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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
No one belittled you until you started to compare atheists to people who abandoned their parents. You are not entirely innocent of trying to mock the other side, yet you whine when people say something negative about you.

And what's wrong with sarcasm? It can be used to put smiles on people's faces and make people laugh. It's not always used to taunt...

Oh no, it started years ago, but that does not concern me, I can take more than you know.

But as for now, I bang hard on the head of the Atheism, so I expect to be attacked.



Active Member
No criticism from an Atheist concerning the things of God can ever be credible, in my view. What any Atheist has to say, about what I have said, can in no manner hurt my credibility, remember that.

By the same logic, nothing that a creationist can say about evolution can be considered credible. So why bother with this thread?


Well-Known Member
You don't learn anything from others. You have stated this yourself.

The only thing I have learned from Atheist, is that God exist. God wanted me to see everything his absence will do to humanity. Its an eternal example to humans,a lesson we will never forget, what life without God would be like. Thats all human history is, a lesson of what life would be like left to ourselves. Once God gives us all new life and adds his Spirit to our consciousness, THEN we will know what real living is. And we will have had something to compare it to, as we recall our life in the flesh.



Well-Known Member
By the same logic, nothing that a creationist can say about evolution can be considered credible. So why bother with this thread?

This thread is not for Atheist, but it will leak into their consciousness and stay there. Thats worth the bother to me. The thread is for those who see them. The thread is my expression, which I freely share.

Why are you reading it?


Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
No criticism from an Atheist concerning the things of God can ever be credible, in my view. What any Atheist has to say, about what I have said, can in no manner hurt my credibility, remember that.


I see you have no rebuttal to the video I posted showing how Irreducible Complexity is bunk but you also fail to realize that the guy (Ken Miller) presenting is a theist (Catholic...I think)...and he does not side with you on IC.

Protiens only function in the body when they are whole. Evolution can't achieve that. They had to be whole from the start, they do not evolve, any scientist knows this.

YouTube - Protein Denaturation


Well-Known Member
The rape of the human language is proof that everything God gave humanity is being abused. We abuse our own bodys, we abuse females, we abuse our children, and we abuse our beliefs. Evolution is an abuse of our freedom to think for ourselves, as is Atheism. We abuse our language, we abuse animals, we abuse this planet. Thats just what we do. We all are on a self destruct kick, and making a party of it, while we head to self destruction.

Sarcasm is the new wave of communication, another sad thing gone wrong with humanity.



New Member
and on the basics of blood type chemistry test, one can prove that a Butter Bean is mans closet relative.

I am acctualy shaking my head in disbelife.

I don't know weather to laugh or cry.

"blood type chemestry tests"???

Firstly I wasn't aware that butter beans have blood?!?! And secondly your random use of scitific sounding words and total lack of scietific education signifies that you must be either;

1.pulling this stuff out your arse (or "making it up" to be more polite)

2.Being fed this information from a religeous anti-science source, who either make up or grossly mis-interpret scietific research with the intention to twist the truth and distort peoples veiw of the "Scientific world". (this option is most probable).

3. Have access to facinating and ground breaking research that I have not come accross and would be very very greatful for you to referance your official sources of this information and research?

I will be interested to see your response to this but this will be my last post on this thread as you apear to be simply repeating your opinions rather than debating sensibly.

It is possible for evolution to be compatable with belife in god, Evolution does not offer any provable answer to what kick started the process ie. started life, so I don't pretend that scientific investigation, has answed all the big questions, maby some day it will, but untill then (if that ever happens) you really would do yourself a favour to listen to everyone on this thread calling you a stuborn idiot, and accept the thory of evolution, at the very least in part.

Again, I wish you the best, and I hope we both find what truth there is to be found someday.

Tom x


New Member
Evolution is the backbone of Atheism, the embarrasement of humanity.


Ok I lied, this will be my last post;

Evolution is cirtainly not the back bone of athism. Evolution is one piece of a huge arsenal of facts, reasons, unanswerd questions, philosophies, inconsistancies, paradox's, alternitive explanations and historical events, that lead many to refuse to submit to a "set-in-stone" out of date, closed minded organised system of belief.

Athism (and especialy non-christianism, if thats what you mean by athism?) was around a very long time before the theory of evolution came to light, and it will cirtainly be around a long time after Christianity is no longer the pre-dominant world religion. Evolution no doubt bolsterd the movement towards athism, but only becasue it was yet another (alternitive) sound explantion to add to the growing list of doubt in the child-like christian explanation of how the world came to be how it is.

Good luck, Tom x


Well-Known Member
I am acctualy shaking my head in disbelife.

I don't know weather to laugh or cry.

"blood type chemestry tests"???

Firstly I wasn't aware that butter beans have blood?!?! And secondly your random use of scitific sounding words and total lack of scietific education signifies that you must be either;
Again, I wish you the best, and I hope we both find what truth there is to be found someday.

Tom x

Well I was not aware either, until I saw the research. The enzime from butterbeans matches the enzimes from human blood, and suggest they are our nearest relatives, which is why the test are faulty. I brought this up because they use the same kind of test to determine apes as being our closet relatives. Its a bunch of bull, but people pull from the bull and develop doctrines of belief. Then consider the foundation of those beliefs to be facts.

I also wish you the best.



Well-Known Member
Sarcasm is instilled in the human consciousness, one can use it positively or to the negative. That duality is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That duality exist in EVERY area of human life, absolute proof that God planted that tree as the bible suggest. He planted the duality that we all are living.

Its just plain and simple proof of God.



Well-Known Member
I see you have no rebuttal to the video I posted showing how Irreducible Complexity is bunk but you also fail to realize that the guy (Ken Miller) presenting is a theist (Catholic...I think)...and he does not side with you on IC.

YouTube - Protein Denaturation

I actually like what is on your post at the bottom, I sit alone in exile. I like that, I relate to it because I walk alone in exile myself. But I have no rebuttal, I didnot look at the vedio, I hold no intrest in vedios. I trust my own mind. My own reason.



Well-Known Member
I gave the example of the Astrialian Termite.

Irreducible Complexity is a Proof of God.

Obviously false but can you defend your statement? Irreducible complexity is not even a theory. It is a pseudoscience. Any thing declared irreducible has been shown to be reducible.

See what I think you are doing is you have this idea that this is somehow a strong argument. Maybe it convinced you. You know enough to cut and paste things you think to be a strong argument but you don't know any more then that. You think this point of the AUSTRALIAN termite is somehow clever or a strong argument. It's clearly not but you still think that it is.

Which is fine. You are entitled to your opinion. But factually you know you can't prove it. Factually you barely grasp the concept your trolling these forums with. You are in fact misleading people. You are being dishonest.

In addition you characterize that an atheist can't argue a point or have an opinion you would even care about while both misclassifying some as atheists and forgetting that many atheists were once strong theists.

Your classification and disregard of them for what you label them and group them as shows your character as a bigot.

For all intents and purposes you are doing more harm then good. While its amusing to some I am sure its not for all.

And so you don't have to look up bigot, heres the definition which many of your posts in this thread are a clear example of.

Bigot: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance


Well-Known Member
How can the rape of human language be positive? Just curious.

Its not. I didnot say it was. We are charged to the positive and the negative, none of us can escape the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, its been planted within our consciousness, which God controls.

Thats how God controls his creations, through their consciousness. You can't get around it or away from it. Atheist think they have gotten away from God, they are in for a very rude awakening. Its like turning on a light, God can appeal directly into our consciousness and instill what he wishes. He can keep us down as long as he wills.



Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Mickiel, I've looked at a couple of your "proofs of God" threads, and it seems like most of your proofs consist of pointing out the absence of God, rather than the existence of God.
Your argument:
1. Humans display X.
2. X is due to the absence of God.
3. Therefore, God exists.

I'm not quite sure how your conclusion that "God exists" follows from your argument. Actually, "God doesn't exist" would follow better.
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