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Many many Chariot wheels found at bottom of Red sea.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Noah's Ark also never happened as portrayed in the Bible. The scientific evidence against it is endless. The evidence for it is nonexistent.
But I found a seashell on top of a mountain. There's only two possibilities how that happened. One... the land was below the sea level and got pushed up. But by what? All that made up stuff about tectonic plates? Yeah, like that stuff is true.

Or, as we all know, because the Bible says so, the mountains were covered with water during the flood. So, obviously, all those shellfish started swimming up as the water rose, so they could stay in shallow water. Some of them got tired and stopped swimming and died at different places on the mountain. The strongest shellfish made it to the top of the mountain and then died there.

But there's other proof... All you have to do is look up at the sky on a rainy day and wait for the Sun to break through the clouds... What do you see? A rainbow. And how did that rainbow get there? It was put there by God as a promised he will never completely flood the Earth again... just a few smaller floods here and there that only kill a few people... not all the people.

But let's get back to the Red Sea... How did the Hebrews get to the other side? The only possible answer is that the seas parted and they crossed. Or... maybe one other... Suppose that Noah's Ark was docked there, and the people climbed on board and a strong wind arose and pushed the Ark to the other side. But that would have been a heck of a wind. It is much more likely the seas parted.

Oh wait, sorry. The girl I was hiking with said she lost her lucky sea shell on the mountain. Guess what. I was wrong. She dropped the shell out of her pocket when she was digging out some lip gloss. My bad. But the rest of that stuff still could be true.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Jesus says it did occur. Who will i believe?
No, he didn't. You are being overly literal. If someone says "She is old as the hills" does that mean that the lady is thousands of years old or older? Trust me, or you could check this out for yourself, Jesus never said "Dude!! The Noah's Ark story is really really true!"

You need learn what literary tools are. By the way, if Jesus did believe that then that would only confirm that he was not devine.

As to who should you trust. If you believe in God and believe that he made the Earth then you should trust God. The Earth itself tells us that there never was a worldwide flood.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Matthew 24 is an account of a part of Christs ministry and it records the Son of Man (God) saying

Readiness at Any Hour
(Genesis 6:1–7; Mark 13:32–37; Luke 12:35–48)

"36No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,g but only the Father. 37As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark. 39And they were oblivious, until the flood came and swept them all away."
So what?


Veteran Member
Jesus says it did occur. Who will i believe?
Probably yon will continue to believe what suits you.
it sounded good earlier when you spoke earlier of facts, assumptions
etc. Too good to be true

Now though you have no curiosity about facts.

Here is a Fact. Choosing to believe a bit of 2000 year old heresay
does not grant you any possibility of knowing more geology,, physics, biology etc
than any scientist on earth.

But it’s your claim.


Active Member
Well to put it in context, Jesus didn't say anything. It was actually in a book that stated Jesus had said that.
Oh my...

all I know is that I know nothing.”

Do you know who said that? Do you also know he didn't record any of his own statements that we have record of?

[He]revolutionised the way we approach ethics and epistemology (the theory of knowledge). Although he never wrote down his teachings, his words, preserved through his students like Plato, continue to influence modern thought. The Top 15 Socrates Quotes and How They Are Relevant to Modern-Day Life | Will Polston


Sorry my tablet insisted on using the wrong quote to respond too...ive deleted it.

But to answer your statement there...trinitarian issues you may have arent really relevant in this thread, but I'll bite...tell me, where does the bible tell us Christ is when he returned to Heaven...is it not in the middle of the throne of God? Colossians 2.9, Rev 4, and Rev 7

Rev 7:

"15they are before the throne of God

and serve Him day and night in His temple;

and the One seated on the throne

will spread His tabernacle over them

16‘Never again will they hunger,

and never will they thirst;

nor will the sun beat down upon them,

nor any scorching heat.’a

17For the Lamb in the center of the throne

will be their shepherd
Actually at the right hand of majesty( God) the bible says-Heb 1:3--Psalm 110:1-YHVH(Jehovah) says to my Lord( Jesus) sit at my right hand until i make your enemies a footstool for your feet.
Jesus sits on the throne here at Rev 6:2-He receives his crown. That occurred in these last days.
Notice in your post-they will never hunger again, not the sun beat down on them= in Gods kingdom. And that is speaking of the 144,000-Rev 7:4-8)--it is not speaking about the great crowd no man can number mentioned at 7:9


No, he didn't. You are being overly literal. If someone says "She is old as the hills" does that mean that the lady is thousands of years old or older? Trust me, or you could check this out for yourself, Jesus never said "Dude!! The Noah's Ark story is really really true!"

You need learn what literary tools are. By the way, if Jesus did believe that then that would only confirm that he was not devine.

As to who should you trust. If you believe in God and believe that he made the Earth then you should trust God. The Earth itself tells us that there never was a worldwide flood.
God will show the world very soon.


Probably yon will continue to believe what suits you.
it sounded good earlier when you spoke earlier of facts, assumptions
etc. Too good to be true

Now though you have no curiosity about facts.

Here is a Fact. Choosing to believe a bit of 2000 year old heresay
does not grant you any possibility of knowing more geology,, physics, biology etc
than any scientist on earth.

But it’s your claim.
i never claimed a thing you stated. But i know 100% the bible is Gods truth.


Veteran Member
i never claimed a thing you stated. But i know 100% the bible is Gods truth.
of course you did in claiming to know there was a flood.

It let’s not dwell on your past mistakes.

Is there a reason you’re not curious to know how
educated people know the flood is just a myth?
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Veteran Member
God will show the world very soonI
I’d not be too cocky about it were I you.

That “chariot” nonsense is far from the only
falsehood youve promoted in His name.

”Take not the name of the Lord thy God in vain”

If your “ very soon“ is true, you’ve not much time
to change your ways.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
i never claimed a thing you stated. But i know 100% the bible is Gods truth.
Believing is not knowing. I can show you how we know that there never was a flood. I can show you quite a few errors in the Bible which is how I know that calling it "the world of God" is blasphemous to say the least.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Oh my...

all I know is that I know nothing.”

Do you know who said that? Do you also know he didn't record any of his own statements that we have record of?

[He]revolutionised the way we approach ethics and epistemology (the theory of knowledge). Although he never wrote down his teachings, his words, preserved through his students like Plato, continue to influence modern thought. The Top 15 Socrates Quotes and How They Are Relevant to Modern-Day Life | Will Polston
Again , you only thing you have is a website and a link saying all that about one who "didn't record any of his own statements".

Can't escape it. ;0)


Skanky Old Mongrel!
How much do you really think imaginary wheels cost
Imaginary or not, the answer to your question depends upon the design and construction of those wheels. For example, early Hyksos wheels would not come close to a later Egyptian wheel in cost/value.

Are you telling me that there are no remains of chariot wheels in the red sea? I think you might just make stuff up to suit your agenda.


Veteran Member
You say that, but you don't do that.

I have done it. Which passage are you talking about?
It is easy to show that this passage is talking about the generation that saw all the things that Jesus had just mentioned.

Matt 24:32 “From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near. 33 So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates. 34 Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

This next passage would be referring to the "transfiguration" which comes directly after this passage in each of the synoptic gospels.

Matthew 16:28 Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”

Eli G

Well-Known Member
It is easy enough to show that Jesus did not mean that He would return in the lifetime of the people He was talking to,,,,,,,,,,, or at least that it does not have to mean that.
That is very true.

Acts 1:6 So when they had assembled, they asked him: “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?” 7 He said to them: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction. 8 But you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you, and you will be witnesses of me in Jerusalem, in all Ju·deʹa and Sa·marʹi·a, and to the most distant part of the earth.”

First He tells them that it is not their time to experience this. Then He tells them that the good news of the kingdom should reach the entire planet. Obviously, that could not have happened in that one generation.

Only in this epoch has it become possible for the good news about Christ's Kingdom to spread throughout the earth.


Veteran Member
Imaginary or not, the answer to your question depends upon the design and construction of those wheels. For example, early Hyksos wheels would not come close to a later Egyptian wheel in cost/value.

Are you telling me that there are no remains of chariot wheels in the red sea? I think you might just make stuff up to suit your agenda.
No, Id not say that. How would I know? A chariot could end up there.
None are known to have been found.

A Ron Wyatt made a splash among the religio- woo woo
crowd with videos of him finding chariot wheels among other
wonders like the lost ark and even some Jesus- blood.

if you find evidence outside thine fevered imagination of me
making things up to suit agenda, by all means
publicize it.

You won’t tho. I’ve no need for such base trickery.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
No, Id not say that. How would I know? A chariot could end up there.
None are known to have been found.

if you find evidence outside thine fevered imagination of me
making things up to suit agenda, by all means
publicize it.
Now that would be fun!
I don't think that there was any escape across the Red Sea, possibly a Reed Sea (tidal marshes) to the North. But after 4000 years ....difficult to prove.

But I expect that interesting debris could be discovered on sea floors all over the Middle East.