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Mickiel's proof of God.

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And mysteriously missings socks are yet one more proof of the devil.

The proofs are everywhere.
People just don't have the eyes to see.
Good, yet another Atheist out of my way. But there are more out there to dismantle, and I will confront each one of them in the future, you who would exclude God. Atheist, the vampires of belief, who would suck the true orgin of humanity out of this world. I couldcareless how many of you turn away from me, because you sense there is no blood for you in me.


oh you are sadly mistaken...you have not dismantled me. You can say nothing anymore because you bring no proof which you claim to have and share to the table. Youliken me to a Vampire but it is those who believe in sick and diluted fairy tales who are the vampires sucking the life out of a dead religion that you are so blind to see through. I seek nor need blood. I am human...I am animal...I am mammal as we all are. And as an animal superstitions will arise and like an empire they will fall and give way to new and wonderful theologies of which men will always debate and philosophize over. Too bad you dont have the stones to do an actual debate as I would love to hear if you just write big words or can actually use them in an intelligent way.
Thank you for making me realize that I am in fact not done with you and I will hold you to the proof you spoke of earlier which is yet to come. Just let me know when you can handle a real debate and Im game son. Until then go read a book or something besides your fairy tales. Give me something besides meaningless words filled with hate and fear. When you stop fearing everything that is different you will have learned the true meaning of tolerance.
If as an Atheist I have no chance of getting into Heaven because I dont believe, then I do get left behind. Where do you get you info from a crackerjack box? I have never heard such nonsense. You say noone gets left behind yet only a small group of people will be granted eternal life according to the Bible. I believe it's something like 42,000 people but correct me if I'm wrong...oh wait...you dont know how to state facts or proof so nevermind...I'll just go ahead and say 42k


Well-Known Member
. Thats why I hold no need to accept advice from Atheist. I don't like the mindset of Atheist, never have.
So from this I gather you only like people who think like you. Can you not see a population of "zombies" if we all harbored the same mindset. Do you dislike people who's favorite color is different than yours? Hitler didn't like people who thoughts were different from his, most tyrants share the same traits, obviously you are unable to see the very real danger in this position you have against thoughts different than your own.


Well-Known Member
oh you are sadly mistaken...you have not dismantled me. You can say nothing anymore because you bring no proof which you claim to have and share to the table. Youliken me to a Vampire but it is those who believe in sick and diluted fairy tales who are the vampires sucking the life out of a dead religion that you are so blind to see through. I seek nor need blood. I am human...I am animal...I am mammal as we all are. And as an animal superstitions will arise and like an empire they will fall and give way to new and wonderful theologies of which men will always debate and philosophize over. Too bad you dont have the stones to do an actual debate as I would love to hear if you just write big words or can actually use them in an intelligent way.
Thank you for making me realize that I am in fact not done with you and I will hold you to the proof you spoke of earlier which is yet to come. Just let me know when you can handle a real debate and Im game son. Until then go read a book or something besides your fairy tales. Give me something besides meaningless words filled with hate and fear. When you stop fearing everything that is different you will have learned the true meaning of tolerance.

You have got to be kidding me, yet another Atheist prone to themselves. Every Atheist I have confronted requires proof of this and proof of that. You place the proof in their face and they put it in their garbage can, that back part of their brain. So I learned time ago not to provide the proof to them, only to myself. As I post on and on, I will continue to provide the proof, its just not for Atheist, those whos minds are locked into the Darkness. And my post will continue to grow, its for that " Other group" of people yet to come who will understand this truth.

You Atheist are destined to pay attention to the truth that you deny, you must. Because without the truth, your delusion wouldnot exist. And tommorrow I am going to expose your delusion, using your own comments, a favorite pastime of mine, very easy to do.



Well-Known Member
If as an Atheist I have no chance of getting into Heaven because I dont believe, then I do get left behind. Where do you get you info from a crackerjack box? I have never heard such nonsense. You say noone gets left behind yet only a small group of people will be granted eternal life according to the Bible. I believe it's something like 42,000 people but correct me if I'm wrong...oh wait...you dont know how to state facts or proof so nevermind...I'll just go ahead and say 42k

Your head is messed up with misinformed lies, all of humanity will be saved. But your belief is worse than the limited salvation that Christians teach, you believe that when we die, thats it, its all over, life is gone.

A dead empty view, but thats Atheism, a dead empty future of live once, die, and become a part of the ground. Dead heads, dead belief, dead doctrines that exclude life.



Well-Known Member
I am reminded of the fictionary race in start trek, the borg. They all think the same way,
Like you want everyone here to do, you want everyone to agree with you, you don't like any opposing thoughts, you reject any thoughts coming from Atheists, you care only about your opinions, your truths, just like the Borg, when exactly were you assimilated into the collective?

They believe nothing about a God
Show me an episode were it was proposed that the Borg did not believe in a God.
you dont have the intellect to do such a thing. You speak of sharing proof but wont share with atheists.... what? then what a sad little girl you are. I truly pity you. I at least have the admiration for those who dont share my views. Just that you are so blind to everything because you are afraid you might agree. So go right ahead and try to disprove anything I have said. I have facts...you have fairy tales.... hmmmmm....
Wish I could live in your dreamworld, so closed off. That person was right about Hitler...you are just like Hitler....you try to destroy those who dont agree with you...I simply try to learn what makes you believe in the HOPES that maybe someday I too can find a little faith.People like you are the reason people like me exist. Your fanatical views are what destroyed the very fabric of the Christian religion. turning it from a lesson of love and compassion to condemning anyone who doesnt immediately share your views. And by the way, leave your race out of posts. Race has NOTHING to do with religion or any set systems of beliefs.


Well-Known Member
Atheist, the vampires of belief, who would suck the true orgin of humanity out of this world
Notice how much bigger a man I am than you, I'm not even asking for an apology from you for calling me a vampire, insulting as it is, I know you are stressed beyond belief.

I couldcareless
You really do need to learn how to spell couldcareless is actually three separate words as in could care less. Doesn't your computer underline in red any misspellings? If so it's a CLUE that you have spelled something wrong, please learn how to use your computer, thanks in advance.


Active Member
You people are not helping. Fluff comes from the shirt. As for missing socks, take the front off of your dryer, and discover a brand new world. Probably a better argument for chaos theory, as to how the heck do they end up way in there, but hey; I'm just rain. :p
Your head is messed up with misinformed lies, all of humanity will be saved. But your belief is worse than the limited salvation that Christians teach, you believe that when we die, thats it, its all over, life is gone.

A dead empty view, but thats Atheism, a dead empty future of live once, die, and become a part of the ground. Dead heads, dead belief, dead doctrines that exclude life.


Again you speak out of the orfice which has no tongue...
I never said I believed in nothing after I die. I believe in energy and that I will return to a source of energy. I understand the physics and natural theories of this world. Perhaps you should go to school and learn something before speaking. Better yet dont speak of things about which you admittedly have "no knowledge of..." I love and cherish my life. Death is not the final answer...I just dont need a dogma or theological view to enjoy my life. My church is on a pond fishing enjoying what this life and this earth have to offer me now. I dont worry about leading a good life to go to a heaven that is full of fanatical hyppocrits such as you. I live my life to the fullest. I actually literally take time to smell the roses in this "savage garden". I have been in wars and taken life...I have been on the oppposite side as well helping others so that i can preserve life. I have sat and watched a spider eat a fly and I have freed the fly from the spider's trap. What have you doner to live a fulfilling life? Hate those who dont share your views, becoming an angry soul, devoid of the lesson your "God" teaches you. You know nothing and will never know anything unless you learn to quit being so self involved with a God you evidentally dont believe in or that is a God I think very few people on this earth would want to follow. I would rather follow the Buddhist way of life but as an American I have my love of material possessions which I wont give up. Selfish? yes, but a minor selfishness compared to the closed minded views you spew. you may not like to curse but you do something far worse when you say the things you do. Disrespectful and angry as you are, even I can feel a little compassion for you to hope that someday you will find the respect you wish to receive so that maybe you can hold a debate with those who dont see things like you do. So sad that you seek to debate with those who agree with you...kinda defeats the purpose of a debate. Try a blog service instead with your rhetoric. Even as an Atheist I am still a human and I have educated thoughts and facts. What do you have but hatred and playing a race card to get your "opinions" (if they can be called that) heard.


Well-Known Member
And my post will continue to grow, its for that " Other group" of people yet to come who will understand this truth.
LOL, I hope you realize that this post in number 100, and how many supporters have you had help you defend your pointless ranting? Not one poster has had anything but distain for your unsupported rants, not one person has come to your aid, where I wonder is the "Other group" I wonder why no one has appeared, actually I pretty much know why you are out on the limb all by yourself.


Rogue Theologian
Perhaps we should elaborate.
So much of this is going about in circles.
So much of it is word play.

There are three states of mind, that register on machinery.
When we are awake...when we sleep...and when we dream.

If we are indeed miniature copies of the Almighty....
What then of Him?

Scripture has it, He does not sleep.
If so, His consciousness does not have the same three states of mind.

Still, Our minds have some source.
I am not my own creation....neither are you.
I hold no need to insinuate foul language, I do not like cursing. I understand the pressure I am putting on Atheist, and as I squezze them I know disrespect will come out, because its in there. You present to a world made by God, that there is no God, and you think to yourselves that is the way you want this world to turn too.

Really Atheist fight a useless cause, nothing can erase God. A useless cause, a useless belief, a life of uselessness, a human gone into Darkness. And I know this Darkness, its power, because I am in it myself.

But I have an announcement to make, Atheist willnot lead this world into its future, and humanity is fortunate of that.

Where have I stated that I wish to erase God? Perhaps I wish to know God but havent been shown the proper way. Perhaps I will never join that community but I do respect it. I respect all religions. Just Christianity has done the most damage and started more wars in the name of their "God" than any other religion in history! And if you are also in that darkness then you yourself admit to being the very thing you despise. An Atheist! lol You should really pay attention to your posts. you have contradicted yourself every time thus far. You debate with yourself...And I dont lead a useless life. I may have felt like that at one time in my life but that was actually when I did believe. As an atheist I live everyday to the fullest and have my eyes wide open to everything. I dont worry about displeasing my gods and I get to think as I wish. Like I said before though! I do admire those of faith for those very same reasons. It takes a strength to believe and live by someone's rules you cant hear or see. It takes an incredible amount of sacrifice to live to those standards. And I admire that. I dont, however, admire you since you still have given nothing but insults and sensational claims to which you have absolutely no support from any books (Bible included) or people to back you up. I have provided scientific proof and historical proof of written documents be they on paper or papyrus scrolls.So its you who will fail in this endeavor although that is not my wish. My wish is for you to engage in an actual debate with actual proof, even general knowledge I would accept from you seeing that you dont have much to go on. You'll need all the help you can get to debate with me. Also learn to ask questions about who you are debating with. For instance Im studying, in college, Archaeology, Anthropology, and Ancient Religions. you might consider that before you try to tell me my statements are unfounded. I will be traveling to India soon to do research at Moheno Daro and then to Sigyria in Sri Lanka to study. So try again. this time not so close minded... Maybe next time you will learn to not be so spiteful of others who just MAY have more information on the subject than you. Choose the fight, dont fight the choice!

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
You people are not helping. Fluff comes from the shirt. As for missing socks, take the front off of your dryer, and discover a brand new world. Probably a better argument for chaos theory, as to how the heck do they end up way in there, but hey; I'm just rain. :p

Belly button fluff, is amazing, it knows to gather in the navel, how does it know that, only god could create belly button fluff that intelligent. It's clear incontrevertible proof of an intelligent designer, and that intelligent designer is god.

I want to get into that.




Resident Liberal Hippie
Why are these being ignored?
I want to get into that.

Why would a person ignore commonly known facts, and use logical fallacies to support their position?
Many reasons come to mind.

  1. Deception - a deceptive person would knowingly ignore facts, and use fallacies, in order to forward a false position for personal reward.
  2. Delusion - a delusional person would ignore facts as being irrelevant, and use fallacies as a 'logic' that makes perfect sense to them.
  3. Vanity - A vain person would continue to ignore facts, and use fallacies, in order to resist admitting error.
  4. Fear - a person who is in fear of having their core beliefs challenged will ignore facts, and use any argument, including fallacies, to support those core beliefs.
At this point, I am thinking we are dealing with a combination of reasons #2 and #4.

And I want to get into that.
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