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Master Path - Gary Olsen

Regarding finances: we're going round and round here. The path is non-profit. Fact. The masterpath doesn't pay taxes, but gary has to pay taxes on his salary, just like the rest of us. That's also fact. You can look up his salary, and see he's not raking it in. That's also fact. For someone coming into the thread, and seeing the financial accusations, just take the time to request the publicly available data on the masterpath finances. Do some math, and you will realize that masterpath is very tightly run as an organization, with very little waste. I'm a government contractor, and I really wish the US government were run so efficiently.

Paper and reality are not always the same. One is not necessarily a pure and unadulterated reflection of the other.

you are also a "government contractor..." interesting.

As for gary getting a salary, I'm pretty glad he is. He has a lot of initiate reports to read, and I know he reads them because he's directly addressed the contents of some of my reports in seminars. I don't want gary out there in the desert painting houses like he used to do--he has more important duties now, in my opinion.

Gary stopped reading initiate reports in the early 90's. You are naive if you think that him referencing (or reading a paragraph from) an initiate's report in a seminar is proof of him reading the reports throughout the month.

You have no idea how he spends his days, or his work load. Nor do you have much awareness of his house painting days.

It's strange that you would write this. I do hear the sound. I won't pm someone without their permission, but if you wish, I will write you regarding my experiences in hearing the sound. It's quite real, and quite loud at times during contemplation. I had originally described my experiences out in this post, but I decided to erase it because of what my master said regarding describing inner experiences. If a seeker were to come here and read it, I wouldn't want them to think I was "preaching guru" as you put it. More to the point, there are clearly chelas and seekers who have not yet heard the sound, and I don't want them to think that their experience has to be exactly like mine, or get discouraged. If you give me permission, eof, I will pm you and describe my inner experience of hearing the sound.

Nothing strange about me writing that. Not necessary for you to send me your experiences in hearing the sound. As far as "preaching guru"....well.....

I don't know where you are getting this. Clearly, I believe one needs the outer guru to contact the inner master. I've never claimed otherwise. Can it be done without a guru? I honestly don't know. I can't prove the negative case, because I have yet to meet someone who demonstrated that level of vibration and purity without having an outer guru. As a scientist, I have to volunteer that this doesn't prove it's not possible. For those who believe differently than I do, I encourage them to keep trying.

Well, maybe because you write this:
"I've stated several times it's not really about Gary, the man, but you keep conveniently ignoring that." by Vichar

Okay, then, how should a seeker assess the veracity of the claim of guru? Outer Guru. To say it's about the "inner" because of a glittery image seen in a "dream" is no guarantee of the Outer Guru's efficacy.

It's strange that you think I'm preaching guru, since you just quoted me saying that a person shouldn't go seeking the guru. A guru is only for someone who can put their ego aside and admit that maybe another human being might be able to teach them something about spirituality.

You wrote: "Please, do NOT seek out an outer guru--he is of no use to you if you are that confused about what the inner master is! Go live your life to the fullest, and do not seek the guru." by Vichar

To which I replied:
Please, do not seek the inner guru if you are that confused about what an outer master should be! Go live your illusion to the fullest, and do not preach guru!

i will further reply to your guru spiel by making this comment: A guru is only for someone naive and trusting enough to believe that a man claiming to be guru has put his ego aside and has something to teach them about spirituality, truth, and God. Hogwash if you think Gary Olsen has transcended the ego.

I'm going to go out on a limb and believe that you're being sincere when you write this. If that's truly the case, then I sincerely apologize for making you feel like I'm bashing you. Certainly it's not my intent to make anyone feel badly. Put yourself in my shoes for a moment, if you will. From my point of view, people in this thread have spent 39 pages saying:

- Masterpath is a money making scheme (not true from my pov, for reasons I stated above)
- I'm not having inner experiences or I am somehow deluded (look at Zeeker's last post, and read the intent when you write:
ah yes.... the sound.... I truly wish for you that one day you hear the inaudible inner sound that lays waste to the bravado of your "master's voice.". I hope you can see the tone of that is condescending, and a little confusing since, well, I do hear the sound. It's not really a topic for debate for me.

I am free of feeling anything in response to you. From my point of view, people in this thread have offered a variety of opinions and contemplative sharings on the subject.

Re: deluded. Again, I think there are realizations that are only accessed when completely detached from the subject. That is not saying you are deluded. It is also not saying you aren't deluded.

Re: tone. Nothing condescending in what I wrote. It is also not confusing, or a debate. It's a statement, pure and simple. You have the right to interpret it any which way you choose.

I take issue with the proliferation of false statements. I don't feel that calling you out for it is a form of bashing.

As for the trolling comment:

Come on now, even you have to admit someone just randomly coming and making an unsubstantiated attack like that is trolling. He gives no reasons, offers no justifications. How else am I supposed to interpret that?

I'm not making false statements.

He offered an opinion. That's how I interpret his comment. What?—Does a person have to become a dues paying member of MP to express an opinion about it?

I might respond to your other posts....and I might not. Either way, take good care.

As far as your suggestion to folks that we should "vibe out" what is being written and discern if it is loving or not.... I no longer view MasterPath or Gary Olsen as an embodiment of Love or Truth. And I've "vibed out" on the "tone" of that message for a number of years....and it is indeed filled with love. That is the conclusion of my experience on MasterPath.

I'm sorry if the "vibe" of that conclusion does not jive with your "sound."

Best wishes in your journey.


Active Member
All you have to do is google this guy and his cult and you will find tons of complaints and claims of fraud by ex members. Money pit. Stay away.


Paper and reality are not always the same. One is not necessarily a pure and unadulterated reflection of the other.
This is a pretty good example of you making a vague response to fact. Because you don't have any facts to the contrary.

Gary stopped reading initiate reports in the early 90's. You are naive if you think that him referencing (or reading a paragraph from) an initiate's report in a seminar is proof of him reading the reports throughout the month.
This is a good example of you making up stuff again, as you have done repeatedly in this thread. You haven't been to seminars in years. So you have no idea what he says in these talks. He has, on several occasions now, directly addressed things that I wrote in my initiate's report, as well as writing me a letter back in response to a letter I wrote him. He has also written letters back to my chela friends' queries. He has published books full of chela's letters along with his responses. By the way, if he, as you spitefully claimed, were to take the time to fabricate these letters and responses, it would take more of his time, not less. (It takes less time and effort to simply copy the text in a chela's letter, as I'm sure anyone would agree after a moment's reflection.) No one would bother. It's just another example of you making something up. I find it interesting that your mind would think up this tactic, however. Perhaps you are projecting your own tendency towards deception? When making something up, I would suggest you stick to something that actually makes sense.

I'm sorry if the "vibe" of that conclusion does not jive with your "sound."
Putting sound in quotes suggests once again you are expressing skepticism at the validity of my inner experiences. Anyone who goes to a seminar can speak with chelas and see for themselves the quality of individual that is on the path. And that's something no amount of making up stuff on the internet can contradict.

Nothing strange about me writing that. Not necessary for you to send me your experiences in hearing the sound.
Right, because the basis of your whole claim is that gary is a fraud, but if a student like me and other students all say that they experience what gary says they will, there is no way for you to refute that. In order for the path to be a fraud, we all have to be gaining nothing spiritual from it. But that's clearly not the case or we wouldn't still be on the path. Anyone unbiased would be able to understand the simple logic of that statement.

To say it's about the "inner" because of a glittery image seen in a "dream" is no guarantee of the Outer Guru's efficacy.
My experiences aren't limited to dreams. However, you should probably pay more attention to your own dreams, end_of_faith. They are hard to remember, and many of them are indeed misleading, but your subconscious does attempt to communicate with you in dreams. You might be able to then discern what is really bothering you. After all these years, you still clearly have some kind of hateful grudge against Gary. Is it really some kind of public service you're carrying out, claiming you are trying to save others from being taken in by Gary? (and therefore saving them $30 a month) Or do you have some hate and anger inside of you that you can't let go of? If, as you claim, Gary or the path is guilty of wronging you or someone you know, you might consider forgiveness. Or at the very least moving on so that it does not fester in your heart.

Or you might forgive yourself. Don't you think I know that your mind has to win this argument? Otherwise it would mean that you made a terrible mistake, one which you have been perpetuating for years. If that's what you need, I'll back off. You're right, you win. But at least don't fool yourself about what's really going on.
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All you have to do is google this guy and his cult and you will find tons of complaints and claims of fraud by ex members. Money pit. Stay away.

When I investigated the path some years ago, I found the stuff on the internet you talked about. I vibed out the comments against the path and I found them to be misinformed, unsubstantiated, and generally of a low vibration (much like many of the posts in this very thread). At that time, I didn't know Gary and I didn't know anyone on the path except for my friend from college who introduced me to the path. I was skeptical of Gary's claims, but if his detractors were any indication, there was no legitimate case against him. So actually, I have to thank folks like you. Comments like yours actually helped me put my mind at ease. At least I could investigate with an open mind, knowing that the people that were out to smear his name were not credible. In my opinion, saints can be recognized by the quality of those who want to discredit him. If I had found those detractors to be loving, thoughtful, and basing their comments on facts, I would have been very worried, and probably would not have investigated further.

On the other hand, the people I met at the talks were vibrant and possessed an inner calm I'd never seen in people before. Yes, they were ordinary people in one sense, with the same kinds of problems in their lives that we all face. As for the teachings themselves, it was like something inside of me was vibrating in harmony with what I was reading. If there is anything within us that responds to truth, then I had found it. So, yes, I do sincerely thank you for helping me make the right decision for me. Once again, the highest path for someone else is the one they are called to.
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Active Member
All you have to do is google this guy and his cult and you will find tons of complaints and claims of fraud by ex members. Money pit. Stay away.


Well-Known Member
I guess there's no point in saying the same things again. Please, by all means, believe what you want.

$30 * 1500 people * 12 months = $540,000 / year. MasterPath has to pay for other salaries (5 office staff making 50,000 each = 250,000. Plus salaries for the treasurer and other officers, etc.) printing materials, pay for mailing, pay for other expenses, keep the lights on at the office, pay rent at the office, all the other things a small business would have as expenses. It's all quite out in the open. Gary was making around $82,000 in 2006 (I checked the filing again). I don't know what he's making now in 2010 because the filings at the source I used didn't go farther. You can go look up the figure yourself, however. I just don't get it. If I were going to go swindle people (basically commit the largest spiritual crime imaginable), wouldn't I want to do it for more money? I make nearly twice as much as Gary as a software engineer. Look people, if you are going to accuse an honest man of being a cheat, at least take the time to go do some honest investigation. Don't just say the first thing that comes into your head. I realize that's standard practice on the internet, but there are repercussions for spreading falsehoods. Do yourself a favor and go arm yourselves with the facts.

What a joke that you are focusing on such trivial monetary details. Many spiritual teachers have ashrams, workshops, books, employees, etc and collect money sometimes even millions (whether they have sold out or not is personal opinion) What matters is how you do it. Master Path is clearly exploitative.


What a joke that you are focusing on such trivial monetary details. Many spiritual teachers have ashrams, workshops, books, employees, etc and collect money sometimes even millions (whether they have sold out or not is personal opinion) What matters is how you do it. Master Path is clearly exploitative.

I have to laugh at the irony your comment. I think these monetary details are trival too! (this should be clear from reading some of my previous posts--you know, where I mention I pay more for my cell phone bill each month?) I'm not the one focusing on the money details, I'm focused on the spiritual effects of the path in my consciousness, which I have repeated many times now. I only mentioned the money because you people in this thread did. If that's not ironic, I don't know what is. As for how it's done, all costs are made clear to prospective students up front. You can see what the path is charging for dues, seminars, and books before paying anything.

As for ex chelas, I happen to know 2 of them. I'm still friends with both of these people--one of them has been close with my girlfriend for many years. They disagreed with the teachings and left the masterpath (if you ask me everyone is on the same path, no matter what we call it). They weren't "guilt tripped" by the path and they are not spending their time bashing gary and the path years later. So, no, it's only the same 2-4 ex-chelas I keep seeing in different forums saying the same things again and again.

Yet posters in this thread, yourself included, keep talking about people being "exploited". So I wanted to provide some hard facts, instead of something unsupported like, "Master Path is clearly exploitative." I think just a little research into the numbers reveals that there's nothing shady going on--I'm making a case for the fact that Gary is not in it for the money--for one thing, it's not a lot of money!

I'm a student on MasterPath, and I do not feel exploited. Neither do any of the other students I speak to. So where are you getting your opinion from? Or did you just come here to smear a path you know nothing about? If it's "clearly exploitative", perhaps you'd like to share what you're basing your opinion on?
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This is a pretty good example of you making a vague response to fact. Because you don't have any facts to the contrary.

I have no reason to defend my viewpoint or experience to you. It's a good example of saying exactly what is meant.

This is a good example of you making up stuff again, as you have done repeatedly in this thread. You haven't been to seminars in years. So you have no idea what he says in these talks. He has, on several occasions now, directly addressed things that I wrote in my initiate's report, as well as writing me a letter back in response to a letter I wrote him. He has also written letters back to my chela friends' queries. He has published books full of chela's letters along with his responses. By the way, if he, as you spitefully claimed, were to take the time to fabricate these letters and responses, it would take more of his time, not less. (It takes less time and effort to simply copy the text in a chela's letter, as I'm sure anyone would agree after a moment's reflection.) No one would bother. It's just another example of you making something up. I find it interesting that your mind would think up this tactic, however. Perhaps you are projecting your own tendency towards deception? When making something up, I would suggest you stick to something that actually makes sense.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

I said: Gary stopped reading initiate reports in the early 90's. You are naive if you think that him referencing (or reading a paragraph from) an initiate's report in a seminar is proof of him reading the reports throughout the month.

And I could give a "story" about every single book published from 1987 to 2006 (and there's a real good chance I could perceive the writers/editors of any new book published between 2006 to 2011).

First, whatever I choose to say is not spiteful regardless of your limited view and small minded retorts. I never said he fabricated letters or responses. I said he asked DH to create questions from imaginary seekers with different personalities. That is true. I edited the book, and I had a hand in re-writing the questions. So, I speak with authority and certainty on the subject of the MP books! Not necessary for me to "make stuff up" about your "guru"...the reality is far more nonsensical than fiction.

Putting sound in quotes suggests once again you are expressing skepticism at the validity of my inner experiences. Anyone who goes to a seminar can speak with chelas and see for themselves the quality of individual that is on the path. And that's something no amount of making up stuff on the internet can contradict.

You've been on MP for 8 years, so surely you've acquired some of the older materials plastered with quotation marks throughout the text....shall we surmise that your master and his wife were expressing skepticism at the validity of their experiences? But I guess it would be more apropos to question whether they were projecting skepticism of the original author/s, since the writings did not originate in your "master's" consciousness.

No one is questioning the quality of individual on the path. There are quality people in all walks of life following a range of belief systems. The quality of individual has no bearing on the efficacy of the guru.

There are famous actors who follow CoS...are the detractors "making up stuff on the internet?" There are well-known politicians who support religious nut jobs....are the detractors simply being "spiteful?"

Right, because the basis of your whole claim is that gary is a fraud, but if a student like me and other students all say that they experience what gary says they will, there is no way for you to refute that. In order for the path to be a fraud, we all have to be gaining nothing spiritual from it. But that's clearly not the case or we wouldn't still be on the path. Anyone unbiased would be able to understand the simple logic of that statement.

You are correct: the conclusion of my experience is that Gary is a fraud. I have no desire to refute what you think you are experiencing with Gary as your master. Just as I have no desire to refute what a student of JR thinks they are experiencing, or what a Scientologist thinks they are experiencing, or what a Christian thinks they are experiencing. I see little difference between you & them except the names & faces change. Of course, your master likes to delineate the levels of consciousness that each of these groups represent...and with no surprise....MasterPath and Gary Olsen are at the top rung of the ladder.

I disagree with your statement that "in order for the path to be a fraud, we all have to be gaining nothing spiritual from it." They are not mutually exclusive subjects. The path can be false, and you can be gaining something from it. The world is rampant with people believing they are gaining spirituality from their respective endeavor. I see you in the same light as all adherents of a belief. Your belief makes it real, and is the foundation sustaining it.

My experiences aren't limited to dreams. However, you should probably pay more attention to your own dreams, end_of_faith. They are hard to remember, and many of them are indeed misleading, but your subconscious does attempt to communicate with you in dreams. You might be able to then discern what is really bothering you. After all these years, you still clearly have some kind of hateful grudge against Gary. Is it really some kind of public service you're carrying out, claiming you are trying to save others from being taken in by Gary? (and therefore saving them $30 a month) Or do you have some hate and anger inside of you that you can't let go of? If, as you claim, Gary or the path is guilty of wronging you or someone you know, you might consider forgiveness. Or at the very least moving on so that it does not fester in your heart.

Nor are mine. Thanks for the "sage" advice....oops....sorry about the quotes....but in this case....you are correct: it is an expression of deep skepticism of your wisdom, power, or knowingness of my experience(s).

I have no "hateful grudge" against Gary. My conclusion is simple: Gary is not Sat. There is no hate, spite, or grudge in that realization. It's straightforward and simple.

I'm also not "carrying out some public service", nor am I "claiming to save others from being taken in by Gary."

I have long since forgiven....but will always remember the truth I know.

Or you might forgive yourself. Don't you think I know that your mind has to win this argument? Otherwise it would mean that you made a terrible mistake, one which you have been perpetuating for years. If that's what you need, I'll back off. You're right, you win. But at least don't fool yourself about what's really going on.

No, I don't think you know anything....

The only mistake made was believing your master was a guru, and it was one that I perpetuated for years. The day I left MasterPath was the day I stopped fooling myself about what was really going on.

You have a good day. :)


Truth Seeker
There is only one eternal master. He's a part of every one of us. Because we are trapped in the delusion of the mind, and when in lower states there's no way to really recognize ourselves, we need a helping hand. Garji is merely a way for someone that is in contact with the eternal master to help you point your attention in the right direction. Of course Garji is the inner master... just like you, Zeeker, are the inner master in your realized state. You're somehow trying to say that your inner master is different from my inner master, which doesn't make any sense to me because there's only one eternal master. Any other viewpoint is embracing duality and separation.
Yep, we are all one and everything is god (the eternal master). Haven’t we all heard that many times before? That is a hypothetical philosophy, which can’t be proved …or disproved, that may have an inherent validity to it. In the meantime we are living as distinctly individual human beings on planet Earth, with our individual experience of our own life as being conspicuously separate from one-another.

How do you know “Zeeker” is my inner master? Let me ask you this: Who was your inner master before garji came along? “Vichar” I would think? So what has happened to “Vichar?” Is he still there? If not, where did he go? Where did garji come from? Garji came out of 8 years of daily contemplation on Gary’s teachings? What is garji? A collection of beliefs and tenets, that have been “suggested” to be “real” by Gary? In fact, made “real” by your own imagination, and need to “follow” someone outside of your self.

I say you are right in that your true inner master is no different from mine. Where is “Vichar?” Let me “suggest” to you this: he is still there, on the inside. Maybe you haven’t seen him for quite a while, or believe he has gone for good, but I can assure you he is still there. Look carefully and intently and you should still catch glimpses of him. “Vichar” has become subdued by submitting to an interloper and given him the power to take over. The True Inner Master is still there and can claim back his authority just as easily as it was given away. No matter how far down the “hole” a person may go, they will always have within them the resilience to climb back out and redeem their true self; if they ever find enough fortitude to believe in themselves above and beyond any self-proclaimed “god” on the outside.
Seriously, your ego is getting so in your way so much that you can't possibly accept that anyone might be more aware than you are. If this thread has shown me anything, it's that I'm astounded how confused people are about the need for an outer guru. People will go to a professor to get a piece of paper that says they are smart, people will apprentice to a CEO and essentially sign up for indentured servitude to a corporation just for the possibility they might become rich, but they can't admit they don't know the first thing about themselves. Please, do NOT seek out an outer guru--he is of no use to you if you are that confused about what the inner master is! Go live your life to the fullest, and do not seek the guru.
Seriously, you should take your own advice. ;)

In Scientology the superiority complex is manifested around the Reactive Mind. The Reactive Mind, just like Gary’s concept of the Ego, controls a person and makes the “react” in the same manner to situations time and again. A devotee typically spends 4 years of daily devotion in order to remove their Reactive Mind and function at their full potential, known as the state of Clear. A Clear no longer has a Reactive Mind (would you believe). It has been completely removed ….after 4 years of discourses, study and auditing, and being fleeced of tens of thousands of dollars. The Clear has been totally and completely convinced their Reactive Mind is gone. The e-meter measures and proves it without any shadow of a doubt. This also implies that anyone who has not been “Cleared,” still has a Reactive Mind. Is limited, cannot interact effectively, has limited functionality, is not sane, is inferior in every way. An “evolved” MasterPath chela is just the same.

Can you remove your Reactive Mind, or have no Ego? Of course not! You can go to such lengths to completely convince someone, “program” their subconscious, that it’s not there; I can categorically vouch for that. What has taken place is that the Reactive mind has been replaced with a dissimilar, but still fully functioning, Reactive Mind. The Ego is changed and is redirected into an altered viewpoint. I can assure you, it is still there. Just re-read Vichar’s posts, or Gary writings, it’s all egocentric. What would it be like to have no Ego/Reactive Mind? It would be like being an unaroused, unmoving, unresponsive blob of blubber; as in being in a coma on drip feeds. Even a fakir (the closest example I can think of as having next to no ego), who is quite content to just sit still and meditate all day every day, has to call upon his ego to stop and get up to procure their daily bowl of rice for sustenance.

It’s nothing new. It’s all been done before, many times before. Gary has just dressed it a little differently to help him convince you to believe he is the one and only you should listen to and follow without a second thought. The Ego is your enemy, cut it off. The Mind will mislead you, blot that out. Anyone who says anything to the contrary is Kal or one of his agents:fork:, detach yourself from all of them. And so on. It’s all an agenda to isolate your thinking, cocoon yourself exclusively in the MasterPath, and be controlled. If you want to determine the truth, test it out for yourself without simply accepting what someone says because They expect it. To make informed decisions one should always “investigate” both sides of any debate from a multitude of sources, and be in control.

BTW: My gurus have taught me well. I can now readily recognize another “rotten egg,” with little reservation, when one crosses my path. :devil:
I can only assume it was a mistake to come here and feed the internet trolls. Look, I'm sorry if the path didn't work out for some of you, but you really need to calm down and ask yourself if bashing another path is what you really want to spend your energy on. Have you gone so far off the deep end that you can't recognize when you're continuing to exhibit negative behavior? If you've come to a place of inner peace, how can you not see that your own posts reflect bitterness and misdirected anger? You're attacking me, and I don't want anyone's money, and I've not attempted to ask anyone to follow anything other than their own spiritual heart.
You will have to decide: Whether casting the net in treacherous waters in the attempt to convince and win new adherents to the fold, in order to advance towards your next initiation; is worth the risk of exposing yourself to outside influences and being corrupted by your mind, thereby acquiring additional lives to your sentence before attaining godhood. )( Realize that you have many more choices. :yes:


@Zeeker: The little nodding guy with the Yes! bubble is a little creepy. You're trying really, really hard to convince me that I'm brainwashed, but I feel quite lucid. I've been very explicit and plain in this thread. If I were learning archery from a friend would you be trying so hard to convince me that my friend is a fraud? So far I have experienced a number of things that are qualitatively different from any other experience in the physical plane I've had thus far, including a repeatable immersion in the sound that I experience during spiritual exercises. The sound is extremely loud, and if it were an actual sound in the physical I'm sure I'd be deaf. This is accompanied by a sense of motion. The first time it happened to me I was very startled and tried to open my eyes. The juxtaposition of my physical body not moving and my consciousness moving rapidly was disconcerting to say the least.

Anyway, there's no real need to go over this again and again, right guys? What I experience is real, and it took long hours of discipline to concentrate my attention. Gary showed me how. You don't believe him, you don't believe me, I got it. You think you can do it on your own, please by all means keep trying. I get results from my exercises, I haven't been able to get them any other way, and that's all that matters to me regarding the issue of guru.

About all that you've managed to convince me with your post, Zeeker, is that you know very little about the MasterPath, what constitutes its field of study, or what its adherents believe. There's nothing wrong with that, but aggressively going about in post after post bashing the path--what does it gain you? I have a good analogy for you. Imagine that there's a burglary trial going on, and you're the prosecution. You make your case again and again and again to me, trying to convince me that this person did it. What you fail to understand is that I was there, and saw the actual theft take place. I was a direct witness, and nothing you say is going to convince me that I didn't see what I saw. Do you understand now? It's like I'm in a science lab, I mix two chemicals, and I note the change in color. Now you come along and try to convince me that it never changed color. Do you see how pointless your argument is? I have to conclude that you get some kind of pleasure out of rehashing the same argument again and again, because otherwise your behavior is inexplicable.


Can you remove your Reactive Mind, or have no Ego? Of course not! You can go to such lengths to completely convince someone, “program” their subconscious, that it’s not there; I can categorically vouch for that. What has taken place is that the Reactive mind has been replaced with a dissimilar, but still fully functioning, Reactive Mind. The Ego is changed and is redirected into an altered viewpoint. I can assure you, it is still there. Just re-read Vichar’s posts, or Gary writings, it’s all egocentric. What would it be like to have no Ego/Reactive Mind? It would be like being an unaroused, unmoving, unresponsive blob of blubber; as in being in a coma on drip feeds. Even a fakir (the closest example I can think of as having next to no ego), who is quite content to just sit still and meditate all day every day, has to call upon his ego to stop and get up to procure their daily bowl of rice for sustenance.

If a sincere individual who is perceptive should happen upon this thread, this misperception of Zeeker's should be addressed. One does not seek to get rid the Ego--you cannot completely get rid of it it while in a body and to attempt it is foolish. In this Zeeker is correct. What Zeeker misunderstands is that MasterPath chelas do not attempt to get rid of the ego, nor is this what Gary teaches. The Ego, Mind, and Emotions are all a part of you, and each part is necessary like a hand or a foot. What the path teaches is that your consciousness is something separate from these parts. The body (bodies) and its various parts derive the energy they need to sustain themselves from your consciousness, or your soul energy. In spiritual practice, you transcend the Ego, Mind, and Emotions. I like to think of this as sort of like pressing down the clutch in a car. You still have a Mind and Ego, and your body still feels emotions, but you recognize these as separate parts of yourself. This recognition, combined with daily practice, allows you to begin to operate with these in balance instead of being at their beck and call all the time. The true journey is one of perspective. Self-realization is not about some intellectual argument stating that soul is separate from the mind. It is about living the principles, actually moving about in consciousness via soul transport, and re-learning the ability to concentrate and place your attention where you want it to go, not where society, habitual behavior, wants and desires want it to go. What I'm talking about is nothing less than spiritual liberation, the emergence of the true self from its current state of slumber. The Ego and Mind have the spirit trapped with their constant demands on one's attention.

Incidentally, if you transport your attention outside of Ego, you do look to an outside observer to be sitting still. Inside your consciousness, however, you can go to some pretty amazing places. I leave that part of the adventure to the individual traveler. I will go so far to say, however, that it is not simply a kind of emotional reverie or psychic practice of the kind so romanticised by the New Age movement. It's literally a path back to god, and once you're one it, it is absolutely unmistakable.

When Zeeker, end_of_faith, and others talk about how Gary is a fraud, or how MasterPath is a "money pit", they miss the point entirely about spirituality. They are concerned primarily with their (understandable) hangup about spirituality being free, but nothing is actually free. If you buy a book on spirituality, you paid money for that book. If you steal a book, you take on the karma for the theft, which must be repaid in time. Books in a "free" public library are supported through taxes. (If you don't pay taxes, you are a burden upon your fellow man and incurring karma.) Nothing is actually "free", but the undisciplined Mind wants it to be free. When I was in school, there were people that didn't want to do their homework, and at the same time didn't understand why they weren't doing well in their classes. In college, I remember undisciplined lab partners that would rely on me to do the work for them. Nothing in life is free, and you get out of it what you put into it.

Spirituality is about finding your true self, about transcending the bounds and preconceptions that have the spirit trapped. Everything in the physical world attempts to rob your attention, to keep your attention tied up so you can't make forward progress. Look at all this talk about Gary being a fraud or what not. It's robbing the attention and keeping one from focusing on what's important. Gary the man is not important, but the Eternal Shabd Master is all important. Gary is simply channeling that Master, and as such deserves our respect, just as a school teacher deserves our respect. If there's one thing I've noticed about ex-chelas in this thread, it's how angry and bitter they appear to be towards the Path. They feel a sense of betrayal over being "tricked". If they were sincere about their spiritual journey, why haven't they gone back to an earnest pursuit of it instead of coming here to share their discontent?

If you live your life afraid of being tricked, afraid of trying new things, you also keep away from you the experiences you need to learn and move forward.

For my part, I don't care about the money. I'm not afraid of being tricked, certainly not by something which has transformed my life in such a positive and expanding manner. I will take what I can from the experience, just like any other experience in life. No one is bound by only one lifetime, and I can't take the money with me, so what really matters is what I'm learning from the experience. I am not writing to convince anyone to join MasterPath!! However, I do wish to correct misperceptions about the path, because maybe if people see how unreasonable they are being they will reconsider where they are placing their attention. Perhaps they will put their attention back on their spiritual pursuit instead of wasting any more time on ill feeling or bitterness, or convincing anyone else, like Zeeker is doing, that their spiritual practice is false or invalid. If nothing else, Zeeker, you should surely see how inappropriate it is to be calling my spiritual practice false. I wonder if you go about similarly attempting to "educate" Buddhists, Christians or Jewish people.
@Zeeker: The little nodding guy with the Yes! bubble is a little creepy....

creepy? really? odd reaction....

....including a repeatable immersion in the sound that I experience during spiritual exercises. The sound is extremely loud, and if it were an actual sound in the physical I'm sure I'd be deaf. This is accompanied by a sense of motion. The first time it happened to me I was very startled and tried to open my eyes. The juxtaposition of my physical body not moving and my consciousness moving rapidly was disconcerting to say the least.

I remember one of the first inner experiences during a spiritual practice in the late 80's. Awaking at 3 am to sit in asana, with eyes closed, body still, & attention focused in the tisra til. As the body numbed, the consciousness was enraptured by a vortex of swirling, formless energy. It was peaceful, amazing, and calming. It left me without need to speak or describe it to anyone.

Upon exiting the inner experience, I took a dictionary off the bookshelf, and looked up the word 'vortex.' I was naturally engaged & effortlessly energized in contemplating the inner experience and its meaning.

That morning...on the road that I traveled daily en route to work, there was a 'vortex' of swirling water at every single street corner. A burst water main created this effect. It was a perfect juxtaposition to the inner experience. The silence was so loud as not to be heard, or muffled, by the clamoring of city life. It was one of the least disconcerting moments in life.

I looked up the word 'vortex' again this morning....except this time, I didn't take a book from the shelf.

I once took a job at a greenhouse nursery just to practice simran while planting seedlings. So, I hardly think you are in a position to assess my 'sincerity' or understanding of the 'path.'

Anyway, there's no real need to go over this again and again, right guys? What I experience is real, and it took long hours of discipline to concentrate my attention. Gary showed me how. You don't believe him, you don't believe me, I got it. You think you can do it on your own, please by all means keep trying. I get results from my exercises, I haven't been able to get them any other way, and that's all that matters to me regarding the issue of guru.

Only hours? Isn't it a lifetime practice of discipline for the disciple of the doctrine?

It's interesting to see the underlying & subconscious attitude of a believer project their belief system onto others.

About all that you've managed to convince me with your post, Zeeker, is that you know very little about the MasterPath, what constitutes its field of study, or what its adherents believe.

right back at ya....

I have a good analogy for you. Imagine that there's a burglary trial going on, and you're the prosecution. You make your case again and again and again to me, trying to convince me that this person did it. What you fail to understand is that I was there, and saw the actual theft take place. I was a direct witness, and nothing you say is going to convince me that I didn't see what I saw. Do you understand now?

No, I don't understand how the above is a "good analogy." If you were a "direct witness" wouldn't you be a witness for the prosecution? Why would the prosecution refute the testimony of the "direct witness?" You know, the person who "was there, and saw the actual theft take place"?

:shrug: hope this little shrugging shoulders emoticon isn't too creepy for your heightened and refined sense of awareness


:shrug: hope this little shrugging shoulders emoticon isn't too creepy for your heightened and refined sense of awareness
^ this is clearly sarcastic. And uncalled for. I doubt Zeeker designed that emoticon, why should he be offended that I find it creepy? I showed it to my girlfriend, and she thinks it's creepy too.

After several posts, I still don't get it. How can you have veered so far from objectivity that you can't see when you are being mean or snarky? Have I offended you so much that you have to insult me in your passive-aggressive way?

(I realized when I said "witness" that someone would intellectualize the statement. I meant the word in the sense that I saw something occur first hand, not that I was called to the stand. If you don't wish to understand something, you won't. What about the chemical mixing analogy? I wrote that one because I anticipated your remark.)

(as for "long hours", I knew was going to get a negative reaction no matter what amount of time I wrote. I meant "long hours at a time" or "several hours in a day" but you chose to interpret it as "a total of several hours over your eight years on the path". You probably knew what I meant, but your goal here seems to be to simply attack my character. I understand that, and I also know that appeals to your sense of reason, fairness, or common decency will be futile.)

If I asked you or Zeeker, you would both undoubtedly say that you are spiritual and good, upstanding people. But you are rude, unbelievably rude to me here. Zeeker talks to me in a condescending way, as if I am brainwashed or unable to think for myself.

One of the first things I learned was to be respectful of the spiritual practice of others. If you are at peace with yourself, why do you feel a need to be rude? I know people feel there is no accountability online, but perhaps you could step back and ask yourself why you would choose to express negativity to someone you don't know, just because they don't agree with your point of view. Is it not possible to be civil, even if you feel strongly about something? Am I suddenly your enemy, simply because I do not agree with you?

People have talked about plagiarism in this thread, and I wonder that you don't worry about the fact that what you're doing here is essentially libel. I can understand why you feel you are justified, end_of_faith, because to you it's the truth. Fine, I acknowledge that you believe what you are saying, so I won't accuse you of just spreading lies. But for others in this thread, they just latch on to anything and say whatever, and no amount of hateful speculation is too low to stoop to. It is not legal, and certainly not ethical, to impugn another person's character without factual evidence.

Gary teaches things. I practice those teachings. I experience profound awakening and expansion in my consciousness. End of faith, you have so far not addressed this point, and it seems you vacillate between defending your own spiritual practice (which I have never questioned or said anything negative about), and attacking Gary or another chela.

Writing in this thread is something of a new experience for me. It's like the rules of common decency are suspended for you. You feel that a certain point of view gives you free license to be rude, sarcastic, and say bad things about Gary (and automatically, any chela that posts here!) Any time another chela has posted here, you and others jump on him or her like circling sharks. Being angry does not make you immune to the karmic effects of what you're doing.

No chela I know would ever behave the way you do, end_of_faith. I know you're not a chela anymore, but I would have thought that the same desire for spirituality and search for god would lead you to treat your fellow travelers with decency and respect. Isn't that what your own personal path should bring you? You still have not contemplated why more than 2000 (My girlfriend who volunteers at the office told me that her initial estimate was off because there are hundreds of chelas that don't receive mailings anymore. There are in excess of 2000 chelas now.) of people still believe that Gary is the real thing, and that only you and a handful of other ex chelas are violently opposed. Like I said, I know some ex-chelas, and I know some seekers who did not join the path, and none of them have been negative about Gary, even if they didn't believe he was the outer master. You must believe that the vast majority of us are simply deluded, or easily led, or have no ability to judge truth for ourselves. Have you asked yourself how likely this is? That you are not on the path is fine--no one disputes your personal decision. Saying very negative things about the path, random chelas, and the master is not so good. And yet you feel this is a spiritual thing to do!! Why would we still be on the path if Gary or the path is a fraud? It doesn't make any sense to me. I speak with these people, and they all experience the same profound things I do. You're basically saying that 2000+ people are suffering from a mass delusion, and you're saying it very publicly, I might add.

I feel love towards everyone, yes, you and Zeeker included, but you seem only capable of disdain and scorn for me. I would ask that you go back to my first posts here, and read them, and see that I did was try to provide some objective counterpoint to the vast amount of negativity in this thread. People are quick to judge, and like in school, the loudest people get the most attention. I felt it would be good to provide some balance to the discussion because some people are easily swayed by the simple volume of negativity.

After those first posts, my purpose has been simple. End_of_faith, you incur bad karma by being negative to your fellow souls, to say nothing about the outer master. Fine, you don't think he's the outer master, so there can't be any repercussions, right? Well, I don't expect your mind to agree with me anyway, but the attempt had to be made, out of love. And who knows, maybe a part of you will sense my sincerity. Maybe it won't, and will be offended, and that will be that. You've probably already received such warnings anyway, but I was moved to mention it.

I once took a job at a greenhouse nursery just to practice simran while planting seedlings. So, I hardly think you are in a position to assess my 'sincerity' or understanding of the 'path.'
You are rude to strangers and seem unaware of it at the same time (or at least you don't give a hoot if you are, and have a nice chuckle to yourself.). You don't think I'm subtle enough to notice your sarcasm, your passive-aggressive behavior, and your outright character attacks. So, no, I don't know anything about your actual spiritual practice, but I can see the effects that you are manifesting quite clearly. By the way, this is one of the benefits of having an outer master. There's an influence in our lives that calls us to task for our negative behavior. We become accountable to ourselves, and we realize that every nasty comment and every negative thought has its karmic backlash.

I remember one of the first inner experiences during a spiritual practice in the late 80's. Awaking at 3 am to sit in asana, with eyes closed, body still, & attention focused in the tisra til. As the body numbed, the consciousness was enraptured by a vortex of swirling, formless energy. It was peaceful, amazing, and calming. It left me without need to speak or describe it to anyone.
On a completely different note, this sounds like a beautiful experience. Keep that feeling with you during every moment, and you can't go wrong.
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To Vichar.....

Wowza! My goodness.....that is quite the response to very few words written.

You have the freedom to draw whatever conclusion you want.

I haven't said anything that isn't true. Here’s what I know: I am very aware of life with the Olsen’s. You, on the other hand, don’t even personally know the man or woman.

At the risk of you being offended by what you perceive as rude... I fail to see how a head-nodding-yes emoticon is "creepy." ....so....whatever.

As far as the shrugging shoulders emoticon that I used as a closing to a succinctly neutral post.... which you perceive as snarky, sarcastic, and rude....
Well, no, just making a point.

Re: the # of ppl who believe Gary is a living saint.... well, there are hundreds of thousands who think CoS is the most evolved teaching on the planet. There are many thousands who believe JR is the living Messiah. Tens of thousands convinced Eckankar is the “path to God.”
Hundreds of thousands are completely sold on Gurinder as God in human form.

Your belief in a man doesn’t make him a guru, or his teachings true. If you are offended by that statement, or think it is rude, well, not sure what to say.

Personally, I find it arrogant and presumptuous for you to speak as though you know anything about anyone. Let alone for you to vicariously attempt to enlighten us on a balanced view of things.

Case in point is this jewel from your previous post: “If a sincere individual who is perceptive should happen upon this thread, this misperception of Zeeker's should be addressed.”

Here’s my question to you: If a sincere individual who is perceptive should happen upon this thread...is not their sincerity and perception enough? Why do you think it’s your job to “address” what you “perceive” as a “misperception?”

Why do you not silently and consciously namaste the sincerity and perception of others and leave it at that? Instead you find it necessary to “discourse” to us about the “truth” of MP. Why do you not demonstrate self-awareness and trust that sincerity is sufficient, and really, it's all we have in this journey we call life. Who are you to “guide” seekers to any conclusion? You undermine in others the very thing you think you honor within yourself.

Why can’t you simply read Zeeker’s post and contemplate his view? Without reacting to it?

I wonder if you & your girlfriend would find it “creepy” if a chela signed off with a smiling-nodding-yes emoticon....just a thought.

Looking forward to your next inspired rant on my rude, snarky, sarcastic, and negative behavior.



To be honest, I'm more interested in helping you. You didn't like my last analogy but maybe you'll be more able to relate to this one.

This country was founded on freedom from religious persecution. People came here to get away from the very kind of negative behavior that you're perpetuating in this thread. Think of it this way: would you post billboards at the side of the road that say "Jesus is a fake. Everyone that believes in Christianity is deluded. Oh, and the church is a money pit, stay away."

That's exactly what you're doing in this thread. You don't like the Olsens personally, or you don't agree with the way they live their lives, which is your right. But to come here and tell me and other chelas that the path is bogus in a public forum is the same thing as the billboard example I just wrote. I note you still don't get it. It's wrong what you're doing. How's that for clear enough? It's wrong to denigrate the life choices of others, and to talk about spiritual paths or their leaders as false without substantiated proof of your claims (which I already mentioned is libel). You mention no specifics, offer no proof, and you give vague hand waving when I ask for proof "I need prove nothing to you."

To put it simply, what you are doing is violating spiritual principle. All the paths I know of agree on this point: it's not cool to go around telling other people their beliefs, their masters, or their teachings are bogus. Clear enough? I'm kind of curious to see if you will somehow justify your actions now by saying it's cool because you believe it's true, and therefore it doesn't apply to this situation.

And as for Zeeker, I was addressing his misperception of masterpath beliefs. I am a chela, he is not, and therefore I am in a better position to clarify what the teachings actually say. The words themselves are not enough. You yourself have shown that you care too much about the words themselves, and seem to enjoy twisting them around to win an argument. I'm not trying to win any argument, I'm trying to help you not dig any deeper a hole for yourself than you have already done.

One more time for emphasis: talking trash about other people's path is a violation of spiritual principle, no matter the path, be it Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism. Keep doing it if you wish--it's not harming me personally, but it's harming you and you can't even seem to understand that.
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Truth Seeker
@Zeeker: The little nodding guy with the Yes! bubble is a little creepy.
My apologies, that’s the best I could pick out from the selection on this forum. Still, for me it is nowhere remotely as creepy as having garji channeling, and stationed at the tisra til. :eek:

You're trying really, really hard to convince me that I'm brainwashed, but I feel quite lucid. I've been very explicit and plain in this thread. If I were learning archery from a friend would you be trying so hard to convince me that my friend is a fraud?
I’m not here to convince you of anything Vichar. There is only one person who is able do that: Yourself. I am here for the seekers who have read this far with sufficient concern to evaluate the information being discussed here BEFORE they make any commitments and agree to anything they are unsure of or where it will lead to. To be forewarned is to be forearmed, and they should be able to more readily recognize any disconcerting signs when they present themselves, by studying the posts in this thread. No one ever forewarned me when I innocently walked into such situations, where subversive techniques and agendas caught me entirely off guard. Not until I was completely caught up in a bind, that I was convinced I could not get out of, did I have any realization of what had actually ensued and believed I could not go back. I represent the ambulance parked on the road at the top of the cliff, with crucial information for those approaching to consider, BEFORE they take any leap of faith into the unknown. :)

I have no qualms with anyone learning "archery," from an archery teacher, per se. But when I know that the archery teacher will never acknowledge his students as becoming self-sufficient competent archers. That his students will be sold the need they will require his lessons for the rest of their life (i.e. many lifetimes). That he will tell them that all the other archery teachers are inferior, and do everything in his power to convince them to never to consider or approach any other archery teacher, at their peril. Then, I take it as my moral duty to say something and point it out. It is in my "Karma" to stand up and do the right thing, reveal a concealed agenda when I know it is not right. :)

I have a good analogy for you. Imagine that there's a burglary trial going on, and you're the prosecution. You make your case again and again and again to me, trying to convince me that this person did it. What you fail to understand is that I was there, and saw the actual theft take place. I was a direct witness, and nothing you say is going to convince me that I didn't see what I saw.
To continue your analogy: If I was once inducted into a “gang” of thieves who your prosecuted burglar has an affiliation with. And therefore, have a familiarity with the techniques and methods of how such crimes could and would be committed. I can also point out particulars that any unfamiliar observers and witness are not aware of, which could be readily overlook by anyone unknowledgeable. Ever heard the expressions: “It takes one to know one,” and “It takes a thief, to catch a thief?” :rolleyes:

Why didn’t Gary stick with his inner master darji (Darwin Gross’ double) and remain his devoted follower? Because he was smart enough to “come to” and figure out what it was really all about and get out. That’s nothing unusual. Many, if not most, people eventually see through their plight and come out of such predicaments, albeit after many long expended years. Except there are some escapees, like Gary, who have taken it upon themselves to misapply the knowledge they have gained. Said things to themselves like: “Hey, that was a neat trick! I can do the same. Employ these trance techniques I have learnt, just the same, into a ‘regime,’ my own religion, to serve me. Gather followers, have them revere me as the master and worship me as their god. Get a printing press and tape dubber running to have them pay for the practices (to be locked away from the eyes and ears of any of the curious and uncommitted); get some cash flow coming in to meet my material needs here on planet Earth for this lifetime (I’ll be quite content with only a handful of millions surplus on the books). Just like myself at first, my followers will never identify their experiences as coming from their own efforts without me; and I won’t tell them so I can take all the credit. Keep on fooling them for as long as I can get away with it.” :(


Zeeker, you have a right to believe what you believe, but why do you feel it's ok to make negative statements about my master? What gives you the right? I just got done telling end of faith that it's not spiritually or morally or ethically right.

Re: the # of ppl who believe Gary is a living saint.... well, there are hundreds of thousands who think CoS is the most evolved teaching on the planet. There are many thousands who believe JR is the living Messiah. Tens of thousands convinced Eckankar is the “path to God.” Hundreds of thousands are completely sold on Gurinder as God in human form.

Sure, and don't they have to the right to believe as they do? They are obviously getting something from their paths.

The point all along that you and end_of_faith REFUSE TO UNDERSTAND or acknowledge, is that I experience a profound expansion of my consciousness inside by practicing Gary's teachings. I pay a pittance to the path--$30 a month, which barely covers their operational costs. The way you judge a path is by assessing what it does for you in consciousness--and clearly it has a profoundly positive impact on me, and on more than 2000 other people besides. And you and she have the audacity to come here and say that I'm deluded, all the chelas are deluded, gary is a fraud, and the path is false. Who do you think you are, that you can come here and say that? Why are you attacking the beliefs of others? Shouldn't you be more concerned about moving forward with your own personal belief system? Are you a guru now, that you should come help others to see *your* version of the truth?

Much more interesting is your description of what you think Gary is getting out of all this. It's interesting that you think $80,000 / year is enough money to commit spiritual fraud--the karma for that is immeasurable. End_of_faith keeps saying she knows the Olsens personally but I'm starting to doubt she really knows them at all. Who cares if she's had contact with them on the outer--she obviously misjudges their intentions if she can say the things she has said. And you, who know them not at all, project your world-view based motivations on them. I listen to him speak, and I cannot doubt his sincere desire to help me. You probably think you're trying to help me as well, and I acknowledge that (thanks!). But you're not helping me. You are attacking another spiritual path, and it's amazing you think that it's correct to do so! It's wrong.
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This country was founded on freedom from religious persecution. People came here to get away from the very kind of negative behavior that you're perpetuating in this thread.

Please...religious persecution....I have stated more than once in this thread that you (or anyone) has the right & freedom to believe whatever you want. The fact remains that after a great number of years on the MP my conclusion is exactly opposite of yours. Am I persecuting you or your master in making that statement?

That's exactly what you're doing in this thread. You don't like the Olsens personally, or you don't agree with the way they live their lives, which is your right. But to come here and tell me and other chelas that the path is bogus in a public forum is the same thing as the billboard example I just wrote. I note you still don't get it. It's wrong what you're doing. How's that for clear enough? It's wrong to denigrate the life choices of others, and to talk about spiritual paths or their leaders as false without substantiated proof of your claims (which I already mentioned is libel). You mention no specifics, offer no proof, and you give vague hand waving when I ask for proof "I need prove nothing to you."

I loved the Olsens more than you will ever know.

I'm not denigrating your life choice. More power to you.

My conclusion is simple: Gary & Joy are not Saints. How's that for clear enough?

Why is it that you offer expansion of consciousness as proof of veracity of a guru, and yet, charge another with libel for stating that the end result in his/her consciousness is that it is not true? It appears to be far easier for a man to claim to be a guru than to prove he is not. I could offer specifics, but it would mean little to you. And I have exercised restraint and conscientiousness in what I've written in this public forum.

To put it simply, what you are doing is violating spiritual principle. All the paths I know of agree on this point: it's not cool to go around telling other people their beliefs, their masters, or their teachings are bogus. Clear enough? I'm kind of curious to see if you will somehow justify your actions now by saying it's cool because you believe it's true, and therefore it doesn't apply to this situation.

According to who? You? Your master? You have no idea what I've experienced with your master or his wife. I don't tell people what to believe, who they should view or accept as a master, or whether their teachings are bogus. I'm speaking of my experience, and I'm well aware that it is not yours.

And as for Zeeker, I was addressing his misperception of masterpath beliefs. I am a chela, he is not, and therefore I am in a better position to clarify what the teachings actually say. The words themselves are not enough. You yourself have shown that you care too much about the words themselves, and seem to enjoy twisting them around to win an argument. I'm not trying to win any argument, I'm trying to help you not dig any deeper a hole for yourself than you have already done.

Funny, when I read Zeeker's post, it did not strike me as him interpreting MP, rather sharing his experience with CoS. It is not my intent to win an argument with you, especially since I'm not arguing with you. Perhaps you are the one who feels anger?

One more time for emphasis: talking trash about other people's path is a violation of spiritual principle, no matter the path, be it Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism. Keep doing it if you wish--it's not harming me personally, but it's harming you and you can't even seem to understand that.

Funny that you should list the major religions of the world. I don't view MasterPath as an equal with those teachings. Though I am aware that your master teaches that MP (the Sound) is superior to all of them.

by end_of_faith: Re: the # of ppl who believe Gary is a living saint.... well, there are hundreds of thousands who think CoS is the most evolved teaching on the planet. There are many thousands who believe JR is the living Messiah. Tens of thousands convinced Eckankar is the “path to God.” Hundreds of thousands are completely sold on Gurinder as God in human form.

Your belief in a man doesn’t make him a guru, or his teachings true. If you are offended by that statement, or think it is rude, well, not sure what to say.
Vichar: Sure, and don't they have to the right to believe as they do? They are obviously getting something from their paths.

I took the liberty to include the entire quote from me for clarity. Yes, they all have the right to believe as they do, and I'm sure they are all getting something from their respective paths. The # of adherents that follow the system is not proof of the veracity of the "master" or the teachings. That is the point. Clear enough for you?

The point all along that you and end_of_faith REFUSE TO UNDERSTAND or acknowledge, is that I experience a profound expansion of my consciousness inside by practicing Gary's teachings. .....And you and she have the audacity to come here and say that I'm deluded, all the chelas are deluded, gary is a fraud, and the path is false.

Please quote where I've shown that I REFUSE TO UNDERSTAND or acknowledge a profound expansion of your consciousness?

Tell me, when your master tells a person that she is deluded to think she is on the spiritual path IF SHE IS NOT ON THE MASTERPATH....what is that? True? Because he says so? Would you view it as audacious and negative, incurring karma, digging a deeper hole, insincere, extreme veering, attacking, denigrating the path of another? Or would you view/relate to his words as some deep spiritual insight beyond the person's mental capacity to understand? Just curious.

Have a lovely evening filled with spiritual insights that cannot be bought for a mere pittance...for there is no monetary exchange for innate truth.

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