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"Liberal Christian" is an oxymoron!


Well-Known Member
"As a liberal Christian, I realize that the stories about the virgin birth may be part of a mythology that developed about Jesus after his life. . ."

One cannot be a Christian and consider anything associated with JC as revealed in the bible a "myth."

It is, of course, the whole 9 yds. But you can't make that assumption and be a "true believer."

And who made you, a non-Christian, the judge of what makes a Christian, hmm?


Well-Known Member
My! Touchy aren't we?;)

I was merely pointing out that one only need READ the myth to understand what it says.:cool:

If you take it at face value and accept that it IS a divine revelation then the basic principals are fairly clear.:)


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
No, you don't need to merely read scriptures in order to understand them. You need to STUDY them - which means understanding the historical context thoroughly, understanding the audience that each passage of scripture is addressing, and even very thoroughly studying the meanings of the original texts - the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic.

This takes time, patience, and an open mind. Much of which is in quite short supply around here.


Just like "military intelligence", "Liberal Christian" is an oxymoron!

Depends what you mean by 'liberal'?
If it means being open-minded and not afraid to go against traditional narrow-mindededness, you can call me an oxymoron anytime, here's a good example..:)-



Well-Known Member
Not to get the basics. Finer points of esoteric theology maybe. But the "plan of salvation" is fairly simple.

Cal Thomas had a cute line I read some yrs back, I don't remember where but he was answering this complexity question.

"God's plan salvation can be put on a post card. Which shows how far ahead god was thinking."


..the "plan of salvation" is fairly simple.."

Right, we've simply got to like Jesus so much that we want to 'mind-meld' with him to such a degree that when the body dies, the soul assimilates into him..:)
"You shall know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you" (John 14:20)

Jordan St. Francis

Well-Known Member
I agree that, in principle, to commit to liberalism and Christianity is a contradiction- many manage it, and the result is a disaster like John Shelby Spong.

I think a Christian may have certain liberal opinions, but liberalism is the enemy of religion.

A poem here by the Cardinal John Henry Newman- a strong critic of liberalism in religion and himself, from certain vantage points, sometimes accused as a liberal.

YE cannot halve the Gospel of God's grace;
Men of presumptuous heart! I know you well.
Ye are of those who plan that we should dwell,
Each in his tranquil home and holy place;
Seeing the Word refines all natures rude,
And tames the stirrings of the multitude.

And ye have caught some echoes of its lore,
As heralded amid the joyous choirs;
Ye mark'd it spoke of peace, chastised desires,
Good-will and mercy,—and ye heard no more;
But, as for zeal and quick-eyed sanctity,
And the dread depths of grace, ye pass'd them by

And so ye halve the Truth; for ye in heart,
At best, are doubters whether it be true,
The theme discarding, as unmeet for you,
Statesmen or Sages. O new-compass'd art
Of the ancient Foe!—but what, if it extends
O'er our own camp, and rules amid our friends?
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Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
OK, everyone ready for this?

I don't believe Jesus would be too pleased with Conservative war mongering any more than he would Liberal abortionists.


OK, everyone ready for this?

I don't believe Jesus would be too pleased with Conservative war mongering any more than he would Liberal abortionists.

I believe Jesus' stance on war would be...
no war, at any time, or under any conditions,
even to save the lives of your loved ones.

(funny concept that war saves lives.:areyoucra THAT is double speak.)
