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Man sentenced to death for sorcery.

no problem :) all the knowledge is from God. magic was brought as a test matter. if it is forbidden today, that's because human failed it. i can't recall the place at the moment but i think it is somewhere in Asia where these human-looking angels met people and told them about this power. they also explained, it is a great responsibility, a serious test matter and they warned people about its weight. people took it knowing that it would be dangerous and used it on couples first. for example when husband and wife had fight and broke up, they used this power to bring them back together, for good purposes, i mean, just to make peace between people. though the same knowledge could be used negatively, to break up couples for instance. so people failed the test by using this power negatively. once they figured out how to control mind of people from distance, they started controling leaders, people who write history. according to our teachings it still goes on. there are world leaders who make desicions under spells. anyways. it is an interesting subject. long story short, people have started to use sorcery for selfish reasons without caring goodness of others, therefor God banned usage of that knowledge. until then it became a grave sin as not4me has said earlier


Where is this in the Koran?


Well-Known Member
If i may ? and i am sure a muslim will correct me if i am wrong.

1.First off there is no real Islamic state ,no caliphate so no Sharia The point is the Saudis shouldn't be doing this anyway.

2. I dont think a non Muslim would be allowed to practice Sorcery in a true Islamic state. and you cant renounce Islam that makes you an Apostate which carries the death penalty.Or do you mean repent i think he can repent if the Saudis let him but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Of course :) I'm no expert on Islam, so I'm happy to get answers.

1. Ok this has thrown me a little, I was under a completely different impression. I agree that the Saudi's shouldn't be doing this anyway, but I thought it was happening because of Sharia law? Also what is the difference (if any) between those countries with laws founded upon Islamic doctrine and Sharia law?

2. By "true Islamic state" do you mean a hypothetical Islamic state or those countries of a predominantly Islamic perspective?
Also, being unable to simply abandon Islam isn't surprising unfortunately, it's a catch 22. You have the freedom to choose Islam if you aren't born into it, but once you are in... you stay in... or else. I was always skeptical about the amount of choice a lot of Muslim members have claimed to have, but this (if it is correct) seems to confirm my suspicions.

Honestly, Islam is really beginning to confuse me. I'm under the weather as it is, but I still can't figure out whether or not some of the Muslim members here agree with the death sentence for sorcerors or not. It seems that the general consensus is that sorcery deserves the death penalty, but then there is a lot of confusion over whether that penalty should be carried out and under what circumstances.


Veteran Member
Is white magic ok?

no, not anymore. but Muslims who's given duties to help people about this kind of stuff do use "science of Allah" as we name it. i mean, for example, if someone puts a spell on you to starve you to death, only certain people can neutralize the spell. fighting spell requires special talents and weapons that's given by God



Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
no, not anymore. but Muslims who's given duties to help people about this kind of stuff do use "science of Allah" as we name it. i mean, for example, if someone puts a spell on you to starve you to death, only certain people can neutralize the spell. fighting spell requires special talents and weapons that's given by God




Veteran Member
Of course :) I'm no expert on Islam, so I'm happy to get answers.

1. Ok this has thrown me a little, I was under a completely different impression. I agree that the Saudi's shouldn't be doing this anyway, but I thought it was happening because of Sharia law? Also what is the difference (if any) between those countries with laws founded upon Islamic doctrine and Sharia law?

according to our teachings and knowledge of Tasavvuf, religious police is not Islamic. it is against laws of God actually. there can't be religious police if Sharia was applied correctly. because though every crime is a sin, every sin is not crime. they don't distinguish the difference between. it is against Islam because;

2:256 Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.

"Let there be no compulsion in religion" means exactly what it says very clearly. i wear modest or not, it is my business to know. if i do it, i do it for God alone. if someone forces me to, then it is not for God. but there is religious police anyway therefor Sharia that's applied can not be Islamic from its root. this verse is explained by realious leaders. they say "no compulsion" until someone converts to Islam but after that there should be compulsion. above all, if he leaves Islam, he gets killed. to me, problem is crystal clear and no man can make me believe this logic is from God. as i said before it is like saying; "there is no water in the pool, but once you get in, you'd be drowned



no, not anymore. but Muslims who's given duties to help people about this kind of stuff do use "science of Allah" as we name it. i mean, for example, if someone puts a spell on you to starve you to death, only certain people can neutralize the spell. fighting spell requires special talents and weapons that's given by God


Ok, so *you (as a faith/religion) DO believe in the real effects of magick.

Might not be real smart to go around smiting Magus then,
don't you think? :bat:
Perhaps it might be considered that we work together
in defense of our own right to practice as well. :sarcastic

I genuinely love and care for my own too you know.
My heart bleeds for this man,
weather he is the real deal, or not.
He is dying UNJUSTLY in the name of MY path.

The Black Magick has already been raised up & stirred on his behalf.
Believe it? or not.

What would you expect?

People don't need executioners to suffer at the hands of their own blood stained injustice.

(*you= general "you")
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the saudi law about sorcery is the islamic law, with which that man must be judged for being a muslim and accepting that law. he accepted it, no one forced him. it is his problem that he broke it.

how is this case of any benefit to the saudis who have soposedly "manipulated their religion for their own ends?"

you don't seem to be furious about your present situation, why would you be furious about an imaginary sitation?

So the lesson is: If you do not accept Islam then you are safe from the religious police. Good to know.


Veteran Member
Ok, so you (as a faith/religion) DO believe in the real effects of magick.

Might not be real smart to go around smiting Magus then,
don't you think? :bat:
Perhaps it might be considered that we work together
in defense of our own right to practice as well. :sarcastic

(You= general "you")

yes, there is magick. i think it is about to make its peak. i don't know who Magus is. a person who follows commands of God should not disturb anyone on purpose. not that he fears them though. it is silly to fear anyone other than God anyway



Veteran Member
So the lesson is: If you do not accept Islam then you are safe from the religious police. Good to know.

yes, that actually shows who exactly religious police serve. i personally can't say it's "Islam" or "God"

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Liebe ist für alle da
i don't know who Magus is.
A person of High rank usually with an Occult community. Someone with years and years of Magical knowledge. It is a title that is give by other, not taken. And not given lightly.


Happiness Incarnate
Also this guy:



Veteran Member
A person of High rank usually with an Occult community. Someone with years and years of Magical knowledge. It is a title that is give by other, not taken. And not given lightly.

so it is like words "sir" or "lord" that's added someone else's name. i did not know that. interesting



yes, there is magick. i think it is about to make its peak. i don't know who Magus is. a person who follows commands of God should not disturb anyone on purpose. not that he fears them though. it is silly to fear anyone other than God anyway


Just to be clear, I was not coming against you personally lava.

I am totally appalled at what some other Muslims on this site support though.
As I'm sure you would know.

The just are the just.
The unjust are the unjust.
No matter the religion or belief system.

THIS truly is where the dividing lines first fall.
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Well-Known Member
according to our teachings and knowledge of Tasavvuf, religious police is not Islamic. it is against laws of God actually. there can't be religious police if Sharia was applied correctly. because though every crime is a sin, every sin is not crime. they don't distinguish the difference between. it is against Islam because;

2:256 Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.

"Let there be no compulsion in religion" means exactly what it says very clearly. i wear modest or not, it is my business to know. if i do it, i do it for God alone. if someone forces me to, then it is not for God. but there is religious police anyway therefor Sharia that's applied can not be Islamic from its root. this verse is explained by realious leaders. they say "no compulsion" until someone converts to Islam but after that there should be compulsion. above all, if he leaves Islam, he gets killed. to me, problem is crystal clear and no man can make me believe this logic is from God. as i said before it is like saying; "there is no water in the pool, but once you get in, you'd be drowned


Ok a lot of that makes sense. In true Islamic law, all religious practices should be tolerated if not necessarily liked? I still don't agree that executing those who lose faith in Islam is appropriate, but I guess that's all a matter of perspective.


Veteran Member
Ok a lot of that makes sense. In true Islamic law, all religious practices should be tolerated if not necessarily liked? I still don't agree that executing those who lose faith in Islam is appropriate, but I guess that's all a matter of perspective.

no law of God says that people who abandone Islam should be killed. there is only one death penalthy mentioned in Qur'an and that would be for people who attempt to kill messenger of God



Well-Known Member
no law of God says that people who abandone Islam should be killed. there is only one death penalthy mentioned in Qur'an and that would be for people who attempt to kill messenger of God


Ahh sorry, I misinterpreted your post.