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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
The change in the virus, why does it change? It has no mind, no consciousness, but yet it obviously reacts
And here is were education pays off, if you so disbelieve what is being told to you, do a tiny bit of research yourself, simply google the Aids virus, or viruses in general, in a very short time you will learn how a virus mutates and evolves, its quite interesting and you'll come away a little more educated, and will make yourself look less foolish here.

. Are you suggesting that a virus has consciousness?
The virus like any other living organism tries to protect itself, it does so by finding ways to evolve and avoid being destroyed, it's not consciousness it's called instinct, self preservation, all living things have this including viruses.


Well-Known Member
mickiel, how do you propose that god created life? Just saying god did it is not an answer. Actually it's the opposite of an answer, it's an avoidance of the question.

I'll answer this question because it intrest me, but first, obviously I am speculating, because I do not know. But I will tell you what I think. That being said, I think God created Life, by pulling it out of himself. How he does this, is just far beyond me. The only thing I can compare it to, is human pregnancy, although a bad example.

God is Life, so Life must come from him. He is neither male or female, but still he is the orgin of all Life, so I think it came from inside of him. If I may use the term " Protozoan," or what was once inside, is not outside. God created Life, by sharing parts of himself with reality. Going inside of himself, and producing other Lifeforms, I think this is Jesus orgin. Which brings us to another suggestion, all humans are actually parts of Gods own Lifeforce. Just " Little Parts of it." And I think thats what Consciousness really is, God extending himself, outside of himself, and giving those parts of himself, individual Life consciousness.

And this is how I think God created Life, which is as I said, simular to him having children. And I think thats one thing females, and reproducion symbolize, a way of Gods being. And hes not going to abort any of us.



Well-Known Member
The change in the virus, why does it change? It has no mind, no consciousness, but yet it obviously reacts. Are you suggesting that a virus has consciousness? And thus want to use this as proof of evolution instead of intelligent design? See this is the kind of jump Atheist make, jump away from God and give a virus independant evolution all on its own.
Just ask yourself one question, think about what you are asking yourself and then see if you can come up with a logical answer, here's the question, With all the medical technology we have, why is the HIV virus, the one that causes aids, still resistant to all antibiotics?


Well-Known Member
I'll answer this question because it intrest me, but first, obviously I am speculating, because I do not know. But I will tell you what I think. That being said, I think God created Life, by pulling it out of himself. How he does this, is just far beyond me. The only thing I can compare it to, is human pregnancy, although a bad example.

God is Life, so Life must come from him. He is neither male or female, but still he is the orgin of all Life, so I think it came from inside of him. If I may use the term " Protozoan," or what was once inside, is not outside. God created Life, by sharing parts of himself with reality. Going inside of himself, and producing other Lifeforms, I think this is Jesus orgin. Which brings us to another suggestion, all humans are actually parts of Gods own Lifeforce. Just " Little Parts of it." And I think thats what Consciousness really is, God extending himself, outside of himself, and giving those parts of himself, individual Life consciousness.

And this is how I think God created Life, which is as I said, simular to him having children. And I think thats one thing females, and reproducion symbolize, a way of Gods being. And hes not going to abort any of us.


So god got himself pregnant? How did he do that? It seems to me that the god hypothesis offers more questions than it does answers. that also seemed to be a very short description of how he created life, and I don't recall any of that being in the bible. The description of evolution isn't in the bible either. so, I'm wondering what about evolution don't you accept? Because your hypothesis is clearly a made up one, and on the other hand we have a theory that makes predictions and explains what we observe.


Well-Known Member
So god got himself pregnant? How did he do that? It seems to me that the god hypothesis offers more questions than it does answers. that also seemed to be a very short description of how he created life, and I don't recall any of that being in the bible. The description of evolution isn't in the bible either. so, I'm wondering what about evolution don't you accept? Because your hypothesis is clearly a made up one, and on the other hand we have a theory that makes predictions and explains what we observe.

Oh I got this from the bible, I just don't discuss scriptures with Atheist, but I will share in this case. Jesus own words in John 8:42," I proceeded forth and came from God", which sounds like a birth to me. In John 7:29 he said again that he was from God. In John 6:57 he said he Lives because of God. Hebrews 2:11 states that we are all from God. I dislike using scriptures in my dialog with Atheist, for obvious reasons. John 1:18, Jesus came from " The Bosom of God", which I view as meaning from inside him, because the bible calls him the firstborn of all men. And John 5:26, again Jesus own words;" For just as the Father has Life in himself, even so he gave it to the Son to have Life in himself", or Protozoan, God pulling Life out of himself, then giving that new Life,. independant reasonant consciousness of its own.



Well-Known Member
Ok, that didn't answer my question. But you can't hear or see joy, love or peace? I beg to differ.

No I said Love, Joy and Peace are not individual lifeforms that have a body we can see. They are not beings as we know it, but yet we know they exist, because they live inside of us. This is simular to God. We cannot see him, but we can know he exist by the evidence of whats inside of ourselves.



Well-Known Member
I dislike using scriptures in my dialog with Atheist, for obvious reasons.

Obviously, being a stupid atheist, it's not obvious to me. Would you like to explain to me why you feel that I am unable to discuss a book with you just because we have different beliefs?



Well-Known Member
Obviously, being a stupid atheist, it's not obvious to me. Would you like to explain to me why you feel that I am unable to discuss a book with you just because we have different beliefs?


Fair enough, then discuss the scriptures I just posted. Although I know the outcome of the discussion, and after so many predictable outcomes, I just grew tired of the outcomes. But it shall be as you wish. Lets go with it.


The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
What do you mean by link, so I can understand. I assume you prefer I combine them all into one. Is this your meaning of link?


No find the page where the proof is.

Copy the URL

Paste it into a post.

And then give me which post on that page you are talking about.
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
She asked me was a fart a proof of God, I find that disrespectfully sarcastic and unpolite. You may not, but I did. And I asked respectfully for an apoligy, she choose not to give it, and she moved on. Her decision left me free from her behavior, I have one less sarcastic Atheist to deal with. I can accept that anyday.
You never really responded to the core issue of her question, though.

I'll try to re-phrase my understanding of it in a way that I don't think could possibly be taken as disrespectful, sarcastic or unpolite: do you see proof of God only in the things you like, or do you also see it in the things you dislike?


Satan Worshipper
This is one of the most magnanamous proofs of God, answered prayer. I personally have experienced this multiple times. Just ask God to do certain things that I knew were difficult things, and then watch them get done. And I just knew it was him. One time I asked God for a house in Atlanta. One day I was cutting a tree for a customer, who asked me if I wanted a house, and she gave it to me for nothing. A bueatiful home.

If God is so involved in our lives that he hears your prayer for a house and decides to grant it then I must assume that he also hears the prayers of the mothers of starving children in Darfur and decides not to grant them. If that is the case I will gladly bow to Satan and go to hell because I want absolutely nothing to do with a God that will give you a house but let children starve to death.



Active Member
The prick of Life was established by God, we call it consciousness. It was sparked by God, designed by God, and it is maintianed by God. Counsciousness cannot maintain itself while in a flesh body.

Well if that is so, then God can't be conciousness itself as you stated somewhere else.
What is missing anyway in this thread (which has already reached some pages) is any evidence. All I see so far are pustulations.


Active Member
This is one of the most magnanamous proofs of God, answered prayer. I personally have experienced this multiple times. Just ask God to do certain things that I knew were difficult things, and then watch them get done. And I just knew it was him. One time I asked God for a house in Atlanta. One day I was cutting a tree for a customer, who asked me if I wanted a house, and she gave it to me for nothing. A bueatiful home.

Things like this just don't happen, but prayer can do things like that.

And I want to go into that.

Hmm, still haven't won in the lottery. How much time must go by before you can safely conclude that he doesn't exist if he hasn't answered yet ?


Well-Known Member
You never really responded to the core issue of her question, though.

I'll try to re-phrase my understanding of it in a way that I don't think could possibly be taken as disrespectful, sarcastic or unpolite: do you see proof of God only in the things you like, or do you also see it in the things you dislike?

Oh yes, I see God in things I dislike. Such as the criticism I understand about me getting a house, and children straving in Darfur, why are not those prayers answered ( right now, because I believe all those starving children will be with God forever in the distant future). Just consider this; if there is a God, and he will give all of us eternal life everlasting in Peace, then what in the world of suffering couldnot be worth that? No amount of human suffering could be compared to living forever without suffering. But if one wants to judge God without looking at the eternal picture, then one can " Now" say God is not fair, and be correct.

One cannot consider Salvation shortsighted, and not get upset with God, and I understand that.

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