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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
Then prove away! PLEASE! This is after all a debate forum. You have debased and insulted atheists the entire time now. I can give you proofs just as well and together we can compare those proofs and maybe even eventually come up with a truth that is acceptable to all. After all, Isnt truth what a debate is intended for? To find a common ground after serious debate? But close minded opines do not count as truths or proofs. So I eagerly await yor proofs. I will NOT, however, debate the legitimacy of Jesus Christ. OT only since it seems to be just about the only part of the Bible with any fact based archaeological evidence to back it up. Now if you want, we can discuss Christ as the legitimate heir to the throne of King David. That, after all, was the basis for King Herod's Inquisition. He was in fact King of the Jews by blood and birth. The last heir to the throne. Herod was assigned his role as King and only as a local governor who answered to Pontius Pilate who answered to Caesar himself. Bring up any of the miracles and I can scientifically explain them with near accuracy, tell me of the burning bush or the 10 commandments and I have historical and biological evidence of them. But bring proofs. Not the promise of such.

I hold no need to prove anything to you, why can't you understand that? The proof is for me, not you. Believe what you wish, that is your right and existance, why should I take that from you? A woman tells me she Loves me, I tell her I do not Love her, but I do not try to take her Love for me away from her. Nor lead her on. I feel this way about Atheist, let them believe as they wish, no need to change what God has done. Can't do it anyway.



One-Eyed in Blindsville
You first apoligise to me for your disrespect and then I will answer your questions.
I'm not on the edge of my seat, mick. You claim that atheists are lost, deluded, mindless, foolish, and on and on. I don't ask you for an apology because I don't need one. I'm a bigger man than that.


Well-Known Member
Well I can agree here, Theism does have that mindset. Yet I think its a big jump to assume that all Atheist think they can be wrong, some of them are as dogmatic as Theist. But It is truth to me.

Listen, in your consciousness, you are only conscious of what you are conscious of, you can think no other way. I am conscious of God, I can think no other way. I try to at times, thinking to myself;" Well what if there is no God really." I think like that sometimes, but those thoughts are the weaker side of my consciousness, the majority of my thoughts believe God exist. Sometimes I consider killing myself, robbing a bank, stealing things, these thoughts come to mind, but they are the weaker thoughts. They do not survive within me or dictate my life. To give in to them would change me and I would suffer the results.


On reflection I think perhaps we've been too bullish towards you. I can see now that you've been through traumatic times and suffer horrid attacks of anxiety. As I have no wish to add to your general stress and I'm going to bow out of these discussions. I hope you find peace with your God.
Regards, Cottage
Maybe I should have said: "illusion" rather than "lie". Up and down are relative. It means "toward the center of Earth's gravity" when you're on Earth. But it is a meaningless concept if you're in outer space.

Read what I wrote, please. UP to one person (at the North Pole) is DOWN to another person (at the South Pole). Do you understand that the Earth is a sphere, pulling all things toward it's center? Outside of a large planetary body's gravity well, there is no such thing as up and down.

Perhaps that simple piece of physics is just too far beyond his close minded misconceptions. He has shown that he does not wish to be challenged but wishes to challenge everyone else. Like a lot of Believers he cant open his mind to other possibilities. I wont say there is no God but I sure havent seen anything in my studies to indicate there is any all powerful being in this universe that decides my fate and makes me an Atheist. I believe the Bible states that God and Jesus will not allow those who dont believe into heaven. So why would they make us Atheists? So mankind is a game to the Gods after all? He believes in an ate up version of a God who is cold and unforgiving and plays with his creations rather than love and guide them.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Romance is a proof of God, and just as people deny God, some even deny Romance. They are just against it, selfish, would rather be alone than to give themselves to another. Everytime I see a human deny romance, I can see that human nature is prepped to deny God.

You hurt those you love. It's an unavoidable part of life. You don't mean to but it's just when you create an emotional attachment to someone and they create one with you even the most innocent off hand comment can wound like no other. Then you get into fights (if you are in a relationship and you don't fight there's something wrong with the relationship) and in your anger you say hurtful things. I don't think holding back from hurting someone as bad.

My heart is mine to give to who i choose. I don't have to be romantically involved with anyone.

And I want to go into that.

You keep on saying that, and those who disagree with your point believe that you want to discuss it, but you refuse to discuss anything that disagrees with your view.

I think you need to change this statement to

"And I want to get into that, but only if you agree with me"




Well-Known Member
On reflection I think perhaps we've been too bullish towards you. I can see now that you've been through traumatic times and suffer horrid attacks of anxiety. As I have no wish to add to your general stress and I'm going to bow out of these discussions. I hope you find peace with your God.
Regards, Cottage

I hope I find it one day myself, and I wish you well in your journey.



One-Eyed in Blindsville
On reflection I think perhaps we've been too bullish towards you. I can see now that you've been through traumatic times and suffer horrid attacks of anxiety. As I have no wish to add to your general stress and I'm going to bow out of these discussions. I hope you find peace with your God.
Regards, Cottage
Yeah... I'll opt for the same. I don't want to be involved in making a bad situation worse.

mickiel, if you want to write this stuff out in a forum that allows you to express yourself at length without having to listen to responses, then I suggest you get a blog. blogspot.com is a good site to start you up.

As much as I like tweaking people at times, and a good heated debate with a worthy opponent once in a while. I'm bowing out.
I hold no need to prove anything to you, why can't you understand that? The proof is for me, not you. Believe what you wish, that is your right and existance, why should I take that from you? A woman tells me she Loves me, I tell her I do not Love her, but I do not try to take her Love for me away from her. Nor lead her on. I feel this way about Atheist, let them believe as they wish, no need to change what God has done. Can't do it anyway.


But you said that the proof would come...You have none then? You just speak on something you admittedly have no knowledge of yet you profess and use to slam and debase the ideas of us Atheists? You are a very hateful person and I'm sorry you feel that way. You talk of your god as a loving and forgiving god but yet you have not learned his love. You talk of us being close minded yet you offer nothing to enlighten us. You speak of proof but only sidestep the issues at hand. So like cottage, I'll bow out because as an Atheist I dont have your responsibility as a God believer to forgive and be compassionate for others. You dont seem able to comprehend or have any desire to comprehend compassion or forgiveness. That makes you far more worse off than me. I show compassion and forgiveness by trying to engage you in a serious philisophical and meaningful debate and dialect and at every turn you can only judge and decimate every challenge thrown at you. You once again said you had proof to come in the future but you have none now. So why debate something you have no proof of except you own personal beliefs which are inherently ate the hell up since you cant even follow the dogmas in which you believe? Just to be a hate monger? Or is it that you cant admit to being agnostic or an atheist yourself for fear that you will be found to be truly hippocritical?
No need to reply as I have learned to not expect any proof which you claim to have or an intelligent answer to our questions yet only answer with anger and debasement. I feel sorry for you and sincerely hope that anyone of faith that reads your hatred will pray for you since I cannot. Peace be with you (if at all possible!)


Well-Known Member
So why would they make us Atheists? So mankind is a game to the Gods after all? He believes in an ate up version of a God who is cold and unforgiving and plays with his creations rather than love and guide them.

I am considering God as best I can. In my considerations, all that he does is pointed to all of us being with him in the end of this present reality. Nobody looses, no one is left behind. This in no manner describes unforgiveness, you list to Christians too much.

Consciousness is not a simple matter to discuss, but I view only humans as having it. We have Reminiscent memory ( or Episodic memory) we have habit Retention ( or semantic memory) we thus have Conscious Lives. The awareness of " Self" means we are conscious of our own persona over time, a sense of who we are, our hopes and fears, as we daydream about ourselves in relation to others.

Animals do not imagine themselves as being anywherelse, or thinking of their lives over time, or introspecting in any sense, thus they are not Conscious.

Consciousness is a Proof of God's existance, and I want to go into why I believe that.

Have you spoken to an animal in their own language to come to that conclusion? Do you have some cosmic or divine power to determine that animals have no thoughts or memories? Ever hear of the memory of an elephant? Ever hear a dog whimper because their owner has left them behind for the day? Id love to have your supreme powers of observation you seem to possess... sorry couldnt help but reply to this nonsense...once again spewing....B>S>!!!


Well-Known Member
Have you spoken to an animal in their own language to come to that conclusion? Do you have some cosmic or divine power to determine that animals have no thoughts or memories? Ever hear of the memory of an elephant? Ever hear a dog whimper because their owner has left them behind for the day? Id love to have your supreme powers of observation you seem to possess... sorry couldnt help but reply to this nonsense...once again spewing....B>S>!!!

I hold no need to insinuate foul language, I do not like cursing. I understand the pressure I am putting on Atheist, and as I squezze them I know disrespect will come out, because its in there. You present to a world made by God, that there is no God, and you think to yourselves that is the way you want this world to turn too.

Really Atheist fight a useless cause, nothing can erase God. A useless cause, a useless belief, a life of uselessness, a human gone into Darkness. And I know this Darkness, its power, because I am in it myself.

But I have an announcement to make, Atheist willnot lead this world into its future, and humanity is fortunate of that.



Well-Known Member
On reflection I think perhaps we've been too bullish towards you. I can see now that you've been through traumatic times and suffer horrid attacks of anxiety. As I have no wish to add to your general stress and I'm going to bow out of these discussions. I hope you find peace with your God.
Regards, Cottage
You are right. Don´t know what to say more then that, lol.


Grumpy Old Man
God is the fictional figment of a naive mind, a psychological crutch from our childhood paternal guidance that takes over when we find out our real father is fallible and human. Evolution is a real world understanding of real evidence of our real history and its real mechanisms.

However I did have a vision while dreaming the other night, (so it must be true), that the universe actually hatched from one of the easter bunnies chocolate eggs.



Well-Known Member
But you said that the proof would come...You have none then? You just speak on something you admittedly have no knowledge of yet you profess and use to slam and debase the ideas of us Atheists? You are a very hateful person and I'm sorry you feel that way. You talk of your god as a loving and forgiving god but yet you have not learned his love. You talk of us being close minded yet you offer nothing to enlighten us. You speak of proof but only sidestep the issues at hand. So like cottage, I'll bow out because as an Atheist I dont have your responsibility as a God believer to forgive and be compassionate for others. You dont seem able to comprehend or have any desire to comprehend compassion or forgiveness. That makes you far more worse off than me. I show compassion and forgiveness by trying to engage you in a serious philisophical and meaningful debate and dialect and at every turn you can only judge and decimate every challenge thrown at you. You once again said you had proof to come in the future but you have none now. So why debate something you have no proof of except you own personal beliefs which are inherently ate the hell up since you cant even follow the dogmas in which you believe? Just to be a hate monger? Or is it that you cant admit to being agnostic or an atheist yourself for fear that you will be found to be truly hippocritical?
No need to reply as I have learned to not expect any proof which you claim to have or an intelligent answer to our questions yet only answer with anger and debasement. I feel sorry for you and sincerely hope that anyone of faith that reads your hatred will pray for you since I cannot. Peace be with you (if at all possible!)

Good, yet another Atheist out of my way. But there are more out there to dismantle, and I will confront each one of them in the future, you who would exclude God. Atheist, the vampires of belief, who would suck the true orgin of humanity out of this world. I couldcareless how many of you turn away from me, because you sense there is no blood for you in me.



Well-Known Member
I don't care who takes me seriously or not. I hold no concern to be taken seriously, the evidence I give is for me, not for anyonelse. I hold no need to prove things to others, only to myself.
You really don't get it do you, no one cares that your evidence is just for you. You DO need to prove your position to others, otherwise what exactly is your point in being here? Your a joke and embarrassing yourself with your unsupported ranting's, no one gives a rats *** about what works for you. Make a case, present some evidence, have a debate, thats what being here means.

Evolution is the process of growth
No it's not, please educate yourself!!

And I want to go further into that
No you don't, and only if everyone agrees with you.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Belly button fluff. No one knows where it comes from. Nobody can explain explain it to me. For me this is proof that god exists as how could anything so mind bogglingly useless keep on appearing if not for god.

And i want to get into that.


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