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Muslim and Baha'i View about Islam


Veteran Member
Your taking the verse out of context to justify Muhammad as the seal of Prophets..You are applying hidden meanings that do not exist. I think the verse you quoted justifies that all the Messengers are righteous and purely guided, It doesn't mean that if Muhammad is described as Muhammad, every messenger must also be Muhammad. Why does the following verse not apply to the Bab and all the other messengers that you claim aswell?

I think the Quran is clear when it says that those who look for allegorical meanings without being guided by Allah are amongst the losers.

It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah . But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding.

There are Hadithes that Muhammad mentioned He is All the Prophets. Also, the fact that Elijah returned as John shows, all prophets in essence are the same.
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Veteran Member
According to my understanding the Bab didnt "rule" at all..not for any period of time..


A person exercising government or dominion.

sovereign - governor - rule - monarch - lord

Actually it is very similar to the view the Jews had about Messiah. They believed Messiah to be King, because that's what the jewish scriptures says, But when Jesus came, He said "My kingdom is not Worldy"

So, power, and kingdom, are in a spiritual sense. The spiritual power to rule the heart of Men. The Power to change the World. And in the case of the Bab this is fulfilled, even now His Shrine is on a high Mountain and every year many people go there for pilgrimage.
I was looking further into the Bahai Faith..whats an even bigger difference than taking Muhammad and the Quran as the Final messenger and revelation is the concept of Manifestation of God and Spiritual return of certain Messengers/Prophets. This is a view that contradicts Islamic understanding of Allah..he does not Manifest himself in any form. The Soul returns to Allah after a Human dies, be it an ordinary Human or a Messenger. Messengers souls dont get reincarnated..I think I can see alot of pantheist influence in Bahai teachings.

There is a Hadith from Muhammad, He said He is all the Prophets.
There is also a Hadith, that Muhammad said: "I am He, and He is I" He was refering to God.
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Veteran Member
Allah does not punish people if he is in their midst (8:33)

My understanding is the initial followers of Bahai Faith including its founder were heavily persecuted and killed.

Punishment is different from being Marthyrd in the Path of God.

"And say not of those who are slain in God's cause, "They are dead": nay, they are alive, but you perceive it not." al-Baqarah 2:154


Veteran Member
What sort of Fulfillment? Again why specifically the Bab and why specifically 1844 for this close of Prophetic Age?

Because in our view The Quran uses Parables to describe the revelations of God is like the Spring time. it has its seasons and finally the Winter arrives and the Spiritual Death arrives. Then the Spring comes againto revive and renew the Mankind.

The reason I can never accept another Prophet or Rasul after Muhammad is simple.. Why pick the Bab or Bahaullah over Mirza Ghulam Ahmad or Wallace Fard Muhammad or the countless others who have claimed the same thing?

At the Time of Muhammad and Jesus, also there were other people who claimed to be Prophets. We need to investigate and find out for ourselves.

IMO the Quran is the final message..thus not needing more messengers to bring new doctrines..IMO the Quran is perfect...you only replace something when it is completely broken, with no chance of being fixed,
In our view, Although the Quran has been preserved, but its Message has been forgotten, and misinterpreted.

"And be not like those who became divided and disagreed after clear arguments had come to them, and these it is that shall have a grievous chastisement. On the day when (some) faces shall turn white and (some) faces shall turn black; then as to those whose faces turn black: Did you disbelieve after your believing? Taste therefore the chastisement because you disbelieved. And as to those whose faces turn white, they shall be in Allah's mercy; in it they shall-abide."
- Qur'an 3:105-107

And this verse said, that if Muslims turn back, God will replace them with another People:

"If ye turn back (from the Path), He will substitute in your stead another people; then they would not be like you!"
- Qur'an 47:38

And in our view, Quran Promises that the Book of God will never end, and God will always gives us His guidance:

"And if all the trees on earth were pens and the ocean (were ink), with seven oceans behind it to add to its (supply), yet would not the words of Allah be exhausted (in the writing): for Allah is Exalted in Power, full of Wisdom." Luqman 31:27
(so the word of God is not exhausted by sending Quran or Bible...)

Bahai's do regard Adam as the first Human?
No, Baha'is believe before Adam there were people and many other Prophets, but no recorded history is available from them. The Quran and Bible are describing History from the Time of Adam who was the first prophet during the Prophectic Cycle. But before this Prophetic Cycle there were other cycles.

Why does this Human age end with Muhammad(IMO his message is very much alive, thus implying The Prophetic Age of Muhammad is still going on and will continue till the end of time)..something that began at creation was ended by the Bab?, I see no logic behind accepting his claim and rejecting the countless others.

In Our view, God has divided His Revelations in cycles. The Adamic Cycle started with Prophet Adam and lasted till Muhammad.

The Bab might not have considered himself clean..no offense...but my interpretation of the verse is, those who are not clean will be distanced from the Quran..what better way to do it than bring a new revelation..I still cant wrap my head around, why the need for another revelation?

I dont mean to offend anyone..rather explain my POV and understand yours..

God Bless

I don't know what you mean above. God bless you too.
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Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
In Our view, God has divided His Revelations in cycles. The Adamic Cycle started with Prophet Adam and lasted till Muhammad.

How come non of the other Prophets hinted at these cycles?

I was reading some of the Bahair Scriptures..and looking into the history of Babi/Bahai Faith and its founder..the Shaykhi Movement influenced Ali Muhammad Shirazi..Aka the Bab..The position of The Bab in relation of the Bahai Faith is not an ordinary one. If there were no Bab, then there would be no Bahai.

In an argument for proving his divinity, Bab says, my name is numerically equivalent to the word "Lord".
(The Trial of the Bab in Mamaqani's Namus-i Nasiri, page 42)

Does this mean anyone with the name Ali Muhammad is the Lord?
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Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
Shoghi Effendi, the appointed head of the religion from 1921 to 1957, wrote the following summary of what he considered to be the distinguishing principles of Bahá'u'lláh's teachings, which, he said, together with the laws and ordinances of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas constitute the bedrock of the Bahá'í Faith:
The independent search after truth, unfettered by superstition or tradition; the oneness of the entire human race, the pivotal principle and fundamental doctrine of the Faith; the basic unity of all religions; the condemnation of all forms of prejudice, whether religious, racial, class or national; the harmony which must exist between religion and science; the equality of men and women, the two wings on which the bird of humankind is able to soar; the introduction of compulsory education; the adoption of a universal auxiliary language; the abolition of the extremes of wealth and poverty; the institution of a world tribunal for the adjudication of disputes between nations; the exaltation of work, performed in the spirit of service, to the rank of worship; the glorification of justice as the ruling principle in human society, and of religion as a bulwark for the protection of all peoples and nations; and the establishment of a permanent and universal peace as the supreme goal of all mankind—these stand out as the essential elements [which Bahá'u'lláh proclaimed].[29]

Bahá'í Faith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I keep finding contradictions in the Bahai teachings...the mission statement of the faith includes promoting gender equality..yet there are no women members elected into the Inthernational House of Justice?

Looking into the history of Bahaullahs claim to power, superseding the appointed heir(his half brother) of the Bab..Subhe Azal or Mirza Yahya..there seems to be reports of a sort of internal struggle where all humanity and concept of every religion coming from God was set aside..

Bahaullah called his brother as 'lamb' (Ref: Asrar al Athar-e-Khususi, Vol 4 page 197), 'Satan' (Ref: Asrar al Athar-e-Khususi. Vol 4, page 101 and Vol 5, page 346) and entitled him as a 'bull' (Bahaullah, the Book Badi, page 772). He abused him as a 'deceptive snake' (Asrar al Athar-e-Khususi, vol 4 page 34) and called his followers as 'dogs'. (Ref: Asrar al Athar-e-Khususi, Vol 5 page 177) He considered their sayings as the calls of the 'wolf' and the 'pig' (Ref: Asrar al Athar-e-Khususi, Vol 5 page 177). At this time the brothers started divulging their hidden secrets. Consequently many of the concealed sins and unspeakable sins and defects hidden from the sight of the public were disclosed. http://www.thebahaitruth.com/

The Bahais reportedly massacred the adherents of Yahya (Bahaullahs half brother), they used foul tactics to trap their opponents..
(Ref: Ishraq Khavari, Abd-al-Hamid, Tarikh-e-Amr. page 245).

Bahaullahs own sister points out the massacres of the Babis in her book Iziya-e-Khanum, Tanbih-al-Na'imin, the graphic detail mentioned is horrifying..

The more I read the more I am leaning towards the opinion that the Bahai Faith is based on opposition to correlation and unity rather than "Oneness of Mankind"
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Veteran Member
How come non of the other Prophets hinted at these cycles?

In our view they hinted about that but the exact interpretation and explanation was revealed in Baha'i Faith.
When Quran talks about God created the World in 6 days (first creation), in our view that is 6000 years spiritual creation of the world from Adam till Muhammad.
When Muhammad was talking about the Building that was built from Adam until Himself, He was talking about the Adamic Cycle.
When Quran talks about a New Creation. In Our View is Talking about Spiritual Creation in the New Cycle.
Also, in Hinduism, there are clear and explicit concepts of Cycles.

I was reading some of the Bahair Scriptures..and looking into the history of Babi/Bahai Faith and its founder..the Shaykhi Movement influenced Ali Muhammad Shirazi..Aka the Bab..The position of The Bab in relation of the Bahai Faith is not an ordinary one. If there were no Bab, then there would be no Bahai.
I am not sure what sources you have used. If you used a Anti-Baha'i Source, then you should not just Trust it. They have aggendas. I suggest at least using Wikipedia as it is neither written by Baha'is or Anti-Baha'is.

But in our view it is not correct to say, the Bab was influenced by Shaykhi Movement.
This is what Baha'is believe:

some decades before the Bab appears, the Shakhi School of though was established. The Main Figures in Shekhi movement, was Shekh Ahmad Ahsayee, and Sid Kazim Rashti. They predicted that the Coming of the Mahdi is near, and asked their followers to start looking for Him. But later Sheykh Ahmad dies, and Sid Kazim continues his search.
having said that, There are some evidence that suggest the Bab may have gone to a Sheykhi School a day or so. But To say that going once to a Sheykhi, would influence a Person to reveal verses Like Quran, is irrational in my view.

In an argument for proving his divinity, Bab says, my name is numerically equivalent to the word "Lord".
(The Trial of the Bab in Mamaqani's Namus-i Nasiri, page 42)

Does this mean anyone with the name Ali Muhammad is the Lord?
There are several versions of His Trials. Not everything in them is True or Authentic.
However, if this account is True, then the reason that I can connect to is that, according to Quran on the Day of Resurrection, The Lord appears.
In Baha'i view, this is a Hint that the Promised One appears with the title of Lord.
There are Hadithes to support this view.

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
('Bayan' Wahid 6, chapter 11) "We have made the semen clean so that 'He whom Allah Shall Manifest' is not born out of impure semen"

Bahaullah was born 2 years before the Bab..thus invalidating his claim as the Manifestation..due to uncleanliness of semen.

'Bayan' Wahid 5 "The new Manifestation would come only after all have been educated with the Bayan."

How can people be educated by the Bayan..when it was never completed?

There was a space of 600 years between Jesus (p.b.u.h) and Hazrat Mohammed (p.b.u.h) and over 1,200 years between Hazrat Mohammed (p.b.u.h) and the Bab. The gap between The Bab and Bahaullah was just 15 years. What changed in those 15 years that required a new Manifestation and a change in religion? Why was a new Manifestation needed so soon?
Bahaullah claims that a new 'Manifestation' will appear 1000 years after him bringing a new code/religion with him and that this has always been the practice. correct me if im wrong but claiming to be a Manifestation after a short space of 15 years is contradicting his own propecies and teachings..

"Universal acceptance of Babism was a pre-requisite to the appearance of 'the Promised One'."
Please provide evidence that other than a handful of people no significant acceptance of the Babs claim had taken place..especially "universally"

Bahaullah is introduced in a different guise to the people of different religions. To the Muslims he is another prophet like Prophet Mohammed (p.b.u.h); to the Christians he is introduced as Christ;to the Hindus he is another avatar of Lord Krishna; to the Buddhists he is the re-incarnation of Lord Buddhato the Zoroastrians he is presented as their prophet Zaruthasrtra;

A dispute is reported between to early Bahai Missionaries who argued wheter Bahaullah was a Manifestation of God or God himself..they approached Bahaullah with their queries..
Bahaullah on hearing them smiled and said, "I am both as well as neither. It does not matter. Just deceive the masses with this.""-Bab-o-Baha ra Beshanaseed" page 152

Please can you guys clarify these issues...IMO this is not a divinely revealed religion rather a man made one.. If I was to accept the Bab to be correct - Bahaullah is proved wrong. On the other hand, if I was to consider that Bab is wrong, then so is Bahaullah since the basic premise/claim of his "prophet hood" is the religion of the Bab.

Some of the lines in this post are are excerpts from: http://www.thebahaitruth.com/
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Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
In our view they hinted about that but the exact interpretation and explanation was revealed in Baha'i Faith.
When Quran talks about God created the World in 6 days (first creation), in our view that is 6000 years spiritual creation of the world from Adam till Muhammad.
When Muhammad was talking about the Building that was built from Adam until Himself, He was talking about the Adamic Cycle.
When Quran talks about a New Creation. In Our View is Talking about Spiritual Creation in the New Cycle.
Also, in Hinduism, there are clear and explicit concepts of Cycles.

You dodged the question...how come this new cycle was not mentioned at all by any of the preceding prophets? Seems to me Muhammad would atleast have hinted towards this..or atleast an "unauthentic" hadith would have hinted at this... I seem to find none of this "new" ideology represented anywhere..most significantly the Quran..the concept of the Manifestation..goes against the teachings of the Quran..the most important of which..there is no God but He..thus logically removing the possibility of a manifestation..and if Bahai faith is actually just a continuation of Islam..why does it conflict the Quranic view of Jesus not being divine...

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
I suggest at least using Wikipedia as it is neither written by Baha'is or Anti-Baha'is.

Mate I am a Uni student in my final year...wikipedia is the most unreliable source on the internet..I can go edit anything on the Bahai page right now..it will remain changed until someone notices and reports or edits it themselves..

I havent just used anti Bahai sources..I have looked at all sides of the coin..and mostly these qoutes are from Bahai scripture..feel free to cross reference..cheers
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Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
This is what Baha'is believe:

some decades before the Bab appears, the Shakhi School of though was established. The Main Figures in Shekhi movement, was Shekh Ahmad Ahsayee, and Sid Kazim Rashti. They predicted that the Coming of the Mahdi is near, and asked their followers to start looking for Him. But later Sheykh Ahmad dies, and Sid Kazim continues his search.
having said that, There are some evidence that suggest the Bab may have gone to a Sheykhi School a day or so. But To say that going once to a Sheykhi, would influence a Person to reveal verses Like Quran, is irrational in my view.

Anyone had the right to choose to believe whatever they want..that doesnt cahange the reality of the situation..better judged from the outside than the inside IMO..

From the above paragraph it is clear to me that the Shaykhi movement was in a rush..and wanted to find the Mahdi in their lifetime..whether the Mahdi had appeared or not..Wasnt Sid Kazim the first to accept the Babs claims? there is a major possibility that he was biased..I have also come across rumors of a conspiracy to assasinate the Shah..

would influence a Person to reveal verses Like Quran

These Bahai revelations are not comparable to the Quran..not even close..if the Bab and Bahaullah can claim to be a continuation than why contradict the Quran so clearly?

“Say: ‘If all mankind and the jinn would come together to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce its like even though they exerted all and their strength in aiding one another.’” (Quran 17:88)

First of All..IMO a true prophet would not disrespect God..by accepting his challenge in the first place..when the Quran clearly states no one can produce a word like it..why did these even try..rather than understanding the teachings of the Quran..they came out with an ideology totally conflicting and contradicting its teachings and view of God..than how can you claim to be a continuation?

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
There are Hadithes to support this view.

Due to the issue of authenticity..I choose to place more emphasis on the Quran...I can make a few "Hadithes" right now and pass them off as authentic...


Veteran Member
Hey Monotheist 101,

I would like to remind you that,the subject of the Thread is Not about Baha'i Faith or its Scriptures. It is about how Muslims and Baha'is view Islam. It is not about proof of Baha'i Faith. That can be done in a Seperate Thread!

And please note the Forum Rules. You have copied and pasted from other Websites, without placing a link to them. This is against the Rules of Forum. So, please place the links where you got the text before the Staff Deletes your posts.

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
Hey Monotheist 101,

I would like to remind you that,the subject of the Thread is Not about Baha'i Faith or its Scriptures. It is about how Muslims and Baha'is view Islam. It is not about proof of Baha'i Faith. That can be done in a Seperate Thread!

And please note the Forum Rules. You have copied and pasted from other Websites, without placing a link to them. This is against the Rules of Forum. So, please place the links where you got the text before the Staff Deletes your posts.

I am discussing how the Bahai view contradicts Islam..not to mention itself..

I have added links to the paragraph I did copy..the rest are drawn from various sources but the books are refrenced and its not a direct copy paste..whats amusing is how..youve jumped ship and instead of clarifying these misconceptions are pointing towards the integrity of my sources.

If Bahai and Muslim understanding of Islam is what you wanted to discuss..I had to first clarify the basis for this understanding..which appears to be majorly flawed..

I would also like to apologize for "derailing your thread"..IMO this discussion is the first thing that will pop up when a "Bahai" expresses their view on Islam..which IMO they have strayed far from the teachings of..
will check to see if you clarify any of these issues tho..

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Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
It seems to me, you are asking for contradictory things.

Haha you fail to see the sarcasm..Atleast an "unauthentic" would have hinted towards it..clearly non of the relativley authentic ones have even come close..

I think we are not on the same page..do you mind me asking what your native language is?

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
If you want to discuss just the view of Islam..I would like to know..

Islam means submission to God..does Islam in Bahai Faith also mean submission to the Bab and Bahaullah?


Veteran Member
Hey Monotheist 101, I would briefly explain the things that you have brought up, eventhough they are related to History of the Baha'i Faith, and is not related to the topic of the Thread. But please Try to keep the posts limitted to the Topic.
And also, this thread is not in the debate section. I only give you my view, and you can give me your view if you like.

Anyone had the right to choose to believe whatever they want..that doesnt cahange the reality of the situation..better judged from the outside than the inside IMO..

From the above paragraph it is clear to me that the Shaykhi movement was in a rush..and wanted to find the Mahdi in their lifetime..whether the Mahdi had appeared or not..Wasnt Sid Kazim the first to accept the Babs claims?

Sid Kazim also died before the Proclaimation of the Bab:

"According to Babi and Bahai sources, Sayyid Kazim referred frequently in his lectures to the near advent of the day when the hidden Shia imam, or mahdi (forerunner of the apocalypse), would appear. He declined to appoint a successor to himself but instructed his followers that, after his death, they were to go out and search. Thus it was that following the death of Sayyid Kazim after midnight on the last night of 1843, a group of his students set out on a quest that led them eventually to accept the claims of the Bab, thus boosting the Babi movement."


there is a major possibility that he was biased..I have also come across rumors of a conspiracy to assasinate the Shah..

After the Marthyrdom of the Bab, a couple of the Babis for emotional reasons, on their own decided to do this. Although Baha'u'llah did not allow this, as it is recorded in History. They did this on their own, though they even did not use a serious weapon, but a pellet gun.
Later the king investigated and became clear that these had done it on their own, and thus, Baha'u'llah was innocent.

These Bahai revelations are not comparable to the Quran..not even close..if the Bab and Bahaullah can claim to be a continuation than why contradict the Quran so clearly?

“Say: ‘If all mankind and the jinn would come together to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce its like even though they exerted all and their strength in aiding one another.’” (Quran 17:88)

First of All..IMO a true prophet would not disrespect God..by accepting his challenge in the first place..when the Quran clearly states no one can produce a word like it..why did these even try..rather than understanding the teachings of the Quran..they came out with an ideology totally conflicting and contradicting its teachings and view of God..than how can you claim to be a continuation?

In Baha'i View, God revealed a Book with verses like Quran to the Bab as a Proof of His Revelation.
Do you know Arabic? A while ago I had a thread in debate section, you may continue in that thread about this:


Also, I would like to quote from the Bab regarding this:

"There can thus be no doubt about this for a Muslim: the Qur'án was created by God, men and demons are incapable of producing even a single verse: hence, whatever is a verse, is the work of God. That [Hence] if you say that I am Myself the Author, you ascribe a lie to the Qur'án which has foreseen your objection; but, if He had not done so [foreseen your objection], that God is the master of the events of this world [is evident]: if He gave to the Prophets Whom He sent proofs of their mission, it is impossible that He did not unmask every charlatan who wished to pass himself off as sent by Him, risking thus the success of His work of salvation. How from then on could He permit a false prophet to produce verses which, by definition, are [of] divine manufacture? On the contrary, He would paralyze the hand that wished to write them, the tongue that wished to speak them, the brain that wanted to compose them before such a blasphemy could take place. Furthermore, since you believe in the divinity of the verses, because they are the work of God, because men and demons would be incapable of producing them, how can you say that if I produce them, they do not come from heaven? "

Selected from Seven Proofs, The Bab

The Seven Proofs

Do you understand the above quote, or would like to discuss it?


Veteran Member
Shoghi Effendi, the appointed head of the religion from 1921 to 1957, wrote the following summary of what he considered to be the distinguishing principles of Bahá'u'lláh's teachings, which, he said, together with the laws and ordinances of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas constitute the bedrock of the Bahá'í Faith:
The independent search after truth, unfettered by superstition or tradition; the oneness of the entire human race, the pivotal principle and fundamental doctrine of the Faith; the basic unity of all religions; the condemnation of all forms of prejudice, whether religious, racial, class or national; the harmony which must exist between religion and science; the equality of men and women, the two wings on which the bird of humankind is able to soar; the introduction of compulsory education; the adoption of a universal auxiliary language; the abolition of the extremes of wealth and poverty; the institution of a world tribunal for the adjudication of disputes between nations; the exaltation of work, performed in the spirit of service, to the rank of worship; the glorification of justice as the ruling principle in human society, and of religion as a bulwark for the protection of all peoples and nations; and the establishment of a permanent and universal peace as the supreme goal of all mankind—these stand out as the essential elements [which Bahá'u'lláh proclaimed].[29]

Bahá'í Faith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I keep finding contradictions in the Bahai teachings...the mission statement of the faith includes promoting gender equality..yet there are no women members elected into the Inthernational House of Justice?

When we talk about equality of genders we mean, equality in having the right for education, for work, for making progress and learning Arts, and equal right in Law, and voting.
But it is obvious that Men and Women are different. They have different abilities. Woman can give birth to a child, men cannot. Men are physically stronger.
So, likewise their duties and responsibilities are different. Thus, it is true that the responsibility of Universal House of Justice is given to Men, but this is only a duty, not a privilege, as these Members have a simple life, with a brief wage, and lots of responsibility.

Looking into the history of Bahaullahs claim to power, superseding the appointed heir(his half brother) of the Bab..Subhe Azal or Mirza Yahya..there seems to be reports of a sort of internal struggle where all humanity and concept of every religion coming from God was set aside..

Bahaullah called his brother as 'lamb' (Ref: Asrar al Athar-e-Khususi, Vol 4 page 197), 'Satan' (Ref: Asrar al Athar-e-Khususi. Vol 4, page 101 and Vol 5, page 346) and entitled him as a 'bull' (Bahaullah, the Book Badi, page 772). He abused him as a 'deceptive snake' (Asrar al Athar-e-Khususi, vol 4 page 34) and called his followers as 'dogs'. (Ref: Asrar al Athar-e-Khususi, Vol 5 page 177) He considered their sayings as the calls of the 'wolf' and the 'pig' (Ref: Asrar al Athar-e-Khususi, Vol 5 page 177). At this time the brothers started divulging their hidden secrets. Consequently many of the concealed sins and unspeakable sins and defects hidden from the sight of the public were disclosed. The Bahai Truth

Well, you have already quoted the Link, which is obviously an Anti-Baha'i website. But I will reply:

It is true that Baha'u'llah wrote things that describes His brother as an unbeliever and someone that rose against the Cause of God. But if you read the History of Religions, you see for example Son of Noah also was someone who did not accept His Fathers and in the Scriptures things are quite against him. You can also find similarly about Other Prophets, which I leave it to you to discover.

The Bahais reportedly massacred the adherents of Yahya (Bahaullahs half brother), they used foul tactics to trap their opponents..
(Ref: Ishraq Khavari, Abd-al-Hamid, Tarikh-e-Amr. page 245).
Please quote the exact Text from this book. I believe there is no such a thing in this Book the way you are describing.
Again from an Anti-Baha'i site?

Bahaullahs own sister points out the massacres of the Babis in her book Iziya-e-Khanum, Tanbih-al-Na'imin, the graphic detail mentioned is horrifying..

The more I read the more I am leaning towards the opinion that the Bahai Faith is based on opposition to correlation and unity rather than "Oneness of Mankind"
Well, ofcourse if go to Anti-Baha'i Sites, what else can you expect?
It is like if someone wants to learn about Islam and Muhammad, and goes to Anti-Islamic Sites. That way they just mislead themselves, don't you think so?

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
Well, you have already quoted the Link, which is obviously an Anti-Baha'i website. But I will reply:

It is true that Baha'u'llah wrote things that describes His brother as an unbeliever and someone that rose against the Cause of God. But if you read the History of Religions, you see for example Son of Noah also was someone who did not accept His Fathers and in the Scriptures things are quite against him. You can also find similarly about Other Prophets, which I leave it to you to discover.

Why did the Bab appoint Mirza Yahya as his succesor then?

EDIT: Nevermind..you have already hinted that this is off topic... Would was your intention in creating the thread? I mean what views about Islam do you honeslty think a Muslim will discuss? Islam IMO is based on the Oneness of God and his uniqueness from his creation...If all the previous religions were right...what is the need for new ones? What I find interesting is that most of these off shoot religions/sects that claim the arrival of the Mahdi stem from Shia origins..what do you think the reason behind this might be?
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