The greatest issue about Prophecy, is that those who follow a Messenger and a book, find it hard to accept that the future Messenger is foretold in a manner they have not considered.
Centuries of worship and practice have set the mind on specific traditions that they see need to be fulfilled. But if we look at the History of religion, God has never miraculously revealed a Messenger so all immediately accept that Messenger. In fact those they say they are believers, usually face the greatest tests of Faith.
This brings us back to the Bible and prophecy.
There is indeed 3 Messengers foretold in the Bible thay will appear after Jesus the Christ. The issue is that, there will only be a handful that are ready to accept the advent of a Messenger. Those that do get to view the previous scriptures in the Light of a New Message from Allah, and as a result can see in the past Message more of what was being offered in prophecy.
Muhammad is indeed in the Bible, but the quandary is that to see that, the Message of the Bab and Baha'u'llah are also needed.
The year AH1260, which is AD1844, is the key to all three of those Messages, it is also the clearest Prophecy given at any point in history to date.
The Two Witnesses are Muhammad and Ali and it is foretold that that Message will endure for 1260 years.
"And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. (Revelation 11:3-4)"
Ezekial chapter 4 verses 5 and 6 establish "each day for a year". . "and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days; I have appointed thee each day for a year."
This Message, given by Muhammad is also the "First Woe".
In the end Prophecy uses outward symbols and words to portray spiritual concepts, thus what is required is for us to look deeply within to find meaning.
Like Muhammad and Ali being the two olive trees and the two lampstands, here is an example of what this may portray.
If we meditate upon that symbolism, we can consider that an olive tree denotes a Messenger and from this we can derived an understanding when considering that an olive trees grow to a great age, they have an awesome span, they are a tree of beauty and have a majestic height, what's more they also give life-giving fruits. The bonus is, as a bearer of olives, it is also the source of olive oil used in lamps, and thus a source of light, to which these two Messengers were also the Lampstands that give light.
Regards Tony