articles that quoted from letters that were quoting from equally unsubstantiated articles.

The other source was a letter from a Norwegian man who, upon inquiry, frankly admitted that his letter was a fake. He sent it simply because he felt sure it would be believed and publicized. No doubt he realized the sad truth about far too many religious organizations—they believe what they want to believe.

In the Hebrew Scriptures of the Bible the word “hell” is translated from the Hebrew word sheol. It occurs 65 times and in the Authorized King James version Bible is translated 31 times “hell,” 31 times “grave,” and 3 times “pit.” In the Greek Scriptures of that Bible version the word “hell” is translated from the Greek word Hades in all of its ten occurrences. Both sheol and hades mean the common grave of mankind, and never relate to pain or fiery torment or to anyone living several miles below the surface in Siberia!

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So you are saying the bad just die and don't get back up, but the followers of Jesus do get up and go to heaven, is that about right?

Romans 6:23, NASB,
23For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Matthew 5:5,NASB,(Jesus Speaking),
5"Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.

Yes indeed the earth is man's home not heaven.

Isaiah 65:17-24,NASB,
17"For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth;
And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind.
18"But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create;
For behold, I create Jerusalem for rejoicing
And her people for gladness.
19"I will also rejoice in Jerusalem and be glad in My people;
And there will no longer be heard in her
The voice of weeping and the sound of crying.
20"No longer will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days,
Or an old man who does not live out his days;
For the youth will die at the age of one hundred
And the one who does not reach the age of one hundred
Will be thought accursed.
21"They will build houses and inhabit them;
They will also plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
22"They will not build and another inhabit,
They will not plant and another eat;
For as the lifetime of a tree, so will be the days of My people,
And My chosen ones will wear out the work of their hands.
23"They will not labor in vain,
Or bear children for calamity;
For they are the offspring of those blessed by the LORD,
And their descendants with them.

24"It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear. 25"The wolf and the lamb will graze together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox; and dust will be the serpent's food They will do no evil or harm in all My holy mountain," says the LORD.


The english word "hell" comes from the Saxon word "hellan" which means to cover over. That is exactly what happens when you are put in the grave. Thus hell is simply the grave.
They were even more surprised when they found that the temperature down there was over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit [1,100° C.]!

They were most surprised of all, though, when they lowered a microphone down the hole and subsequently heard thousands—perhaps millions—of human voices, all screaming in agony!

And just how long do think a microphone would work in 2000 degrees F. Maybe a millionth of a second. And in that millionth of a second they heard human screams................smile

