~Lord Roghen~ said:
The sin of Onan was to his unfullfilingness to his God, not his spilling of seed.
Masturnation glorifies god by exercising his temple (body) properly in the manner it was made to be used. sexual masturnbation is important for sexual and mental health and therefore benefits the temple (body) of God
I put up the wrong webpage lol :banghead3
methinks you pick and choose what to believe in, when it comes to sexuality, and Christianity..............You can't decide what rules you will adopt, and which you will ignore...................
The following beliefs (BTW) are not mine, but I am sure you would admit that they are yours (especially with your stance on sexual practices)
There is a general tone in Biblical scripture, particularly in the letters of Saint Paul, that we were created by God and therefore belong to Him, so that everything we do should glorify God. Our bodies are temples of God and we should respect them as such, avoiding all sorts of immoral and impure excesses. Traditional religious teaching has interpreted these concepts to include masturbation.
It holds that God created sex to continue our race, so God favors only heterosexual intercourse sanctified by marriage because that is what makes babies and thus continues the race. Any other sexual behavior, such as masturbation or homosexuality, would be sinful because it leads us away from behavior that God approves.
Masturbating without lust seems to be
the biggest area of conflict for Christian men.
The Problem With Lust
Other people see the main religious problem being not so much with masturbating as with the lust that often attends it, particularly when pornography is used to aid arousal. (Lust is defined as an intense sexual desire or longing. The Greek word for lust means intensely wanting something that is forbidden.) A few respondents said that they can masturbate successfully without fantasizing about other people. They concentrate instead on their own bodies and the pleasant feelings that self-stimulation brings. But more respondents described repeatedly failing to avoid sexual fantasy.
Masturbating without lust seems to be the biggest area of conflict for Christian men who seriously try to follow the teachings of their faith.
Some respondents resolve this dilemma by ignoring it or, by reasoning that masturbation is a smaller sin than creating an unwanted pregnancy or contracting an STD. Others resolve it through the understanding of humans as imperfect and sinful by nature it is human nature to sin, so if masturbation is a sin, then we are just being our imperfect, sinful selves. The best we can do is to pick ourselves up each time we fall and keep on trying to avoid sin. Moreover, we'd still be sinners even if we didn't masturbate.
The Catholic Church's Position
Although some religious denominations have changed their stance on masturbation as a sin, the Roman Catholic Church continues to classify the practice as mortal sin, along with any other sexual behavior that is not intercourse between a married male and female. One respondent described learning that the Church's reasoning for proscribing masturbation is based on the idea that ejaculating semen outside of a woman's vagina wastes human seed. The theory, however, does not account for the millions of sperm in an ejaculation into the vagina that die after one sperm fertilizes an ovum. Nor does it account for the millions of sperm that die within a male's body every day even when they are not ejaculated.