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Louisiana becomes first state to require that Ten Commandments be displayed in public classrooms


Its amendment process is better than the Bible’s.
With superior results.

The truth does not need ammenments. The process for the Constitution, on the other hand, is a joke and pretty much impossible today, because of the divisions in society. But I get it, you never miss an opportunity to criticize Christianity. If it makes you feel better...


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The truth does not need ammenments.
Yet interpretations of the Bible change greatly over the centuries. And Christians can’t ever agree what it means, eg, abortion, speech, gay marriage, war, murder. It lacks coherence and specificity. And urges evil in many passages.
If there’s anything “true” in it, it’ lost in the fog of division.


Yet interpretations of the Bible change greatly over the centuries. And Christians can’t ever agree what it means, eg, abortion, speech, gay marriage, war, murder. It lacks coherence and specificity. And urges evil in many passages.
If there’s anything “true” in it, it’ lost in the fog of division.

That the truth has been lost to many - so true.


Admiral Obvious
The truth does not need ammenments.
the Biblically condoned slavery has been condemned by society.
With out an amendment...

The process for the Constitution, on the other hand, is a joke and pretty much impossible today, because of the divisions in society.
I actually agree with you here.

But I get it, you never miss an opportunity to criticize Christianity.
Such low hanging fruit is sometimes impossible to resist.

If it makes you feel better...
I have no idea how it makes them feel.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
The truth does not need ammenments. The process for the Constitution, on the other hand, is a joke and pretty much impossible today, because of the divisions in society. But I get it, you never miss an opportunity to criticize Christianity. If it makes you feel better...
Which version of Christianity, yours, the Southern Baptist, the Roman Catholic?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
And yet it is quoted hundreds of times in Supreme Court decisions making it a legal document. Much of our legal system is based on the Ten Commandments.
It's not a legal document. If it was then it would have legal binding. It has none. Thomas Jefferson plagarized John Locke, not the Bible, and it's already been said by a SC Justice is a nation of predominantly Christians but definitely not a Christian Nation.