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Marijuana ~ What is your opinion toward it?


Well-Known Member
It can also be more dangerous than the real thing.

To me that is the best part of the whole thing. You can replace spice with huffing computer duster or spray paint if they eventually ban it. It's like with sexual abstinence, realistically yes it would be best if people waited but if they are going to do it they should at least be informed and use what is safest.


I have known habitual users. Their memory is just fine, at least 2 of them are about to graduate top of their class in college. That one is graduating with a degree in Physics. She smoked all through high school and still got straight A's. There are some people that didn't touch drugs that got C's and D's.
Correlation does not equal Causation.

Also being illegal means that anyone dealing, likely deals harder stuff too. That is the BIGGEST reason its called a gateway drug. People are exposed to the other stuff. I had experimented in college like everyone else. Never was I ever tempted to do hard drugs. And yes, in college it was everywhere and I had more than my fair share of opportunities.

I also should note that I found it harder to stop drinking in excess after my party years than anything else. And I have a very addictive personality.

My point is that by legalizing it, I doubt we will see many people walking into a gas station to pick up some grass and hear the cashier trying to convince them to buy some Meth. Also, if its legal then it won't cost people jobs for trying it once and then popping a drug test.

I'm not saying there aren't problems with this or any other substance. But the war on drugs is a waste of money. It doesn't work. And being illegal causes more problems than it solves.
I don't see many people getting shot for a pack of cigarettes.
But make tobacco illegal and there will be problems with dealers and cartels.

You can't attribute violence to the substance. It's the people dealing it that are the problem. Since It's illegal, the dealers are CRIMINALS. It doesn't mean weed made them hurt people. It's just part of illegal activity and pursuit of money by bad people. Same thing happened with Alcohol when it was illegal.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
They are offering that herbal potpourri stuff at some head shops. Its a mimic of real marijuana but apparently its popular in some circles.
That stuff is very potent, has killed many people, and sent many to the hospital over heart-attack like symptoms. Actually one of the local head shop owners here would tell people to take no more than 3 or 4 hits, and to only smoke it a couple times a day. I have smoked a few of them that have made my heart race and beat very hard and I just don't use it anymore. I'd rather go without than let my heart work that hard.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
***Mod Post***

Please keep rule 6 in mind when posting in this thread. Marijuana can be discussed in such a way to avoid violating rule 6.

6. Illegal Activities
Discussions about your engagement in or encouragement for others to participate in any illegal activity is prohibited. This includes the use of illegal Drugs, infringement of intellectual property rights; including, music, software, or literature, photographs etc. It also covers Terrorism and all violent crime. And criminal activities. These Topics may be discussed and debated in a way that does not promote an illegal activity.



im stuffing 15 years of heavy use in a small thread. My experience is very typical

Like I said, I just touched the tip of the iceberg

I live in bc. No lethal pot-related drama here that I'm aware of, except the occasional farm bust - and even that only gets into the news when it involves bears. The hard drugs, sure, they involve gangs, guns, hos - all that fun stuff. Pot is just too easy to grow and sell for anyone to bother fighting over it.

Do you ever wonder how much of the drama you are talking about is caused by the prohibition of the drug rather than the drug itself?


Ill bare my soul for the sake of this thread.

I started smoking weed at 15, my grades went from a b+ average to d- on average in a few months.

with only one change in enviroment, weed.

fix that and ill back it
Seems to me perhaps you are angry at the weed when the real problem was your addiction. If you couldn't control your use, then I suppose you must have had a terrible ride, like anyone struggling with an addiction. I am sorry you went through it - it's a shame.

However, not everybody is like you. Should we ban ice cream because people who can't stop eating it become morbidly obese and die early? No, because the TYPICAL experience is that most people can have a bowl once in a while (so to speak) with no harmful consequences of any kind.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I have known habitual users. Their memory is just fine, at least 2 of them are about to graduate top of their class in college. That one is graduating with a degree in Physics. She smoked all through high school and still got straight A's. There are some people that didn't touch drugs that got C's and D's.
I know someone that smokes rather frequently, sometimes even before she goes to class, and she rarely gets any B's, and she has consistently made Dean's List since she started going back to college. And she is also respected by her peers. I think it's kinda funny though because pot heads aren't supposed to do that good in school to the point of impressing teachers.

Also being illegal means that anyone dealing, likely deals harder stuff too. That is the BIGGEST reason its called a gateway drug. People are exposed to the other stuff. I had experimented in college like everyone else. Never was I ever tempted to do hard drugs. And yes, in college it was everywhere and I had more than my fair share of opportunities.
Anything I have ever tried or had the chance to try, was indeed because dealers typically don't only deal in pot. Around here if someone deals pot there is also a very good chance they deal pills, and many also deal meth. And also in high school I could have gotten anything I wanted, and knew a few people who would sell coke by the eight-balls, pot by the ounces, and pills by the bottles in high school. And how those over-achieving, goody-two-shoed, straight-a, do no wrong students loved their pot.


Well-Known Member
I don't care if other people use it, just as long as they don't use it around me. I agree with Riverwolf that it SMELLS. Some younger kids used to light it up right outside the door to my old apartment. It was disgusting.


Do you ever wonder how much of the drama you are talking about is caused by the prohibition of the drug rather than the drug itself?

at this point in time you cannot seperate the drug and prohibition as its not 100% legal yet.

Like I said, its pretty legal here but has the same issues surrounding it.

All it would take is one current law enforcement officer to chime in and shine a real light on current issues and you would understand.


Seems to me perhaps you are angry at the weed when the real problem was your addiction. If you couldn't control your use, then I suppose you must have had a terrible ride, like anyone struggling with an addiction. I am sorry you went through it - it's a shame.

However, not everybody is like you. Should we ban ice cream because people who can't stop eating it become morbidly obese and die early? No, because the TYPICAL experience is that most people can have a bowl once in a while (so to speak) with no harmful consequences of any kind.

first, I didnt have that bad of a ride. I went through some crap but im not alone.

when I grew up everyone was like me, everyone I knew anyway.

not saying you use or not, but whats funny is how current users want to make it look all rosey like its no big deal. Its the same words I used when I talked for its protection for use.

Your also protecting occasional use, but that weed doesnt just show up at your door in the back of a UPS truck. I guarantee you multiple firearms helped bring it to market.

I do have a addictive personality no doubt, but i also held my stuff very well, and never lost a job. But it is a drug and you cannot compare it to icecream.

Most heads just ignore the use by children and thats where I draw the line.

keep it away from kids and ill back what ever you want


Active Member
Some foreign countries might take a different approach to legalizing Pot . . . but the other hardcore drugs are still harmful. Looks like I took Taleb Kweli's course in Reaganomics.


Well-Known Member
except for the fact its keeping drugs out of childrens hands

No, it's not.

How can anyone droning on about all the high school students using drugs even think such a statement could make sense. Probably because you keep saying that "it's pretty much legal" in California.

That's not true either. It's still against federal law. California does have relatively light minor possession laws that were enacted in January of this year. Still results in the arrests of tens of thousands of people annually in the State for possession. Only those with a prescription are allowed possession and use under State law. Only those dispensaries designated by law are allowed to distribute. They don't sell it. The feds are still targeting these dispensaries despite both Holder and Obama stating otherwise.

Possession of scales, baggies or any other material that can give even the hint of distribution can turn a minor possession charge into possession with intent to distribute.

The lighter sentences, or even considering possession of less than an ounce merely an infraction, came about because 1) the older laws were not keeping drugs out of the hands of kids and 2) the ridiculous prison population.

D.A.R.E. has not been shown to be effective.

You know what has been reduced while a drug is "legal". Use of tobacco. Far, far more harmful than marijuana. Other than restricting where one could smoke the only major regulation was an age restriction keeping minors from purchasing or vendors from selling to minors. Cigarette smoking has dropped dramatically in this nation. That's because health organizations pushed for an honest accounting of cigarettes and their effects on health. There was no need for draconian laws to be passed and a fight against a large black market filled with violent organizations.

The drug war does not keep drugs out of the hands of kids.

edit: But it is important to note that California has passed less restrictive marijuana laws than most States and definitely less restrictive than the federal government.
Last edited:


I know someone that smokes rather frequently, sometimes even before she goes to class, and she rarely gets any B's, and she has consistently made Dean's List since she started going back to college. And she is also respected by her peers. I think it's kinda funny though because pot heads aren't supposed to do that good in school to the point of impressing teachers.

Anything I have ever tried or had the chance to try, was indeed because dealers typically don't only deal in pot. Around here if someone deals pot there is also a very good chance they deal pills, and many also deal meth. And also in high school I could have gotten anything I wanted, and knew a few people who would sell coke by the eight-balls, pot by the ounces, and pills by the bottles in high school. And how those over-achieving, goody-two-shoed, straight-a, do no wrong students loved their pot.

I was a overachiever at things I liked during my time loaded. I used to outdo people in motorssports as well and take things to the very edge and think I was the best in the world. I did things people straight or stoned would not nor could not follow.

Thing is Im still like that, only difference is now ive taken it to a higher level and im much safer and the skill level now is at a very very high level. I look back and see all the mistakes I made because I was fogged up. I could have been much better.


That's not true either. It's still against federal law. California does have relatively light minor possession laws that were enacted in January of this year. Still results in the arrests of tens of thousands of people annually in the State for possession. Only those with a prescription are allowed possession and use under State law. Only those dispensaries designated by law are allowed to distribute. They don't sell it. The feds are still targeting these dispensaries despite both Holder and Obama stating otherwise.

ever toker I know has his med card lol and grows legal weed every summer. Every last one breaks the law and sells for cash.

before the law was passed local law enforcement would flat tell you I dont care about the personal weed . maybe you missed the post where I pulled plants in from a copter and that was what 30 years ago and never was cited or harrassed.

theres so much weed here now the market is so flooded, prices have dropped to prices in the 60's.

I picked up 4000 from a chick for a downpayment for a car and she was bragging "oh ya" over there is my legal garden I make about 40k a year, cops come out and check on me now and then but im legal. and bud that was over 5 years ago.

your right about one thing, there not doing enough to keep weed out of childrens hands in school. The war needs to get tougher in my opinion


have you ever had to poke your finger in your jacket to mimic a gun so someone else wouldnt kill you???

I pulled that one time and it saved my life, just not my buddies.


Well-Known Member
ever toker I know has his med card lol and grows legal weed every summer. Every last one breaks the law and sells for cash.

before the law was passed local law enforcement would flat tell you I dont care about the personal weed . maybe you missed the post where I pulled plants in from a copter and that was what 30 years ago and never was cited or harrassed.

theres so much weed here now the market is so flooded, prices have dropped to prices in the 60's.

I picked up 4000 from a chick for a downpayment for a car and she was bragging "oh ya" over there is my legal garden I make about 40k a year, cops come out and check on me now and then but im legal. and bud that was over 5 years ago.

your right about one thing, there not doing enough to keep weed out of childrens hands in school. The war needs to get tougher in my opinion

The war needs to get tougher?

Oh yeah, I forgot. You personally know every marijuana user, grower and distributor in the State of California and also every member of law enforcement in that State.

Evidence and studies you do not need.

Much like many a religious believer.