God All_a_us.
I said close to.. I believe in a non-interfering Univrsal Creator of some type. . I believe Genesis 9 is an echo of a much older philosphy/belief system and it has a message to all of us (its not the oldest eg Gilgamesh) but it is the oldest, most relevant to the situaion we are faced with today. It has a message that Judaism, Christianity and Islam along with all the Rabbis, Priests Imams, Atheists and other groups have obscured, over and over again. Later writing on Moses teaches an echo of it as does Jesus and Mohammed. But the quiet small message is lost.This.
Curious @genesis9 - I notice that you ''label'' yourself as ''close to secular humanism.'' Why then do you believe that it should be compulsory for secular schools to teach Genesis? Just wondering.
This message speaks to me in a quiet voice over the hubbub of useless inter-faith dialogue that has gone on for 1000 years plus and will continue do do so . These faiths only have one common ground Gen 9 which any humanist can read agree with and know what it really means............The small voice speaks to me and you and everyone, without exception and without favouritism. This voice says simply "Be fruitful and multiply. No orders/commands/dictats/shall nots/ rules on dress code/. Its important for what Gen 9 does NOT say .
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