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mary, virgin or not


Veteran Member
Right ...
Not that's a story! :yes:

When you grow out of ridiculing Christianity, maybe we can chat about Buddhism.

how exactly is payak ridiculing christianity...
i thought he was commenting on the previous posts..

if i may...i may be wrong but i'm guessing what you left out in his post bothered you...
this story is like a tv drama about a very disfunctional family, almost as bad as abrahams.

like i said...i could be wrong.


Active Member
Right ...Not that's a story! :yes:

When you grow out of ridiculing Christianity, maybe we can chat about Buddhism.

you should read all the posts not just one, I have great respect for the christion religion, I will ask questions and point out things that appear to be so.

I as a buddhist have been taught to look at things, then use my sense's to judge what i believe, do I believe that, no, it was common to exagerate stories to make figures look more amazing, so i do not believe that story about Buddhas birth.

Buddha himself would question why on earth I would believe that, we don't blindly follow or worship Buddha,

We don't seek the master, we dont seek to be the master, we seek to go were the master was heading.


Veteran Member
Regardless you believe in God or not, a human without father is possible.
Consider, there was a time that this earth did not exist, as science knows this today. Thus, human came to existance without sex, as there was a time no human existed on this earth.
Therefore, if it was possible for human to come to existance without father and mother, whether gradually or at once, it is certainly possible, and most likely easier, for a human to come to existance with only mother. Today's science does not know how, but to say this is impossible is illogical.


Veteran Member
Regardless you believe in God or not, a human without father is possible.
Consider, there was a time that this earth did not exist, as science knows this today. Thus, human came to existance without sex, as there was a time no human existed on this earth.
Therefore, if it was possible for human to come to existance without father and mother, whether gradually or at once, it is certainly possible, and most likely easier, for a human to come to existance with only mother. Today's science does not know how, but to say this is impossible is illogical.

how about highly improbable?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Isaiah 7:14b

says it all.

7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel

The word there doesn't really mean "virgin".....The word there means (young woman)...
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Veteran Member
obviuosly It would be a very rare thing to happen, but what would be the point?

The point is that; if logically it is possible and it cannot be rejected, then there is no reason to believe it didn't happen.
we also need to consider the time and the level of ignorance this idea came from....


Active Member
so do you also believe moses parted the red sea, and jesus raised the dead.

should i believe this because it's written, and certain people simply tell me it is true because it is written.
who is to say jesus was not mentally unstable and heard voices, really he was not at all well known until years after his death.

there is no proof of anything, but what there are numerous stories that defy logic and if your mate told you these stories, and no one had ever read the bible before, you would slap him for talking rubbish.

many stories in the bible changed and evolved over time to suit Roman politics back in the day when the corupt popes of that era were looking for ways to increase there profits.


Premium Member
so do you also believe moses parted the red sea, and jesus raised the dead.

should i believe this because it's written, and certain people simply tell me it is true because it is written.
who is to say jesus was not mentally unstable and heard voices, really he was not at all well known until years after his death.

there is no proof of anything, but what there are numerous stories that defy logic and if your mate told you these stories, and no one had ever read the bible before, you would slap him for talking rubbish.

many stories in the bible changed and evolved over time to suit Roman politics back in the day when the corrupt popes of that era were looking for ways to increase there profits.

All those things do enter our minds. I know there is no proof- there isn't proof for a lot of things. Are you trying to understand why I and other people of faith believe? That is just something I can't tell you- I don't even know why myself.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Regardless you believe in God or not, a human without father is possible.
Consider, there was a time that this earth did not exist, as science knows this today. Thus, human came to existance without sex, as there was a time no human existed on this earth.
Therefore, if it was possible for human to come to existance without father and mother, whether gradually or at once, it is certainly possible, and most likely easier, for a human to come to existance with only mother. Today's science does not know how, but to say this is impossible is illogical.

Humans were/are not capable of asexual reproduction as it stands, so Mary was definitely not a virgin in light of pregnancy. It's straightforward enough in that context short of making embellishments and fabrications. To say it's possible that such a thing comes about otherwise in such a short period of time through evolutionary standards is really stretching the facts to the point of nonsense.


Active Member
yes christines thankyou,
it is faith that i am trying to understand.

A monk once told me that faith is like when he holds a pebble in his hand, and he tells me he has a pebble, I say show me and he says no just believe that its there.

the monk says wait to the hand is opened, only then will you truly know.

hence the term blind faith.


I want Khilafah back
@ Payak, i have a question.

how is anything about Mary, may Allah be pleased with her, relevant to a buddhist or the buddhist faith?


Active Member
do you only ask questions about islam, do you ever question anything about other things out of interest.
human nature, if i am asking so many questions perhaps its gods will.


I want Khilafah back
do you only ask questions about islam, do you ever question anything about other things out of interest.
human nature, if i am asking so many questions perhaps its gods will.

buddhists don't believe in the notion of a omnipotent creator deity. so which God are you talking about?


There is more then IMO...but of course we differ in here. See for example this:

Catholic Answers

True, ordinarily. But even in the Old Testament God asked married couples to refrain from intercourse for various reasons. For example, the priests of the temple had to refrain from intimacy with their wives during the time of their service. Likewise, Moses had the Israelites abstain from intercourse as he ascended Mount Sinai (Ex. 20:15). There is a theme here of refraining from marital rights because of the presence of something very holy.

The Church Fathers knew that there was something greater than the temple in Mary’s womb, comparing it to the Eastern Gate mentioned in Ezekiel 44: "This gate shall remain shut; it shall not be opened, and no one shall enter by it; for the Lord, the God of Israel, has entered by it; therefore it shall remain shut." Mary had become the dwelling place of the Almighty, like the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament.

Now, if Uzzah was struck dead for touching the Ark (2 Sam. 6:6–8), should it be surprising that Joseph understood that Mary was a vessel consecrated to God alone? The idea that Joseph assumed normal marital relations with Mary after the birth of Christ was an irreverence that even the Protestant reformers rejected.

Interestingly, according to Jewish law, if a man was betrothed to a woman and she became pregnant from another, he could never have relations with her. The man had to put her away privately or condemn her in public and put her to death. Joseph chose the more merciful option.

Then, the angel told him to lead her into the house as a wife (paralambano gunaika), but the language that describes marital relations is not used here. It was used, however, in Luke 1:35: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you." To "overshadow" a woman was a euphemism for having a marital relationship, as was the phrase "to lay one’s power" over a woman. The Holy Spirit had espoused Mary, and she had been consecrated, set apart for God.

Also, it appears that Mary had made a vow of virginity. When the angel said that she would conceive and bear a son, she asked, "How can this be, since I do not know man?" She knew how babies were made, and she was about to be married. "How can this be?" would seem like a pretty silly question unless she had made a prior vow of virginity.

And then you have documents outside of the Bible as well. I suppose could just chuck all as myth...to each his own. Thanks for your opinion. :)

Which documents outside the bible are you referring to that claim Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus?

I don't chuck out ALL history as myth, only the history that is very obviously myth. That would be things that simply can not happen, and have never happened, such as a human virgin getting pregnant (or a dead man rising from the grave, for that matter).

Consider how plausible you think it is that thunderstorms are caused Thor shaking his battle hammer. That's exactly how plausible the story of the virgin birth is. They are exactly the same type of story: They are not meant to be taken as literally true.


Active Member
some buddhists do believe, some do not.
does the flea understand anything about the dog he lives on, to him that is all there is.

I believe the existance of a god may well be possible, if i see him i will know for sure its possible.

imagine the foolish flea trying to tell all about the world beyond that he has never seen, imagine the foolish ones who believe him.

God will surely not be angry if i do not believe without seeing, after all he is the one refusing to show himself, his fault not mine.

with all his wisdom surely he would understand that.