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Making America Weak Again

Is America's standing in the world worse now than it was under Obama?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • About the same

    Votes: 6 14.3%

  • Total voters

The Kilted Heathen

Crow FreyjasmaðR
Its been awhile since I've been to a catholic service but the only people I saw wearing veils of any kind were elderly women; however they were ones who wore them anytime they left the house.
I was a Catholic for half my life; the only time I ever saw veils was at funerals, and even then not always.

So an article trying to motivate women into reviving an archaic, pre-1960's tradition? That's not evidence that Catholic women wear veils at church, as you said. It's evidence that they did, almost 60 years ago.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Obama was the first to deny American Exceptionalism. I, for one, am proud of the achievements and liberties found in this country that are unimaginable in many other countries. As for the bowing, check the video tape of Obama meeting the king of Saudi Arabia for the first time. Totally disgusting, IMHO. Compare that with Melania Trump defiantly refusing to wear a head covering in other Mideastern countries; you go, girl.

Should really be on a humour thread but the numbers stand up. Worth 5 minutes of anyone's time



Veteran Member
My mistake, I'm getting along in years and do not go to services anymore and Catholic women wore veils back then.
Oh by the way

"Vatican protocol dictates that women should wear long sleeves, formal black clothing and a black veil during private audiences with the pope."

The Kilted Heathen

Crow FreyjasmaðR
Saudi Arabian protocols require women to wear veils at all times. So what makes it super cool for them to defy those requirements, yet bow to the Vaticans?


Veteran Member
Saudi Arabian protocols require women to wear veils at all times. So what makes it super cool for them to defy those requirements, yet bow to the Vaticans?
Guess you had an issue with Michelle Obama then

The Kilted Heathen

Crow FreyjasmaðR
Ignoring the issue: What makes one okay to defy, and not the other? Had the Trumps worn white, would you have condemned them as insulting hospitality and going against tradition?


Premium Member
Recently, Senator John McCain told The Guardian that America’s standing in the world was stronger under former President Barack Obama than under Donald Trump. This is especially damning criticism not only because it comes from a member of Trump's own party, but because it implies that Trump has done serious damage to America's standing after only a few months in office.

So, I'm wondering: Do you agree or disagree with Senator McCain? Why or why not?
Trump is damaging relations, putting America first at the expense of the rest of the world.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Trump's loose lips alone have weakened relationships, at least while he's still in office.

The Kilted Heathen

Crow FreyjasmaðR
Guess you don't do research do you.
I actually did, but nothing came up. It's okay, you've been assuming a great many things about me for several posts, now.

You, however, are still ignoring the question. I'm just going to assume, then - having no other information to the contrary - that you think it's okay because one is Christian, and the other is Muslim. I'm also going to assume that you are perfectly okay with Trump blasting the Obama's for not wearing veils in Saudi Arabia, despite later doing the exact same thing. Hypocrisy, in a word.

And in regards to that (as a pre-emptive statement) why am I assuming this, after wagging a finger at your assumptions? Simple; after asking no less than three times, you haven't provided me with any indication to the opposite, when it's a very simple question to answer.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
You do realize that Melania identifies herself as a Catholic don't you? You do realize that Catholic women wear a veil in church don't you. You do realize that Melania is not a Muslim don't you?
From your post it appears you may be slightly confused.

I stand corrected then.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
.... Melania Trump defiantly refusing to wear a head covering in other Mideastern countries; you go, girl.
Absolutely. I thought it was great. She looked lovely, strong and dignified and I applaud her for not wearing a sign of religous oppression.

I assume you also thought it was great when Michelle Obama did exactly the same thing years before? Melania does very well when she follows Michelle's lead.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
What opportunities?

I like the United States very much. I visit it often and have many American friends, but I don't think its opportunities are any better than most western countries.

And this isn't just academic for me. As an engineer, NAFTA rules allow me to work in the US fairly easily and I've looked at job possibilities in the US. None were as good as what was available in Canada, and the American cities where the jobs in my field were available had generally poorer quality of life than what I could have in Canada.

You've got cheaper airline flights and cell phone service than Canada, but the same is true for Europe.

So what do you think warrants American exceptionalism? Yes, your country is special and unique in some ways, but so is every country.

Edit: is it your high rate of childhood mortality? Your high numbers of firearm deaths? Those aspects of the US are exceptional... though not in a good way.

I never really believed much in the idea of "American Exceptionalism." I was raised to be somewhat patriotic, but I'm not blind about it. Still, America is also where I live, so there's a certain motivated self-interest in supporting what is beneficial for America.

As for "opportunities," that may fluctuate from country to country. But America has made some noteworthy achievements and accomplishments. One such accomplishment is in getting the attention of the entire world. It seems like so many people outside of America are interested in what we're doing, our politics, every utterance our president makes. It makes me think that there are some people who are more interested in America than in their own countries.


Not Religious
I realize that you seem to have a poor understanding of the written English language, but one would think that one would take extra time to insure that it isn't so blatant.

Now, what does your above comment have to do with what I said. Oh I forgot you don't need an excuse, you are an excuse.
I'm pointing out how many conservatives hate catholics.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
In regards to the dress code for women (and men), one might check out this official website for meeting the Pope: PAPAL AUDIENCE DRESS CODE

One may note that wearing black or long sleeves are not requirements, but keeping the upper arms covered is.

BTW, when visiting the Dome of the Rock, my wife had to wear a shawl to cover her upper arms as well as a skirt or pants that reached below her knees, and us men had a similar requirement (not a skirt though-- gee, I wonder if a kilt for a Scottish man would be acceptable? Hmmmmm?). The only difference between us men and the women is that the latter also had to wear a head covering.