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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
Evolution is the process of growth, but growth does not begin itself, the root of growth is God. This is elemental reasoning. But when a person is supposed to be ignorant of elemental reasoning, they will see as they are intended to see. Evolution is a trap of blindness.
And once again, you are talking about abiogenesis, and not evolution.
The concept of evolution itself is a proof of God. The inane aduacity of something comming from nothing is one of the most serious proofs of God I have ever considered. Oh how certain people must rid this world of any concept of God. They will go to serious extremes to put in place unreason, and distort our heritage of comming from a God, and replace it with the insult of being in a liniage with Apes of all things. Such an insult proves God, and also proves the extremes of deception that exist in the human mind.

Note the term evolution. I want to go into this term and show you some interesting deceptions contained within it.


As an Atheist and Evolutionist, I have never heard a scientist of Evolutionary Theory be so irresponsible as to claim we evolved from apes. What they HAVE stated is that our closest evolutionary ancestor was of the ape family. And there is on the internet a Roman Catholic Molecular Geneticist who claims that he has found the missing chromosomes which prove this theory. Or at least added further substance to the theory. Chimpanzees and humans share a 95% DNA similarity differing only in a few chromosomes. That doesnt mean we come from apes....it simply means they are the closest beings on earth to mankind and that scientists still haven't found that supposed "missing link". Although with each archaeological find we come closer to solving the mystery of mankind. Even more so than the religiously devout can claim that there is a God. To quote a famous 60's tune I can't at the moment remember the title to..."...Nobody's right, if everybody's wrong..." So be careful before spewing nonsense that scientists have been very delicate so as not to disturb the ever so delicate beliefs of the increasingly judgemental and dogmatic views of the religious!


Well-Known Member
This isn't argument, it is sort of...well...fanaticism, really. :eek:

Have to say that this assumed special knowledge, a supposed insight into the 'truth', is not at all unusual among self-absorbed religious folk. Still, at least we've not had the threats and the spectre of eternal suffering in fire and brimstone, which is usually mitigated by the rider: 'I'm not here to threaten, but to warn'. :(

I hold no special knowledge, I am not religious, I do not believe in hell, I believe in the salvation of the totality of humankind, that is Gods will. I hold no insight to the truth, I do not know God, I have made no stupid claims of being annointed by him. I challange anyone to produce such words comming from my mouth.

That being said, the insults from Atheist are continual, because I am a thorn in their flesh. And I understand that, people react to their beliefs being pounded on.



Well-Known Member
So be careful before spewing nonsense that scientists have been very delicate so as not to disturb the ever so delicate beliefs of the increasingly judgemental and dogmatic views of the religious!

I am not religious and I will say what I want to say. If you hold a problem with what I say, don't read anymore. Then we will have one thing in common, you will not read me, and I certainly do not read you.



Well-Known Member
Consciousness came from God, thats why only he can explain it, only he knows how it works. But it is a proof of God, a deep serious proof to me. I often consider my own consciousness, sometimes I think I am crazy, which I probally am. I think I have some mental problems, no doubt, but I continue on in life. My consciousness is weird, my dreamworld is just as weird. I have repeated dreams of escaping one thing or another. Always running away from something that is after me. I keep wondering why these same patterns of dream subconsciousness. Well I am nuts for one, but why the consistancy?

Why does human consciousness play games with its own mind?

And I want to go into that.

just saying that in a debate forum we should be careful of statements made by others. You made a sensational claim that was anything but true. While it is true that Atheists and Evolutionists who do NOT research genetics and biology and other sciences tend to badmouth religion, I really try not to. I dont sit there and tell you there is no God...I just simply dont believe in what I dont see. I have never claimed to come from apes and find it absurd as much as you do. What I did state is that TRUE Evolutionists will NEVER make such a claim to say we come from apes. They will only state that the CLOSEST RELATIVE ANCESTOR to mankind is apes or apelike creatures who share the similarities of both apes and modern man.May seem like semantics but it's very few words that differ in what we both said. Just if you are going to claim that we evolutionists think we come from apes, be sure thats what we say. Because I say they are our closest ancestors. Not our ancestors. Just the closest to them by DNA and anthropologic methodologies.


Well-Known Member
Are you ashamed of being Atheist? Well no, proud if anything. That pride comes from somewhere deep within you, its because your supposed to be that way. You are called by God to be an Atheist, an unbeliever. Your unbelief exist because of God, conversely others believe because of God.

And I want to go into that duality.



Well-Known Member
I hold no special knowledge, I am not religious, I do not believe in hell, I believe in the salvation of the totality of humankind, that is Gods will. I hold no insight to the truth, I do not know God, I have made no stupid claims of being annointed by him. I challange anyone to produce such words comming from my mouth.

That being said, the insults from Atheist are continual, because I am a thorn in their flesh. And I understand that, people react to their beliefs being pounded on.


Hardly insults, were they. Lighten up a little, eh? Present proper arguments and then perhaps you'll enjoy the exchanges.


Well-Known Member
just saying that in a debate forum we should be careful of statements made by others. You made a sensational claim that was anything but true. While it is true that Atheists and Evolutionists who do NOT research genetics and biology and other sciences tend to badmouth religion, I really try not to. I dont sit there and tell you there is no God...I just simply dont believe in what I dont see. I have never claimed to come from apes and find it absurd as much as you do. What I did state is that TRUE Evolutionists will NEVER make such a claim to say we come from apes. They will only state that the CLOSEST RELATIVE ANCESTOR to mankind is apes or apelike creatures who share the similarities of both apes and modern man.May seem like semantics but it's very few words that differ in what we both said. Just if you are going to claim that we evolutionists think we come from apes, be sure thats what we say. Because I say they are our closest ancestors. Not our ancestors. Just the closest to them by DNA and anthropologic methodologies.

Understood. May I say its just as meaningless to consider apes as our closest relative ancestor, as it is to say we are come from apes. Do you know what relative implies? It is impossible for apes and humans to be relitavies. We are totally differing beings, totally. The blindness just has you.



Well-Known Member
Are you ashamed of being Atheist? Well no, proud if anything. That pride comes from somewhere deep within you, its because your supposed to be that way. You are called by God to be an Atheist, an unbeliever. Your unbelief exist because of God, conversely others believe because of God.

And I want to go into that duality.


Any particular reason that you capitalize 'atheist'?


Well-Known Member
Hardly insults, were they. Lighten up a little, eh? Present proper arguments and then perhaps you'll enjoy the exchanges.

My words are not yours to judge as proper or not. And I willnot lighten up. I will continue to deal with this assualt on the existance of God that Atheist perform everyday, with an assualt of my own.



Well-Known Member
Understood. May I say its just as meaningless to consider apes as our closest relative ancestor, as it is to say we are come from apes. Do you know what relative implies? It is impossible for apes and humans to be relitavies. We are totally differing beings, totally. The blindness just has you.


Firstly, in what way is it impossible? For it to be impossible, remember, there must be literally a 0% chance.

Secondly, have you ever seen an ape? In what way are they TOTALLY different? I can understand you saying it about fish or birds, or even a cow or something... But apes are pretty similar in most respects. What is it that you feel makes them TOTALLY different?

You slap a person in the face, the evidence of it will be the redness on their skin. God has slapped humanity in the face and the evidence of it is Atheism and Evolution. Perminent marks of confusion, deeply imbeded signs of a God. A most powerful God too. Its like imprisioning someone, who then turns around and argues to stay in prision. Evolution is an arguement to stay blind, Atheism is an attemp to convince oneself of staying blind.

A familuar song to me, and it proves to me a most powerful influence exist outside of mankind. Blind people refusing to see. Ignorance that falls in love with the ignorance. A perfect swan song written by what must be a great power.

And I want to go into that.


You dont want to go into anything. You say you have no knowledge of God yet here you state his supposed power. You claim to not know God yet you hide behind him like a frightened child hides behind his mother when confronted by something larger than itself. You claim to want to get into things but all you do is bash atheism and evolutionism. Who is blind here. When you are truly ready for a debate come back and speak on it but your close-minded views are so typical of judgmental dogmatic views which attack anything which threaten their existence. Those who bash are afraid of being shown another light than the one that lights their path.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Thus enters Willful Ignorance. That is, willfully ignoring available facts out of, perhaps, a fear that it is contradictory to the posters preconceived notion on his personal deity.

And I want to get into that.
Now, what facts are being ignored?

  1. Evolution-In biology, evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. Though changes produced in any one generation are normally small, differences accumulate with each generation and can, over time, cause substantial changes in the population, a process that can result in the emergence of new species.[1] The similarities among species suggest that all known species are descended from a common ancestor (or ancestral gene pool) through this process of gradual divergence. (Source)
  2. Abiogenesis - In the natural sciences, abiogenesis, or "chemical evolution", is the study of how life on Earth could have arisen from inanimate matter. It should not be confused with evolution, which is the study of how groups of living things change over time. Amino acids, often called "the building blocks of life", can form via natural chemical reactions unrelated to life, as demonstrated in the Miller–Urey experiment, which involved simulating the conditions of the early Earth. In all living things, these amino acids are organized into proteins, and the construction of these proteins is mediated by nucleic acids. Thus the question of how life on Earth originated is a question of how the first nucleic acids arose.(Source)
  3. Logical Fallacies - In logic and rhetoric, a fallacy is a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning in argumentation. By accident or design, fallacies may exploit emotional triggers in the listener or interlocutor (e.g. appeal to emotion), or take advantage of social relationships between people (e.g. argument from authority). Fallacious arguments are often structured using rhetorical patterns that obscure the logical argument, making fallacies more difficult to diagnose. Also, the components of the fallacy may be spread out over separate arguments. (Source)
Why are these being ignored?
I want to get into that.


Well-Known Member
Understood. May I say its just as meaningless to consider apes as our closest relative ancestor, as it is to say we are come from apes. Do you know what relative implies? It is impossible for apes and humans to be relitavies. We are totally differing beings, totally. The blindness just has you.

Or maybe scientists means how close or distant different beings are too each other...


Well-Known Member
Firstly, in what way is it impossible? For it to be impossible, remember, there must be literally a 0% chance.

Secondly, have you ever seen an ape? In what way are they TOTALLY different? I can understand you saying it about fish or birds, or even a cow or something... But apes are pretty similar in most respects. What is it that you feel makes them TOTALLY different?

I have heard of apes acting very, very human.


One-Eyed in Blindsville
Hardly insults, were they. Lighten up a little, eh? Present proper arguments and then perhaps you'll enjoy the exchanges.
Don't bother, cottage. He flipped out on me in another thread for telling him the world was round, and that up and down are relative directions.

He's particularly thin-skinned. Sad really.


Well-Known Member
. When you are truly ready for a debate come back and speak on it but your close-minded views are so typical of judgmental dogmatic views which attack anything which threaten their existence. .

Translation: will you please go away. No I will not. Why not start a cursade to get rid of me.

I don't care to debate Atheist. For what, they have nothing to offer me.

Understood. May I say its just as meaningless to consider apes as our closest relative ancestor, as it is to say we are come from apes. Do you know what relative implies? It is impossible for apes and humans to be relitavies. We are totally differing beings, totally. The blindness just has you.


I didnt say they were our relatives. You keep implying Im saying something I haven't. I said...and follow the bouncing ball here... CLOSEST ancestor to us. Im NOT saying we are related to apes at all. But it is more than coincidence they share more than 90% of our DNA. The have 5 fingers and toes. They have knowledge of basic tool making and use of tools. They have a social structure not unlike our own. More primitive but in many ways similar. They have even shown the ability to understand limited amounts of our language although unable to recreate our language on their own. But they can use sign language to a limited point. So tell me...How is it impossible. How are we nothing alike. How can you call us blind in our reasoning when we have done the research as you have clearly NOT! How do you say we atheists when you claim to not even know God...that is Atheism and Agnosticism. You tend to lean more toward Agnosticism but I have never stated ANYTHING against God. I do NOT blaspheme unless letting out the occasional "God Damnit!" But to me thats not blasphemy cuz I dont believe. Before you get into bashing Atheists understand that Religion and Science often say the same thing in different ways. One has science to explain what mythology explains for the other. And Just what God is so powerful and awesome? Just want to know cuz there are Hundreds of "Gods" out there. Yaweh? Ra? Azura-Mazda? Who? Come to the table with supportive statements not bashing.
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