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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
My first guess is that you honestly think that the more people disagree, the more said disagreement proves you are right.

I could careless about your quess, the proof is mine, and mine alone. There is no such creature as proof to an Atheist, your minds are sealed, and God sealed them. You will never see proof, but you will always ask for it.

I could careless about your quess, the proof is mine, and mine alone. There is no such creature as proof to an Atheist, your minds are sealed, and God sealed them. You will never see proof, but you will always ask for it.


If I dont believe in God he cant seal my eyes closed. I have already proven you wrong on this subject as you even contradict yourself at every turn thus far. You say no one gets left behind in the eyes of your God, yet the book that is his "word" openly states that nonbelievers will NOT be granted entrance into the heavens. So Once again your claims are unfounded as you have yet to show any proof on any subject. Im going to request this thread be closed due to the lack of interest by the original poster to make any reasonable response to his own post while saying he has proof yet cant offer a single shred of it to support his hateful points of ...well if he's as blind as he appears, can't be a view...And I have proof of what I say yet you still lack any. Try again kiddo
you want to go into things and a debate forum is for going into those very things. Differing points of view are the defining glory of human nature in that out of differences can arise new truths and new ideals in which and by which man can leaqrn more about the world around them.


Well-Known Member
your minds are sealed, and God sealed them.
Not a very nice god you have there, sealing peoples minds so they can't know the "truth" how are us poor little Atheists suppose to know the "truth if god has sealed our minds shut?


In America about half the population acknowledges evolution as being true, and only a small percent of people are atheists and agnostics. So dude, a huge majority of "evolutionists" ARE THEISTS. Evolution has nothing to do with the origin of everything, please research into things before making assumptions. We didn't just come from apes, WE ARE APES. Only you find it an insult, for whatever reason. I imagine that you haven't spent much time out around other life, why do you find it an insult that we are related to other species of animals and organisms? I am honored to be apart of this living world, and to be equals among all the other living species on this planet.

Read up on evolution before throwing it under the bus because you don't like the idea of it. The theory originated from evidence, not desire. People don't believe in evolution because they want it to be true, they believe in it because they see it is true.
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sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Here God creates the most astounding thing he has ever created, because obviously thats one of the things God is, a creator. And I won't go into that here, but to examine what a creator is, is very interesting. Anyhow, God is also a distinct planner, he plans things. And in my view, Atheism and evolution was on Gods mind long before he created this universe. One of the mandates of human creation, is confusion. For whatever reasons, and I have my theorys, God wanted his creation of humanity to be first placed in flesh, place our real selves, our consciousness--what we really are, into a human body and then expose it to confusion. Once a human mind understands this, every time they see confusion, they will see God.

And I know that is hard to understand, but the more you see what God has done, is doing, the more you will see him in so many areas. Atheism and Evolution are intelligent confusion.

And I want to go into intelligent confusion.

I think you are already neck deep in it.


Well-Known Member
Where have I stated that I wish to erase God? Perhaps I wish to know God but havent been shown the proper way. Perhaps I will never join that community but I do respect it. I respect all religions. Just Christianity has done the most damage and started more wars in the name of their "God" than any other religion in history! And if you are also in that darkness then you yourself admit to being the very thing you despise. An Atheist! lol You should really pay attention to your posts. you have contradicted yourself every time thus far. You debate with yourself...And I dont lead a useless life. I may have felt like that at one time in my life but that was actually when I did believe. As an atheist I live everyday to the fullest and have my eyes wide open to everything. I dont worry about displeasing my gods and I get to think as I wish. Like I said before though! I do admire those of faith for those very same reasons. It takes a strength to believe and live by someone's rules you cant hear or see. It takes an incredible amount of sacrifice to live to those standards. And I admire that. I dont, however, admire you since you still have given nothing but insults and sensational claims to which you have absolutely no support from any books (Bible included) or people to back you up. I have provided scientific proof and historical proof of written documents be they on paper or papyrus scrolls.So its you who will fail in this endeavor although that is not my wish. My wish is for you to engage in an actual debate with actual proof, even general knowledge I would accept from you seeing that you dont have much to go on. You'll need all the help you can get to debate with me. Also learn to ask questions about who you are debating with. For instance Im studying, in college, Archaeology, Anthropology, and Ancient Religions. you might consider that before you try to tell me my statements are unfounded. I will be traveling to India soon to do research at Moheno Daro and then to Sigyria in Sri Lanka to study. So try again. this time not so close minded... Maybe next time you will learn to not be so spiteful of others who just MAY have more information on the subject than you. Choose the fight, dont fight the choice!

I couldcareless what you are doing, and again, I hold no intrest in proving anything to you. Tell your teachers this.



Well-Known Member
Again you speak out of the orfice which has no tongue...
I never said I believed in nothing after I die. I believe in energy and that I will return to a source of energy. I understand the physics and natural theories of this world. Perhaps you should go to school and learn something before speaking. Better yet dont speak of things about which you admittedly have "no knowledge of..." I love and cherish my life. Death is not the final answer...I just dont need a dogma or theological view to enjoy my life. My church is on a pond fishing enjoying what this life and this earth have to offer me now. I dont worry about leading a good life to go to a heaven that is full of fanatical hyppocrits such as you. I live my life to the fullest. I actually literally take time to smell the roses in this "savage garden". I have been in wars and taken life...I have been on the oppposite side as well helping others so that i can preserve life. I have sat and watched a spider eat a fly and I have freed the fly from the spider's trap. What have you doner to live a fulfilling life? Hate those who dont share your views, becoming an angry soul, devoid of the lesson your "God" teaches you. You know nothing and will never know anything unless you learn to quit being so self involved with a God you evidentally dont believe in or that is a God I think very few people on this earth would want to follow. I would rather follow the Buddhist way of life but as an American I have my love of material possessions which I wont give up. Selfish? yes, but a minor selfishness compared to the closed minded views you spew. you may not like to curse but you do something far worse when you say the things you do. Disrespectful and angry as you are, even I can feel a little compassion for you to hope that someday you will find the respect you wish to receive so that maybe you can hold a debate with those who dont see things like you do. So sad that you seek to debate with those who agree with you...kinda defeats the purpose of a debate. Try a blog service instead with your rhetoric. Even as an Atheist I am still a human and I have educated thoughts and facts. What do you have but hatred and playing a race card to get your "opinions" (if they can be called that) heard.

Your views mean nothing to me, nothing. I know your mindset, such a mind is ripping this world of God. Nothing you think, or anyone who strips God from reality, is worth anything.

Remember that.



Well-Known Member
Then why in the name of Hades did you equate evolution with creation in your OP?

What makes you think I hold a need to explain things to your mind? Your mind, like many, is frozen in yourself. You imagine a world of reality without God, such a useless dump is useless to my learning and intrest.



When a mind is devoid of God, it will think it is a monkey. A human thinking it is a monkey. This is what Atheism has to offer.


Actually, no, an atheist, or anyone for that matter who does not think God created us, typically believes we're apes, not monkeys.

But, technicalities aside, yeah, so? What's wrong with believing we're apes?
I couldcareless what you are doing, and again, I hold no intrest in proving anything to you. Tell your teachers this.


See? thats the thing...My views come from things I have been taught. It seems you have only been taught to hate. Because you evidently haven't learned to do much of anything else...
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