Ha. Read about my faith (not faiths) below in my signature. I dont care for eclectic worship.
Here you have multiple choices divided into three cat “Catholic by vows; Buddhist by faith; and a Pagan by practice” Compare that to “undivided devotion to the Lord. 1Co 7:35”
Cactholic by vow: I was a Catholic, am a Catholic, always will be a Catholic. I took the sacraments of the Church three years ago. Catholicism believes once saved (baptised in Christ), always saved. read more below...
Buddhist by faith: The core of Buddhism is simple. It is based on thebLaw of causenand effect. What we do has consequences and benefits. To be attached to these things causes suffering. For example, if you are attached to your money, if will bring you suffering (christian translation--in the world not of the world) Read more below...
Pagan by practice. I am not polytheistic. There is a practice that today falls under paganism, ancestral venerarion. Most faiths, christianity included, has this. It is a "practice" that reveres ones departed family (and/or people they love, say Jesus). It is a folk practice and not a religion. Read below...
I understand your belief.
The Buddha said "monks, I teach you the parable of the raft."he says, "a man goes on his journey across water. There is no one to help him. He creates a raft out of sticks, crosses the water, and carries the raft with him on land. What he is doing is attaching to things when he is already saved. 'You, monks, by understanding the parable of the raft, one must not cling to right states of mind, and, all more wrong states of mind. "Majjhima Nikaya sutra
This means you should not cling to your right or wrong views. I say you should not tell others what views of beliefs they should cling to.
So that descibes part of my faith in a nutshell. If you wany to know about by relationshipnwith Catholicism, paganism, and buddhism, read below.
Sharing the Beauty of my Faiths (former and present) | ReligiousForums.com
Here you have multiple choices divided into three cat “Catholic by vows; Buddhist by faith; and a Pagan by practice” Compare that to “undivided devotion to the Lord. 1Co 7:35”
Here you have multiple choices divided into three cat “Catholic by vows; Buddhist by faith; and a Pagan by practice” Compare that to “undivided devotion to the Lord. 1Co 7:35”