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Life From Dirt?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
@Subduction Zone OK, please give your definition of what sediment is.
I have done so at least twice. Do you not see how people can get frustrated with a person that has to ask the same questions again and again. I used the definition from Wikipedia but then quoted other sources that use an almost identical definition:

"Sediment is a naturally occurring material that is broken down by processes of weathering and erosion, and is subsequently transported by the action of wind, water, or ice or by the force of gravity acting on the particles. For example, sand and silt can be carried in suspension in river water and on reaching the sea bed deposited by sedimentation; if buried, they may eventually become sandstone and siltstone (sedimentary rocks) through lithification."

If it is not "broken down by he processes of weathering and erosion" it is not sediment.


Veteran Member
Sorry that I must say this again but there is no evidence making the theory true. Naturally you can't say prove so stick to making it true. (So stupid...)
You were just given evidence in the post you were responding to.

And look at what your response to that is ... the above. "There is no evidence" ...
Please explain to the rest of us how we are supposed to converse with a person that denies evidence that is placed right in front of their face, as if it wasn't even placed there at all.


Veteran Member
Absolutely untrue and of course not proven. Naturally. Humans remain humans, gorillas stay as gorillas etc.
And again.

Your error was just explained to you, and what is your response? "Nuh uh, I'm sticking with my inaccurate understanding of cladistics."
Please tell us how anyone is supposed to be able to converse with anyone that provides these type of non-responses.


Veteran Member
The prophesies about the restoration of Israel.

“Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store" (Weekly Standard, 5/11/1998).

Against all odds, the Jewish people have once again returned to the “land of milk and honey” promised by God in Exodus and as exclaimed by prophets throughout the Old Testament.”

If I order a steak in a restaurant, and then a little while later the waiter brings me a steak, has a prophecy just been fulfilled?
What if it took the waiter a thousand years to bring my steak?


Veteran Member
My comments were intended for @YoursTrue , because I knew she’d understand it.

You said, I’m “ignoring all evidence”.
That’s rich, because you only have one line of evidence: some living creatures have the same genes.

Most scientists who see these same genes in other organisms automatically jump to the conclusion, “Oh, because these organisms ‘share’ the same genes, it must mean they are related!”

It eludes them, that a Designer could simply have duplicated them in the origination of such unrelated species. And they then stay within their “kinds.”

Honestly, sharing the same genetic structure, could just as well be evidence that all Families(?) / Orders(?) of creatures were designed by one Creator, using the same genetic DNA blueprint! And they diversified from there.

The Cambrian Explosion and the Fossil record both tend to support this conclusion, whether you deny it or not.

But I know that you have a lot of faith in the creative power of ToE.
So I'm not really demonstrably related to my mom and my sister and my great-great-great-grandmother? It only appears that way because God designed us all? Think about what you're saying here.

The Cambrian explosion doesn't show what you think it does. Not even close. Why you keep bringing up that decades-old PRATT is beyond me.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Most scientists who see these same genes in other organisms automatically jump to the conclusion, “Oh, because these organisms ‘share’ the same genes, it must mean they are related!”

It eludes them, that a Designer could simply have duplicated them in the origination of such unrelated species. And they then stay within their “kinds.”

Honestly, sharing the same genetic structure, could just as well be evidence that all Families(?) / Orders(?) of creatures were designed by one Creator, using the same genetic DNA blueprint! And they diversified from there.
See #1,795. That is just misrepresentation of the actual evidence.

A creator reusing a blueprint wouldn't look anything remotely like what we see in organisms' genomes. A creator would have to go out of its way to lie and make it look exactly like the the changes had happened by random mutations, make sure to litter all the genomes with broken versions of previous species' genes, make sure all those false clues gave a self-consistent family tree of species, and so on.

It's beyond laughable to think that a sane designer who didn't want to deliberately deceive, would produce what we actually see.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
So I'm not really demonstrably related to my mom and my sister and my great-great-great-grandmother? It only appears that way because God designed us all? Think about what you're saying here.
I said nothing like that! You can’t lack that much comprehension!

Amazing you’d even post that, it makes your reasoning look inept.

Regarding the CE..

If you’re honest with yourself, you might learn something.
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Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
See #1,795. That is just misrepresentation of the actual evidence.

A creator reusing a blueprint wouldn't look anything remotely like what we see in organisms' genomes. A creator would have to go out of its way to lie and make it look exactly like the the changes had happened by random mutations, make sure to litter all the genomes with broken versions of previous species' genes, make sure all those false clues gave a self-consistent family tree of species, and so on.

It's beyond laughable to think that a sane designer who didn't want to deliberately deceive, would produce what we actually see.
You apparently don’t comprehend my replies, either.

Or deliberately misrepresent them.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
You apparently don’t comprehend my replies, either.

Or deliberately misrepresent them.
Considering what you just posted, that's quite comical. Anyway, it's very easy to say that I don't understand your posts, in what way do you think I misunderstood?

You suggested that genetic evidence could be explained because different organisms were "designed by one Creator, using the same genetic DNA blueprint". I pointed out several ways in which that doesn't make sense. Where is the misunderstanding? How do you explain, for example, all the broken genes (apparently) left over from ancestor species (like the gene for egg yoke, humans still have, for example) and why they are arranged so as to give a consistent picture of our evolutionary family tree?

Regarding the CE..
In what way do you think that article helps your case?


Veteran Member
I said nothing like that! You can’t lack that much comprehension!

Amazing you’d even post that, it makes your reasoning look inept.
That's the implication from your claim about god designing via nested hierarchies. I know, I thought your claim was strange as well.
Regarding the CE..

If you’re honest with yourself, you might learn something.
Doesn't change a thing about your faulty argument, or the problems with it.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I said nothing like that! You can’t lack that much comprehension!

Amazing you’d even post that, it makes your reasoning look inept.

Regarding the CE..

If you’re honest with yourself, you might learn something.
That article does not help you at all, and it is a bit inaccurate. Please note that they only worked with trilobite evolution. And we can even see that sort of rapid evolution today. When one new species is introduced to a new environment where there is no competition evolution can be very rapid.

" But the Lake Victoria cichlids far surpass Darwin's finches in the astonishing speed with which they diversified: the more than 500 species that live there and only there today all evolved within the past 15,000 to 10,000 years—an eyeblink in geologic terms—compared with the 14 finch species that evolved over several million years."

So rapid trilobite evolution in no way harms the theory of evolution. In fact it appears to confirm it. When hard body parts first evolved, and that appears to be directly tied to atmospheric oxygen hitting a certain point, new species evolved quickly. But not all at he same time. For example trilobites first appeared about 530 million years ago. Echinoderms first appeared about 9 million years later:

The Cambrian Explosion was not just one explosion. It was a series of them. Species after species that formed the base of various phyla evolved the ability to make hard body parts at different times. And since they all were going into essentially competition free environments due to their newly evolved trait they each had explosive evolution of the same sort one found with Lake Victorian Cichlids. And there are predecessors, but since we are comparing the hard body parts that are left behind to early soft body casts it i can be difficult to say exactly which species were the forerunners of various different phyla. An inability to say exactly which soft body matched which hard body does no harm to the theory of evolution either.

So was trilobite evolution "explosive"? Yes. Does that help creationists in any way at all? No.

If you really want to help creationism you need to tell your creation "scientists" to follow the scientific method and develop testable hypotheses for creationism. That means finding something different from what the theory of evolution predicts and show that in a testable way that creationism explains that difference. So far all that you have are strawman arguments at best when describing evolution. And those are refuted once the strawman is identified.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I have done so at least twice. Do you not see how people can get frustrated with a person that has to ask the same questions again and again. I used the definition from Wikipedia but then quoted other sources that use an almost identical definition:

"Sediment is a naturally occurring material that is broken down by processes of weathering and erosion, and is subsequently transported by the action of wind, water, or ice or by the force of gravity acting on the particles. For example, sand and silt can be carried in suspension in river water and on reaching the sea bed deposited by sedimentation; if buried, they may eventually become sandstone and siltstone (sedimentary rocks) through lithification."

If it is not "broken down by he processes of weathering and erosion" it is not sediment.
Sorry. I don't have the time to read everything so I apologize if I missed it or don't remember. You can get frustrated with me, that's ok, but it's up to you to nicely answer questions. Or not. But anyway, I'll go over your definition of sediment. You say, don't you, that lava is NOT sediment, right? Let me start there. Just to reiterate. Plus you say that if the naturally occurring material is NOT broken down by the processes of weathering and erosion it is not sediment, right? Therefore you conclude from that description that lava is not sediment. Perhaps we might go over what lava is again? If you don't want to, ok, I understand, almost -- but I'll keep in mind that you think that if the naturally occurring material is NOT broken down by weathering and erosion it is not sediment. Maybe I'll have to write down your agreement with that definition so I remember it. :)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I said nothing like that! You can’t lack that much comprehension!

Amazing you’d even post that, it makes your reasoning look inept.

Regarding the CE..

If you’re honest with yourself, you might learn something.
I'm still trying to figure what some think sediment is, also that at least one person here puts down National Geographic as a source of information because it made a mistake and then corrected it about something. So it seems that either people believe what someone else has to say or does not believe it, as if National Geographic is not a respected source but those interpreting statements may have the final word because -- it supports their point of view, now about sediment, and primarily if lava is not sediment or carrying parts of rock from within a volcano. (amazing... but anyway...) :) And because it is important to understand, I can see the wisdom of the saying that some are not open to any agreement. I can only imagine disagreement is very important to some.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Sorry. I don't have the time to read everything so I apologize if I missed it or don't remember. You can get frustrated with me, that's ok, but it's up to you to nicely answer questions. Or not. But anyway, I'll go over your definition of sediment. You say, don't you, that lava is NOT sediment, right? Let me start there. Just to reiterate. Plus you say that if the naturally occurring material is NOT broken down by the processes of weathering and erosion it is not sediment, right? Therefore you conclude from that description that lava is not sediment. Perhaps we might go over what lava is again? If you don't want to, ok, I understand, almost -- but I'll keep in mind that you think that if the naturally occurring material is NOT broken down by weathering and erosion it is not sediment. Maybe I'll have to write down your agreement with that definition so I remember it. :)
No, if you are rude by not listening to answers that relieves me of the duty to be nice. Be polite. Be honest. And then there will be no "rudeness".

And yes, the number one requirement for something to be considered sediment is that it comes from material that has been weathered and broken down. Otherwise it is merely the original deposit not matter what kind of deposit that it was. Seriously, this should not be that hard to understand.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
No, if you are rude by not listening to answers that relieves me of the duty to be nice. Be polite. Be honest. And then there will be no "rudeness".

And yes, the number one requirement for something to be considered sediment is that it comes from material that has been weathered and broken down. Otherwise it is merely the original deposit not matter what kind of deposit that it was. Seriously, this should not be that hard to understand.
LOL, if I didn't read or understand an answer, I guess that entitles you to be rude. LOL! OK. :)

You say that the number one requirement for something to be considered sediment is that it comes from material that has been weathered and broken down. So can you give an example of this? For instance, as I understand it, and maybe I don't understand correctly, water can carry sediment. So please, what is an example of something that comes from material that has been weathered and broken down.