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Library Idiocy

Truth in love

Well-Known Member
Not sure.
But in a free society information should ideally be….well freely given honestly. I mean right?
An uneducated society is one that is easily controlled, after all

knowledge is power.

Who is deciding what is taught?

Do we want a ministry of truth?

A great many people think Trump is flawless, others think Biden is honest.

Truth in love

Well-Known Member
They serve a great and tremendous service to the community. To say they aren't a valid function of the government is to deny the invaluable services libraries provide to the communities, and the Constitutionally the government is charged with promoting the general welfare of the public. If you think books are all a library does you haven't spent much time in them and don't know much about their operations and all the services they provide. Myself, right now I don't have a functioning printer at home so in addition to books the library is a cheap place to get necessary things printed.
And I still say that people need to grow the hell up and make it a point to read a book of opposing viewpoints that discusses a topic where one of those sides is really going to **** them off.
Off the rails agian.


Use any and all pronouns including neo and it/it's

Before I go off to look through the APA website for sources on what a mental disorder is will you give a defination of mental disorder from a reliable source(preferably from a medical source) and how it supports your argument that homosexuality is a mental disorder


How you may consider me to be "mentally disordered" is -- I think you should know this, because it is a fact -- thoroughly offensive.
There is a lengthy discussion about this in the thread, I don't feel like going over it again and I already said it's not wise to debate over this but I was provoked to debate it,
long story short here is link:

btw. "mental disorder" doesn't mean one is "crazy", unfortunately society categorizes people as such, but this is not reason to make politics influence doctors.

Really? I didn't realize we had meds for that.
There are obviously no magic drugs, but lack of drugs doesn't make diagnosis go away.


Before I go off to look through the APA website for sources on what a mental disorder is will you give a defination of mental disorder from a reliable source(preferably from a medical source) and how it supports your argument that homosexuality is a mental disorder
Mental disorders

There is a lengthy discussion about this in the thread, I don't feel like going over it again

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
There is a lengthy discussion about this in the thread, I don't feel like going over it again and I already said it's not wise to debate over this but I was provoked to debate it,
long story short here is link:

btw. "mental disorder" doesn't mean one is "crazy", unfortunately society categorizes people as such, but this is not reason to make politics influence doctors.

There are obviously no magic drugs, but lack of drugs doesn't make diagnosis go away.
You can't make a diagnosis with a dictionary.

Once again, that does not help you here.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
There is a lengthy discussion about this in the thread, I don't feel like going over it again and I already said it's not wise to debate over this but I was provoked to debate it,
long story short here is link:

btw. "mental disorder" doesn't mean one is "crazy", unfortunately society categorizes people as such, but this is not reason to make politics influence doctors.

There are obviously no magic drugs, but lack of drugs doesn't make diagnosis go away.
I notice you didn't answer my question on your "Psychological Dictionary" (and why the APA has one of their own that doesn't seem to jibe) -- and that's the same question that @RayofLight also just asked.

But of course, I don't really need you to answer, because I already know. It's the same with everything for people who want their worlds to be "just so:" once you've found a source that tells you what you want to hear, stop looking for anything else.

Because it isn't "truth" you're looking for -- it's vindication.


Use any and all pronouns including neo and it/it's
Hey with the whole there's a lengthy discussion thing i wasn't asking about sociopathic personality disorders. I was asking about what your defination of mental disorder is and how that defination fits homosexuality.

We going back to the basics of psychology here.

Imma think a bit read the link you just gave me come back and respond on why homosexuality isn't a mental disorder according to how the term mental disorder is used. To make sure I get my argument right. Be back later


I was asking about what your defination of mental disorder is.
Doesn't link I gave you answer that question?

I notice you didn't answer my question on your "Psychological Dictionary"
Ah sorry I didn't see, you asked:

Does the American Psychological Association (APA) recognize this "dictionary?" I generally trust sources that come from the vast majority of practitioners in any field than a supposedly "authoritative" text written (as this one is) by a very few.
I ask, of course, because I'm aware that the APA has its own Dictionary of Psychology, and it does not say anything like your source.

Obviously as we already talked in this thread the APA was influenced by gay activists and had "homosexuality" removed from their dictionary, but otherwise there is no other difference.
From my understanding not all associations are affected, ex. protests in the US likely had no influence on other countries, but I never investigated this.


Use any and all pronouns including neo and it/it's
Doesn't link I gave you answer that question
You did. And I just read it.

To quote from your source:
A mental disorder is characterized by a clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotional regulation, or behaviour. It is usually associated with distress or impairment in important areas of functioning. There are many different types of mental disorders. Mental disorders may also be referred to as mental health conditions. The latter is a broader term covering mental disorders, psychosocial disabilities and (other) mental states associated with significant distress, impairment in functioning, or risk of self-harm. This fact sheet focuses on mental disorders as described by the International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision (ICD-11).

How does homosexuality cause distrubance in behavior, cognition, and/or emotional regulation? And how does it impair functioning, cause self harm and/or distress?


How does homosexuality cause distrubance in behavior, cognition, and/or emotional regulation? And how does it impair functioning, cause self harm and/or distress?
heh, mental disorder doesn't mean all that at once but rather one or more of these.

In regard to homosexuality I think "impairment" is best description of it: (impairment is mentioned in definition)

A decrement in the body’s typical physiological or psychological functioning
APA Dictionary of Psychology


Use any and all pronouns including neo and it/it's
heh, mental disorder doesn't mean all that at once but rather one or more of these.

In regard to homosexuality I think "impairment" is best description of it: (impairment is mentioned in definition)

APA Dictionary of Psychology

Again how does it impair function? It's not typical sure but left handedness is not typical but not considered an impairment in function.

Also i didnt say it meant all that at once that's why i put and/or


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Obviously as we already talked in this thread the APA was influenced by gay activists and had "homosexuality" removed from their dictionary, but otherwise there is no other difference.
From my understanding not all associations are affected, ex. protests in the US likely had no influence on other countries, but I never investigated this.
Ah. So that huge contingent of gay activists overcame the scientific training of the more than 120,000 members of the APA, but your "Free Online" Psychological Dictionary, which doesn't name it's contributors or number them, was immune from such pressures.

I see. This **** never changes.


Again how does it impair function? It's not typical sure but left handedness is not typical but not considered an impairment in function.
Being left handed is not impairment or decrement in the body’s typical physiological functioning.
Also definition likely changed over time and will likely change in the future.

Ah. So that huge contingent of gay activists overcame the scientific training of the more than 120,000 members of the APA, but your "Free Online" Psychological Dictionary, which doesn't name it's contributors or number them, was immune from such pressures.
Indeed it's funny how the public can influence profession.

This dictionary is not different than what is official, the only difference is lack of homosexuality which was removed.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Obviously as we already talked in this thread the APA was influenced by gay activists and had "homosexuality" removed from their dictionary, but otherwise there is no other difference.
That is historically inaccurate. It was a resounding vote to strike it because it had been realized homosexuality isn't a disorder.
And dictionary? That isn't accurate either, nor is the idea of one official one that is used and accepted by all.


Use any and all pronouns including neo and it/it's
Being left handed is not impairment or decrement in the body’s typical physiological functioning.
Also definition likely changed over time and will likely change in the future.
Neither is homosexuality. You have yet to show me it's an impairment

Truth in love

Well-Known Member
Whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. Matthew 5:22
I'll just take that as you can't offer any proper rebuttal so you must resort the tactics of the defeated.
I was simply point out again that your post was very far off topic and filled with assumptions.