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Marijuana ~ What is your opinion toward it?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
right now the war on drugs has to deal with making the mexican mafia poorer.
If you want to hurt the bottom line of the Mexican mafia, there are two ways to do it:

- increase their expenses
- decrease their revenues

The War on Drugs does increase their expenses, but by artifically inflating prices, it probably actually increases their revenues. The campaign is working against itself.

OTOH, if you legalize it, you allow greater supply, which will pull prices down... probably by an order of magnitude or more. When that happens, those cartels will lose their profit margin.

here the police/sherriff dont mess with the little guy, get into distribution and you might get yourself noticed.

distribution to the little guy is where all the violence and crime's really happen.
Right - so why not address the problems there?

When prohibition was repealed, the mobsters lost control of the liquor market. The same can be true for pot.


When prohibition was repealed, the mobsters lost control of the liquor market. The same can be true for pot.

so easy to grow, doubt it will get out of anyones hands regardless of law.

A man was murdered yesterday in amador county, [not far] as 5 people came from the city to rip off his medical weed grow. the sherriff pulled his empty 12 guage from his cold fingers.

Like i said all the weed heads I know like it just like it is. They have zero problems with the current laws.

legalize it. fine. But first someone needs to figure out how to keep it out of kids hands in school. Now that isnt happening and statistically with the loosening of the laws the numbers are sadly going up.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
so easy to grow, doubt it will get out of anyones hands regardless of law.
Right - so if we can't get rid of it, how about we figure out a way to accommodate it without all the violence?

A man was murdered yesterday in amador county, [not far] as 5 people came from the city to rip off his medical weed grow. the sherriff pulled his empty 12 guage from his cold fingers.
And I think its illegality contributes a lot to violence like this. When was the last time you heard of anyone being killed like this over a stash of cigarettes?

Like i said all the weed heads I know like it just like it is. They have zero problems with the current laws.
I'm not concerned with them; I'm concerned with eliminating the violence that surrounds pot as an illegal drug.

legalize it. fine. But first someone needs to figure out how to keep it out of kids hands in school. Now that isnt happening and statistically with the loosening of the laws the numbers are sadly going up.
Since it's in kids' hands in school as it is, why would you make this a condition to legalize it?


Well-Known Member
I think that it is a perfectly useful plant for diverse purposes. The flower is enjoyable when consumed and have some medically useful effects apparently, the stems are useful for making everything from rope to paper. Personally, the one time that I imbibed the flower (smoked a bowl) I only really remember coughing for 45 minutes solidly and eventually eating a gallon of ice cream. I don't remember being particularly relaxed or talkative or what not, but that experience is probably overshadowed by the coughing.


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you why im passionate about this. Its not my history or past that haunts me, it doesnt.

its my intention to make sure my daughter doesnt end up making the mistakes I made.

If I help one person avoid any of my mistakes it would be worth it.

With such irrational, illogical views that you have on marijuana I can all but guarantee you that you are ensuring your children will be giant stoners, even if you never find out about it.


Right - so if we can't get rid of it, how about we figure out a way to accommodate it without all the violence?

im all for it.

Since it's in kids' hands in school as it is, why would you make this a condition to legalize it?

because its a problem in the USA. A big problem.


With such irrational, illogical views that you have on marijuana I can all but guarantee you that you are ensuring your children will be giant stoners, even if you never find out about it.

You go and talk to your stoner buddies like that, you should be careful in a forum that doesnt condone personal attacks.

weed ruins minds and kids education.


Premium Member
weed ruins minds and kids education.
This is true along with tons of other stuff that does an even better job at ruining. If I had my way kids shouldn't be doing anything like that but if a less harmful substance is put out of reach then they will resort to something more harmful. These are kids that are already trying to break the law which should not be condoned but at the end of the day I'd go with the lesser of the evils. I'd be more angry if a kid was huffing gas or glue.


Well-Known Member
You go and talk to your stoner buddies like that, you should be careful in a forum that doesnt condone personal attacks.

weed ruins minds and kids education.

It wasn't a personal attack, just an observation. The biggest drug heads where the people that came from "just say no" families, because it isn't a stand that is factual. If you are lying about what weed does to you what about heroin or meth? and believe me, all people will eventually try drugs despite what society, parents, media, whatever says.


Active Member
May plus January equals Marijuana

> The month May was named for the Greek goddess Maia, who was identified with the Roman era goddess of fertility

> January 1 the start of the New Year— the date of the Feast of the Circumcision, being the eighth day from December 25.

> Marijuana May Impair Male Fertility
Smokers Have Lower Total Sperm Count

Use: Marijuana is an inhalation contraceptive-the 1st of its kind.


You go and talk to your stoner buddies like that, you should be careful in a forum that doesnt condone personal attacks.

weed ruins minds and kids education.

Funny, my friends seem to contradict that last statement. Especially with one being a freakin' physicist.

You also seem to be ignoring other key points that people make.

1. Violence comes from crime. Not the plant. This is an argument used in "reefer madness" and its dumb. Nobody gets killed because of weed. They get killed because of money.

2. While I have seen people get amazing grades while still using this substance, I do NOT approve of underage use. I also believe that legalizing it would make it harder to obtain for kids.

3. Yeah, you can still grow it. But you want to hear a secret? It will cost more to grow a few plants than to just buy it at the store. You have farmers growing it in huge fields, then it can be produced cheaply and effectively. It means the price goes down, there is no more incentive to deal it because there isn't a huge profit margin. Keep in mind you can grow tobacco too, or brew your own beer.... how many people do you see with a tobacco plant in their closet or a brewery in their garage. It's easier, and cheaper, to go to the store and buy it.

4. And the MOST important. If you legalize it, that's millions not spent on policing weed. It can go to policing Meth, crack heroin..... Also it cuts the legs out from under the cartels. They would have half of their drug revenue gone right there.

5. Legalizing it can lower the gateway drug reputation it has. Legal vendors aren't going to sell Meth right along side it. No convincing little Johnny or Susie to hit the Meth pipe means they probably won't get mixed up in it. If they do, its not good but the cops have more resources to hunt down the Meth distributors. Gives them a better chance.

I know there are problems with it. Most of them come from it being illegal. If it were legal, many of these problems would disappear or at least be reduced. I understand your concerns, I really do. But I think your personal experience is clouding your mind. I regret your experiences and those of your friends, but this is not typical of everyone else's experiences.
Hopefully, logically, you can see why all of your arguments for not legalizing it can be used FOR legalizing it.

Btw, I know people in California. It's not "pretty much legal" It's decriminalized. Which is a hypocritical way of dealing with something. That basically means you can go to jail for dealing it. But small amounts for personal use is a fine at most.
Cops don't do anything because its not a huge deal. A pot smoker doesn't get stoned and go hurt people.
They still go after dealers, but without the stoners rating them out to get reduced sentences it is futile. Meaning dealers become more bold and the cartels are LOVING that its still illegal, costs whatever they want to charge, and has relaxed rules on it meaning everyone can feel more comfortable about smoking it or buying it.

It's far from the same thing as being legal.
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Active Member
Marijuana is the 1st male inhalation contraceptive ( lowers the sperm count in many studies). Now, I know why its legal in India.


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
I'm not into mass gov't intervention on the matter although I know why policing is necessary.
I'm not into regulating it like alcohol as far as where I get it, but might accept some degree of tax on it if it meant safer usage for responsible adults.

Cannabis, in my world, is not the choice of constructionist substance or it's not largely consumed by those who love the ways of 'babylon', so I don't really think telling people what they can and can't do with a plant that you can grow in your house or back yard is going to stop much...

I mean... look at prohibition and gun control... people WILL do what they want.

It's a plant, if I'm not driving drunk, selling to kids or killing people over it.... leave me alone. :D

If it was studied more perhaps we'd be able to greatly understand it better and know what it does in terms of lung capacity/BP/cancer etc... OR DOES NOT DO ;)

There has been studies that show THC slows cancerous growth.
And it's also been show to effect neural plasticity/regeneration, which is important in Alzheimer and aging research

I'm into keeping it out of the hands of children.
Keeping the crime out of it, which I think legalizing/decrim would help that.

I should be allowed to grow it myself if I wanted to ;)

And peeing in a cup to get a job is not a favourite time honoured tradition I'd like to keep.

Although Canada doesn't have this issue for most work and to my knowledge there isn't a spike in work place injuries due to Cannabis usage.

And as far as food goes... It contains complex protein and omega acids in the seeds.
The plant itself is sustainable as far as pesticides or lots of water, neither which is needs.


Active Member
I'm not into mass gov't intervention on the matter although I know why policing is necessary.
I'm not into regulating it like alcohol as far as where I get it, but might accept some degree of tax on it if it meant safer usage for responsible adults.

Cannabis, in my world, is not the choice of constructionist substance or it's not largely consumed by those who love the ways of 'babylon', so I don't really think telling people what they can and can't do with a plant that you can grow in your house or back yard is going to stop much...

I mean... look at prohibition and gun control... people WILL do what they want.

It's a plant, if I'm not driving drunk, selling to kids or killing people over it.... leave me alone. :D

If it was studied more perhaps we'd be able to greatly understand it better and know what it does in terms of lung capacity/BP/cancer etc... OR DOES NOT DO ;)

There has been studies that show THC slows cancerous growth.
And it's also been show to effect neural plasticity/regeneration, which is important in Alzheimer and aging research

I'm into keeping it out of the hands of children.
Keeping the crime out of it, which I think legalizing/decrim would help that.

I should be allowed to grow it myself if I wanted to ;)

And peeing in a cup to get a job is not a favourite time honoured tradition I'd like to keep.

Although Canada doesn't have this issue for most work and to my knowledge there isn't a spike in work place injuries due to Cannabis usage.

And as far as food goes... It contains complex protein and omega acids in the seeds.
The plant itself is sustainable as far as pesticides or lots of water, neither which is needs.

I know one when I see one. You are a PY devotee. Great! :yes:


Also, since this is in the religious debates section, I will give my opinion on that as well. I believe this herb has various uses spiritually. Unfortunately its illegal and can't be used without committing a crime.

Also note, that as with any mind altering substance, IMPROPER use will result in HINDERING spiritual development.


Cosmic Vagabond
You go and talk to your stoner buddies like that, you should be careful in a forum that doesnt condone personal attacks.

weed ruins minds and kids education.

I can see why atheists are frustrated by fundamentalist religious people. You have been presented with rational, logical, reasonable counter arguments and ideas and you staunchly stand by your irrational arguments and statements with a closed mind like your life depends on it ;)

I dont say this to offend or insult you by any means (I want to be clear on that). It's simple an observation to attempt to provide some perspective as part of my reasoning.



except for the fact its keeping drugs out of childrens hands

I thought you said pot was ruining children's lives where you live, including your neighbour's kid. Now you're saying the drug war is preventing this from happening. I'm confused! Is the drug war working or isn't it?


first, I didnt have that bad of a ride. I went through some crap but im not alone.

when I grew up everyone was like me, everyone I knew anyway.

not saying you use or not, but whats funny is how current users want to make it look all rosey like its no big deal. Its the same words I used when I talked for its protection for use.

Your also protecting occasional use, but that weed doesnt just show up at your door in the back of a UPS truck. I guarantee you multiple firearms helped bring it to market.

I do have a addictive personality no doubt, but i also held my stuff very well, and never lost a job. But it is a drug and you cannot compare it to icecream.

Most heads just ignore the use by children and thats where I draw the line.

keep it away from kids and ill back what ever you want

No, there's no firearms involved. The supply chain here is very short. Lots of people grow a few plants for themselves and their friends, in addition to growing apples, blackberries, vegetables, keeping chickens, etc. This is hippie country. People around here are imaginative and non-violent - and you can smell pot wafting through the streets any time of day or night. The front page of the newspaper usually has to do with a big turn-out at a town hall meeting regarding planning permission or forestry licenses - not drug deals gone bad. Once in a while the RCMP bust a major grow-op, but they're usually run by non-violent hippies who got greedy.

Pot isn't a lucrative business for gun-packing criminals to get into because ANYONE can grow it, and almost everybody here who wants some knows somebody who does. There's no need for anyone to deal with scumbags. There are few legal consequences for having a few plants for personal use - there's no room in the jails around here to house everybody who grows two or three plants. It's when you get greedy and plant a whole acre that the RCMP comes knocking.

I'm telling you, if you want to take the criminals out of the picture, legalize it. Nobody's going to get shot skulking around in a dark alley looking to score (POT, of all things!!) when they can stroll into the liquor store during business hours with their head held high, put their money down on the counter and walk away with their legal, reasonably taxed consumer product.


Cosmic Vagabond
No, there's no firearms involved. The supply chain here is very short. Lots of people grow a few plants for themselves and their friends, in addition to growing apples, blackberries, vegetables, keeping chickens, etc. This is hippie country. People around here are imaginative and non-violent - and you can smell pot wafting through the streets any time of day or night. The front page of the newspaper usually has to do with a big turn-out at a town hall meeting regarding planning permission or forestry licenses - not drug deals gone bad. Once in a while the RCMP bust a major grow-op, but they're usually run by non-violent hippies who got greedy.

Pot isn't a lucrative business for gun-packing criminals to get into because ANYONE can grow it, and almost everybody here who wants some knows somebody who does. There's no need for anyone to deal with scumbags. There are few legal consequences for having a few plants for personal use - there's no room in the jails around here to house everybody who grows two or three plants. It's when you get greedy and plant a whole acre that the RCMP comes knocking.

I'm telling you, if you want to take the criminals out of the picture, legalize it. Nobody's going to get shot skulking around in a dark alley looking to score (POT, of all things!!) when they can stroll into the liquor store during business hours with their head held high, put their money down on the counter and walk away with their legal, reasonably taxed consumer product.

To which part of Canada do I have to go to live in a place live this? :eek: