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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
Ah, so it is meaningless! You've answered my question. I just wondered if you accorded special status or meaning to atheists and atheism.

There is nothing special to either one in my view. But I honor the struggle of being different, believing different. I can respect that about Atheist, being black, I know a little about not being accepted, yet things get better, while they get worse. That dicotomy is a frail existance. There can be honor even amoung enemys, if they are so inclined.



Well-Known Member
I take advice from theists, why do you have an issue with atheists?

Good point. Theists, like atheists, come from all walks of life and neither have the monopoly on intelligence or knowledge. A systemic hatred or dislike of atheists is every bit as bad as the prejudice of virulent anti-theism.


Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity, whats the mindset of atheists?

A mind totally devoid of God, which effects all other aspects of rationale accorded in human evaluation of anything. I am reminded of the fictionary race in start trek, the borg. They all think the same way, a most perculiar unity. They believe nothing about a God, they just team together and attack and assimulate others to their group. No cause, other than superiority. Christians do this also, which is why I like neither group. Christians are even worse, they masquerade as if their cause is God.

God is life for all, no other view of him is truth. The mindset of an Atheist, is a denial of this truth.



Well-Known Member
Good point. Theists, like atheists, come from all walks of life and neither have the monopoly on intelligence or knowledge. A systemic hatred or dislike of atheists is every bit as bad as the prejudice of virulent anti-theism.
Yeah, I think people focus too much negativity in what makes us different. Theists, atheists, we can all hold wisdom, and we can all hold stupidity.


Well-Known Member
A mind totally devoid of God, which effects all other aspects of rationale accorded in human evaluation of anything. I am reminded of the fictionary race in start trek, the borg. They all think the same way, a most perculiar unity. They believe nothing about a God, they just team together and attack and assimulate others to their group. No cause, other than superiority. Christians do this also, which is why I like neither group. Christians are even worse, they masquerade as if their cause is God.

God is life for all, no other view of him is truth. The mindset of an Atheist, is a denial of this truth.


My mind is devoid of god and I couldn't be happier. What brand of "god" do you subscribe too? Or is it one you've created for yourself?


Well-Known Member
A mind totally devoid of God, which effects all other aspects of rationale accorded in human evaluation of anything. I am reminded of the fictionary race in start trek, the borg. They all think the same way, a most perculiar unity. They believe nothing about a God, they just team together and attack and assimulate others to their group. No cause, other than superiority. Christians do this also, which is why I like neither group. Christians are even worse, they masquerade as if their cause is God.

God is life for all, no other view of him is truth. The mindset of an Atheist, is a denial of this truth.

To be honest I think more in line with the people in the Federation.


Well-Known Member
Not be blasphemic, but AMEN!!! I admire those that have any faith at all. Living without faith can be quite lonely at times. We have no church to congregate in. Like religion we have different kinds of Atheists but not all Atheists feel the need to bash the believers or Bash God. Like you say Kerr, we often arent good at making our words come out so well due to this being such a controversial subject, but we do love debates. And in debates ya gotta not take everything personal if someone quotes you. Be flattered to be quoted! It means someone is paying attention and thinks you might just have something worth debating about.
Yep, and sometimes the heat of a debate can... heat things up, lol.
You call me a troll. You insult my personage, something many of you Atheist do to others, as if you think this does not take away from your debates. This is transparent and I see through it. Either you apoligise for this, or I will never respond to you again.


You seem to think Atheists are the only ones who judge people for their beliefs. You know I study and read the Bible almost everyday. I also study anthropology and ancient religions. I stay on top of research being done in genetics and in the archaeological communities. I research my personal beliefs (or lack thereof)... Do you?
Christians demonized every religion that does not hold its views. It actively (such as you have tonight thus far) condemns Atheistic views. Ancient Christians were some of the most warring and barbaric peoples ever written about. The Bible is regarded in many circles as the "Bloodiest book ever written". Christians, upon the death of the Late Roman Emperor Constantine, Destroyed EVERY symbol of Pagan, Egyptian, and Islamic religion and then used those symbols as signs of evil or their precious devil. Now whos being judgmental? I have facts. You bring...well...nothing but insults to everyone who tries to get you to speak facts. You have none. Bring me a fact that can be confirmed or is already general common knowledge. I have given nothing but facts. In fact, here. Here is a little tidbit of information. The Divinity of Christ was not born unto him....IT WAS VOTED ON!!! Council of Nicea. They voted on what modern Christians have come to know as truth. The Vatican will even partiallly admit to this but naturally the will state the divinity part is true. Why destroy a faith that is already dead a long time in the making. The only reason the Christian God prevails today is that there has been no substantial religion to replace it in modern times. But there will come a day. Who knows? Maybe mankind will learn that they can live without fairytales and visions and that reality aint so bad after all.
So go back to reading your Cinderella stories or come to the real world...Your a sheep because you follow a shepherd long dead. And sheep become meals for wolves...


Well-Known Member
A mind totally devoid of God, which effects all other aspects of rationale accorded in human evaluation of anything. I am reminded of the fictionary race in start trek, the borg. They all think the same way, a most perculiar unity. They believe nothing about a God, they just team together and attack and assimulate others to their group. No cause, other than superiority. Christians do this also, which is why I like neither group. Christians are even worse, they masquerade as if their cause is God.

God is life for all, no other view of him is truth. The mindset of an Atheist, is a denial of this truth.


But it isn't the 'truth'. You don't know what you claim: it is only a subjective 'true for me' understanding, which is not logically necessary or factually evident. And there is no general mindset that can be applied to atheists. Atheism (a-theism) sees no need or evidence for God or gods, but that position, unlike theism, is not held dogmatically. The atheist can be wrong. In contrast, and by definition, no theist can admit to the possibility of being in error. So only theism has the mindset of dogmatism.


One-Eyed in Blindsville
You call me a troll. You insult my personage.
Read my post. I gave you an option.

In another thread you said: "Are you ashamed of being Atheist? Well no, proud if anything. That pride comes from somewhere deep within you, its because your supposed to be that way."

You accuse me of being overly proud, but now you will only speak to me if I apologize to you? Who's letting his pride control him now?


Well-Known Member
I have facts. You bring...well...nothing but insults to everyone who tries to get you to speak facts. You have none. Bring me a fact that can be confirmed or is already general common knowledge. I have given nothing but facts. In fact, here.

Where have I insulted anyone? You misjudge me expecting facts, as if I am trying to prove something to others, I couldcareless what others believe, and hold no need to prove anything to anyone other than myself.

I hope you understand this, because many of your Atheist bretheren don't seem to understand this about me. I have nothing to prove to an Atheist, a Christian, or anyone.

I walk alone in my belief, and only prove things to myself. I will share the proof, but only as a sharing, not a convincing. And before I am done, 2 or 3 years from now, I will share over 100 proofs of God.



Guardian of Asgaard
People who claim evolution is creating something from nothing are grossly uneducated on the subject and should cease all debates considering they have no idea what they are talking about.

Its alsmost embarrassing for the human race that in this day and age people still do not even know what evolution means, let alone the mechanics and the progression through time and how we came to be. I guess when you have a few silly little books of fairytales out there and some plainly mornic people in general, things are bound to remain the same :|


Well-Known Member
I have facts. You bring...well...nothing but insults to everyone who tries to get you to speak facts. You have none. Bring me a fact that can be confirmed or is already general common knowledge. I have given nothing but facts. In fact, here.

Where have I insulted anyone? You misjudge me expecting facts, as if I am trying to prove something to others, I couldcareless what others believe, and hold no need to prove anything to anyone other than myself.

I hope you understand this, because many of your Atheist bretheren don't seem to understand this about me. I have nothing to prove to an Atheist, a Christian, or anyone.

I walk alone in my belief, and only prove things to myself. I will share the proof, but only as a sharing, not a convincing. And before I am done, 2 or 3 years from now, I will share over 100 proofs of God.


It can't really be considered "proof" if it's subjective.


Well-Known Member
I have facts. You bring...well...nothing but insults to everyone who tries to get you to speak facts. You have none. Bring me a fact that can be confirmed or is already general common knowledge. I have given nothing but facts. In fact, here.

Where have I insulted anyone? You misjudge me expecting facts, as if I am trying to prove something to others, I couldcareless what others believe, and hold no need to prove anything to anyone other than myself.

I hope you understand this, because many of your Atheist bretheren don't seem to understand this about me. I have nothing to prove to an Atheist, a Christian, or anyone.

I walk alone in my belief, and only prove things to myself. I will share the proof, but only as a sharing, not a convincing. And before I am done, 2 or 3 years from now, I will share over 100 proofs of God.

Just pointing out that the proofs you provide have holes in them... such as the confusion between abiogenesis and evolution. And I understand it (to some degree anyway, confused why this is in the debate part of RF if it is not meant to be a debate... or maybe I misunderstood, I do that a lot, lol), thing is as I already mentioned I like to debate :p.


Well-Known Member
But it isn't the 'truth'. You don't know what you claim: it is only a subjective 'true for me' understanding, which is not logically necessary or factually evident. And there is no general mindset that can be applied to atheists. Atheism (a-theism) sees no need or evidence for God or gods, but that position, unlike theism, is not held dogmatically. The atheist can be wrong. In contrast, and by definition, no theist can admit to the possibility of being in error. So only theism has the mindset of dogmatism.

Well I can agree here, Theism does have that mindset. Yet I think its a big jump to assume that all Atheist think they can be wrong, some of them are as dogmatic as Theist. But It is truth to me.

Listen, in your consciousness, you are only conscious of what you are conscious of, you can think no other way. I am conscious of God, I can think no other way. I try to at times, thinking to myself;" Well what if there is no God really." I think like that sometimes, but those thoughts are the weaker side of my consciousness, the majority of my thoughts believe God exist. Sometimes I consider killing myself, robbing a bank, stealing things, these thoughts come to mind, but they are the weaker thoughts. They do not survive within me or dictate my life. To give in to them would change me and I would suffer the results.



One-Eyed in Blindsville
I couldcareless what others believe, and hold no need to prove anything to anyone other than myself.
This is the problem. We actually care what you believe. We read your posts, try to understand your point of view, ask you to explain what you mean, and respond with our own perspective.

You get offended that we speak our mind, as you demand to speak yours. You denegrate any perspective but your own.

Let me ask you: Who are you that you have figured this out? Why is your perspective any more valid than anyone else's?
Then prove away! PLEASE! This is after all a debate forum. You have debased and insulted atheists the entire time now. I can give you proofs just as well and together we can compare those proofs and maybe even eventually come up with a truth that is acceptable to all. After all, Isnt truth what a debate is intended for? To find a common ground after serious debate? But close minded opines do not count as truths or proofs. So I eagerly await yor proofs. I will NOT, however, debate the legitimacy of Jesus Christ. OT only since it seems to be just about the only part of the Bible with any fact based archaeological evidence to back it up. Now if you want, we can discuss Christ as the legitimate heir to the throne of King David. That, after all, was the basis for King Herod's Inquisition. He was in fact King of the Jews by blood and birth. The last heir to the throne. Herod was assigned his role as King and only as a local governor who answered to Pontius Pilate who answered to Caesar himself. Bring up any of the miracles and I can scientifically explain them with near accuracy, tell me of the burning bush or the 10 commandments and I have historical and biological evidence of them. But bring proofs. Not the promise of such.


Well-Known Member
This is the problem. We actually care what you believe. We read your posts, try to understand your point of view, ask you to explain what you mean, and respond with our own perspective.

You get offended that we speak our mind, as you demand to speak yours. You denegrate any perspective but your own.

Let me ask you: Who are you that you have figured this out? Why is your perspective any more valid than anyone else's?

You first apoligise to me for your disrespect and then I will answer your questions.

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