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More attacks on Free Speech in the UK

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
David Spring attended the "enough is enough" demonstration at Richmond Terrace. Police asked the 700-strong protest to remain in Richmond Terrace and then disperse leave at 8.30pm. The demonstrators did not disburse and Spring was one of the demonstrators who became violent and broke through barriers at Richmond Terrace, advancing towards Whitehall and confronting police officers. He shouted obscenities at police and engaged in threats. Spring pled guilty to the charges. the judge ruled: "At that point you did that [shouting and swearing at police] you must have been well aware it was a particularly volatile situation and police were doing their best to keep order. Your actions showed a complete contempt for the police at that time. What you were doing, could and did encourage others to threaten the police and add to the disorder. Violent protests can't be tolerated, and neither can violence towards police officers who do their duty to protect the public from disorder, and those who do can expect to receive severe sentences, to punish you and deter others from disorder."

No actual violence though,he had no choice but to plead guilty,if he pleaded otherwise the sentence would have been worse,what’s worrying about this is the influence on the judicial system,not good at all.

If we consider asking if a supernatural entity identity is “who the **** is Allah” and swearing at the police with the middle finger salute is a custodial offence the surely the pro Palestinian convoy chanting “kill all jews,**** their mothers and daughters “ which refers to living people is worse,is it fair that their case was dropped?,or why the people who attacked police at Heathrow airport haven’t even been charged yet,this is why people perceive a two tier system.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
A judge or jury

People need to take responsibility for whom they choose to elect
Way too biased for my taste. E.g., if I say Islam is not peaceful, a judge or jury could decide I was inciting violence. yikes!


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Definitely not,a 61 year old man has just been jailed for 18 months for chanting “who the **** is allah” and calling police a four letter word,he has no previous convictions,police bodycam video shows he was not violent,the judge could have fined and given him a suspended sentence,we are in bad times imo.
In the US, we have a right to say
"**** the police".

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
By the wording

If a play or a TV programme actually calls for real life violence then that should be an issue

What wording would involve riot imagery, though? Hiding things that are happening in reality from the public just seems Orwellian to me.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Definitely not,a 61 year old man has just been jailed for 18 months for chanting “who the **** is allah” and calling police a four letter word,he has no previous convictions,police bodycam video shows he was not violent,the judge could have fined and given him a suspended sentence,we are in bad times imo.
Phew, they really saved Allah's and the police's asses. Who knows what migh've happened to them had he said it a few more times.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
An official in the UK says:

Anybody here support this police policy?

A little more information would be helpful.

As it is, the guy in the video is using a lot of vague subjective terms that could basically mean anything.

". . . Includes the publishing or distributing of material that's insulting or offensive or that's intended to --- or likely to -- incite racial hatred . . ."

Could literally mean anything.

So no I don't support this policy at all.

Hatred isn't --- or shouldn't be --- against the law.

Hateful actions? Yes.

Hateful feelings, thoughts, or in most cases even speech, no.


My own religion
Way too biased for my taste. E.g., if I say Islam is not peaceful, a judge or jury could decide I was inciting violence. yikes!

Well, in Denmark it would be illegal since you are not allowed to say that about religions, ethnicities or nationalities.
You are allowed say that elements in Islam are not peaceful, but not make a generalization.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I strongly condemn the violent riot/failed insurrection attempt at the U.S. capital building Jan 6 2021, but I certainly wouldn't want any of the images of it to be censored. In fact I think it's important that the world fully see and understand what transpired that day.