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Making America Weak Again

Is America's standing in the world worse now than it was under Obama?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • About the same

    Votes: 6 14.3%

  • Total voters


A little to the left and slightly out of focus.
Premium Member
Through the years McCain has proven himself somewhat nebulous and delusional.
Further, he has been known to go public in favor of popular opinion only to vote in the opposite direction. I take what he says with a grain of salt to be sure.


Veteran Member
Through the years McCain has proven himself somewhat nebulous and delusional. I think he's about ready for the Old Jet Fighter's Home. Of course we are perceived as stronger. For example, China seems to be taking the lead on containing that NK maniac. I believe that China has no doubt that The Donald will do what's necessary to protect our interests and the interests of our allies in the area. This is a far cry from the previous Kumbaya administration.
Beyond claims from Trump himself, what evidence do you have to back any of this up?


Veteran Member
I don't care about America's standing in the world. About time a President addressed his standing with his own people.

It's too early yet anyways to see how America will get greater or weaker with Trump. We should have a better picture during the midterms.
But, his standing with the vast majority of Americans is in the toilet. Only his most ardent supporters are sticking with him (36% approval rating). So, if he is trying to address his standing with his own people, he is failing miserably.

If your only argument against this is the unreliability of polls, what evidence do you have that suggests the majority of Americans are pleased with Trump?

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
The kabuki cabinet meeting of mandatory praise is worthy of Kim Jong Un and thus a classic. He's demanding worship which anyone who is not a member of his cult understands is the way tyrants work.


Well-Known Member
If anyone hear actually listens to some of our foreign correspondents and former ambassadors, they should well know that most countries in the world think we're nuts for electing Trump. Any concept that Trump is improving relations with most countries is simply delusional thinking, and recent elections are showing a backlash against our insanity.

Maybe we set the shining example of what not to be so other countries can get it right. Look at the french elections. They learned their lessons from us.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
If anyone hear actually listens to some of our foreign correspondents and former ambassadors, they should well know that most countries in the world think we're nuts for electing Trump. Any concept that Trump is improving relations with most countries is simply delusional thinking, and recent elections are showing a backlash against our insanity.
These sorts of stories have been getting a lot of play in Canadian media lately. I'm sure similar discussions are happening in Europe:

Trudeau decides it’s just not worth appeasing Trump in foreign-policy shift

America has left the world, Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland signalled in Tuesday's landmark foreign policy address. Canada and its allies will hang together, she vowed, awaiting its return.

This was a very dangerous thing to say. But we live in dangerous times.

Although Ms. Freeland never mentioned the words "Donald Trump" in her speech to the House, practically every line was informed by the crisis of his rogue presidency. Clearly, something happened at May's NATO and G7 meetings to make Prime Minister Justin Trudeau conclude there is nothing to be gained by treating with this man.


This may be the bluntest repudiation of Mr. Trump and his policies yet delivered by a Western government, and it is high-risk. Ms. Freeland's address is, in effect, a promise to Canada's European and Asian allies that we are with them, not with the Americans. Mr. Trump may well lump Canada in with everyone else when he seeks to impose tariffs or other punishments.

But the Liberals no longer seem to care. They have decided that the only solution to dealing with Mr. Trump is to wait him out.

Trudeau decides it’s just not worth appeasing Trump in foreign-policy shift - The Globe and Mail


What? Me worry?
These sorts of stories have been getting a lot of play in Canadian media lately. I'm sure similar discussions are happening in Europe:

Trudeau decides it’s just not worth appeasing Trump in foreign-policy shift - The Globe and Mail

I think you haters have sorely miscalculated why and how Trump was elected. Granted, he would not be my first choice if there were another viable candidate (for reasons I will not discuss here), but most of the people that voted for Donald could not give a fat rat's derriere about what the rest of the world thinks of us. We needed American jobs and American investments and you are seeing that from this administration. Instead of American being great we watched the last administration try to drag us down to the lowest common denominator when it came to other countries. We had had enough. Say what you will, believe what you want, but many of us are happy that our President has not bowed to a single world leader.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Maybe we set the shining example of what not to be so other countries can get it right. Look at the french elections. They learned their lessons from us.
I think you might have twisted two countries around because Marcon is quite popular now in France, and he certainly is not Trump-like. OTOH, Brexit and the election of May fit the Trump scenario, but look at what just happened with her in the new election she called for.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
We needed American jobs and American investments and you are seeing that from this administration.
Except job creation has slowed down, and we'll have to wait and see about what happens as far as investments are concerned.

Instead of American being great we watched the last administration try to drag us down to the lowest common denominator when it came to other countries.
Where in the world do you get your "news" from? It's gotta be the likes of Fox, Limbaugh, Breitbart, etc. The reality is that Obama was and is very popular in most countries.

Say what you will, believe what you want, but many of us are happy that our President has not bowed to a single world leader.
He bows to Putin, refusing to say a bad word about him.

On top of that, he keeps trying to stop investigations, and I would suggest that an innocent person would want these investigations to move quickly forward so as to prove that his team is not guilty of anything. And why would five of his staff not admit at first, including in writing, when asked if they had Russian connections? Doesn't that seem suspicious to you at all?

You are supporting a man who is as dishonest as the day is long, and for some reason there are those who support such dishonesty and incompetence. Maybe if they opened their eyes and ears and get their news from something other than right-wing media they would know what's really happening-- wink-wink.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I think you haters have sorely miscalculated why and how Trump was elected. Granted, he would not be my first choice if there were another viable candidate (for reasons I will not discuss here), but most of the people that voted for Donald could not give a fat rat's derriere about what the rest of the world thinks of us. We needed American jobs and American investments and you are seeing that from this administration. Instead of American being great we watched the last administration try to drag us down to the lowest common denominator when it came to other countries. We had had enough. Say what you will, believe what you want, but many of us are happy that our President has not bowed to a single world leader.
Tell me how increasing the cost of a home in the US by $1,200 helps American jobs or helps keep America great.

Softwood lumber tariff could hike U.S. single-family home prices by $1,236: study

Or tell me how killing investment in American clean energy helps American investment.

Trump is costing America jobs. He isn't creating them.
Recently, Senator John McCain told The Guardian that America’s standing in the world was stronger under former President Barack Obama than under Donald Trump. This is especially damning criticism not only because it comes from a member of Trump's own party, but because it implies that Trump has done serious damage to America's standing after only a few months in office.

So, I'm wondering: Do you agree or disagree with Senator McCain? Why or why not?

Both parties in our outdated and broken political system have been bought by corporations and the rich and serve the needs and desires of the elite, ultra-rich, owner class. Our politicians are more likely to the do the bidding of Saudi Arabian royalty than that of the American people. Our politicians are paid by the rich (whether they are Americans or not) to help the rich get richer. In their blind race for money and power they will destroy this country and the whole world economy to boot. We need a third party that actually represents the people in charge and sweep all the corporate bought trash into the gutter or prison where they belong.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I can assure you that in the UK, Trump and his government are seen as a complete joke. We can't believe the US elected him, even my conservative friends are amazed.

Well, about half of the US elected him, anyway. I hope the UK and the rest of the world understand that the US is deeply culturally/socially/politically polarized and divided.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
So do you think that the alt-left minions understand that they are holding a losing hand?

"alt-left minions"?

Trump has been and will continue to trip and fall on his own sword. He can only do that so many more times until he's down for good.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Recently, Senator John McCain told The Guardian that America’s standing in the world was stronger under former President Barack Obama than under Donald Trump. This is especially damning criticism not only because it comes from a member of Trump's own party, but because it implies that Trump has done serious damage to America's standing after only a few months in office.

So, I'm wondering: Do you agree or disagree with Senator McCain? Why or why not?

I'm not American so seeing this from outside, maybe thats a good thing, not hoodwinked by the trump propaganda machine

Under Obama America was beginning to earn some respect lost by Bush. There are several most hated country sites on the www, as an average of these sites Bush managed to drive the usa down too second most hated after israel. Obama's administration had the effect of lifting it from the floor to between 7th and 10th from the worst (i even say one that placed it way up at 40 something from bottom). Tump has dropped it right back, and more, it is now, in the majority of those sites number 1 on the most hated country lists.

When he pulled out of the paris accord he lost what little respect he had politically so now, some international decisions are made without American input.

From the general, guy in the street, point of view america is seen as trump and trump is seen ad a laughing stock.

I believe trump has reduced the standing of America considerably

That said, I'm british and following the recent election fiasco i guess thec world is laughing at us too.