I was going to quote some people, but after reading through 5 plus pages I gave up. Gone for 4 days and you guys add 10 pages lol.
Supernatural forces exist insofar as they are part of nature. Technically, I do not believe in the supernatural because I am a pantheist. The "super"natural is merely parts of the natural world we do not understand. The only thing "super" about spirits and magic is that they are not bound into matter.
They are energy and forces, they are INTELLIGENT and conscious forces and energies, very much alive, BUT COMPLETELY NATURE. Their workings in merely in a form that we cannot YET study scientifically.
Yahweh is very real, Lucifer is very real, Allah is very real, Buddha is very real, Satan is very real, but all are merely names for conscious forces we do not fully understand.
Magic is according to the Satanic Bible:
"The change in situations or events in accordance with one's will, which would, using normally accepted methods, be unchangeable."
It seems to me that magic is ANYTHING from prayer to invocations to even applied psychology. The fact that this definition includes a part of science, psychology, would indicate that magic is an aspect of the mind that can bring about change.
Now prayer and greater magic changes actual events and more than just your own mind, so it could be inferred that if magic works through minds, these greater forces (gods) are conscious minds! Again, I think gods are very real, but are incorporeal (with the exception of the Universe that is THE god).
Really, it's all a matter of semantics. Magic is magic, no matter what you call it or who you pray to. We use it every day. When we understand it we call it "science", when we do not understand it we call it "magic". The only difference is that we cannot study it because we have not advanced to that point yet.
This is the view of a pantheist. Spiritual and mundane reside in the same Universe. The only difference is that one consists of matter, and the other consists of energy and forces. Keep in mind that matter is 'frozen' energy.
To deny gods is like denying electricity or gravity to me. Gravity and electricity is very real as cab be seen by it's effects, but both forces do not have any direct physical manifestation that we have yet discovered. Electric charges in electrons isn't the electron itself, but rather a property of it so don't bother. Also we havn't seen any gravitons and according to a relativistic model (as opposed to quantum) none would exist so don't attack that either. So my analogy still stands.